If there's one thing we've learned about DJT, it's that when we don't understand what he's doing, it's us, not him. The Gaza-Lago concept will prove to be a prime example. Trust the plan.
I would feel better if I knew what the plan was. When military people talk about trusting the plan, I have to assume they actually know what the plan is.
I agree with Ghost. Trump is bluffing, maybe not exactly the right word. When T says he wants to 'own Gaza' and move all the Palestinians out and rebuild... that sounds exactly like what Bibi wants to do, and it should elicit the same appalling reaction that T got. T said all that with a purpose.
—-We must fix the election fraud before we can be truly free of the corruption that the cabal’s minions have committed to. Imperative. No excuses.
—-We cannot fix anything until the corruption is completely eradicated. We then must examine each entity for constitutional authority at the federal level. If there is no authority, like the huge money laundering USAID, then it must go. Immediately. Put the money in the wealth fund. The US has been the most generous in response to disasters, but it must be voluntary.
—-‘The inner core of the earth can just start going the opposite way of the rest of the planet, and nothing changes on the surface?’ Only a few years ago? How do they know that this is true? How do they know what the timing is? Ashe is right to question this and one can bet it’s not climate change. Does it have anything to do with whatever ‘a hidden in Antarctica? I have WAY more questions about this.🧐
—-The core of evil is slowly being brought to the surface a bit at a time. ‘It’s time for the darkness to come into the light.’— Ashe
No I have not heard from Feather lately. Her mother died suddenly a few weeks back and she was on line to let people here know, and since then I have not heard from her. I think she is taking this quite hard.
I'm sure she'd appreciate your concern and also prayers.
And God bless you as well, Trumpist. You were gone from Substack for a while, and we all missed you and we're glad to see you back. I hope all is well with you and I continue to pray for you and Zoe.
Thank you so much for your comprehensive and friendly answer!
I didn't know Feather had lost her mother and I sincerely share her grieving in these somber moments.
Zoé is doing very well and really enjoy his new job in our Justice Department and her new life on her own for the first time.
I do as well as I can with my disease and especially at a time when the life of my brother and my mother probably won't last more than a few days, maybe some weeks 😢
We can just pray for them and ask God to welcome them aside Him in the best possible conditions ASAP 🕊️🕊️
Thank you Chris Paul for saying what I've thought for sometime, unless there is truly sweeping election integrity justice, this will be a sad blip in history.
Much like the fact the revolutionary war was not won, but the Lords of the City of London retreated to a strengthened position, only to eventually enslave an ignorant electorate happy to perpetually vote in favor of servitude.
I agree. Unless America comes to grips with why and how the 2020 election was stolen from Trump (as well as a lot of Senators and representatives) we are destined to continue being corrupted. In my opinion the “Why” is more important than the “How”. I think most of us here can explain the how part. That is well documented from many sources.
The “Why” part is the important proof that seems elusive to most Americans. It did not start in 2016 because of Russian collusion as widely reported. Nor did it start with the murder of Seth Rich by the FBI. To me it harkens all the way back to 1871 and all that has transpired since to bring America to the screwed up mess we have today. This story is about digging far deeper into the deep state and it requires a lot of time to sort out the underlying details.
I agree it is absolutely necessary because America is not just bankrupt, we are destined to totally collapse unless we change course really quickly. The good news is our new course was set in stone in 2017 and the public is being educated ever so slowly, day by day. I know I am learning things I never thought could be correct. But, they make sense as crazy as they sound.
Me too. Did you notice how many additional votes sneaked in for Harris after election day? Millions.
The Trump effect was huge for this round - "too big to rig" - but next time when we don't have that zeitgeist personality, it will be so much easier for that side to just cheat again and undo all of what's been accomplished in the next 4 years, and call it a legit victory...cannot happen. The voters roles and vote counting must be cleaned up before 2026.
Jim, what ur saying makes so much sense. I'd simply add ... "WHY" harkens back much further than 1871. The Controllers of the Matrix predate Roman Empire. Yeshua Ben Joseph, Essenes & all Esoteric Schools were discrete in disseminating their gnosis for legitimate reasons. As demonstrated by public executions of John & Yeshua.
Whenever Empire invaded territories, it imposes The Matrix to enslave sovereigns. That's the basis of what we are fighting. This Satanic enemy is actually teaching all of humanity to fully embrace our divine sovereignty. So the alchemy of planetary resurrection happens when humanity faces what is evil, holds those accountable for misdeeds and transforms those wounded into golden light.
Such an interesting read...Ill check out MACE on the floor.... Love the way John Stewart dug into this "B" who was notably trying to protect the corruption...Her laughing made me want to jump into the frame and slap her senseless...Great reporting!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I have been trying to figure out what is happening regarding Gaza. Yesterday I thought to myself this could be like Trump’s visions for the shores of North Korea. Has this been part of the plan all along, to transform deeply important historic seaside terrain into a pilgrimage destination for families of all faiths?
We shall see. The only thing I know for sure is that Trump is several steps ahead of everyone else, and there is a reason he said what he said. And he has repeated it several times, so there is no doubt as to what he said.
Bottom line Kelly, as much as we'd like to know how this will play out, we can't.
I’ve questioned several times over the past decade whether Trump is part of an elaborate hoax to deliver the world’s population to the NWO for their depopulation and enslaving agenda. Many times, in fact. I also consider that Israel was possibly the long awaited goal of the Prussians who wanted to rule the world via their ‘own’ country (as the NWO is a Nazi plan). In fact, it appears that post WWII, the Nazis came directly to the US and the rest is history.
I recently reread the Q plan and although I still have more questions than answers, it does appear that there have been many times over the past decade where an original comment or action has only been the beginning of a series of exposures that thwarted the NWO goals….
Remember too that with what little is left of the US steel and aluminum industry, it will basically need to be rebuilt. From the ground up. Those 100+ years old mills have been shut down and mostly parted out.
Silver lining: the new mills will be state-of-the-art, high tech wonders, cleaner and leaner and more energy efficient than their competitors. At that point, they will no longer need protective tariffs -- they will, once again, be exporting to the world.
Can s/o just shut off AI for a decade while we sort of defeating the Satanists, healing our planet and evolve into spiritually sovereign men and women? A/o else feeling overwhelmed by all different directions happening simultaneously?
This highly unusual public exposure by Nancy Mace feels like it's gonna be the buried headline of February. How is Mace's courageous presentation NOT the Biggest US Story? While it sounds like innocent women and girls suffered terribly, I hope she's not inventing it. Such accusations are so emotionally charged that it hurts the cause of authentic victims when false allegations go public. BM, pls keeps reporting on Ms Mace.
This is what the world is slowly being exposed to. The truth is much worse, so it’s being exposed gradually to plant the seed that such evil does exist. Once fully exposed, it will unite the world.
Are Millions of young ultra-libs feeling conflicted after Kendrick bodyslammed Drake @ SB Halftime show (very different demographic than Nancy Mace's audience)?
Many Christians programmed to defend Israel at all costs gonna meltdown when they learn whose religion institutionalized rituals of child rape/murder, killed JFK & profited from Organ Harvesting/Adrenochrome/child trafficking? Religion Matrix needs to crumble. So men and women can embrace Christed Ones (outside 1st & then inside themselves).
Badlands is becoming a daily chronicle of waste management. It's getting harder and harder to pick only one or two topics for comment. Today, though, I like the revelation about the earth's core changing. The process will definitely affect the entire planet. I think. But, when, and how? Slowly over celestial time? In one cataclysmic shudder? Er, excuse me, I gotta go read another article about the football game this past Sunday. Haha.
What I want to know is how do these experts have any idea what is happening 4000 miles below the surface? What makes them believe the solid core was circulating faster than the rest of our Earth was rotating? And how did they determine it stopped going faster and is now going slower?
This sounds like a nice theory promoted to sell the need for huge grants to further study this strange phenomenon. After several hundred millions of dollars are spent in this pursuit, more millions will be justified in spin-off studies to look at other contributing factors. Ultimately it will be found that the Earth is still turning once a day and there are still 24 hours in a day. A lot of scientific geniuses will pocket enough money to retire thanks to their ability to create confusion based on the ignorance of the public to understand what really matters and what is just pure bullshit.
Let’s not fall for this silliness. The real question is, “ Who cares?” What are we going to do to speed up the solid core? This is just like global warming. That silliness worked so why not invent an even sillier problem that cannot be solved by human beings?
Say, “Thank you, Jim!” You just saved America a lot of money that could have become more national debt. And, your analysis cost us absolutely nothing. So, what have I just proved? “Nothing is free!”
Do you see the power of nothing? That is what DOGE is about. Watch and learn. They are quickly turning something into nothing and it is the polar opposite of free. But, reducing the rate of debt creation is a money making proposition. The goal of DOGE is to make nothing appear. With government nothing is always a plus. Politicians cannot even conceive of this concept.
Abe is here to stay. If we never mint another single penny, over 30 Billion are lying around in pockets, jars, drawers or sitting in bank vaults. I doubt they will be melted down to make copper wire for an electrician to use. Nope, they will be right here to be appreciated. Over the years they changed the reverse from wheat sheaves to the Lincoln Memorial to a shield but old Abe has never changed in any way.
Ireland?! The first country considered for relocating millions of Palestinians is IRELAND? They're already suffering greatly from all the cultural enrichment imported by their globalist scumbag "leaders"...let them heal, ffs...
I too have been wondering what is going on with DJT and Gaza. It occurs to me that by floating ideas like this disbursement of Palestinians, he is deliberately triggering international outrage, especially in the Arab world. I wonder if he wants to make as big a splash here as possible to penetrate the bubble that Zionists live in, to show them the wider reality. They don't seem to have a clue about the position they are in vis a vis the rest of humanity, and a dose of reality might open their eyes.
The outrage in the Arab world is from ignorance. Why would they find fault with an idea to totally rebuild Gaza? Arabs in the form of Hamas created this fiasco, so it makes sense to me that Arabs must somehow solve the problems that Arabs have created.
One thing for sure, it is not up to the American public to do this work nor to pay for it. We can help to organize the needed projects if our help is requested. But, there are plenty of well educated Arabs over there and they know what their people need better than Americans who are used to shopping malls and Super Bowl sports stadiums.
I should have said the Arab outrage relates to removing Palestinians from Gaza permanently, with the demand that former Gazans be absorbed into their own societies. Also, the fiasco began when Palestinian land was given to create Israel. Hamas itself, as I understand it, was funded by Israel as an alternative to the PLO back in the days of Yasser Arafat. Even recently Netenyahu has funded Hamas.
they did know. no one seems to take on board the Hannibal Directive and the IDF have owned that and publicly stated they killed their own that day. they brought in the Apache gunships and mowed down their own people.
well reported and documented these days. So lets not a few BS stories get in the way of truth. Him in Israel is not known for his truth telling.
That's my rooster, how that damn rooster (Fred) knows where my bedroom is beyond me. Like clock work (5:10AM), he perches himself on a limb close to my bedroom window, and lets it rip (note to self, cut limbs/branch close to my window). Pain in ass bird, but love that lil guy too!
JFK - Steel - Aluminum - Pennies
I was a young lad when president John F. Kennedy, it was a very dark moment in our history, but even back then, a lot of the breaking news we spent the day watching a black & white TV at our local community multipurpose center, just wasn't making a whole lot of sense. I guess, I was just a naturally born skeptic. Over the years, I've seen several different documentary shows, investigative reports, crime report magazines, ballistic report magazines, and different takes on JFK assassination with diagrams in my old NRA magazine subscriptions. But I always came back to the same conclusion, there was more than 1 shooter, and Osborne was the murdered patsy. The other conclusion was, cover up started immediately. So, when I hear, declassification, and full disclosure of the JFK, RFK & MLK files, I am of the strong belief, we will all be disappointed. Why? Simple really, just follow the career paths of politicians that have held the highest offices in our US government, and the well known corruption in Washington, D.C. Plainly put, you have had the wolves guarding the hen house. Nothing prevented, USSS, FBI, CIA, Bush Sr, Johnson, and others in D.C. easy access to many classified records that went from paper, to punch card IBM data programming, microfish data, floppy discs filing systems, and so forth. We have had criminals taking care of our national archives since the 60's.
1960's, we had a saying, buy America, Made in Japan. Out west, we had old trucks, and cars made in America, Chevy, Dodge (you knew who had a dodge in the neighborhood, the starters were very loud), Ford were equally loved by us folks in the rural back country. They were durable, engines heads didn't warp as easy, carburetor were easy to fix, you could go down high mountain roads looking for vehicles that have run off the roadways, that eventually ended at the bottom of a canyon, you climb down to it with a few tools, and salvage the parts you needed.
Then came Datsun Japanese made vehicles that started getting imported in 1958, the surprise was some engines had mixed podge of aluminum cast heads or engines parts. Us folks in the back country learned quickly which vehicle were built tough, you didn't need to by a new one as often (we stuck to USA manufactured vehicles). It was pure American Steel. The makeup of steel is very important to our national security. Japan, eventually, brought the quality of their steel back to or close to the US standard steel. Our military fighting equipments need to be kept American made, because China's steel does not meet the lowest acceptable standards of US steel. There is a reason why American made tools were more durable than the junk we buy today. When you buy China made products, just go to your local landfill, and you will see mountains of China made products filling your landfill.
1974 - Aluminum Pennies
Most of the pennies we have today are copper coated pennies. Before 1974, solid copper pennies were in circulation, and those pennies competed with electrical products for homes, and our automotive electrical wiring systems. The only problem with the new pennies was, one could shave down pennies to the size of a dime, and use them in vending machines. Soda pop machines, were 25 cents back in the 70's, you could drop one quarter dollar in the machine, or 2 dimes, and a nickel. Eventually it went up to 50 cents, then 75 cents in the late 80's. Vending machine companies finally improved the coin receive/dispense mechanism that no longer took shaved/modified coins, and they were able to add a $1 bill intake mechanism. There would be no need for pennies, if the price of products were rounded off to the nearest nickel, but pennies are costly to mint.
So many things happening, it's hard to keep up. God be with you all. NBK Mil/LEO Analyst Retired
Re: Nancy Mace Story.. it's odd Ashe has a link to S. Carolina AG denial but no link to Nancy Mace's 1 testimony in Congress (especially when Ashe recommends watching it). huh? Is no link available?
If there's one thing we've learned about DJT, it's that when we don't understand what he's doing, it's us, not him. The Gaza-Lago concept will prove to be a prime example. Trust the plan.
I would feel better if I knew what the plan was. When military people talk about trusting the plan, I have to assume they actually know what the plan is.
I agree with Ghost. Trump is bluffing, maybe not exactly the right word. When T says he wants to 'own Gaza' and move all the Palestinians out and rebuild... that sounds exactly like what Bibi wants to do, and it should elicit the same appalling reaction that T got. T said all that with a purpose.
—-We must fix the election fraud before we can be truly free of the corruption that the cabal’s minions have committed to. Imperative. No excuses.
—-We cannot fix anything until the corruption is completely eradicated. We then must examine each entity for constitutional authority at the federal level. If there is no authority, like the huge money laundering USAID, then it must go. Immediately. Put the money in the wealth fund. The US has been the most generous in response to disasters, but it must be voluntary.
—-‘The inner core of the earth can just start going the opposite way of the rest of the planet, and nothing changes on the surface?’ Only a few years ago? How do they know that this is true? How do they know what the timing is? Ashe is right to question this and one can bet it’s not climate change. Does it have anything to do with whatever ‘a hidden in Antarctica? I have WAY more questions about this.🧐
—-The core of evil is slowly being brought to the surface a bit at a time. ‘It’s time for the darkness to come into the light.’— Ashe
God Bess this truth-aspiring community!🙏🇺🇸
Hello Altab!
Regarding elections fraud:
maybe cleaning this gigantic mess could make many falsely / fraudulously "elected" peoples being evicted at the same time ?
That could be followed by as many new "special elections" and so change deeply the whole political scene...
You are right, Trumpist. That is exactly what will happen.
Hi Wild Bill ! 🙋🏼♂️
Did you see/read from Feather 🪶 these last days ?
I hope she's doing well ! 🕊️💕
💒🕊️ I wish God bless both of you as well as Altab and Dick and our many nice friends around here ! 🕊️💒
No I have not heard from Feather lately. Her mother died suddenly a few weeks back and she was on line to let people here know, and since then I have not heard from her. I think she is taking this quite hard.
I'm sure she'd appreciate your concern and also prayers.
And God bless you as well, Trumpist. You were gone from Substack for a while, and we all missed you and we're glad to see you back. I hope all is well with you and I continue to pray for you and Zoe.
Thank you so much for your comprehensive and friendly answer!
I didn't know Feather had lost her mother and I sincerely share her grieving in these somber moments.
Zoé is doing very well and really enjoy his new job in our Justice Department and her new life on her own for the first time.
I do as well as I can with my disease and especially at a time when the life of my brother and my mother probably won't last more than a few days, maybe some weeks 😢
We can just pray for them and ask God to welcome them aside Him in the best possible conditions ASAP 🕊️🕊️
I will pray for all of you 🙏🙏✝🕊🕊
And thank you for the update on Zoé.
Thank you Chris Paul for saying what I've thought for sometime, unless there is truly sweeping election integrity justice, this will be a sad blip in history.
Much like the fact the revolutionary war was not won, but the Lords of the City of London retreated to a strengthened position, only to eventually enslave an ignorant electorate happy to perpetually vote in favor of servitude.
I agree. Unless America comes to grips with why and how the 2020 election was stolen from Trump (as well as a lot of Senators and representatives) we are destined to continue being corrupted. In my opinion the “Why” is more important than the “How”. I think most of us here can explain the how part. That is well documented from many sources.
The “Why” part is the important proof that seems elusive to most Americans. It did not start in 2016 because of Russian collusion as widely reported. Nor did it start with the murder of Seth Rich by the FBI. To me it harkens all the way back to 1871 and all that has transpired since to bring America to the screwed up mess we have today. This story is about digging far deeper into the deep state and it requires a lot of time to sort out the underlying details.
I agree it is absolutely necessary because America is not just bankrupt, we are destined to totally collapse unless we change course really quickly. The good news is our new course was set in stone in 2017 and the public is being educated ever so slowly, day by day. I know I am learning things I never thought could be correct. But, they make sense as crazy as they sound.
Exactly, Jim. Concur completely.
Me too. Did you notice how many additional votes sneaked in for Harris after election day? Millions.
The Trump effect was huge for this round - "too big to rig" - but next time when we don't have that zeitgeist personality, it will be so much easier for that side to just cheat again and undo all of what's been accomplished in the next 4 years, and call it a legit victory...cannot happen. The voters roles and vote counting must be cleaned up before 2026.
It is easy. "They" could do it in a few weeks.
But it's like the old joke: How many shrinks does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Only one, but the bulb really has to want to change.
Jim, what ur saying makes so much sense. I'd simply add ... "WHY" harkens back much further than 1871. The Controllers of the Matrix predate Roman Empire. Yeshua Ben Joseph, Essenes & all Esoteric Schools were discrete in disseminating their gnosis for legitimate reasons. As demonstrated by public executions of John & Yeshua.
Whenever Empire invaded territories, it imposes The Matrix to enslave sovereigns. That's the basis of what we are fighting. This Satanic enemy is actually teaching all of humanity to fully embrace our divine sovereignty. So the alchemy of planetary resurrection happens when humanity faces what is evil, holds those accountable for misdeeds and transforms those wounded into golden light.
Such an interesting read...Ill check out MACE on the floor.... Love the way John Stewart dug into this "B" who was notably trying to protect the corruption...Her laughing made me want to jump into the frame and slap her senseless...Great reporting!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I have been trying to figure out what is happening regarding Gaza. Yesterday I thought to myself this could be like Trump’s visions for the shores of North Korea. Has this been part of the plan all along, to transform deeply important historic seaside terrain into a pilgrimage destination for families of all faiths?
We shall see. The only thing I know for sure is that Trump is several steps ahead of everyone else, and there is a reason he said what he said. And he has repeated it several times, so there is no doubt as to what he said.
Bottom line Kelly, as much as we'd like to know how this will play out, we can't.
It's not all that hard to figure out. Isreal/zionists first.
Remember me asking, multiple times, why Trump is surrounding himself with Isreal first people?
Well now you know the answer to your question.
Did the authors here make any points about this? No.
Because they're instructed to feed you hopium so you don't ask important questions.
Kicking out the Palestinians and developing the land benefits who? Isreal.
So is it make America Great Again or make isreal great again?
I’ve questioned several times over the past decade whether Trump is part of an elaborate hoax to deliver the world’s population to the NWO for their depopulation and enslaving agenda. Many times, in fact. I also consider that Israel was possibly the long awaited goal of the Prussians who wanted to rule the world via their ‘own’ country (as the NWO is a Nazi plan). In fact, it appears that post WWII, the Nazis came directly to the US and the rest is history.
I recently reread the Q plan and although I still have more questions than answers, it does appear that there have been many times over the past decade where an original comment or action has only been the beginning of a series of exposures that thwarted the NWO goals….
Time will tell, of course. Blessings.
Your perception sucks
The Mace story I find most compelling. I hope and pray that justice is served, and soon.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Without domestic steel and aluminum industry the US is toast if there is a major war. I think that's Trump's motivation, and don't fret about prices.
Remember too that with what little is left of the US steel and aluminum industry, it will basically need to be rebuilt. From the ground up. Those 100+ years old mills have been shut down and mostly parted out.
Silver lining: the new mills will be state-of-the-art, high tech wonders, cleaner and leaner and more energy efficient than their competitors. At that point, they will no longer need protective tariffs -- they will, once again, be exporting to the world.
Can s/o just shut off AI for a decade while we sort of defeating the Satanists, healing our planet and evolve into spiritually sovereign men and women? A/o else feeling overwhelmed by all different directions happening simultaneously?
This highly unusual public exposure by Nancy Mace feels like it's gonna be the buried headline of February. How is Mace's courageous presentation NOT the Biggest US Story? While it sounds like innocent women and girls suffered terribly, I hope she's not inventing it. Such accusations are so emotionally charged that it hurts the cause of authentic victims when false allegations go public. BM, pls keeps reporting on Ms Mace.
This is what the world is slowly being exposed to. The truth is much worse, so it’s being exposed gradually to plant the seed that such evil does exist. Once fully exposed, it will unite the world.
It has always been about the children.
Are Millions of young ultra-libs feeling conflicted after Kendrick bodyslammed Drake @ SB Halftime show (very different demographic than Nancy Mace's audience)?
Many Christians programmed to defend Israel at all costs gonna meltdown when they learn whose religion institutionalized rituals of child rape/murder, killed JFK & profited from Organ Harvesting/Adrenochrome/child trafficking? Religion Matrix needs to crumble. So men and women can embrace Christed Ones (outside 1st & then inside themselves).
Badlands is becoming a daily chronicle of waste management. It's getting harder and harder to pick only one or two topics for comment. Today, though, I like the revelation about the earth's core changing. The process will definitely affect the entire planet. I think. But, when, and how? Slowly over celestial time? In one cataclysmic shudder? Er, excuse me, I gotta go read another article about the football game this past Sunday. Haha.
What I want to know is how do these experts have any idea what is happening 4000 miles below the surface? What makes them believe the solid core was circulating faster than the rest of our Earth was rotating? And how did they determine it stopped going faster and is now going slower?
This sounds like a nice theory promoted to sell the need for huge grants to further study this strange phenomenon. After several hundred millions of dollars are spent in this pursuit, more millions will be justified in spin-off studies to look at other contributing factors. Ultimately it will be found that the Earth is still turning once a day and there are still 24 hours in a day. A lot of scientific geniuses will pocket enough money to retire thanks to their ability to create confusion based on the ignorance of the public to understand what really matters and what is just pure bullshit.
Let’s not fall for this silliness. The real question is, “ Who cares?” What are we going to do to speed up the solid core? This is just like global warming. That silliness worked so why not invent an even sillier problem that cannot be solved by human beings?
Say, “Thank you, Jim!” You just saved America a lot of money that could have become more national debt. And, your analysis cost us absolutely nothing. So, what have I just proved? “Nothing is free!”
Do you see the power of nothing? That is what DOGE is about. Watch and learn. They are quickly turning something into nothing and it is the polar opposite of free. But, reducing the rate of debt creation is a money making proposition. The goal of DOGE is to make nothing appear. With government nothing is always a plus. Politicians cannot even conceive of this concept.
Trump ends the penny…and Abe’s face. Why not switch Tubman from $20 to $5 and complete the sweep?
Abe is here to stay. If we never mint another single penny, over 30 Billion are lying around in pockets, jars, drawers or sitting in bank vaults. I doubt they will be melted down to make copper wire for an electrician to use. Nope, they will be right here to be appreciated. Over the years they changed the reverse from wheat sheaves to the Lincoln Memorial to a shield but old Abe has never changed in any way.
at a certain historical marker near the potomac off us hwy 301, pennies, face-down can always be found.
Ireland?! The first country considered for relocating millions of Palestinians is IRELAND? They're already suffering greatly from all the cultural enrichment imported by their globalist scumbag "leaders"...let them heal, ffs...
I too have been wondering what is going on with DJT and Gaza. It occurs to me that by floating ideas like this disbursement of Palestinians, he is deliberately triggering international outrage, especially in the Arab world. I wonder if he wants to make as big a splash here as possible to penetrate the bubble that Zionists live in, to show them the wider reality. They don't seem to have a clue about the position they are in vis a vis the rest of humanity, and a dose of reality might open their eyes.
The outrage in the Arab world is from ignorance. Why would they find fault with an idea to totally rebuild Gaza? Arabs in the form of Hamas created this fiasco, so it makes sense to me that Arabs must somehow solve the problems that Arabs have created.
One thing for sure, it is not up to the American public to do this work nor to pay for it. We can help to organize the needed projects if our help is requested. But, there are plenty of well educated Arabs over there and they know what their people need better than Americans who are used to shopping malls and Super Bowl sports stadiums.
I should have said the Arab outrage relates to removing Palestinians from Gaza permanently, with the demand that former Gazans be absorbed into their own societies. Also, the fiasco began when Palestinian land was given to create Israel. Hamas itself, as I understand it, was funded by Israel as an alternative to the PLO back in the days of Yasser Arafat. Even recently Netenyahu has funded Hamas.
And, sadly, the Oct 7 attack. No way Hamas could have pulled that off without Israel knowing.
they did know. no one seems to take on board the Hannibal Directive and the IDF have owned that and publicly stated they killed their own that day. they brought in the Apache gunships and mowed down their own people.
well reported and documented these days. So lets not a few BS stories get in the way of truth. Him in Israel is not known for his truth telling.
Absolutely!! And some observers say Israel participated as well.
That's my rooster, how that damn rooster (Fred) knows where my bedroom is beyond me. Like clock work (5:10AM), he perches himself on a limb close to my bedroom window, and lets it rip (note to self, cut limbs/branch close to my window). Pain in ass bird, but love that lil guy too!
JFK - Steel - Aluminum - Pennies
I was a young lad when president John F. Kennedy, it was a very dark moment in our history, but even back then, a lot of the breaking news we spent the day watching a black & white TV at our local community multipurpose center, just wasn't making a whole lot of sense. I guess, I was just a naturally born skeptic. Over the years, I've seen several different documentary shows, investigative reports, crime report magazines, ballistic report magazines, and different takes on JFK assassination with diagrams in my old NRA magazine subscriptions. But I always came back to the same conclusion, there was more than 1 shooter, and Osborne was the murdered patsy. The other conclusion was, cover up started immediately. So, when I hear, declassification, and full disclosure of the JFK, RFK & MLK files, I am of the strong belief, we will all be disappointed. Why? Simple really, just follow the career paths of politicians that have held the highest offices in our US government, and the well known corruption in Washington, D.C. Plainly put, you have had the wolves guarding the hen house. Nothing prevented, USSS, FBI, CIA, Bush Sr, Johnson, and others in D.C. easy access to many classified records that went from paper, to punch card IBM data programming, microfish data, floppy discs filing systems, and so forth. We have had criminals taking care of our national archives since the 60's.
1960's, we had a saying, buy America, Made in Japan. Out west, we had old trucks, and cars made in America, Chevy, Dodge (you knew who had a dodge in the neighborhood, the starters were very loud), Ford were equally loved by us folks in the rural back country. They were durable, engines heads didn't warp as easy, carburetor were easy to fix, you could go down high mountain roads looking for vehicles that have run off the roadways, that eventually ended at the bottom of a canyon, you climb down to it with a few tools, and salvage the parts you needed.
Then came Datsun Japanese made vehicles that started getting imported in 1958, the surprise was some engines had mixed podge of aluminum cast heads or engines parts. Us folks in the back country learned quickly which vehicle were built tough, you didn't need to by a new one as often (we stuck to USA manufactured vehicles). It was pure American Steel. The makeup of steel is very important to our national security. Japan, eventually, brought the quality of their steel back to or close to the US standard steel. Our military fighting equipments need to be kept American made, because China's steel does not meet the lowest acceptable standards of US steel. There is a reason why American made tools were more durable than the junk we buy today. When you buy China made products, just go to your local landfill, and you will see mountains of China made products filling your landfill.
1974 - Aluminum Pennies
Most of the pennies we have today are copper coated pennies. Before 1974, solid copper pennies were in circulation, and those pennies competed with electrical products for homes, and our automotive electrical wiring systems. The only problem with the new pennies was, one could shave down pennies to the size of a dime, and use them in vending machines. Soda pop machines, were 25 cents back in the 70's, you could drop one quarter dollar in the machine, or 2 dimes, and a nickel. Eventually it went up to 50 cents, then 75 cents in the late 80's. Vending machine companies finally improved the coin receive/dispense mechanism that no longer took shaved/modified coins, and they were able to add a $1 bill intake mechanism. There would be no need for pennies, if the price of products were rounded off to the nearest nickel, but pennies are costly to mint.
So many things happening, it's hard to keep up. God be with you all. NBK Mil/LEO Analyst Retired
O'krikee's, my oof - Oswald as in Lee Harvey Oswald, not Osborn! Sorry about fams.
Re: Nancy Mace Story.. it's odd Ashe has a link to S. Carolina AG denial but no link to Nancy Mace's 1 testimony in Congress (especially when Ashe recommends watching it). huh? Is no link available?
I pasted a link