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Anyone who has read anything I ‘ve written knows I’m one of those obnoxious, uneducated and deceived fools who believes there are some good things that have happened behind the scenes the past two years, and they are in fact ramping up even more in 2023.
I ridiculously believe Trump didn’t throw a kegger on January 19th, 2021, at the White House, inviting all his rowdy friends to trash the place on his way out the door. I naively believe he didn’t throw up his hands on January 20th, 2021, and say, “okay Deep State, you win; I give up.” In other words, I foolishly believe Trump didn’t spend four plus years fighting the Deep State with everything he and his family had, to just hand over the car keys to a drunk driver who also has dementia.
Some would say I’m full of “hopium” for thinking Trump put in place a system that has the power to step in before permanent damage occurs. I’m misguided enough to believe Trump still has some control of our country.
As positive and optimistic as I am about what is happening around us and how it is all a matter of waking up more people while taking down the Deep State cabal, I still get worn down at times. I still get frustrated that the process is taking so long. I still occasionally wake up a couple of hours too early unable to sleep anymore, worried about everything. At times, I am beaten into negativity. But that feeling doesn’t last long because, when the negativity starts to accumulate, I shake my head and realize I’m giving into the cabal’s plan.
There is a reason for our negativity and hopelessness: it’s all a part of the agenda to control us. The Deep State controls us through telling us lies, blocking us from getting the truth, and when we do get the truth, they then overwhelm us into a sense of hopelessness and negativity. They use our weight against us. They lay down trails of breadcrumbs to get us lost. When we boldly, loudly, and publicly pronounce it was Colonel Mustard with the candlestick in the Conservatory, they then pull the rug out from under us and mock and berate us.
It is our responsibility to quickly understand when we are purposely being misled and immediately stop going down that path. It is our job to recognize who intentionally misleads us and stop following them. It is our job to recognize when we are intentionally being overwhelmed with information that makes us feel hopeless. Know thyself. Know what you can handle. Understand when you need to take a break or slow the pace.
In the world of “Meatheads,” there is a concept known as “overtraining”, when your body is no longer capable of recovering from your workouts. One remedies this by taking a break from training, cutting back on training, by eating more, or a combination of these three. And no, I’m not telling anyone to eat more if they are feeling hopeless and discouraged by the state of our country and the world.
For 99% of people, they don’t “work out” often enough or “train” hard enough, but for maybe 1% of people they train too hard and need to take an occasional step back to rest up. We are that 1% when it comes to desiring and searching for the truth. While most people haven’t spent two hours in their life researching the truth, we might spend two hours a day doing just that. The Deep State understands this and uses our work ethic and passion against us, by wearing us out and demoralizing us.
I recently read that China has declared George Soros a “global terrorist” and called him “the son of Satan”. To me, this is pretty good evidence that things are happening behind the scenes. We have plenty to be optimistic about. Since handing over the car keys to Biden, the whole Deep State seems to be falling apart and are at odds with each other—the wheels are falling off and smoke is pouring out the back of the car. How is this possible if they are now in complete control?
What I’m about to write about will force people to look at themselves and not at the “other side”. I ask you to be real with yourself. I honestly believe there are people in our community, who are not here because of what it stands for, but because it is a contrarian view. Some people just want to go against the norm. Some people will take the opposing side no matter what that side stands for. Don’t get me wrong, I think the vast majority of the people on “our” side are amazing, intelligent, compassionate people. People who are able to see through the lies and the conditioning. People who are led by their faith and need for justice. I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this group, but it doesn’t mean we are immune to being led astray or manipulated.
It’s easy for us to see the ridiculousness of the other side—with the Trans movement and climate change and menstruating men and COVID and vaccines and masks, the list goes on and on. But it’s hard to see when we are subtly being led astray. We can see the splinter in their eye, but not the beam in our own. I’m asking you for a moment to be less focused on the splinter and focus a little more on the beam.
There is a “tried and true” process the Deep State cabal uses to control and manipulate the masses. They use different techniques on different people, depending on where you are in your understanding of things, and how awake you might be. The majority of the population is very easy to control; they are easily influenced and lack curiosity. Hypnotists will tell you that there are some people who are incredibly easy to hypnotize, most people take a little work to hypnotize, and some just plain can’t be hypnotized.
The majority of people have a need to fit in, to be a part of the larger group, to not go against the norm. They fear standing on their own, even if they feel it is the right thing to do. Our brains can change our morals and even suspend logic in order to fit in with the masses. We can believe right is wrong and wrong is right in order to avoid the stress of possible isolation. The irony in this is that most very successful people are more comfortable standing on their own, not fitting in, but for the masses, this is not the case.
Our need to be a part of a “group” is biological. We don’t have fangs or claws to protect us, so being a part of a group helps us survive. The Deep State cabal understands this about us, and they use our biology against us to control and manipulate us. It may appear to us that the cabal are complete morons for what they believe, but the people at the top don’t actually believe their narratives; they just use these narratives against us to control us.
For the masses, the process of controlling and manipulating is very simple and straightforward: push lies and block the truth from being heard. The media cartel has been doing this for at least a century, and they put it into high gear about half a century ago. But what do you do when cracks in the wall start to form? What do you do when truth starts to escape, when truth starts to find the light of day?
When Trump announced he was running for POTUS, it brought with it great concern that the truth could be revealed. The Deep State cabal did their best to keep Trump from getting into the White House. They lied about him. They ridiculed anyone who considered voting for him. They put out polls stating the vast majority of college educated voters were voting for Hillary, implying that, if you vote for Trump, you are an uneducated fool.
Trump became POTUS because the cabal believed their own fake polls. When they polled people, the people were afraid to admit they were planning to vote for Trump. They didn’t want the shame or possibility that Obama’s IRS could soon be knocking on their doors. The cabal rigged the election; they did their polling and figured out how many votes they needed to flip electronically. But when people showed up and voted for Trump even though they said they were voting for Hillary, the cabal found that they didn’t flip enough votes and Trump ended up winning. Notice Hillary never really pushed to investigate the election; she knew they would be the ones that would be found guilty of voter fraud.
After Trump’s shocking victory, the cabal moved forward with non-stop, baseless attacks on Trump to get him out of office or at least slow him down to the point he could accomplish very little. If you wondered why they needed “mail-in” ballots in 2020, the answer is simple. It was a backup plan so 2016 couldn’t happen again. Just like in 2016, the Deep State did their polling and figured out how many votes they needed to flip electronically for Biden to “squeak by”. Just like in 2016, more people voted for Trump than they accounted for.
But in 2020, the Deep State had a backup plan.
They could stop the vote counting in the middle of the night and “truck in” fake ballots to make up the difference. Voila, Biden received 81mm votes and became POTUS, even though he didn’t campaign, never left his basement for months, and thought his sister was his wife. The most popular POTUS ever. In their haste to steal the election, the cabal didn’t realize how ridiculous it all looked to the public, but they couldn’t take any chances of Trump finding his way back into the White House.
As I mentioned earlier, the masses are easy to control, or rather the process is simpler—push lies and block the truth. This requires massive resources to do of course, but the process is simple. In order to control the masses, you need to control 95% or more of the sources that put out information and block the few that are trying to speak the truth. This means creating things like social media, so you have a platform with which to control people, and it means making the 95% or more of the media that you control easy to find and easy to access. It means controlling search engines so that the masses only find what you want them to find.
But what happens when the truth starts to catch some traction, starts to find the light of day?
When Q hit the scene in late 2017, it was only accessible to an extremely small portion of the country. Not enough people to make a difference. The lies being exposed, and truth being told was not a huge threat to the cabal. They could just ignore them; these Anons on 4-chan didn’t have enough fuel to feed this spark. They believed this spark would die out before it had a chance to turn into a flame.
But they were wrong. They underestimated these people and their willingness to fight. These Anons spread the news and Q and their messages got out to another layer of people, people who may have never even heard of 4-chan, but happened to browse YouTube regularly, looking for information on topics with which they couldn’t accept mainstream media’s narrative: things like the JFK Assassination, 9/11, Benghazi, human trafficking, school shootings, Fast and Furious, secret societies or even the very recent at the time Las Vegas Massacre. While this layer of people was still an extreme minority, together they were loud, motivated and unafraid.
The fire started to build; the truth was finding the light of day. Slowly, more and more people were waking up. Suddenly, people had answers to why things didn’t feel right to them. The tools like social media, Google and YouTube that were created to control the population were now being used to expose the lies and reveal the truth.
When a movement starts to gain traction, this is what the cabal does:
First, they ignore it and hope it will quickly die out. If this doesn’t occur, they transition to vilifying the message or try to make it seem ridiculous. If this doesn’t work, they vilify the messengers or make them seem crazy. If this doesn’t work, they infiltrate the movement. Once they’ve infiltrated the movement, they block the true movement’s voices from being heard, while their infiltrated puppets still have free rein on all media sources.
This is exactly what the Deep State did with Q.
Just as America is being destroyed from within through progressive, communist ideas, so is the truth movement that tries to expose these false narratives. Force is being applied from the outside as well as the inside. Unlike the masses, the truth movement requires more creativity to destroy. Tactics like “black pilling” and “controlled opposition” are vital to the Deep State’s plan to eliminate the truth seekers and truth tellers. Excessive negativity and partial truths are designed to confuse and deflate.
As seekers of truth, we are the small minority that requires different tactics to control. The Deep State can’t simply tell us lies; we see through them. They can’t simply make the truth hard to find, as we are willing to do the extra work necessary. They must use our own weight against us. While we are leaning so hard into finding the truth, we run the risk of losing our balance, and this is when we fall prey to the cabal’s tactics they use to defeat or control us. We are sent down false rabbit holes and made to believe things that are later proven to be false.
When I first started to learn about the Federal Reserve—how it was illegally formed in 1913, how it has been successfully used as a tool of evil for the past century, how it is largely responsible for the IRS, income tax and inflation—I had the idea, and still do to a large extent, that the Fed must be abolished. I have had a one-track mind towards the Fed, it’s evil, there is no redeeming qualities about it, it could never be used to do anything good. As some reading this may already know, recently I had to put away all this righteous anger and hatred for what the Fed has done, to accept that it is likely being used right now to take down the foreign controlled cabal banking system.
It’s like when Darth Vader turned good at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. I’m not saying the Fed is good now, but I am convinced it is being used to destroy a greater evil.
Some refuse to get on board with me on this because they are so set in their ways in regard to the Federal Reserve.
I see the same thing happening with the economy right now. Some are so convinced the American economy will be completely destroyed by the Biden Administration’s economic policies that they are actually rooting for it to happen, to justify their belief. In a sense, to justify their hatred of the Biden Administration and its policies. If you tell them the current policies are really bad and things will likely continue to get worse, but the damage likely won’t be permanent and that eventually, when Trump is back in office, things will turn around, it’s like it’s a message they don’t want to hear. They only want to hear talk about total and absolute destruction. They are so laser focused on destruction that they can’t or refuse to hear a message of hope, even when it is backed by evidence.
There are people within our community that want mass destruction to occur, even if it’s unnecessary, just because they’ve given in to the negativity and can only see things as extremely negative. There are people in our community that have been manipulated into a rut of negativity they can’t get out of; they are only seeking validation for their hopelessness, ignoring any messages or evidence of hope.
I’m sorry if this offends some, but there is a lot of good stuff happening behind the scenes, the cabal is falling faster than the Twin Towers. Don’t give up hope on those people who are still asleep.
Strangely, some people in our community want to believe Trump can’t win in 2024 because the elections are too rigged. They want to believe the “good guys” currently have no control, and there are no systems in place to protect us against the total destruction of our country. These people understand the lies and corruption that has occurred and is still occurring, but can’t seem to jump on board with the idea that something is being done about it, that this evil is being used to wake people up. They are so focused on what is wrong that they can’t veer or audible or maybe recognize the extra layers and inconsistencies with what is happening.
They say, “The BRICS nations are coming together to destroy the US dollar and in turn, destroy America.”
Really? I see it as them creating more options and, in the process, they just so happen to be freeing the US from its European controllers. But if you want to take it your way, go right ahead.
Do you remember which countries Trump met with in 2017? Do you remember the soccer ball? The sword dance? Do you remember any of it?
Some reading this will think I am downplaying the destruction that is currently occurring in our country. The damage being done by the Biden Administration and their policies. The damage done by the puppet masters who control Biden. The damage done by the Federal Reserve over the past 100-plus years. I’m fully aware of all this. I’m just confident and hopeful that the damage isn’t going to be permanent and when Trump is back in office, he will right the ship. I’m also confident that if damage starts to become irreversible, Trump and his people will step in to stop it.
Again, when the Deep State cabal can’t simply tell us lies and make us believe them, they have to use different tactics. When we discover a well with fresh water, they poison it. When we discover the truth, they try to alter it.
We are not designed by God to feel hopeless or defeated. If you find yourself feeling hopeless or defeated, understand it is not from God. It comes from Satan and his minions to take you out of the game, to take you out of the fight. Systems are in place to turn your desire for justice into a sense of hopelessness and despair.
If you read the Bible from start to finish, you will realize it is designed to show us how sin entered the perfect world and corrupted everything and everyone. But the Bible doesn’t stop there, it goes on to tell us there is a way out, there is a way for us to break free of our chains, to be free of our captures. It expresses to us how deeply God loves us, how patient and forgiving He is with us. He explains to us what we need to do to gain our freedom. The Bible is the ultimate expression of hope.
Find hope.
If you don’t, you are useless in the fight to save the world. You are just in the way.
Repentance is understanding the truth, feeling sorry for your sins, and then ultimately making change in your life. Repentance doesn’t end with just knowing the truth or even feeling sorry for our sins. It requires making change, becoming a vessel for doing good, and that requires hope and faith.
Simply knowing the truth and lies is not enough.
Be a beacon of hope. Do what you need to do to become that beacon of hope.
Badlands Media articles and features represent the opinions of the contributing authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Badlands Media itself.
If you enjoyed this contribution to Badlands Media, please consider checking out more of my work for free at Erik’s Substack.
A much-needed rallying cry to focus on the tasks at hand, seeking the truth and sharing the truth among others, with a hopeful mindset, grounded in faith, and to step back when we get overwhelmed. Refresh and recharge our souls while we step back, and rejoin the good fight, knowing WWG1WGA.
Excellent job Erik.
I'm not a huge fan of the word 'hope' because to me it can in some uses at least, mean hoping for some unlikely and uncontrollable outcome. As in, hope as a method of birth control.
I prefer a word like 'expect.' As in, I expect Trump to win in 2024, because I expect that the Patriots have a plan in place to stop the fraud.
Agreed that the Patriots will allow reversible things. CBDC can be reversed. Nuclear WW3 cannot.
The best is yet to come, as always the waiting is the hardest part (h/t Tom Petty).