The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.
That’s where we come in.
In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team is going to take you through a few news items of interest from the previous day in an attempt to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community while introducing you to some brief, original commentary from our growing team of citizen journalists.
(Feel free to follow the corresponding link attached to each Badlands contributor’s name to check them out on other platforms.)
Now, onto the news from Tuesday, January 31 …
Trump sues Bob Woodward and publisher for $50 million over use of his interview recordings
Former President Donald Trump sued famed journalist Bob Woodward, publisher Simon & Schuster and its parent company, Paramount Global.
Trump claims he never agreed to allow audio of Woodward’s tapes of his interviews with Trump to be sold to the public.
The suit seeks at least $49,980,000, which it says is based on an estimate that the audiobook, “The Trump Tapes,” sold more than 2 million copies at $24.99 apiece. — NBC News
Our Take: “They changed [Trump’s] words and the context [of them.]
Isn't Woodward, like, the best journalist ever? Or is that only among the journalists helping to take down duly elected presidents?
Woodward (et al) recorded Trump for the purpose of writing his book and then doctored and sold the recordings.
As I expected, the most interesting part of the lawsuit is the conversation that Bob Woodward intentionally left out of the recordings he sold to the public.
What was left out?
The total refutation of the basis for the Ukraine impeachment hoax.” — Chris Paul
(Check out Chris’s full Twitter thread on this subject HERE.)
We Just Witnessed An Economic Sign That Hasn’t Happened Since The Peak Of The Great Depression In 1932
Economic conditions are much worse than you are being told. Throughout the past year, prices have been rising much faster than most of our incomes have. As a result, our standard of living has been rapidly declining. It has become increasingly difficult for U.S. households to make it from month to month, and as you will see below, more than a third of all U.S. adults are actually relying on their parents to pay at least some of their bills at this point. But even more alarming is what has been happening to real disposable income. According to Fox Business, the most recent GDP report revealed that the decline in real disposable income that we witnessed in 2022 was the largest that has been measured since 1932. — The Economic Collapse Blog
Our Take: “The ramifications from the massive amounts of fiat currency creation during the COVID pandemic are plainly evident to the majority of Americans. You do not need to look any further than your grocery, gas, and energy bills to see the consequences. The year over year, compounding inflation has resulted in large price increases across the board. The higher cost of living has caused a significant strain on the average household budget. At this point, 57% of Americans would not be able to afford a $1,000 emergency scenario. Americans have not been stretched this thin since the Great Depression—an alarming statistic. Unfortunately, this is only one metric, from myriad other metrics that indicate we are headed for much rougher waters.” — Patriots in Progress
It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion
As a medical student and researcher, I staunchly supported the efforts of the public health authorities when it came to COVID-19. I believed that the authorities responded to the largest public health crisis of our lives with compassion, diligence, and scientific expertise. I was with them when they called for lockdowns, vaccines, and boosters.
I was wrong. We in the scientific community were wrong. And it cost lives.
I can see now that the scientific community from the CDC to the WHO to the FDA and their representatives, repeatedly overstated the evidence and misled the public about its own views and policies, including on natural vs. artificial immunity, school closures and disease transmission, aerosol spread, mask mandates, and vaccine effectiveness and safety, especially among the young. All of these were scientific mistakes at the time, not in hindsight. Amazingly, some of these obfuscations continue to the present day. — Newsweek
Our Take: The about-face by the corporate press continues to accelerate on the Big Lie that was the COVID Scamdemic and its ensuing lockdowns and involuntary gene therapy experiments on the largest subset of guinea pigs ever assembled. What’s more, the Media Industrial Complex is attempting to massage this about-face using ‘Opinion’ pieces, which are being used as both Narrative Trojan Horses and as the hopeful foundations for a mass ‘Forgive and Forget’ campaign when the true cost and magnitude of the COVID era lies are revealed to the slowly-waking masses. The thing is … it’s much too little, much too late for the powers that would be. We won’t forgive. We won’t forget.” — Burning Bright
FBI searched the Penn Biden Center in mid-November
The FBI searched the Penn Biden Center offices in mid-November, according to two sources familiar with the investigation, after lawyers for President Biden had found about 10 documents marked classified there on Nov. 2. The material originated from Mr. Biden's time as vice president.
It is not clear whether FBI personnel found any additional classified or presidential material during the mid-November sweep.
Two sources told CBS News the search was conducted with the cooperation of Mr. Biden's representatives. A search warrant was not sought.
In all, federal authorities have recovered between 25 and 30 documents marked classified from the office space and Mr. Biden's Wilmington home. The material includes classified items and other records from Mr. Biden's vice presidential and Senate days. Some documents found at the Penn Biden Center were labeled top secret.
Lawyers for Mr. Biden and Justice Department officials agreed on the parameters of the Jan. 20 search at Mr. Biden's Wilmington home in writing, so investigators did not seek a warrant. The FBI had full access to the president's personal residence ... — CBS News
Our Take: “So, it turns out the FBI has searched both the Penn Biden Center and Biden's home, for hours upon hours, recovering documents, notes and other material dating all the way back to his days as a Senator.
The narrative that Joe Biden's lawyers "discovered" marked classified docs as they moved offices and turned them over on their own is dead. That was a lie. It's obvious that they are responding to requests and/or subpoena's for specific documents. To avoid a search warrant being used, they opened the door to the FBI and let them search.
President Biden is under investigation and has been for months.
What a scandal. What a beautiful boomerang.” — Just Human
Iran, Russia integrate banking systems
A top Iranian official announced this week that Iran and Russia had integrated their interbank communication and transfer systems to help enhance trade and financial operations in an effort to bypass strict economic sanctions on their financial infrastructure.
With the signing of the agreement, 52 Iranian and 106 Russian banks are connected through the Russian Financial Message Transfer System, which will facilitate economic relations between the two countries, said Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Mohsen Karimi. — The Cradle
Our Take: “Russia and Iran are outwardly upset at the SWIFT system due to how it has been historically used to control the political actions of nations and/or force these nations into compliance.
In many cases, research into the broader situation, where the sanctions originate, indicate these actions are completed for no other reason than furthering the globalist agenda. Right, wrong, or indifferent, no nation or global organization should have the power to restrict the flow of economic energy from any national, corporate, or individual bank account.
Typically unreported in mainstream avenues, sanctions often result in additional hardships for the local citizenry, as the demand for their currencies drops off, resulting in additional economic hardships. The integration of Iran and Russia's banking systems come on the heels of BRICS nations (and several other non-BRICS nations) openly discussing creating their own basket of currencies to use outside of the SWIFT system.
This data points to a strategy being developed and implemented to eventually put an end to the Petrodollar system. Should this occur, our current economic woes will pale in comparison, as the demand for the fiat currency will significantly drop, potentially resulting in a hyperinflation event.” — Patriots in Progress
Prestigious Liberal Watchdog Condemns New York Times' Russiagate Coverage
The Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) has issued a scathing indictment of the New York Times for yellow journalism during the Trump-Russia saga.
In short, the hyper-partisan 'paper of record' was operating in bad faith.
It's wasn't just the Times either. CJR's findings accurately reflect what most objective thinkers have known this whole time - they were all operating in bad faith. — ZeroHedge, sourcing CJR
Our Take: “While it’s certainly not a shock to those of us in this community that the New York Times and other legacy media rags were … less than honest in their employment of discernment and objectivity when it came to sourcing and confirming erroneous claims being drummed up—and sometimes literally paid for—by Donald Trump’s political opposition, the fact the ‘Media Watchdogs’ are turning on some of the ‘most prestigious’ organizations in their world is indicative of a mass shift taking place behind the scenes.
In short, vectors within the Media Industrial Complex are trying to get ahead of something when it comes to Russiagate, just like they’re trying to get ahead of something when it comes to their active participation in COVID hysteria—nay, in Government propaganda.
Unfortunately for them, no amount of spin or circular firing squad is going to save them from accountability.
The bill always comes due … — Burning Bright
We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.
The Badlands Media team will continue to combine our cognitive powers in order to slow things down and find the signal amidst the noise as this series expands.
As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.
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"It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion". Just to whom are you speaking? I AM a scientist and I was NEVER on board with any of it.
I entered WVU in fall, 1962 as a botany major. My freshman text, "Botany" by Carl L. Wilson & Walter E. Loomis contained 5 pages on viruses including size comparisons between bacteria and viruses (bacteria ca. 750 millimicrons and viruses ca. 15-20). What I read on those 5 pages following the mask "mandates" of 2020 (with my underlines) was essentially what I was hearing about them on the so-called "news" from the learned "scientific" community today.
Bacteria, viruses, fungi and some algae have been removed from the Plant Kingdom. However, they were still there when I passed my writtens for a MA in plant taxonomy/plant ecology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1968. By the time I returned to that school in 1981 to pursue my PhD in Plant Ecosystems (a section of plant taxonomy) they had been removed. I received that degree in 1987.
What I found is that no one listened to an actual scientist. BTW, Fauci is NOT a scientist. He has a BA and an MD degree. Had he wanted to be considered a scientist, he would have gotten his PhD which is a research degree with a different, creative mindset from the MD degree.
I had several reasonable discussions with the pastor of my church about the efficacy of masks, explaining the science. Basically, he did not listen. One morning, outside the church, he stood silent while a woman, upon realizing I had not been vaccinated, screamed that I was a "killer". Again, John stood up for her and not for me. Finally, he sent out an email saying that those of us who were not "fully vaccinated" would have to wear masks and hang out on the periphery. I sent him a reply and said, "John, this is hooey'. I never went back. Several months later, I started going to another church with a principled pastor and congregation. Recently, I was told that John had to have a double lung transplant. But at least he did not listen to me.
I have had 3 friends "die suddenly" or "die unexpectedly" in the past year. One was a friend of 50 years from a singles group of 4th Pres. Church in Bethdsda, MD. I tried to have her look at some articles, etc. Of course she did not and called me chortling defiantly that she had all the shots. That was Dec., 2021. She died in January 2022. Another had been a White House Marine and in charge of the Silent Drill Team in the 1970's. The third was a DAR woman in WV who died about April 4, 2022.
Then there is the recent case of Lynette Hardaway, "Diamond" of "Diamond and Silk". When I heard, I said, "vaccinated". At the funeral/celebration, Rochelle Hardaway Richardson "Silk" gave the scenario of her sisters sudden death. She made clear what she felt had happened. It was textbook on the "vaccine" deaths.
I have felt like a "voice crying in the wilderness" about both the masks and jabs. A local woman who is a retired very learned nurse and whose husband is a nephrologist, has a FB site to combat all of it. She has to speak in code, but is getting the facts out. When she spoke to a conservative group luncheon I attend, she showed that today's children are given some 74 vaccines administered in 56 vaccinations (I had 4) and they coincide with the rise in autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies. She also told us in the fall of 2021 that the "information sheet" that came with the vaccines were BLANK on both sides. This has recently come out, but I knew it that far back.
Time for Nuremburg 2.0. During the first Nuremburg trials, "following orders" was not a defense.
Operation MAGA running smoothly and on schedule.
Multiple Trump algorithms are converging in real time (unraveling biopharma-government conspiracy, election integrity revelations, self-destruction of manipulative msm, initiation of the GOPe primary meat-grinder, accelerating “slow-moving Biden train wreck”, methodical dismantling of the American economy, peaking geopolitical tensions, teasing of Big Scare event intensifying, etc).
All the above triggering renewed efforts by the Enemy to jail Trump for the 17,000th time.
What a time to be alive! 😁👍🇺🇸