
Is there a part in the Batman Trilogy where Diddy and SBF characters are sharing a jail cell? Somehow I suspect so.

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I hope Diddy and SBF give reciprocal reach-arounds

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22 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

They need a live Fauci terrorized Chimp in that cage as a third roommate! 🐒

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Sure let’s get Business Insider to update their story! No bedsheets, but a rabid chimp. 😭

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This is essentially fake news from business insider. But I DO LOVE IT.

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Looks like Gotham is poised for a change, doesn’t it?

If Ghost’s recommendation is employed, it would solve a lot of problems….’Not only should NATO be thoroughly dismantled, in short order, but all of its leaders should be investigated for crimes against humanity, and prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.’ Warmongering to increase the fear levels….

Ditto that plan for the UN. Ditto that plan for ALL the unconstitutional bureaucracies in D.C.

Same with ‘Iran’ as BB states, ‘Once the "Iran" string unravels, I have a feeling US intel, Media and NSC figures are going to find themselves in the crosshairs of the reformed US justice system.’

It’s odd the cabal’s minions here keep stating Iran is the source of the assassination attempts, or is it? 🤔

Ashe is on top of the court actions and her conclusion is great for the patriots here, ‘It’s a house of cards, and the wind is blowing.’👏👏🇺🇸

BB’s also (pretty much all of the time) is correct, ‘Start believing him. Control goes both ways.’ Sure, like Biden, Zelensky is taking actions that diminish the power and control of the cabal’s minions; obviously, neither are going the bidding of the cabal. Probably trying to avoid the death sentences…

Greater Israel may be the Zionists’ plan, very doubtful that evil men will achieve this in a world filled with increasingly awakened people.

Ashe’s moral compass is perfectly aligned regarding the manipulation of a child-killer’s appeal. ‘She should have been executed.’

Diddly and Sam…a ‘marriage’ made in heaven…hmmm….🤔

God bless Ashe, GhostidBasedPatrickHenry and Burning Bright, tirelessly working to expose it all! You are much appreciated!🙏

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Just loved the Trump helicopter ride for kids! “Are you Batman?”

And Trump’s answer: “Yes”

In their young minds, Batman vs the Joker is good vs evil. And Good WINS 😊❤️🇺🇸🕊🌎

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Great updates! I like the added graphics and video links. Seems like what goes around, comes around (Eric Adams). I think Zelenski is more a master of blackmail and extortion than a good salesman.

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Israel is everybody's enemy right now. I'm at a point where I'm ready for nuclear to destroy that evil filth that's infecting a good portion of humanity. Sick f**cks signing bombs is as sick as it gets. I love these election fraud wins, especially in regards to that Jenna bitch with a c. It's time for Christians to unite in prayer for peace to cover the earth and quickly destroy evils intentions. It's possible with just praying for it. If you know God you understand the power that Christians have to stop evil with just thinking about peace!

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Except that Israel is also filled with innocent people; they are like many countries around the world…innocent (relative in a fallen world) populations with an installed evil government.🙏

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Jesus said : "But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence". —Luke 19:27

If the innocent pray God will protect them but we need to listen to Jesus, that's how we end this.

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“Once the "Iran" string unravels, I have a feeling US intel, Media and NSC figures are going to find themselves in the crosshairs of the reformed US justice system.” — Burning Bright 🙏🙏

Thanks for your report, Ashe!

“glitch in the database tied to Colorado’s driver’s license list.” I wonder how many other states are using this tactic, using drivers’ licensing issued to illegals to cover for illegals voting??!

Oops…Zelensky brags about meeting with Trump before he gets here only to be snubbed by our stable genius…then Zelensky stumps for Kamala! “My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how,” Zelensky said in an interview.

🍿Enjoying the desperation. The Warhawks / military-industrial complex vs the true Leader for Peace and the majority of American (and global) citizens. 🍿

Appreciate all your coverage and takes on the MiddleEast, Ghost 🙏❤️ It gives me pause to remember with gratitude the wisdom of our Forefathers in their understanding of separation of religion and state.

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Amen to that last statement! We have almost forgotten the men that God obviously gifted to create the US.🙏🇺🇸🙏

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

Great updates!! Trump taking the kids for a ride was the best news!

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It takes more than religious conviction to invade another nation. It takes resources and a plan to subdue the vanquished population, neither of which Israel has in abundance. Israel has occupied Southern Lebanon before, and they left with the understanding that it would remain a neutral territory. It was Hezbollah that broke the agreement.

On another note, it’s better the US does stay out of it. Just as long as they don’t help the other side. 🧐

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I can't wait for huge climatic Westside Story dance number btwn the Jets (45, Melania, Putin, Xi, MBS, Bobby, Tulsi, Modi, Kim Jung Un, Kari Lake, Assange & Musk) vs. the Sharks (Bibi, Zelenskyy, Soros, Schwab, Barry & Big Mike, Pedo Joe, Hunter, Nancy, Harari, Kamal[a] & Cocaine Mitch). Am I missing anyone?

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Ashe in America, Did Jena Griswold know the rules of ERIC? She blamed it in a glitch so I suspect so. I'd like nothing more than to see this evil lying bitch lose her office, political career, and be the one who is tried and sentenced unlike Tina Peters. Jena deserves a prison cell.

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Show of hands - how many Evangelical Christians believe that Israel needs to enable their messiah's arrival?

PS - The answer can be found in the words of Peter spoken nearly 2000 years ago (see Acts 2:14-36; 4:5-12; 5:29-32).

PPS - Or in part four of my series on the Lesson from Peter posted earlier today.

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I am not an Evangelical Christian but I deeply believe in Jesus and The Holy Spirit Who lives in the minds and hearts of anyone willing to listen 😉🙏❤️

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Yeah...I may having been trying to be too coy (not my best look). The real point I am trying to make is that there are an awful lot of people who have accepted Jesus' ransom but who still believe that supporting those who, both historically and currently, have vehemently rejected the One who claimed and proved to be the Messiah, makes sense; that somehow the Father actually demands them to support that mission.

I would probably have been better served to just say that...

Thank you!

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First, HGV, I did not, nor would I ever, interpret your intention as being coy…I didn’t think you were 😊 ❤️

The thing is, with the Zionists, everything is political even if they try to cloak their fervor for war in religious terms. As Col MacGregor said: “ All war is a crime against humanity.”

Does the whole world need to accept Jesus as the Messiah for there to be peace in the world? His teachings are beautiful wisdom for anyone and all peoples irregardless of anyone’s belief in Him as the Messiah. Truth resonates no matter Who is the messenger…even though to my mind Jesus’ message is the way and the Light.

I don’t buy into the biblical mandate interpretation that Israel must be a land, a nation; it is a spiritual path and yet used as a weapon of war and an edict to fight. Yes?

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My next read….🙏

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Wonder when the briefing on the Deep State DC THREATS to assassinate him will come? MSDNC anyone?

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Great updates! I like the added graphics and video links. Seems like what goes around, comes around (Eric Adams). I think Zelenski is more a master of blackmail and extortion than a good salesman.

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Loved the Batman cut and CNN with favorable comment. WOW! Are they turning on KH?

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That clip of the helicopter ride is from several years ago, August of 2015 is what I found. But very timely today for sure!

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Is it me our does the picture of Adm Bobby Bauer look like Hunter Biden in uniform?

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Weirdly, that picture of Yitzchak Ginsburgh somehow reminds me of someone who is looking for a pair of ruby slippers.

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the lack of a critical "do not" really changes what you are trying to say

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I think I know what you are referring to, but now I cannot find it. It might be helpful to the author if you cut & pasted the sentence so it can be corrected.

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