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The Medical Industrial Complex is not only putting our great nation and its businesses into bankruptcy, but also facilitating population control and modernized eugenics.
Healthcare costs continue to skyrocket out of control, dramatically outpacing overall growth in this country. As far back as 2004, we were shelling out a staggering $1.7 trillion per year on healthcare, which was 14% of the U.S. GDP; it has only continued to grow since then, reaching $4.3 trillion in 2021. (#) (#)
Growing up in Michigan, I’d always heard that, “As General Motors (GM) goes, so goes America.” GM, as I’m sure you all know, hasn’t been doing well for a long time now. Prior to Obama forcing its CEO to resign in 2009, the company had received $17.4 billion in bailouts but couldn’t turn things around. This inability to climb out of extreme debt was due, in part, to the tremendous cost of its healthcare program for employees; they were actually spending significantly more on healthcare than they were on steel and other materials necessary to build their cars. (#) (#)
It would be one thing if these extreme costs provided the American working class with access to truly remarkable medical wisdom resulting in a disease-free life, but sadly this is not the case. In fact, they are providing us with just the opposite.
Rise of the American Medical Association and the Flexner Report
In the words of a wiser man, the medical industry is nothing short of a “Church of Biological Mysticism” with medical doctors the equivalent of “high priests.” Modern medicine has only been around for a little over 100 years, while traditional medical systems (such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine) have been around for over 3,000 years. I’m not saying that one system is superior to another, only that some are more tested than others.
A perception that has only continued to gain steam in the wake of COVID-19 and its response, is that these medical “emperors” are now stark naked. In order to understand the current state of affairs of medical practice in the USA, it’s vital to understand exactly how we got here.
In 1899, a doctor by the name of George H. Simmons began a twenty-five-year reign as head of the American Medical Association (AMA ). At the time, the AMA was a weak organization with little money and little respect from the general public.
Chiropractic had just been introduced into the mainstream, homeopathy was thriving, herbalists were flourishing, and all the while regular doctors were unable to profit from their medical practices. With the state governments reluctant to create laws restricting the various healing arts, Simmons hired Joseph McCormack (the secretary of the Kentucky State Board of Health) to “rouse the profession to lobby.” With McCormack leading the charge, the AMA began to bolster their ranks, preaching ethics (like not competing with other physicians or publishing your prices) and decrying “quackery” (anything that competed with regular medicine).
Simmons had the AMA establish a Council on Medical Education in 1904. This council’s stated mission was to “upgrade medical education”—a noble goal. However, the Council on Medical Education had actually devised a plan to rank medical schools throughout the country, with dubious guidelines to say the least.
by 1910, the AMA was out of money and didn’t have the funds to complete the project. Thankfully, the altruistic Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation saw great potential in the efforts of the AMA and moved to create an education fund that would finish the job Simmons had started. Simon Flexner, who was on the Board of Directors for the Rockefeller Institute, proposed that his brother, Abraham, who knew nothing about medicine, be hired for the project.
Authors Note: although their names are not very well known, the Flexner brothers have probably influenced the lives of more people in a more profound way than any other brothers in the last century, with the possible exception of Wilbur and Orville Wright.
The Rockefellers and Carnegies had traditionally worked together in the furtherance of their mutual goals, and this certainly was no exception. The Flexners already worked for Rockefeller, so they were a natural shoo-in for the position.
The plan was to “restructure” the AMA and “certify” medical schools based solely upon Flexner’s recommendations. The AMA’s head of the Council on Medical Education traveled with Flexner as they evaluated medical schools. Eventually, Flexner submitted a report to The Carnegie Foundation entitled “Medical Education in the United States and Canada,” which is also known as the “Flexner Report.” Not surprisingly, the gist of the report was that it was far too easy to start a medical school and that most medical schools were not teaching “sound medicine.” (#)
By 1925, over 10,000 herbalists were out of business. By 1940, over 1,500 chiropractors would be prosecuted for practicing “quackery.” The 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in 1900 dwindled to just 2 in 1923. By 1950, all schools teaching homeopathy were closed. In the end, if a physician did not graduate from a Flexner-approved medical school and receive an M.D. degree, he or she couldn’t find a job. This, ostensibly, was all so that Rockefeller and his eugenist buddies could dominate the industry, and make a killing both financially and literally, as population control seems to be a key, unspoken element in all of this.
This led to the creation of the pharmaceutical industry as we know it today. In the end, the Rockefeller/Carnegie plan was a huge success. Those medical schools that did not conform were denied the funds, and the prestige, and were typically forced out of business.
This is why today’s M.D.s are so heavily biased toward synthetic drug therapy and know little about nutrition. They don’t even study health; they study disease. Modern doctors are taught virtually nothing about nutrition, wellness, or disease prevention.
Case in point: Back in the 1920s, the public was becoming increasingly worried about the deleterious health consequences of cigarette smoking. Cigarettes were called “coffin nails” and people started talking about “smoker’s hack.” Executives for “Big Tobacco” were worried, so they began to use doctors (actors of course) in their advertisements to reassure folks that cigarettes were nothing to be concerned about.
This sort of campaign continued well into the mid-1900s, with Camel running similar ads in the late 40s.
Did doctors really believe that smoking was good for you? You betcha. They were mesmerized and brainwashed just like everybody else. There were big cigarette ad campaigns in medical journals. Sound familiar? Isn’t there a recent health scare where things later proven to be false were parroted by these high priests of biological mysticism?
It is true that the Rockefellers, at the behest of the clandestine fraternities and orders to which they belonged, were instrumental in morphing medicine into the life-devouring abomination it is today, but what motives fueled this initiative? In my research, I discovered at least two reasons why this is so and speculate on others:
Firstly, the pharmaceutical industry that rose to prominence as a direct result of the Flexner Report would largely be developed from petroleum. The second reason for the takeover of medicine would be to facilitate the goals of eugenics.
Eugenics and Population Control
We are told that John D. Rockefeller created the structure of modern philanthropy that men like Bill Gates and George Soros employ today. We are also told that he endeavored to elevate the poor and that over the last century, his family has worked diligently to benefit all mankind. The average deluded, would-be intellectual will inform you that The Rockefellers are the epitome of philanthropists and should be regarded as champions for humanity.
Maybe this is true and I’m the one who is deluded, but my research over the past few years has led me to believe that this family is decidedly NOT the champions of humanity like the media tends to project; in fact, they appear to be quite the opposite.
RELATED: The Men Behind the Curtain - Rockefellers
Eugenics has been described as “the applied pseudoscience of social Darwinism.”
A significant amount of Charles Darwin’s thinking came from a man named Thomas Malthus who, in a work titled “Essay on the Principle of Population” claims that the human population tends to grow exponentially, while the capabilities of agricultural resources tend to grow arithmetically. In other words, there are too many people and not enough food, so eventually there will be a massive “survival of the fittest” food crisis where the poor and weak die off, and only the “well-to-do” survive.
We have heard this echoed by the likes of Bill Gates and other extremely wealthy and influential individuals, but is this “Malthusian catastrophe” a real threat or is it a load of garbage used as a pretext to keep the population smaller, and thereby more manageable? Regardless of what we might think the answer is, this idea is one of the bases of the modern eugenics movement.
In this author’s opinion, eugenics is a destructive pseudo-science and philosophy suggesting that man should intervene to alter human traits in an attempt to better the human race by preventing the reproduction of the “unfit” and “inferior races” and “useless eaters.” Popular eugenics techniques include “selective breeding,” marriage restriction, forced racial segregation, forced abortion, forced sterilization, human experimentation, the killing of institutionalized populations (mentally defective and handicapped), infanticide, and subversive genocide. I’m sure others, particularly proponents of eugenics, would probably describe it differently.
Sir Francis Galton, the (half) cousin of Charles Darwin, is considered to be the “father of eugenics.” He actually coined the term “eugenics,” which comes from the Greek words “eu” (which means “good”) and “genés” (which means “generation” or “origin”). Interestingly enough, many of the proponents of the eugenics agenda all seem to be related in one way or another; it might be safe to say that these people likely don’t see themselves as the inferior bloodlines.
Galton theorized back in 1863 that if “talented” people only married other “talented” people, the result would be more preferable offspring. To my knowledge, the context for how one would measure this amorphous “talent” was never offered. But Galton didn’t just theorize this; he wanted to put it into practice, so he carried out an “experiment” where the Galton, Darwin, Huxley, and Wedgwood families only bred with each other, in an attempt to create a “superhuman” breed. This concept may have sounded great to these race-obsessed gentlemen, but upon putting this into practice, the reality was not what they had hoped. Within two generations, over 90% of their offspring either died at birth or were physically or mentally disabled. Their family tree actually got smaller, rather than expanding like a family tree normally does.
Regarding the Huxley family: Julian Huxley (the brother of Aldous, who authored Brave New World) was the first to use the term “trans-humanism.” He was a member of the British Eugenics Society, eugenics being the foundation of trans-humanism. Aldous Huxley, along with George Orwell and H.G. Wells, were members of the Fabian society. In fact, many believe 1984 was an expose of what Orwell learned through the Fabian Society.
Though Galton’s “4 family experiment” failed miserably, the eugenics movement continued to grow, especially in the USA, thanks to the funding provided by John D. Rockefeller, who, after creating the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913, quickly took charge of the Bureau of Social Hygiene and gave it the task of conducting “research and education on birth control, maternal health, and sex education.”
Now we’ll make several connections to other popular individuals and programs from conspiracy lore. Via the National Research Council, which was the Rockefeller Foundation’s “medical division,” Rockefeller funded the horrible sex research of Alfred Kinsey, who, along with his fellow pedophiles sexually abused 2,000 infants and children.
A year or two before he died, Kinsey circumcised himself with a pocketknife. Among his intimates was Dr. Ewen Cameron, the infamous CIA-funded mind control doctor who ran the MKULTRA program. Another of Kinsey’s apparent influences was the occultist and overt hedonist Aleister Crowley (“the Great Beast,”) known in the press as “the wickedest man alive.”
In 1913, Cettie Rockefeller (Junior’s mother and John D’s wife) gave $25,000 to the Bureau of Social Hygiene to “promote instruction in social hygiene for female students around the country.” The Bureau of Social Hygiene then funded Margaret Sanger’s proposal for birth control clinical studies by the American Birth Control League (ABCL), which eventually became Planned Parenthood. She advocated limiting “dysgenic stocks” such as Negros, Hispanics, American Indians, and Catholics, as well as “slum dwellers,” such as Jewish immigrants.
By 1927, eugenics was mainstream in the USA, with forced sterilization laws in 25 states. Believe it or not, in 1928, some of the first computers were put to use in the eugenics field, as Thomas Watson (founder of IBM) supplied punch card computers to Hitler and the Nazis for use in the death camps, with the inmates being tattooed with human ID numbers. (Learn more by reading IBM and the Holocaust.)
Many may not realize this, but our modern Healthcare Industrial Complex is deeply intertwined with Nazi Germany, and our friends the Rockefellers played a huge role in creating this unholy union along with a cadre of Bonesmen (members of Yale’s Skull and Bones).
The Rockefeller Foundation created the pseudoscientific medical specialty known as “psychiatric genetics,” and, using the foundation’s funds, Rockefeller funded both of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes in Germany—the “Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry” and the “Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity.” The Rockefellers’ chief executive of these institutions was the fascist Swiss psychiatrist, Ernst Rudin, assisted by his protégés, Otmar Verschuer and Franz J. Kallmann.
Rudin and his staff, as part of the “Task Force of Heredity Experts,” chaired by Hitler’s private army (the “SS”) chief, Heinrich Himmler, crafted Germany’s sterilization law. Described as an “American model law,” it was implemented in July 1933 and proudly printed in the USA in the September 1933 Eugenical News with Hitler’s signature. In 1938, Kallmann wrote a book that was used as a rationalization for the murder of over 250,000 mental patients and various “defective” people, many of them children. Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute (and a Nobel Prize winner) publically applauded Hitler for advocating the mass murder of mental patients and prisoners. Carrel also advocated the use of poison gas to get rid of “useless eaters.”
Hitler proudly expressed to his comrades just how meticulously he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement, as he told a fellow Nazi,
“I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.”
In the 1940s, Rockefeller would go on to fund the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, which hired one Dr. Sigmund Freud to get the ball rolling, with their end goal of determining the most effective ways to manipulate and control the mass consciousness.
Tavistock has, since then, trained individuals who have infiltrated and assumed leadership roles in virtually every think tank, religion, corporation, governmental department, major university, and mainstream media outlet on earth.
RELATED: The Men Behind the Curtain - Tax-Exempt Foundations
In the 1950s, the Rockefellers reorganized the US eugenics movement and added population control and abortion groups. Shockingly, during the 1950s, the American Eugenics Society was allowed to forcibly sterilize over 64,000 “defective and undesirable persons!” Later, due to the backlash from being associated with crimes against humanity, the American Eugenics Society changed its name to the Society for the Study of Social Biology, which still remains active today. (#)(#)
In its 1968 annual report, the Rockefeller Foundation acknowledged funding the development of so-called “anti-fertility vaccines” and their implementation on a mass scale. Other measures to reduce US fertility were encouraged, such as encouraging increased homosexuality, utilizing “fertility control agents” in the water supply, encouraging women to work (to break up the family), abortion and sterilization on demand, and making contraception truly available and accessible to all.
In 1969, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, M.D. attended a meeting of pediatric physicians in Pittsburgh where the speaker was Dr. Richard Day, national medical director of Planned Parenthood, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Day said that in the future there will be hard-to-cure diseases created, and that cures for nearly all cancers had been developed, but were being hidden at the Rockefeller Institute so that populations would not increase.
Are we getting the picture here? The “game plan” of these individuals seems less about “working diligently to benefit all of mankind” and more about weeding out undesirable people. Throughout the decades of the 1900s, the modus operandi of these people has been to control the population, energy, food, medicine, and finances of the entire globe in an effort to escort the US into a one-world government and global fascism.
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I am currently rereading Inferno by Dan Brown. I am a licensed medical professional x 36 yrs who would not work for any organization that is affiliated with AMA or any other three letter certification or collegial organization. I sense rapidly growing abuse of the medical/industrial/pharmaceutical complex. It is all I can do to keep the seniors in my life from succumbing to unpleasant iatrogenic outcomes. We can only hope the coming bankruptcy crisis will defund the “death by excessive diagnosis.” Thanks for this article.
Thanks for this well sourced and put together article Ryan. I've been telling people for 3 years about the Rockefeller's and the Petrochemical industry since I discovered this. So many people are waking up and spreading the message that the foods we eat and drugs we take are killing us. There is a reason people on Instagram such as. Carnivoraurelius, CarnivoreMD, foodgoon_actual, carnivore based, butterfueled, and many more are widely popular with their simple health message of eat more fruit and red meat and cut all seed oils from your diet while drinking unflouridated water and getting sun....even on your butthole it seems. 😂