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The following is an Open-Source Intel ‘Dig’ on the true meaning of the infamous ‘COVFEFE’ Tweet Donald Trump put out several years ago, which may hold more meaning than most believe.
So, here we are 6 years after the infamous “covfefe” tweet that sent the world into a complete meltdown! But did anyone actually figure it out? Was anyone even close?
Trump’s Twitter account was one for the ages! Almost every Tweet he sent out was attacked, mocked and ridiculed by the Media Industrial Complex. However, one tweet stands out from the rest for me, and that was his “covfefe” tweet.
"Covfefe" quickly went viral, having been retweeted more than 105,000 times, garnered more than 148,000 likes and all around creating a viral Internet meme on the morning of May 31, 2017. The hashtag #covfefe had been used on the Internet 1.4 million times within 24 hours of Trump's tweet.
Trump also r/t ‘d this picture above from Dan Scavino depicting Trump as Nero, who fiddled while Rome burned.
Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire—a lesson by the Federal Reserve of St. Louis
So yes, the Federal Reserve put out an educational piece on how increasing the money supply, inflation—Romans devalued currency by removing the silver content from their coinage—ultimately led to the fall of the Roman Empire.

The deep meaning behind “covfefe” is what this article hopes to identify.

First up, Trump responds to the covfefe-named horse winning after the Daily Caller calls it a “mistweet” below:
Which brings us to …
The Essential Components of #COVFEFE: TRUMP, Q, JFK (EO 11110,) PEPE, BITCOIN & the end of the Central Bankers
I am breaking this feature up into parts because it’s essential to understanding the 40,000-foot view of the entire dig and how these components all connect to each other.
The first thing I want to explain is that you have to truly understand each one of these pieces in order to get the full picture of what Trump is and was attempting to communicate. If you are just familiar with one of these concepts, you won’t be able to see the connections. So yes, you need to understand Trump, Q, JFK (EO 11110), PEPE and Bitcoin, as the big picture is indeed RARE.
You may even need to read this a few times to get into the vibrations of this piece.
Lets Start with TRUMP and his Tweet:
This dig does rely on basic numerology and the observation of repeating number patterns. Thus, if we take the simple fact that A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc., we will first explain how “covfefe” would look numerically:
C = 3
O = 15
V = 22
F = 6
E = 5
F = 6
E = 5
The Emphasis on COV, aka. 3-15-22
Trump made 2 Tweets in the early morning of May 31st, 2017, also written as 5/31.
I want you to start understanding that any combination of the numbers ‘3, 1, 5’ give us clues as to the signal pattern, here. For example, the tweet on 5/31 would be a direct hit in that combination of 3, 1, 5.
So, who cares about ‘315’ what is the significance of it, if any?
As many in this community are aware, when Trump first moved into the White House, the first portrait he put up was that of Andrew Jackson, a man born on 3/15, and who would go on to become the 7th president of the United States.
Why Andrew Jackson?
Well, he was of course known for destroying the Central Bankers during his presidency and for coining the phrase, “Drain the Swamp.”
The Bank War was a political struggle that developed over the issue of rechartering the Second Bank of the United States during Jackson’s presidency. The resulting political conflict ended in the shutdown of the Bank and its replacement by state banks.
Here is a relevant Trump ReTweet:
Devin Nunes with a #COVFEFE post on 3/15/22
Since covfefe sounds like coffee, its easy to understand the connection of ‘Good Morning’ in the following post; however, GM (Good Morning) is a very popular theme in the “crypto” space, where literally thousands of people Tweet ‘gm’ as Good Morning. But of course, Devin Truth’s this on 3/15 …
The ides of March is the 74th day in the Roman calendar, corresponding to 3/15, and was notable in Rome as a deadline for settling debts, with the focus here being on DEBT.
Have you looked at the recent figures of US Debt? We just passed $31.5 TRILLION!
3 X 15 = 45
3 + 1, 5 = 45
Of course, the 45th President of the United States is Donald Trump.
Satoshi Nakamoto—the name used by the pseudonymous person or persons who developed bitcoin—used a birthday of 4/5/1975.
V = 22
22 = 11+11
V = Victory
I promise, this stuff will make more sense to you as we get further down the rabbit hole.
The FE FE at the end and 11/11
FE FE = 6+5 6+5, or 11 11
11/11 is the 315th day of the year.
November 11th is a significant date and part of the repeating number sequences connected to covfefe.
I want to make a brief observation about repeating number sequences and how some might think that there is some kind of power or magic behind them.
“In numerology, repeating numbers are seen as an amplification of energy; the more a number shows up around a person, the stronger the vibration behind it, which is influencing that person's life.” - Novalee Wilder
Q DROP 187 sums up the entire story (187 also = police code for homicide/murder)
NOVEMBER 11th (11/11 Q drops)
And, the 315th day of the year is 11/11 … in case you missed it!
TOP KEK Crazy right???
The first mention of the ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROLLED BANKS was drop 135 (think any combo of 315,) so 135 would be a hit to covfefe, but also the content of these drops includes all the Central Banks of the World being controlled by the Rothschilds, and ends with The FED and the IRS.
FACT: The US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the governing laws of the United States.
A clean house, or a cleansing of the temple?
A clean house is very important, but what exactly could that mean?
I do believe there are multiple meanings here, but I want to focus you in on the 11:11 timestamp.
JFK & Executive Order 11110
Did I mention the 315th day of the year is 11/11?
Okay, just wanted to make sure you got that …
As many in this community are also aware, JFK had a plan of his own, and attempted to remove the evils of the Central Bankers when he authorized the issuance of Executive Order 11110, which was an effort to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve Notes with silver certificates.
A United States Note = Currency issued without interest attached.
A Federal Reserve Note = Currency issued with interest attached.
Did you pay attention to what Trump did during COVID?
During the financial uncertainty and stock market crash of COVID in 2020, Trump, Steve Mnuchin (Treasury Sec) and The Fed did some very interesting things.
They approved a boatload of new programs while unleashing unlimited QE (Quantitative Easing) & $1 trillion a day in repurchase agreements.
The Fed financed a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for each acronym to conduct these operations.
The Treasury, using the Exchange Stabilization Fund, will make an equity investment in each SPV listed here: CPFF (Commercial Paper Funding Facility), PMCCF (Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility), TALF (Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility), SMCCF (Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility), and MSBLP (Main Street Business Lending Program).
In essence, the Treasury, not the Fed, has bought all these securities and is backstopping loans; the Fed is acting as banker and providing financing.
The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.
In other words, the federal government nationalized large swaths of US financial markets, and the Fed provided the money to do it.
This scheme essentially merged the Fed and Treasury into one organization.
So, did Trump accomplish what Kennedy attempted to do, but was reversed by RR (Ronald Reagan)?
Ronald Reagan
‘Okay GMONEY,’ you might say, ‘but EO11110 didn’t really do anything; it actually gave the bankers MORE power!’
To some degree, this is correct; however, I believe the intention was to merge the Treasury with the Fed, not to strip their power. How do you bring down the entire evil corrupt system onto its head? They have to be tied together!
I mean, if EO 11110 wasn’t an issue, why did Reagan reverse it shortly after he was shot?
So wait, Reagan reversed EO 11110?
Yes, Reagan issued EO 12608, which revoked the entire EO 11110, but not only that … Reagan did it on September 9th.
The 9/9 date is significant to this dig, as you will see in the next section, but only at the precipice will people find the will to participate.
As you may know, bitcoin is still not a popular subject or concern for many Americans.
I believe this may change at the precipice.
“That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize.” — Hillary Clinton
‘Okay GMONEY, so how the heck does PEPE the frog fit into any of this?’
Well, let’s dive in.
Trump tweeted himself as PEPE the frog on 10/13/2015.
Now, the image no longer shows up in his tweet because I believe the tweet Trump was referencing was deleted, but the internet is forever and the pic of Trump PEPE featured above is what he tweeted himself as in the following post.

So, how does this connect to COVFEFE?
Well, if you look closely at the date this was posted, it was on 10/13/2015, and you will see there is ANOTHER 315 combination in Trump’s post.
‘Okay GMONEY, this is a stretch, but I still don’t understand how it connects?’
That’s because we need to look deeper into PEPE.
Did you know the first “PEPE” minted on the bitcoin blockchain was done on 9/9/2016? The first PEPE was literally called RAREPEPE.
Yes. In fact, Bitcoin has this second layered protocol called Counterparty that works through the OP_RETURN code on the Bitcoin Network.
Hillary Clinton also gave her “Basket of Deplorables” speech that same day, on 9/9/2016.
And then, a few days later, Hillary launched an all-out assault on PEPE, even putting up an “Explainer” of PEPE the frog on her campaign website.
The ADL jumped in as well, labeling PEPE a hate symbol.
Still don’t understand the connection?
It will make sense soon … I promise!
So, if we start looking at PEPE’s as NFT’s on Bitcoin, we can see this directory.
It’s a full directory of 1774 cards that were done as collectibles to help protect the image of PEPE created by an Anonymous person called “Mike”. Mike is still anonymous to this day, but he created the first RAREPEPE card that was minted on 9/9/2016.
We know this because we can easily verify it was done on 9/9/2016 on block 428,919.
Now, did you notice anything odd about the RAREPEPE?
That’s ok if you didn’t, because I’m here to help you out!
Well … look at what we have here: the numbers 3, 1, 5 again!
If we keep digging around inside the RARE PEPE Directory, we come across another interesting card … The GAMESOFTRUMP.
This card looks cool, of course, with Trump riding a Dragon! But what do you notice?
A Heart of 17 and a Shield of 17, but also that the supply for this card was 1717 when first minted.
We all know Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, but the real proof here is that this card was minted 58 days BEFORE Q ever dropped!
All verifiable via the Bitcoin blockchain here, on block 482,855.
If we continue to dig, we will see that the 315th card of the series is PEPERARE, the mirror of RAREPEPE, and if we get to the Series 3, Card 15, we get a PUTINPEPE.
Do you notice anything off about PUTINPEPE?
Well, for one thing, he has the same smug look as the PEPE Trump originally posted.
If you have been paying attention to events over the last year, you will have noticed that [they] have been kicking Russia off all the international monetary systems, like SWIFT.
We also know that Russia, China and other nations are looking to establish their own basket of currencies to compete against the PETRODOLLAR as part of the BRICS aliance.
And … well, look at that! We happen to have another Q Drop on 11/11 referencing China, Russia and others coordinating to eliminate the NWO.
We also have the Senate condemning Putin as a War Criminal on 3/15/22.
Okay … it seems that maybe you are not convinced? Let’s go one step further.
The Russian Embassy tweeted a Smug PEPE back in 2017 on the DELTA of the BITCOIN Open Source Software being released.
The Tweet is still up, too, in case you had any doubts.
Another PEPE to Bitcoin connect.
The Bitcoin Genesis block by Satoshi was created on January 3rd, 2009 in a closed environment, then released to everyone on January 9th, 2009 via Source Forge.
Melania even wished a Happy Anniversary to Bitcoin in 2022.

Satoshi Nakamoto, born 4/5/1975 (according to their profile) is the name used by the presumed pseudonymous person or persons who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation.
Born 4/5.
President Trump = 45th President, D=4, D5 = 45
Trump is known as the ORANGE MAN.
Well … BITCOIN is known as the ORANGECOIN.
‘But GMONEY,’ you say, ‘Trump said he didn’t like Bitcoin, right?’

You are correct. He did say that … But why?
In my view, if Trump & Q came out and said this plan was all about BITCOIN to begin with, what do you think would have happened?
Trump: “seems like a scam,” … “essentially, it’s a currency”
I wrote a sauced article and did an entire show on this that you can watch yourself, as I’ve gone into great lengths discussing this before.
Now, of course I am also aware of the COVFEFE House Bill 2884 — Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement Act of 2017, or the COVFEFE Act of 2017, which talks about communications.
Now, if there truly was a plan to end the central bankers’ and Rothschilds’ petrodollar, there would need to be a way for the good guys to communicate to each other that was un-hackable and unable to be intercepted, correct?
I mean, Trump couldn’t just pick up the phone and call people—it had to be secure!
Bitcoin is not only a monetary system, but a secure communications system that cannot be intercepted by the bad guys.
So, how could they communicate with each other?
Well, you can communicate securely through the Bitcoin network, and there is also this thing called ‘Steganography,’ which involves hiding secret data within an ordinary, non-secret file or message in order to avoid detection.
Perhaps in an image of a PEPE?
Sure enough, we get this Q Drop 2712, which features none other than a PEPE and talking about secure communications.
The 40,000 foot view on COVFEFE
The information here in this article is only a taste of what we have uncovered as far as timestamps and connections to PEPE, Bitcoin, Trump et al. is concerned.
If you would like to see more of these, I’ll be releasing more deep dives on my personal Substack, linked at the bottom of this feature.
I recommend you read this article a few times to let it marinate in your brain and ruminate on how humanity would have any chance at removing the money changers from our world forever.
THE CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies) are coming, whether we like it or not. These CBDC’s will give the authoritarians complete control and surveillance over everything that you do.
We have one shot at fighting back against pure tyranny, and I believe that’s with Bitcoin.
The money is the key and the foundation for everything. If we lose the fight against the state monopoly of fiat money, we lose for the next 10,000 years. Truly, all cards are on the table at this point, and we encourage you to take a closer look at bitcoin and what it can do for everyone—not just Americans.
I also want to point out that Trump is a huge part of implementing this part of the game, and at the perfect time.
Q Drop 4545 says this perfectly:
The Invisible Enemy is Inflation, the Petrodollar & the Money Printers.
In the end, we win, because you can’t stop BITCOIN … in fact, Nothing Can.
From October 31st:
Q … what exactly did you start on October 31st?
‘Nothing can stop what is coming,’ is not just a catch-phrase.
The Bitcoin White Paper was also released on 10/31/2008.
Q Drop 314 The day before 3/15
What “Break” our we referring to?
The Petrodollar?
In this 11/11 post below, we see exactly what INFLATION is.
Silent Thieves … Taxation without representation …
11/22 = the day they assassinated Kennedy.
In ancient Rome, ‘Triumvirate’ referred to a group of three men holding power, in particular, the First Triumvirate—the unofficial coalition of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus in 60 BC.
The GREEN light could be the timing of when a Black Swan event for Bitcoin happens, and nation states go all in. (11.11 timestamp.)
This is an open-source dig, and I encourage any kind of feedback … even from the haters!
Badlands Media articles and features represent the opinions of the contributing authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Badlands Media itself.
If you enjoyed this contribution to Badlands Media, please consider checking out more of my work for free at GMoney’s Substack.
All that on 3/15
Thanks a bundle for your work!
Great column, my friend.