Many people within the MAGA, Anon, truther community had differing opinions on how the 2024 Election would play out. Some thought it would be a landslide victory for Trump with Harris conceding on Election Night. Some thought it would take days and even weeks for the election to be settled before Trump would be announced the President Elect. Others believed somehow, someway, the election would be stolen, and Kamala Harris would become the 47th POTUS.
Even those who believed a landslide victory would result in an Election Night concession by Harris feel as though it happened too easily. The Deep State gave up too easy. They must have something up their sleeve.
Are they going underground for four years? Do they have something planned for a future date? Do they plan to block Trump from being inaugurated? What are they planning?
Within hours of Trump being announced the winner, the question began to be asked, did the Deep State realize they couldn’t convince the American public that Harris won, so they transitioned to stealing down-ballot seats in the Senate and Congress instead, as a kind of concession? Or did they try to steal it for Kamala, but it was just too big to rig?
Allowing Trump to become POTUS puts the Deep State at huge risk, and not just risk, but a guarantee that the Deep State will be greatly wounded, if not mortally. Why would they concede to Trump becoming POTUS, unless stealing the election would do more damage to their long-term control, to their existence?
We all remember the Covid narrative. Some never went along with it at all. No vaccinations, no fear, some even refused to abide by the mandates of wearing a mask in public places. Some didn’t believe in the narrative, but played along where they felt they had to. They wore a mask at Costco, and not feeling good about it, maybe even got the jab to keep their job or in some cases their career. While some tried to avoid the vaccine at all costs, others were counting down the days until they could get vaccinated voluntarily, waiting in long lines to do so, demonizing those who chose not to take the experimental drug.
The Covid narrative, hoax, situation, whatever you want to call it, had a huge impact on Americans’ trust of the healthcare system. According to a 50-state survey of U.S. adults led by Northeastern University’s professor David Lazer, in nearly four years, public trust in physicians and hospitals plummeted, going from 71.5% in April 2020 to 40.1% in January 2024.
It’s plain to see, the trust in America’s healthcare industry took a major hit.
31.4% of Americans joined the already 28.5% who don’t trust doctors and hospitals, the people put in charge of keeping them healthy. People who in some cases have personal relationships with them.
As of January of 2024, 59.9% of Americans don’t trust the healthcare industry. This is a strong majority of Americans. The number of Americans who don’t trust the healthcare industry more than doubled in a little less than four years. This is truly monumental, a transition the likes we’ve never seen before.
I talk often about what I call the “60/40 rule”.
Once public acceptance hits 60% on anything, it’s game over. Once 60% of the population accepts a hidden truth, it quickly becomes 95%. There is always going to be 5% that are permanently broken and refuse to accept reality. Now that 60% of Americans no longer trust the healthcare system, the system will implode—especially with RFK Jr. ripping it apart at its seams. By the end of 2025, few Americans will support the healthcare industry as it currently is, before major changes are made.
In my opinion, in an attempt to keep Trump from being reelected POTUS in 2020, the Deep State risked Americans losing trust in the healthcare industry by creating a fake pandemic. Maybe they didn’t believe it would go as badly as it did, but they couldn’t have imagined it would go quite so poorly. Within two months, so many people were waking up to the lies that they had to somewhat change directions by fomenting Antifa/BLM riots.
If Americans weren’t afraid to leave their homes due to an alleged pandemic, they certainly would fear rioting in the streets. Americans would certainly be afraid to show support for a person the media deemed a race-dividing fascist Nazi. If all else failed, they could orchestrate a staged coup at the Capital, labeling Trump a democracy hating dictator. In reality, the people who no longer believed the pandemic weren’t believing the election results either. J6 happened because too many Americans were waking up, unwilling to accept the election results.
The orchestrated insurrection worked rather well. The millions of Americans who were standing up to the corruption and tyranny were quickly labeled “election deniers”. The Deep State was able to turn the tables and actually become victims. Anyone who questioned the election results was considered violently trying to overthrow the government and democracy. The election steal gave the Deep State back the power, and J6 gave them back control over the unruly.
The Deep State put the long game at risk in order to achieve the short game goal, getting Trump out of the White House on 1/20/21.
What is the long game they put at risk? Controlling Americans through a corrupt and fraudulent healthcare system.
If I was to guess what percentage of Americans are now awake, or rather awake enough to the lies and corruption that come from the Deep State media, I would estimate it at around 60%. Ironically, 60% of Americans no longer trust the healthcare industry. If I was to guess what percentage of Americans were awake when the Covid narrative was first unleashed on Americans, I would have put that number at around 30%. Ironically, again, 28.5% of Americans didn’t trust the healthcare industry at that time. If I was to guess what percentage of Americans voted for Trump in the 2024 Election, I would put that number at 60%—again, the percentage of people who no longer trust the healthcare industry today.
In my opinion, if Americans don’t trust the healthcare system, doctors, hospitals, regulating agencies like the FDA, or especially Big Pharma, Americans can’t be fully controlled. I believe the Deep State understood that they were quickly losing control of the healthcare side of their government during the pandemic and chose to ease up on their draconian overreach, in order to save this racket.
Suddenly, one was no longer required to get vaccinated. One was no longer required to wear a mask or socially distance themselves. While people were still encouraged to get vaccinated and boosted, no one had to do it any longer. Oppressive measures were no longer being taken to force Americans to comply. With Americans no longer being forced to comply, the general public went back to not caring about things again—happy to have their rights back, rights that should never have been taken from them in the first place.
Why did the American Government ease up so much on the reins? I believe it was becoming a slippery slope. It’s one thing if people don’t trust Covid vaccines, but what if they start to distrust all vaccines? What if they begin to distrust all pharmaceutical drugs? What if they started to believe the healthcare industry doesn’t in fact have their best interests in mind? The efforts to keep Trump out of office were beginning to put the whole system at great risk.
What if the same thing applies to the 2024 Election?
With what I believe to be 60% of Americans now being awake (awake enough), a steal of the 2024 Presidential Election would have been catastrophic to the election system—the fraudulent election system that has been controlling Americans for who knows how long.
How long has the American election system been rigged?
It is said that the Chicago Mafia stole the election for JFK in 1960, thinking that by doing so would give them control over the Executive Office. It didn’t work, and they and other organizations such as the CIA had to kill JFK to get the office under their control again. I think it’s safe to say the American election system has been manipulated for at least 64 years, and probably much longer.
How is it “lifer” politicians seem to stay in office forever—politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, or Mitch McConnel and Lindsey Graham? As unpopular as they seem to be, they just keep getting reelected. Is it name recognition, or is there manipulation of the elections that is used to keep them in power? I believe it is the latter.
In order for the election system to appear real, to appear legitimate, there must be periodic shifts back and for between the two political parties. With both sides fully controlled under the uniparty system, there is no risk involved for the Swamp. Trump became an immediate threat to this system by being elected in 2016, a non-uniparty member in control of the executive office. With Trump’s massive popularity in 2024, the best the Deep State can hope for is to keep the election grift intact.
Sometimes, when a cheating poker player is playing at a table with players he sees as easy targets, he will intentionally lose a hand here or there just to keep the others in the game. He will sacrifice a hand or two in order to keep the long game going. To protect the grift.
The same thing applies in politics. They have to protect the grift. The Deep State can’t win all the Congressional seats, or all the seats in the Senate, as it would become too obvious. They have to lose a hand here or there to keep up the appearance of a fair election system. Usually, when it comes to the Oval Office, they control both candidates and never take any real risk when they rig it to be won by one side or the other.
One political party can only control the White House for so long before Americans begin to become suspicious. With Reagan in office for eight years, CIA controlled George Bush could only have a one-term presidency, otherwise the people would start to balk. What did Bush do? He passed the torch off to his protege, Bill Clinton to garner control for eight more years. Followed by Bush’s son for eight, and then Obama for eight. People believed the system can’t be rigged because it keeps going back and forth between the parties they perceive to be at odds with each other.
As we’ve seen since Trump won in 2016, the Bush’s, Obamas, Clintons and even Jimmy Carter are all as close as peas in a pod. This shared and publicly expressed disdain for Trump united some Americans against him but further exposes the racket. In 2024, Bush Jr. was less public in his contempt for Trump.
I think it’s safe to say, the Deep State didn’t believe they could convince the American public that more Americans voted for Harris than Trump. Even with the vast majority of the media controlled by the Deep State, they couldn’t convince the public that Kamala was more popular. Their polling showed them exactly how little the public likes Harris and how much they wanted Trump to return to DC.
The best the Deep State could do was to make the election appear closer than it really is. I believe they rigged the election to be closer, not allowing it to be what I would assume was more likely a 60/40 outcome. Again, 60/40 and the Deep State loses all control. At 150 million total votes, that would be 90 million to 60 million.
The Deep State swamp creatures had to concede the election to Trump. This time around, they sacrificed the short game to keep the long game intact. If they allowed Trump to win, it would convince the public that the elections aren’t as manipulated as many believe them to be. It would keep the election grift from falling apart.
If the Deep State believed they could have stolen the election from Trump in 2024 and still maintained their grift, they would have done so. Like with a cheating poker player, if they had won this hand, everyone at the table would have gotten up and left, so the Deep State folded.
Trump with 50% of the votes and Harris with 48-49% gives the appearance that the country is pretty evenly split in half. This is the outcome they are always looking for when they rig the elections.
This election has placed added focus on getting the total voting numbers up to protect the system. I believe fake ballots are being submitted not to overtake Trump in the Electoral College, but to simply get the total vote count higher. They need to reduce the gap between the 2020 and the 2024 vote totals.
Days after election day, the vote total difference for the 2020 and 2024 elections was close to 20 million, weeks later, the Deep State has it down closer to 5 million. They have been able to make the differences in vote totals less glaring, causing fewer people to outright reject the 2020 results.
The Deep State has received very little pushback as they continue to pad the vote totals to reach the 2020 totals. Will they be greedy and continue on until Harris eventually wins the popular vote? Convincing the public that more Americans voted for Kamala would go a long way in maintaining the narrative that the majority of Americans don’t approve of Trump.
Because Trump supporters got their win in 2024, many have simply moved on, unconcerned that the election system is rigged. Maybe unconcerned isn’t the right word, maybe complacent is a better word. I don’t believe this is the right attitude to take. The elections were rigged in 2020, they were rigged in 2000 when Bush Jr. won, and they are rigged today.
When the 2020 election was stolen, there was nothing the people could do about it, and the Deep State took full control. This is not the case now, the people have control, this is the time to act. We should be shouting ten times louder now that our voices will actually be heard. We should be putting ten times more effort into getting election reform now that our efforts can actually come to fruition.
The time is now to fix the election system, and having Trump in office is the ideal time to do it. It’s the only time to do it. We must insist that the elections be cleaned up, completely reformed. We must be persistent. We can’t afford to be complacent, or to drag our feet.
2026 and 2028 will come sooner than you might think.
Let’s not waste this opportunity. It may never come again.
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Absolutely they cheated. they let Trump win by a narrow margin and they cheated down ballot to form a closely divided Senate and house so that the unaparty could obstruct everything Trump tries to do. The cheating needs to stop. Trump needs to fix it so that it can never happen again. get rid of the machines, one day voting, paper ballots and make federal elections voting day a holiday.
Absolutely Erik we must fix our fraudulent election system along with our corrupt fiat money system as well as a long list of evil we must root out and fix or replace.
Trump winning was the next step in this long Awakening Journey we are all on and it brings me great joy but that should just be the jolt we needed to steel us for the fight ahead.
Keep up the great work.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!