In my previous article, I talked about how the government is the problem and not the solution.
I’ve been revealing in this series of articles how a shadow government has been set up by George H.W. Bush in order to control the entire executive branch, including the president. This corrupt shadow government used “free trade” as the excuse to increase drug trafficking across the southern border, and “deregulation” of the banking system in order to rob the treasury and launder money through the Savings and Loan crisis.
Those are two huge examples of how bad a government can be when it is completely corrupt and controlled by a cabal of elites.
But for four years, we saw a glimpse of what a good government could look like.
Even while battling against a shadow government that was imbedded within his own administration, Donald Trump did a government reset and made huge strides in turning the ship around and focusing the government once again on serving the people. Trump showed the American people a huge contrast between what the government has been and what it could be.
That was just a taste of what’s to come.
We are always going to have a government. What that government looks like is the real question.
Are we going to have a government that rules the people, or serves the people?
I believe Trump and our military are executing a plan that will give the government back to the people and restore the constitution. I think that ball is already in motion and a done deal. Everything is being timed and our government is going to be transformed.
But here’s the big question:
Once you’ve restored a constitutional government, how do you ensure that the people maintain control of their government long after Trump is gone? How do you protect the American peoples’ constitutional rights for many generations?
I have said for a long time that the keystone is money.
Q often told us to follow the money.
Because the enemy has been stealing our money for a very long time, and money buys power.
A portion of Q post #2807:
[TOPIC: TAXPAYER THEFT] INSIDER vs OUTSIDER RETAIN CONTROL vs. LOSE CONTROL Kennedy was an outsider [assassinated] Reagan was an outsider [assassination attempt] POTUS is an outsider [CLAS HIGH]
Taxpayer theft.
It’s always been about the “insiders vs the outsiders.”
The insiders are stealing the taxpayers money, and have been protected by a two tier justice system set up by a shadow government. This corrupt system has been operating for many generations. Trump is an outsider, and is doing everything he can to completely transform our system of government and restore the constitution.
It’s always been about one thing: CONTROL.
Who has control?
Is it the people or the government?
Our government has been controlled for a long time, but not by the people. A global cabal of elites controlled our government, and our politicians were their personal puppets.
Here’s two Q drops explaining it:
+FLY+ is referring to the Rothschilds family who have controlled the global banking system for many generations going back to the Napoleonic wars.
Q mentioned that the Rothschilds control the banks, which then allows them to control governments because they control their economies. They then use those governments to control the people.
Prince Alwaleed controlled many of the key politicians in our government. I will begin to make that case in the coming articles. Soros controlled the political organizations like Antifa and BLM that our corrupt government continuously fed tax payer money into, in order to prop them up.
That Q post is a snapshot of where the real control was before Trump became president. We were a long way from the founding principles of this country.
It was never meant to be this way. It’s supposed to be a government by the people and for the people. The government’s job is to serve the people and protect their constitutional rights.
So how do you give the power back to the people?
You have to place them above the government and the banks that control them. The people must have power over both.
But here’s a bigger question:
How do you ensure that the power stays with the people long into the future?
I believe Trump is a great 5D chess master because he’s looking at things far into the future. He’s trying to restore the constitution and our founding principles and prevent another insurgency long after he’s gone.
There’s one thing you have to do if you want to preserve the rights of the American people far into the future.
What is it?
The answer is mentioned right in the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Don’t miss that important last part. It’s the key to the future.
“To provide new Guards for their future security.”
What’s the key to our future?
I believe Trump’s plan involves putting in place many safeguards in order to protect the power of the people and the constitution. To prevent another government that is controlled by banks, we are going to need to transform the banking system and install many safeguards to prevent banks from being corrupted.
Why is this so important?
Banks are always going to exist. Just like governments, banks play an important role in society. They allow funding for businesses and projects that would otherwise never get started.
But what those banks look like is the real question. Who controls them and has power over the banking system is what’s important.
Right now, the entire banking system is centralized. That’s how a corrupt cabal of elites have been able to control the entire system. The entire banking system needs to be decentralized. I believe the global central banking system is being bankrupted and a new system is being built by the BRICS+ nations, who are allied with Trump.
I wrote about that in these three previous articles: Master and Commander, The Master Builder and Shared Interests.
Those three articles gave my opinion on what’s happening on a global scale to replace this debt slavery system controlled by banks and to help prevent another one in the future.
But how are we going to change things in America?
How do you fix the broken and corrupt banking system in America for the future?
The banks are controlling the entire financial system.
This is part of Q drop #2807:
Who controls the distribution of funds? Who accounts for the funds? Who has access to the funds? Who ‘really’ has access to the funds? Do funds return in the form of political donations? Do funds return in the form of massive donations to ‘FOUNDATIONS’ and/or ‘INSTITUTES’? Do funds return in the form of offshore bank accounts for future payments/payoffs?
“Trillions of dollars at stake.” "Controlled by group of special interests." "Illusion of democracy." [Welcome to the Real World]
The “real world” today is an “illusion of democracy.”
The United States of America was founded as a constitutional republic, and the people were given all the power. The people are supposed to be in control.
It’s all about: “Reclaiming what is rightfully ours!!”
Trump and our military are going to hand back control to the American people. It will be up to us after that to take responsibility and maintain control. That is why Trump says that “together,” we are going to save this country.
Don’t miss those two very important questions in that Q drop:
Who accounts for the funds, and who has access to the funds?
We need a new, open and honest banking system—a system where the peoples personal savings are protected.
There are no safeguards or checks and balances in place to protect the rights of the people today. That’s what Trump is going to change. Trump was the “outsider” the enemy feared. They know they have lost control of things and can do nothing to stop what’s coming.
But what’s coming?
The key to our future is giving the people control and setting safeguards in place to prevent banks from controlling our government ever again.
The entire banking system has been centralized in a way to constantly victimize the American people. We are trapped in a system where our money does not belong to us; it’s a debt instrument that we pay interest on continuously, as it is purposely devalued every year by a system that creates inflation by printing more debt. The IRS was created to collect those debt payments from the American people. I don’t believe the IRS will even exist when we win this war.
The banking system is set up to prey on the most vulnerable, and to reward the favored class. They are constantly charging us fees for the use of what’s supposed to be our own money. Those fees keep going up, and new ones are constantly created in order to drain the American peoples personal savings.
Savings accounts are a huge part of this future plan.
The American people having control of a savings account as a safety net is a vital safeguard that must be put in place and protected. The government must be prevented from stealing the American peoples’ savings through inflation and taxation.
I believe that’s exactly what’s coming.
Our savings rate is dropping drastically in this high inflation environment that we are currently living in. People are draining their savings and taking on more debt just to survive. They are using their savings to pay for bills and food. All of this gives more power to the government, which is controlled by the cabal.
It’s a debt trap that we have all been victims of for many generations.
What’s the answer?
What safeguards can prevent this in the future?
Q often said, ‘Future proves past.’
I believe I’ve found a story from the past with an example of some great safeguards, and also evidence that Trump is already setting up similar safeguards for our future behind the scenes that I think everyone is missing.
In this article, I’d like to focus on the story from the past, which sets an example for the world of how to prevent banking control of our governments.
My next article will reveal what I believe is the plan to safeguard our future here in America.
Do you remember in my article, School of Assassins and Dictators, where I described how George H.W. Bush and the CIA were installing dictators throughout Central and South America? They were training their militaries at the School of the Americas to terrorize and murder their own people so they could maintain control of the governments.
In that article, I mentioned one country that stood out from the rest. Unlike the other Central American countries that the CIA controlled, this country wasn’t ruled by a dictator or brutalized by its own government. It is still considered one of the happiest places on earth by its citizens. It is a “republic” similar to the United States.
That nation is the Republic of Costa Rica.
It ranks near the top in the world on the happiness index of populations. The people of Costa Rica are considered some of the happiest people in the world for several reasons, and their government doesn’t resemble any of the other Central American countries around them that have suffered under dictators, oppression and rampant poverty.
Costa Rica has a very interesting history and it’s mostly because of one man. It’s someone that nobody knows about except the people of Costa Rica, who regard him as a hero, much like we view Donald Trump.
While all the countries in Central and South America were being devastated by our very own CIA/shadow government, Costa Rica was protected by safeguards set up by this one man. I think he deserves credit as maybe one of the great leaders in modern history, and nobody knows his name.
Who is he?
José "Pepe" Figueres Ferrer
According to The New York Times:
If Costa Rica has eluded the familiar afflictions of Central America - war, poverty and repression - much of the credit belongs to José Figueres Ferrer, a fighter for democracy who died recently at the age of 83.
It was he who took the bold step of dissolving Costa Rica's army nearly 40 years ago. He later remarked with justifiable pride that such reforms gave Costa Rica ''a deeper and more human revolution than that of Cuba.''
That it was: Costa Rica has shown by example how a farewell to arms can make practical as well as moral sense.
A planter who studied engineering at M.I.T., Mr. Figueres plunged into politics in 1948 to challenge a coup carried out by the army in alliance with Communist-led guerrillas. Mr. Figueres, leading an irregular force of 700, prevailed over them and then went on to head the provisional junta that ruled for 18 months. It put into effect basic welfare legislation, promoted education, nationalized banks and disbanded the armed forces. Then it stepped down, and ever since, Costa Ricans have settled their arguments constitutionally.
José “Pepe” Figueres led a 700 member revolutionary force to take back control of their government. It was a civil war that lasted only 44 days.
But what led to the civil war?
They had an election, and the incumbent, who was controlled by the cabal, lost the election. Instead of conceding, the cabal puppet directed the legislature that was controlled by his political party to annul the election so that he could stay in power.
That caused an uprising by the people led by José “Pepe” Figueres.
After defeating the military and removing the fraudulent government, he became the leader of the provisional government for 18 months and then handed power back to the president who had been elected by the people.
That is something that rarely ever happens.
Handing power back to the people is something that should be celebrated in history rather than hidden. The people of Costa Rica haven’t forgotten, and the legislature that represents the people then honored him.
According to
The legislative plenary approved in the first debate the bill 22,289, which declares the former president of the Republic José Figueres Ferrer ”Hero of peace.”
The project was approved in a convenient way just two months after these same deputies eliminated the title of traitor of the Homeland that weighed on former President Rafael Ángel Calderón Fournier.
Only deputies José María Villalta of the Frente Amplio and Paola Vega of the PAC voted against.
José “Pepe” Figueres is viewed very similarly to how a lot of Americans view George Washington. He was also an “outsider” just like Trump, who cared more about the people than power.
But before he handed power back, he installed several safeguards that would protect the peoples rights and prevent another dictator from taking power. These safeguards are a model for the future, and have stood the test of time even under constant assault by the global cabal. I believe many countries may adapt these same safeguards once the global cabal is removed.
What were some of the safeguards?
He disbanded the armed forces.
That removed a centralized force that could be used by the cabal to take control away from the people. The government would later write that safeguard into the constitution. I believe that is a big reason the CIA shadow government has not been able to install a dictator there.
José “Pepe” Figueres was against dictators, and also the CIA.
More from the previous New York Times article:
During his three terms as elected President, nobody was in doubt about the views of Don Pepe, as everybody called him. He bitterly opposed the Somoza regime in Nicaragua, yet also broke with Fidel Castro when the Cuban revolution lurched leftward. He supported John F. Kennedy's Alliance for Progress, but not the C.I.A.'s clandestine wars with Cuba.
“Don Pepe” supported JFK, but not the CIA’s clandestine operations. Why? He saw firsthand how much the CIA devastated the countries in Central America.
During the 18 months that José “Pepe” Figueres led the provincial government, he oversaw the election of a new constitutional assembly, who then adapted a new constitution to protect the peoples rights. They placed many safeguards into their new constitution that have prevented Costa Rica from being controlled by the cabal, unlike all of its Central American neighbors.
Some of those safeguards included how the government would be elected and limited their time in office. They made it harder for politicians to stay in power, which kept control of the government in the peoples hands.
According to Freedom House:
The president is directly elected for a four-year term and can seek a non consecutive second term. Presidential candidates must win 40 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff.
When José “Pepe” Figueres handed power back to the duly elected president, he then ran for president himself and won twice, becoming president in 1953 and again in 1970.
Not allowing consecutive terms makes it a lot harder for a president to consolidate power. It’s a great safeguard.
What about the legislature?
More from Freedom House:
Elections for the 57-seat unicameral Legislative Assembly occur every four years, and deputies are elected by proportional representation. Deputies may not run for two consecutive terms, but may run again after skipping a term.
The same safeguard that prevents a president from consolidating power also prevents members of the legislature from making a career out of politics. That’s a great safeguard.
Don Pepe also created a safeguard that prevents election fraud and has prevented a dictator and safeguarded the peoples power to elect their government representatives.
What was the safeguard?
Have you ever heard of the Cédula?
According to
To date, there has not been (to my best to search any cases) one case of voter fraud in post-1948 Costa Rica elections, the year when the elections were deemed fraudulent and annulled by Congress, leading to the Costa Rican Civil War later that year.
Why has there been no or almost no voter fraud in Costa Rica’s elections in the last 50 years? One word, “cédula”.
In Costa Rica, in recent years, the cédula de identidad, is a credit card-sized plastic card that includes a photo of the person, a personal identification number, and the card’s owner personal information (complete name, birth date, and others). The cédula is issued to every Costa Rican over the age of 12.
One of the biggest things José “Pepe” Figueres did was to safeguard elections for Costa Rica. He prevented fraud with an ID issued only to citizens which prevented non citizens from voting in all elections.
More from
Foreigners with legal residency in the country are not issued the “cédula”. Legal residents are issued a ‘Dimex’ as the residency card is often referred to; all others use their passport which, according to my local bank manager (if you can find one), is the only acceptable ID other than the cédula or dimex.
This is a huge deal.
Unlike our system, where a driver’s license is used as a form of ID in order to register to vote, the Cédula proves citizenship.
Our system has been purposely corrupted by motor voter laws and states issuing driver’s licenses to illegals along with foreigners who are here legally. The Cédula eliminates voter fraud because it is the only ID used for voting, and it proves citizenship.
Is something like this coming to the United States? Is it part of the plan?
There has always been something I couldn’t figure out about a particular Q drop. Voter ID laws were described in a particular way that seemed confusing to me. The wording was suggesting something that makes sense, but might be hard to implement:
Did you catch that description of Voter ID laws?
How do you safeguard US elections long after Trump is gone? How do you remove “foreign interference” and corruption?
Q says that they are going to install a “US-owned” voter ID law(s). The (s) is in parentheses because it’s going to be one federal law. That’s law (singular.)
I believe Q is telling us a federal law is coming that will force all states to use the same citizenship Voter ID, which will remove a lot of the voter fraud in our elections.
Our elections might be “run” by the states, who have different standards and have introduced different laws in order to corrupt our elections and allow fraud to become entrenched. But that’s all going to change. Trump made our elections critical infrastructure for a reason, and the constitution protects the rights of citizens only, when it comes to electing their representatives.
When the election fraud is finally exposed, it will open the door to a constitutional amendment that will create a “US-owned” voter ID law that proves citizenship. All states will be forced to comply because our elections are not only critical infrastructure, but states are also required to follow federal laws in federal elections.
I believe this is something that is coming, and it will help safeguard future elections and the voting rights of the American people, bringing power back to the people and restoring the constitution.
But that wasn’t the only great example that José “Pepe” Figueres set for the world.
What else did he do?
He nationalized the banking system.
This was a massive move to protect the people and give them back the power and control. By nationalizing the banking system, he took that power over their government away from the cabal puppet masters. That made Costa Rica a target in the global financial system, so “Don Pepe” did something that, to this day has prevented the cabal from regaining control of the banking system in Costa Rica.
What was it?
The “public banking option.”
How do you prevent centralization in the banking system? How do you prevent foreign control?
You create banks that are owned and controlled by the people.
You create permanent public banking competition. You safeguard the peoples’ savings and make private banks compete with a “public bank” that focuses on protecting the peoples money, instead of making profits.
What does the banking system look like in Costa Rica?
According to the World Business Academy:
So says political activist Scott Bidstrup, who writes:
For the last decade, I have resided in Costa Rica, where we have had a “Public Option” for the last 64 years. There are 29 licensed banks, mutual associations and credit unions in Costa Rica, of which four were established as national, publicly-owned banks in 1949. They have remained open and in public hands ever since–in spite of enormous pressure by the I.M.F. [International Monetary Fund] and the U.S. to privatize them along with other public assets. The Costa Ricans have resisted that pressure–because the value of a public banking option has become abundantly clear to everyone in this country.
During the last three decades, countless private banks, mutual associations (a kind of Savings and Loan) and credit unions have come and gone, and depositors in them have inevitably lost most of the value of their accounts.
But the four state banks, which compete fiercely with each other, just go on and on. Because they are stable and none have failed in 31 years, most Costa Ricans have moved the bulk of their money into them. Those four banks now account for fully 80% of all retail deposits in Costa Rica, and the 25 private institutions share among themselves the rest.
There are only four licensed public banks in Costa Rica, and they have all been around for over 64 years. They are owned by the people, not private bankers. Their sole purpose is not to profit off of the peoples money, but rather to protect it.
The people of Costa Rica realize how important this is, which is why 80% of the citizens deposits are located in these four public banks. The people know their money is protected.
Obviously the IMF, the corrupt US government and the Rothschilds hate this competition and haven’t been able to do anything to stop it.
Even though the cabal hasn’t been able to get rid of the public option banks, they did greatly damage the economy of Costa Rica when the world was forced onto the Petro dollar and they went into debt to purchase oil for its economy. The IMF and World Bank forced austerity on them like they’ve done to many small countries in order to keep them trapped in the debt slavery system.
But that system is now coming to an end, and even through the hard times, the peoples money was protected in those publicly owned banks.
It’s been one of “Don Pepe’s” greatest safeguards, as, when you give the power over the banking system to the people and protect their savings, you also ensure that they retain power over their government.
More from the World Business Academy:
Stability of the local economy is one of the reasons that Costa Rica has never had much difficulty in attracting direct foreign investment, and is still the leader in the region in that regard. And it is clear to me that state banking is one of the principal reasons why.
The value and importance of a public banking sector to the overall stability and health of an economy has been well proven by the Costa Rican experience.
Meanwhile, our neighbors, with their fully privatized banking systems have, de facto, encouraged people to keep their money in Mattress First National, and as a result, the financial sectors in neighboring countries have not prospered.
Here, they have–because most money is kept in banks that carry the full faith and credit of the Republic of Costa Rica, so the money is in the banks and available for lending. While our neighbors’ financial systems lurch from crisis to crisis, and suffer frequent resulting bank failures, the Costa Rican public system just keeps chugging along. And so does the Costa Rican economy.
Is this public banking option part of Trump’s plan?
Is it one of the safeguards for our future?
Did you know there is actually a public bank located in the United States?
There’s only one.
It’s a state-owned bank, and I’ll bet you’ll never guess where it’s located.
More from the World Business Academy:
In Costa Rica, publicly-owned banks have been available for so long and work so well that people take for granted that any country that knows how to run an economy has a public banking option. Costa Ricans are amazed to hear there is only one public depository bank in the United States (the Bank of North Dakota), and few people have private access to it.
North Dakota owns the only public option bank in the country and unfortunately, not everyone has access to it.
Is that about to change?
In my next article, I will reveal the evidence I’ve found that I believe shows Trump is going to create a “public banking” option in America, along with some more of the safeguards that are coming that will prevent the bankers from ever controlling our government again.
Power is truly coming back to the people.
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As always, I get an MBA-level class from you, Joe. This was such a great read.
Your research is a very essential part of why your writing is so good, but your gift in explaining complicated economic, military and political history to the layperson is what really raises you head and shoulders above the rest.
You have a gift and I'm so glad to be one of the many who benefit from your talent with words. Thank you, my friend!
I'm beginning to sense a familial resemblance between José “Pepe” Figueres, and a certain green amphibian