Where the Art of the Deal Meets the Spotlight
Exploring MAGA Reactions to Trump's Cabinet Picks
A lot of people are freaking out over Trump’s cabinet picks.
This person pushed Covid vaccines and masks, that person is a RINO/NeoCon stooge. Once again, we are to believe, or rather some actually believe, that Trump has yet again gone from a genius to an idiot overnight. We are to believe he has lost all sense of discernment in picking his cabinet. People at home keeping track on X and Truth Social believe Trump is being misled and fooled by the people around him, who claim to be MAGA, but who are really Deep State puppets.
The same people who cheered and openly wept for Trump’s victory only a few weeks ago have come to the conclusion that all is for naught. What is the point? Nothing will change because this person or that person has been nominated for this or that cabinet position. A few weeks ago, Trump was a genius for taking the Office of the President, and the majority of Congress and the Senate—not to mention the Supreme Court his first time around. But somehow, again, he has become a naive, gullible fool overnight.
In a sense, we are like an abused wife who doesn’t believe she deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. She begins to believe she deserves the abuse she receives. They’ve really done a number on us. It’s the way the human brain works.
If one has developed a sense of hopelessness and receives information that should give them hope, they are more likely to reject or alter that hopeful information to fit their sense of hopelessness, rather than changing their hopeless attitude to fit the new information.
Some people genuinely believe Trump is being misled and is making mistakes in his cabinet decisions. Others who push this sentiment are intentionally and knowingly working against Trump, trying to tear apart the confidence and hope people have in him making real change in America. People can disagree with me, but I believe Trump knows exactly what he is doing. I have confidence there is a method to his madness. Look at what he has accomplished. He will be inaugurated POTUS with a majority of Congress, the Senate and the Supreme Court firmly behind him. This did not occur due to luck. He didn’t stumble and fall into this situation.
The Art of the Deal
Many reading this have read Donald Trump’s book The Art of the Deal.
In my opinion, one of the biggest takeaways from the book is that for a deal to be a good deal, everyone involved must walk away feeling good about it. Everyone must feel to a certain extent that they won the deal, or at least are satisfied with it. If one party of a deal feels they are the clear loser of that deal, they will likely never make another deal with the other party again.
In order for everyone involved in a deal to feel satisfied by it, concessions always need to be made. Maybe this means you pay a little more for something you believe you could have got a little cheaper, but by paying a little more, the other party involved will likely continue to make future deals with you, and you’ve maintained a business relationship. The art of the deal may also mean taking your pride out of business deals. Maybe the party you are negotiating with really stuck it to you in the past, maybe they were dishonest, disloyal to you in past dealings with them. Maybe they even stabbed you in the back. You could let your pride get the best of you and blow the deal, or you can have the attitude of ‘all is fair in war and business',’ and get the deal done.
Trump will have four years in office to make real change, permanent change. But in reality, he really only has two years. Trump is only guaranteed the majority in Congress and the Senate his first two years in office. Often times, when one party wins the executive office, they lose either Congress, the Senate or both two years later. When this happens, real change comes to a screeching halt.
Trump currently has the RINO and NeoCons in Congress and the Senate over a barrel. He could really stick it to them and likely they would vote with the Democrats the next two years, blocking Trump from getting anything done through Congress and the Senate, or he can allow them to have some concessions.
If the RINOs and NeoCons are to work with Trump, giving him a true majority in the House and Senate, they must feel as though the deal they make with him is satisfactory. It may not be the best possible deal for them, but it is adequate under the circumstances, so they can accept it. This may result in Trump needing to make a concession on a cabinet pick or two. We may see someone as not being the best possible choice, but it may be a concession needed to get a deal done.
Some reading this may be thinking, ‘screw the RINOs and NeoCons, they have lost, and they will get nothing.” That’s fine, but if not getting them on board with MAGA means nothing will get done the next two years, everyone loses, everyone suffers. They will be primaried out of the Republican Party two years from now, but we can’t wait two years to fix America, especially if there is a possibility that the House and Senate majority will be lost two years from now.
There is a reason Trump was able to become a billionaire in the cutthroat world of real estate, he knows how to make deals, and he understands this also means making concessions.
Have people noticed that some of the people most loyal to Trump, and who have suffered the most for Trump, aren’t currently a part of his next administration? At least not yet. officially.
How many of the current cabinet picks had their lives destroyed for Trump? How many have been to jail rather than denouncing or turning state’s witness against Trump? Trump has made it abundantly clear that loyalty is the most important trait to him. If loyalty is of the upmost importance to him, why would he leave those most loyal to him out of his administration?
Some are saying that Trump not appointing these loyalists is proof that they are in fact Deep State, that they were never really allies to Trump. In my opinion, the people saying this are in fact Deep State, who have pretended to support Trump, but are used to cause discord within the MAGA movement.
I believe Trump’s loyalists will be rewarded with positions within the Trump Administration, but the time isn’t right for this to happen, yet. Maybe they will work in a more unofficial capacity, but they will be a big part of Trump’s plan to take back America. It’s possible that some of these loyalists will replace some of the current cabinet picks closer to inauguration day, or not long after. It’s possible some of Trump’s current cabinet picks are only placeholders.
What if keeping some of Trump’s loyalists out of his cabinet are concessions made to the RINOs and NeoCons? It is possible Trump has agreed to not include them in his cabinet for the time being. Once the RINOs and NeoCons no longer have any value to Trump, the loyalists may join the Trump Administration in an official capacity, or maybe they will always stay in an unofficial capacity.
It is also very possible that some of Trump’s current cabinet picks are people he never intended to be appointed, and the people he really wants to be appointed in their positions are currently waiting in the wings.
The rejection of some of Trump’s nominees could be the concession the RINOs, NeoCons and democrats feel they need in order to make any deals with Trump.
In my opinion, any cabinet picks that don’t eventually go through are likely picks Trump never intended to go through. In this case, the art of the deal is making the parties involved believe they won something, when in fact they won nothing.
The Spotlight
How many people knew who Dr. Fauci was before the Covid pandemic?
The Covid pandemic put Trump in a very difficult position—a true rock or hard place situation. If Trump denied the opinions of the alleged experts, every death in America would have been blamed on him. With the health care industry working hand in hand with mainstream media pushing fear on the American public, Trump couldn’t just come out and say, ‘this Covid thing isn’t as deadly as they are making it out to be, we are going to move forward, business as usual.’
The truth was something Trump couldn’t afford to say.
Trump conceded a fifteen-day lockdown of the country. He also allowed states to determine how to move forward independently. This meant that many red states quickly went back to more normalcy, while blue states continued on with their draconian overreach. If Trump had taken complete control of how the country would respond to Covid, everything would have been blamed on him, and he would have been powerless going forward. With the red states functioning well, the blue states eventually had to follow suit, all with Trump not having to dictate anything.
Early on, during the alleged pandemic, Trump rolled out Fauci and put him front and center under the spotlight every day. The public who trusted his authority and expertise quickly began to see through him. Within months, many were calling for Fauci to be arrested for crimes against humanity. This would not have happened if Trump hadn’t put him under the spotlight every day.
Many within MAGA blame Trump for the vaccines, for pushing them through so quickly. They blame Trump for the vaccine injuries people are suffering today. They are appalled that he takes pride in having rolled out Operation Warp Speed. They view Operation Warp Speed as a mistake, and can’t understand why Trump refuses to acknowledge this.
Why does he continue to say it saved millions of lives?
I believe the Deep State Cabal’s plan for the Covid narrative was to keep America locked down for years, if not a decade. I believe their plan was to slow-roll a vaccine, to take years to get one out to the public. I believe the Cabal plan was to destroy the American economy, leaving only China as the lone economic superpower. Those who chose not to take the vaccine would be put in FEMA camps. One would comply, or be imprisoned. All opposition would be eliminated.
Just as the Greek Empire gave way to the Roman Empire, which later gave way to the British Empire, I believe it was decided that America’s reign had come to an end. The new reign of the Chinese Empire was set to begin. But Trump put a stop to it.
Operation Warp Speed meant the US lockdowns would end much earlier than planned and the US economy would start up again. There is a reason the clumsy George Floyd race riots had to happen when they did. The Deep State was losing control of the Covid narrative.
When Trump recently said that Operation Warp Speed saved millions of lives, I think he is understating its impact. If not for the bogus vaccines being rolled out at the end of 2020, we would likely still be locked down—some would have held out and would currently be in FEMA camps.
Anyone saying they were forced to be vaccinated are not being 100% truthful. I live in the bluest of states ,and no one in my family was vaccinated for Covid. It has recently been reported that 98% of the people in my region got at least one of the Covid vaccine shots.
Sorry, but no one forced my family to be vaccinated. They made our lives more difficult, they really turned the screws on us, but no one held us down and stuck a needle in our shoulders. Too many people are blaming Trump for their decision to take the Covid vaccine, or for their loved one’s decisions. If Trump hadn’t fast-tracked Covid vaccines, and promoted them, the country would have been locked down for years, and he would have been blamed for everything; millions would have lost everything, including their lives, and Trump would have been blamed for it.
It wasn’t enough that Trump fast-tracked Covid vaccines, but he had to promote them as being safe and effective early on. If he hadn’t done this, he would have been blamed for people not taking them.
Sometimes tough decisions have to be made—decisions where your choices are bad, or much worse. You have to make a decision between one out of a thousand people dying, or one out of ten. Again, he was put between a rock and a hard place, and I believe he chose wisely.
What Trump did with Operation Warp Speed is what the Russian captain did in The Hunt for Red October. Trump turned the submarine into the oncoming torpedo. By shortening the distance, it caused the torpedo to hit his submarine before it was detonated. By fast-tracking a vaccine, Trump shortened the time the country would be locked down, essentially forcing the economy to be reopened before irreparable damage was done.
Some of Trump’s cabinet picks are nothing more than shining a spotlight on a person or cabinet position. As with Fauci four years prior, the American public will look at Trump’s cabinet picks and determine whether or not they should hold the position, or if the position itself should be eliminated. In some cases, Trump’s cabinet picks have been put in the position to dismantle the positions they will hold. Basically, they will fire themselves.
Trump has maneuvered through a rigged election system, he has endured a back-stabbing, corrupt political system and even survived assassination attempts on his way back into the Oval Office. Not only this, but he has won the majority in the House and Senate.
The man knows what he is doing. Not all his decisions make sense to us on the surface. Some are concessions to rinos and neocons to get things done during the next two years. Some are spotlights being shown on corrupt people and useless positions. Some of his picks are placeholders. Some will never be appointed; some were never intended to be appointed. Some cabinet members will fill their positions for only a short period of time. Some picks make perfect sense, and some make no sense at all.
I am not suggesting that we hand over a blank check to Trump, or that we shouldn’t hold him accountable, but he is in the middle of a monumental undertaking, the likes of which has never been seen before. We can’t expect him to reveal to us, and at the same time, to the Deep State the inner workings of his epic Deep State takedown. This would be absurd. This would be akin to telling an NFL defense what play you are going to run next.
Trump has earned our trust. It’s time we all started to give it to him. The man knows what he is doing. He isn’t being fooled by anyone. We aren’t privy to information that he lacks.
It’s fine that we don’t like some of his picks; I would suspect he doesn’t want us to like some of them, and this is the whole point of him picking them, for public exposure. But this shouldn’t lead us to somehow believe Trump is now incompetent or naive.
Trust the plan. Understand that if we fully understood it, so would the Deep State. We must be patient for it all to be revealed. There really isn’t an alternative.
Either Trump’s plan works, or we’re doomed.
Call me crazy, but I trust it will work, and I’m now sleeping like a baby.
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Excellent article Eric and I couldn’t agree with you more!
You hit on a subject that I’m constantly trying to remind people of.
People are so fast to see things through a negative lens and just assume they know more than Trump and are seeing something that he doesn’t, because someone online criticized him.
Nobody criticizing him has the full picture or sees the full chessboard like Trump.
They won’t give him the benefit of the doubt or ask themselves why he might be making such a move in spite of the criticism.
They can’t think in game theory, don’t realize that this is a real war and Trump cannot telegraph his every move or speak constant truth.
Deception is required.
These same people choose to ride the roller coaster and hit the panic button, still lead by their emotions instead of logic.
Trump isn’t perfect but those that don’t realize that this is the greatest military planning in our nation’s history, have not been paying attention in my opinion.
Keep up the good fight!
Just read your recent article for Badlands media, and along with this note, I just want to say: You are GOOOOOOD!! A voice of reason while supporting the most controversial guy in the world right now. You make sense of what seems senseless and also remind us to stick to the facts, not to get emotional, let it play out. Appreciate your perspective among the fear and questioning!