May 3Liked by Ryan DeLarme

I have noticed that there has been little or no response to the Fact that Victoria Nuland headed up the CIA operations in Ukraine. She admitted that there were 46 bio-labs operated by the CIA in Ukraine.

I think this was a reasonable reason for Russia to retaliate and take these labs out.


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Great Observation Michael!

Victoria Nuland was no American patriot. she was a deep state plant that owed her allegiance to money and power, not to America.

History will show that those bio-labs were working on an "ethnic specific virus" to try and decimate the Russian population not only in Ukraine but in Russia also.

What ever you think of Putin, he knows that the first job of government is to protect it's own population. A lesson the Democrats and the idiot Biden Administration denies.

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May 3·edited May 3

I think it's possible the reason Disease X hasn't materialized is that the biolabs were shut down.

By shut down I mean.... destroyed.

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Disease "X" as they call it, is really "free speech" and "informed consent". Disease X is putting up a voice of dissent against the medical deceit, fraud and trickery we have all witnessed with respect to both the Ukraine conflict as well as the plandemic.

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from my readings, putin,trump,Q-team are working together to take out US bioweapon labs in Ukraine, take down the nazi government, dump billions of dollars of useless weapons on Ukraine, take out globalist zionist nazis in Ukraine, switzerland, israel, District of Columbia. I don't know where the billions of fiat dollars of aid to Zelensky ends up, most is be laundered, redirected. Pretty sure Ukrainian mercenaries are being shot in the back by their bosses.

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May 3·edited May 3

Any discussion of Ukraine today simply M U S T include mention and debate of the 2014 Maidan color revolution in Ukraine. Authors who leave this out, are doing an incredible disservice to the answer of why Putin went in at all. Dig further and you discover layers of rogue intelligence agency actions, namely setting up illegal secret biogenetic warfare labs and secret CIA warfare centers - the exact things which Putin went in to remove that should never have been funded, by the USA, to begin with. I would guess some of the Pentagon "black budget money" went into these things but the fingerprints of the Rosemont Seneca law firm are also present. We are not supporting any democracy in Ukraine. No democracy has the right to cancel elections and remove the right of the people to cast a vote.

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THANK YOU....it irks me when that is left out. Or not mentioning the thousands of ethnic Russian civilians in the Donbas killed by Ukrainian forces with their bombings and attacks, and the subjugation and denigration of those Ethnic Russians that has worsened over the past decade.

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The author didn’t mention it specifically, but it ties in to everything else he laid out. But I do agree that the 2014 coup absolutely was a red line that was crossed.

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Great article, and I agree with all of it. When the Ukraine operation started in 2022, I went online to get some background information and immediately found Oliver Stone’s 2017 film ‘Ukraine on Fire’. That told me everything I needed to know about why Putin & Russia are doing what they’re doing. It’s absolutely about NATO expansion, and perhaps the bio labs as well.

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That is a good documentary. Learned a lot. It is a good prelude pill, so to speak, to share with the sleepys...

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Thanks Ryan for this very thoughtful piece.

So I guess I count myself in the "patriots are in control camp" and remain comfyAF because I do not believe Sleepy Pedo Joe has any control over military action.

2024 is coming in really HOT and I continue to hope and pray that Trump is officially back soon.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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"No Russian leader since Peter the Great has cast his lot as much with the West as Putin has,” observed then-Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden at the time.




Weapons for Ukraine are being “Trump-proofed,” meaning that they will continue even if the next President wants them to stop. The goal is a new Forever War.



Blinken just called 600k+ dead Ukrainians in his US proxy war a “win-win” situation for US weapons manufacturers, “it produced US jobs” and “more economic growth” and (for that reason) “we need to continue”. Dead Ukrainians are simply an income stream.


Obama’s theory here is simple: Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one, so Russia will always be able to maintain escalatory dominance there.



The U.S. president talks through his hardest decisions about America’s role in the world.


Any 60’s anti-war protestors out there; remember war for profit is bad.


Rep. Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell

Supporting Ukraine not only defends their freedom it creates American jobs. Let’s talk about that more.


Pentagon Backs Up Biden's Claim That Arming Ukraine Helps The U.S. Economy

Arkansas and New Mexico each have seen more than $2 billion committed to making new weapons, replacing old ones, or upgrading facilities.


Everything you need to know about BlackRock, the company that owns the world


The giant investment company's global influence on politics and economics is enormous..


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Good article Ryan!

Blinken is a first class idiot! Any Veteran with any understanding of issues in Europe and NATO knows that Russia has 7 times the munitions capacity of NATO and would decimate NATO before Biden could get his pants on and holler for help!

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Afghanistan bankrupt the USSR which is now Russia. Why should the USA follow suit in Ukraine and go into bankruptcy or insolvency? Why do we care about a corrupt government the CIA propped up in Ukraine. Vietnam all over again. It is not complete yet but I imagine it is headed that direction.

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Incidentally, for those who enjoy fringe ideas, there are many who beleive the current Putin isn't the same Putin who played for the Deep State. You can find this discussed online in numerous places where his appearance changed but more notably his wife left him because she claimed he is not who she married. Full disclosure, I can't read Russian so I cannot verify first hand any of these claims but I can see there are some distinctive features that markedly changed in the 2000s. He either had heavy plastic surgery or, maybe something else is going on.

Couple this with the rumours that NUMEROUS of these global "leaders" look very different from their slightly younger selves. From Biden to HRC to Putin and many others claimed. Why would this be necessary?

How much of a movie is it really?

The end game is to gently awaken the populace from slumber spanning many years so as to minimize the chaos of social and economic unrest. I doubt we'll get confirmation on any of that anytime soon, but I will say that it fits.

Evil doesn't simply give up. And Khazars are well known for hiding in the crowd and slipping away.

Isn't this fun??? LOL!

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Putin had cancer, and may have died. The Putin we knew. This one isn't the same, everything is watered-down you can tell that in Tucker's interviews.

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Also, IMO, the prior Putin just looked ruthless. His head was more elongated, features sharper overall. He really did look like a killer. This one is rounder, kinder, etc.

But who knows, I won't claim this as fact until some incontrovertible evidence exists. Like as it does for Barry and Michael Obama.

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His M.O. (this was from the Kremlin) 'Putin liked to spread chaos.' That isn't the same guy. Despite his physical features, he's the soft voice of reason now. I like it, but that's just not the guy I learned to fear.

Michael and Barry have either died, executed in 'another country' often their way of saying "not Gitmo if asked.,' but meaning there.

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Possibly, a few others like Putin. Who have a twin sister or brother. What else could it be. Maybe, imaginary other person also. Which is someone that is not quite qualified as the original leader. But somewhat a lot different than the shoe-in leader of the Ukraine. Wonder what his wealth is now, from when he volunteered as leader. Compared to 2024?

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An excellent article with a few mentioned omissions like Maidan, 14K killed in Donbas since then, and the immediate and present danger of USA-funded Biolabs targeting ethnic Russians. Those are just the pimples on the top of the high hill of betrayal of Minsk, and two world wars. Russia has every reason to hate and distrust the West. I hate and distrust the West. Boris Johnson's scuppering of peace talks was the most recent betrayal, and now Cameron with his smirk fans the flames with weapons and money and the RAF. We are ruled by criminals and if the patriots are in control they seem to be riding into the sunset.

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And they have admitted that they never had any intention of honouring the Minsk Accords.

We certainly are ruled by criminals. There isn't a single legitimate government in the west.

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Has there ever been a legitimate government?

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Good piece. These days I like you sit somewhere in between. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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It is hard to imagine the end result of this fight between people who want to be free of government intrusion in their lives and government thugs who want to control us without significant kinetic action that causes piles of burning corpses and the rubble of our society.

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When those other small regions and the Ukraine segregated from the USSR or Russia. Eventually, Russia felt the pinch that they needed to keep the waterways to the Mediterranean Sea, open. In order to keep from getting blockaded in. Now, they possibly are wanting to keep control of a buffer zone, to keep those shipping routes open. That is the livelyhood of their country and industry. This is obvious now, at how far they are going to go, and soon split the Ukraine. Russia cannot handle NATO without the help of Iran, China, and North Korea. Hopefully, a compromise comes soon. Oh, also in the past history. People have said that the Ukraine is a popular hiding spot for many big people. Other than just the bydins, and their assets. That used to be those of the U.S.A citizens

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“fake and exceptionally ghey”


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“the U.S. Military is quickly becoming the softest fighting force on earth”



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Aren't the people in Georgia rioting right now wanting to be part of the EU in lieu of a satellite of Russia? It's a small world, getting smaller every day and I believe this is why Trump felt it was better to get along with the likes of NK and Russia instead of nuclear war. Biden cozies up to so many autocratic countries (Vietnam, China,Turkey and now looking like India too) it makes me wonder what this adm is really up to alway villifying Russia. In the past I think we could have been "friends" with Russia (not besties LOL) but the US always stabbed them in the back. War is a terrible thing sadly there is no end to those in our government that keep the MIC going so they can make millions. A big no from me to send our troops there and a big no to them joining the EU or Nato. Macron of France is still saber rattling that he should send troops there. If it does come to pass I wonder would this involve the US military to help the French. Way past time to end the killing. God help us

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