The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.
That’s where we come in.
In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team hand picks news items of interest from the previous days to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community.
Some items feature original commentary from members of our growing team of citizen journalists.
Now, onto the news from Wednesday, March 22 …
"Totally Exculpatory": Purported Cohen Letter To FEC Could Hobble Manhattan DA's Trump Case

Our Take: “Tuesday came and went, and there has been no arrest.
It's nice to see that perpetually moving goal posts aren't exclusive to this community. How is it that a blatantly corrupt Soros-backed DA, who by the way presides over the most crime ridden areas in the nation, decides to pursue charges against a former president over something that has already failed miserably in court (remember when Avenatti went to prison and Stormy D had to pay 300k in legal fees?)
They know there's no case.
They just want the show and the mug shot.
It's the Nancy Pelosi wrap-up-smear with added pizzazz and an attempt to entrap the more reactionary of Trump's supporters.
Not that we should refrain from protest; massive peaceful, but highly energized protests should break out everywhere specifically to draw attention to GEORGE SOROS.” — Ryan DeLarme
Fed Hikes Rates 25bps, Maintains QT, Removes Hawkish Guidance
Fed hiked 25bps as expected...
Fed will keep QT going as expected...
Fed offers some dovish guidance...
...language about "ongoing increases in the target range" will be appropriate removed and replaced with "some additional policy firming may be appropriate"
Fed gives a nod to the banking system in a new addition to the statement...
The U.S. banking system is sound and resilient. Recent developments are likely to result in tighter credit conditions for households and businesses and to weigh on economic activity, hiring, and inflation. The extent of these effects is uncertain.
Finally, and perhaps a smidge more hawkishly...
The Fed removed inflation "has eased somewhat" and just left "remains elevated"
The Fed also added this new line, perhaps in a nod to their own impact on bank balance sheets (and how much more data dependent they may become):
"The Committee will closely monitor incoming information and assess the implications for monetary policy"
And as far as the new 'dots' go, the terminal rate is unchanged from the December dots...
Tl;dr: Fed hiked 25bps and maintains QT (as expected), and left the terminal rate (via the DotPlot) unchanged. However, it shifted a slightly more dovish guidance on future policy hikes and an admission that the impact of its monetary policy could impact banks. — ZeroHedge
Our Take: “In a surprise to no-one who's understood the real purpose of the Fed, rates were raised a quarter point today. This puts interest rates between 4.75% to 5%. The unrealized losses affecting banks with long term paper will continue to be an issue.
This appears to be a more active component of the controlled implosion of the economy to bring about a Great Reset economy. It's debatable what the "correct" choice is with respect to the Fed in this situation. Bear in mind, the Fed has always been a weapon of economic warfare on the part of international bankers. Raising rates might slow inflation slightly by pulling money out of the money supply, by making it harder for banks to issue loans. In the process, banks become insolvent due to their over-leveraged positions.
Conversely, if the Fed lowered rates to return back to a QE economy, inflation would continue alongside a stagnating economic productivity outlook. Either path leads to destruction. However, the latter path is a slow and more obscured demolition. And this slow destruction runs counter to the public buy-in that will be required to reboot the economy.
Historically, the rules that govern the global international economy—that is run by international bankers, merchants, and pirates, has taken place every 60 to 80 years or so. The last major shift occurred just before the end of WWII with the Bretton Woods agreement, which saw the creation of the IMF, the World Bank, and the dollar as global reserve currency. This was itself based on a quiet and less acknowledged global gold bankruptcy between 1910 to 1950, orchestrated by the same international bankers, who carefully manipulated the gold markets and sovereign gold holdings for decades before the transition away from a fixed gold standard could take place.
Today, the push is for a more sophisticated, better working, and inescapable push to Central Bank Digital Currencies, and all that they are tied to.
If WE THE PEOPLE continue to remain ignorant of the law and nature of money and finance, this agenda will be a sweeping success, just like every past restructuring was a success. But like the early American colonists, if we decide to opt out, create a superior system of finance and monetary policy, then we can escape the encroachments of the globalists, while enticing the rest of the world to join in a superior system.” — Justin Deschamps
NATO shouldn’t trust Hungary and Turkey, claims German newspaper Die Welt
German newspaper Die Welt claims in an opinion piece that Turkey and Hungary should not be trusted within the NATO alliance. The paper writes that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan continues to block Sweden’s NATO accession, and Hungary wants EU money in exchange for approving the membership of both nations.
The author of the piece, Clemens Wergin, also claims that both nations have developed “unseemly” ties to Russia and then asks whether NATO should even share sensitive data with both countries.
“And in their turn toward authoritarianism, Ankara and Budapest have also distanced themselves significantly from the community of values for which NATO stands. The alliance is therefore well advised to treat both as partners with reservation. This should include, for example, no longer necessarily sharing certain sensitive data with Turkey and Hungary within NATO,” Wergin writes. — REMIX News
Our Take: “The Multi-Polar World Order being discussed by Presidents Putin and Xi on the world stage IS the vision for the Sovereign Alliance.
And if you thought this Multi-Polar world was a threat to sovereign citizens ... all the usual, Establishment, NATO-aligned and Globalist rags are already piling on those nations sitting on the sidelines, waiting to see the chips fall where they may.
[They] have already lost, and their attempts to bully and threaten are only accelerating the shift.” — Burning Bright
China Backs Russia's Draft UN Resolution On Nord Stream Probe
China is backing Russian efforts to get to the bottom of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage attacks, with state-run Xinhua on Wednesday announcing the foreign ministry's support for a UN Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution.
Russia has gotten more vocal about alleging that Washington was behind it, following the publication of legendary journalist Seymour Hersh's report which detailed a CIA and US Navy covert op in coordination with Norway's intelligence services.
Citing a foreign ministry spokesperson, Xinhua reported "Wang made the remarks at a regular press briefing in response to a media query on Russia's draft resolution at the UNSC in February calling for an international independent investigation commission on the gas pipeline incident."
"Russia is said to have started the silence procedure on the draft, but the United States and some other Western members of the UNSC broke silence and objected to such a commission."
Moscow and Beijing have taken Washington's resistance to its resolution as a sign of guilt, while also suggesting Western allies are obfuscating. — ZeroHedge
China Gives US Advice On Ukraine After Xi, Putin Pledge To Shape New World Order

Our Take:
“The Russian Ruble is stronger now than when the 'War' in Ukraine kicked off in earnest.
The West is facing a Banking Crisis Cascade.
The Largest NATO-aligned countries are gearing up for a European Spring of discontent, with major populist unions bracing for transportation and standard of living strikes.
Presidents Trump, Putin & Xi are calling for peace, reconstruction ... and restitution.
Power. Is. Power.” — Burning Bright
We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.
The Badlands Media team will continue to combine our cognitive powers in order to slow things down and find the signal amidst the noise as this series expands.
As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.
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Trump is playing some serious 5D chess as of late! He’s got the media performing like circus animals! Very interesting stuff!! Thank you for the news brief.
All of you are correct! They’ve lost and all attempts to stop the progression are only accelerating it! And, the cover-ups always get them in the end. Bumpy 2023 continues! The closer any/all of the events get to everyone’s backyards, the sooner those who who ‘will’ can finally awaken. God bless you patriots.🙏