Thank you. Ryan as your articles always enlighten me & make my stomach upset ( this is not because of your journalism it's because the people of this country have been so gullible & trusting & I'm including myself in that statement).

I believe God has placed you in a position to wake us up. I' haven't trusted any of these organizations for about 7 yearrs but did absolutely nothing about researching their origins.

Just seeing Bill & Hil make me sick. They are evil incarnate & I am convinced they will get what they deserve. Hopefully sooner than later. Please continue writing as I look forward to reading them

God bless & remember God wins in the end

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Thanks Floridafan! And you're right, God cannot lose.

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Ryan, Great overview of the manipulation by Media Matters. They have elevated the Pizzagate back into the spotlight for anyone with eyes to see. This just shows the drastic measures the deep state is reduced to implementing due to the ongoing exposure since Trump started to go after child traffickers. We are blessed to be here to enjoy the show... Peace...

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

God bless you, Ryan, for using and sharing the gifts you’ve been blessed with!! It’s a wonderful thing that the truth is bubbling to the top and the planned propaganda of the cabal’s US enforcers (CIA) is failing at an escalating rate. I’m sure there are many more than Elon bringing this to the public...to awaken the populace to the evil perpetrated against we the world’s patriots....but, the great awakening would not have happened had God’s gifted ones didn’t use their gifts!!

God bless and keep you, Ryan. Thank you.🙏🙏

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Excellent explainer on this matter, thank you. Why, it's almost as if there's a global cabal working constantly against the peoples of the Earth, with the new digital (and actual) authoritarianism as their protection racket. These are the real promoters of mis-/dis-/mal-information, the real extremists and sowers of discord. All to achieve and protect positions of power. One Nation Under Blackmail, indeed.

I pray these lawsuits shed more light on the insidiousness of their game and expose the players.

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Great read, Ryan!

Will we ever know what happened to David Brock to so suddenly flip him to the dark side? Blackmail? Just plain human greed from an offer he felt he couldn’t refuse?

Anyway, I really appreciate your well-written article here. Especially love the last bit:

“late-stage liberalism at its finest, where the orthodoxy fulfills its purpose and devours everything in the name of liberation; in this case, it seeks to liberate us from the burden of having our own thoughts.” Great line.

And in the words recently spoken by

Irish Senator Pauline O'Reilly on Ireland’s “hate speech bill”:

“We are restricting freedom for the common good”!

They aren’t hiding their attack against liberty and common sense anymore! As difficult as the 2020 election theft was, these 3 years of EXPOSURE and witnessing the acceleration of it on many levels has been amazing.

Blessings to you and your mighty pen ❤️🙏

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What happened to David Brock? He came face to face with the monster that is the Clintons. Who I am sure made him a deal he couldn't refuse. Whether that deal involved greed or fear or some other emotion (or possibly a combination thereof) is impossible to say. The one thing that can be said with confidence is that the Clintons are Satan embodied. Closing in on 200 Arkancides last I heard.


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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

You stated it perfectly Wild Bill..... Bravo!!

Its that Ol black magic of Killery, that she weaves so well!

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Amen! Amen, spirit sister.🙏🙏🕊️

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My spirit always takes flight into the higher and always kinder realms when I read your words! Love and a Spirit Hug, ALtab ❤️🙏🕊Blessings✨

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Thank you, Spirit Sis, and God’s blessings for you today!🙏🕊️

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Great peice. I won't go into it because Floridafan says it all. Thank you

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Excellent,Ryan! Right over the target!

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