Before Trump, literally nothing in the US Government was what it appeared to be. No one was working for the American people. Thank you for this information I would have never found on my own. You are the best Joe. God bless.

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Thank you Erik! I appreciate that brother and you’re right about Trump. The plan was always to expose the hidden enemy and reveal the truth.

Dark to light and it sure seems to be accelerating!

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Another compelling and needed article, thanks. Before I continue reading it, I received a substack from Celia Farber with disturbing information about what is happening in NC. That FEMA is not rescuing people, but instead bulldozing down remains of houses and covering up dead bodies, not recovering them. This is not right, is it another land grab?

Did the takeover of America start with the stolen election of 2020, and now has reached full escalation? This Federal tyranny no longer acknowledges basic human rights, and has no respect for the law.

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FEMA is definitely doing a lot of questionable things and making it harder to rescue people. It’s really infuriating!

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

…and based upon my observations of the massive amount of chem trails laid down just prior to the change of direction of the hurricane, I have to seriously consider that weather manipulation modified the track to move eastward up through a couple of important swing states to create as much damage, loss of life, and disruption as possible a month prior to an election. The evil done to these citizens is unforgivable and the lack of response, or coverup/land grab is on a par with crimes against humanity. Pray for the victims of this disaster.

I hold this administration accountable for the ongoing disaster created by the deliberate diversion of funds from FEMA and the subsequent lack of action by the federal government. Justice for these crimes needs to be public.

BTW: massive chem trails being laid down today, too. None at all for the days since the hurricane..

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We get lots of chem trails in Kentucky because we are farmland. It’s got to stop.

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Yes Joe, farmland here in west central IL too, and yesterday started out with a beautiful clear blue sky, and by the time I drove home from a doctor's appointment late in the afternoon, the sky was full of those familiar giant X's and the new trails were being sprayed from horizon to horizon as I watched. I'm sure the fallout does not help my respiratory problems.

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They are poisoning our food, right in the fields and changing weather patterns.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

I have well established orange and lemon trees that only produced about 40% of normal yield and only half the size of what they’ve produced in the last several years I’m in the inland Empire in California and I have a friend in a neighboring city who has figs oranges and pomegranate that were planted back in the 60s have the same problem. I first thought it was something I had done wrong until I saw his trees.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

As an alternative, it would be nice for there to be a pilot's union strike. But they could be military planes. Maybe a serious pay cut in their system could bring their program to a screeching halt.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

many share this sentiment. I'm of the opinion they could be drones. I just can't imagine that commercial pilots would be absolutely mum on the topic...

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Oct 4Liked by Joe Lange

I saw two large drones flying very low side by side that freaked me out. I think they were heading back for a refill. But they fly every day…and the chemicals they are dropping contain spike proteins.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

You have more balls than fearless Fosdick. Delete that post immediately my friend.

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There is a special place in hell for the pilots who drop these chemicals on us

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

The thing about that is Asheville became a democrat stronghold, it grew hardcore left over the last 20 years. So I'm not convinced it was for voting influence. Another theory floating around is apparently there are rich lithium (battery) deposits in that section of the mountains. So, some believe this was to crush land values so mining interests could gobble up land rights.

In any case, I agree that using the technologies we have available today from HAARP to "cloud seeding" (including chemtrails), to possible #space lasers (Austin Powers mockery of actual technology) this storm was fed with precipitation and guided over a path of typically great resistance - a high pressure system AND the mountains. There's almost no conceivable way it was natural.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Most False Flags are carried out in democrat strongholds. That's where their operatives are.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Yes, but destroying their own electorate?

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Yes. They don't care about the people. They hate us and want us dead.

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Reminds me of Lahaina. Deliberate and pure evil.

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Oct 4Liked by Joe Lange

The only consolation in all of this is that in the end these evil demons will go directly to hell. Wouldn't that be glorious to see.

Just wish their end would come soon.

God always wins

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Oct 5Liked by Joe Lange

That was my thought, as there’s plenty going on, trails. ALL BY DESIGN! They HAVE to pull out all the stops to stop Trump getting in again. I wonder if it could lead to more conflict???

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The enemy desperately wants conflict. They wanted a civil war on Jan 6 but that didn’t happen.

They want WWIII now and that too won’t happen.

The normies are reaching the precipice with these narratives of the possibility of war and that’s a good thing because Trump will end all wars again when he’s back in the WH.

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Oct 4Liked by Joe Lange

Watch the movie "The Dimming." Using Chemtrails is amateur hour. They can steer weather in many other ways.

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From Forbes: “ “ Here's an interesting fact about the region of North Carolina. It sits on the biggest lithium deposit in the United States”

“ As the United States government and its buddies in the central banking corporate crime syndicates stand to make billions and trillions of dollars off of these lithium deposits that are underneath towns underneath homes, underneath schools, and they can't get access unless the land is somehow completely cleaned off and available for mining, what better way to do that than by washing away the people who live there and all that they own, and blaming it on climate change?"

Here we go again…Maui by fire; NC by wind and water

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Oct 4Liked by Joe Lange

Again, you right on target, Feather. Thank you

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Oct 4Liked by Joe Lange

The DoD is behind the lithium mine too.

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Indeed it is a land grab. albemarlekingsmountain.com submitted permits on Sept 24. There so happens to be a valuable amount of lithium in which they want to mine beginning 2025. Kings Mountain NC is approximately 70 miles from Asheville. There are no Coincidences. The DC regime will indeed kill citizens and bulldoze their homes and bodies for an almighty 💸.

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It is a land grab by our government. There is a lot of lithium in those mountains

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Why are the satanic secret societies loosing control? Satan is the builder of tools, he built the internet, computers, AI. The new works of satan makes satan's past works anachronistic. For the past thousands of years secret societies have been the fundamental "tool" of the "big" satan. The internet (thank you Lucifer) has destroyed secret societies. Absolutely. Don't need them, don't want them, don't like them. The central banks are doomed, incorporated governments are doomed. The whole damned house built of legal fictions (some call lies) is collapsing (can a fake thing collapse?) and the parasites who sustained themselves by using others trapped in the matrix of fictions are scarred shitless because they're loosing their fake world that people were convinced was real.

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It really is incredible to witness these evil people losing control of the world. I have seen God’s hand in this fight for years now and I give God the glory because without Him, we wouldn’t be winning or exposing any of this.

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Oct 4Liked by Joe Lange

I keep repeating to myself, “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord.”

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Oct 4Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you, Joe for acknowledging God's work. Sometimes I just wish his timing was on our schedule. God bless

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It’s hard to see evil-doers seem to prevail but we know their end is coming. Their greed boggles my mind.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

They truly thought the internet was going to be the magic bullet to complete the destruction of freedom and the fast-tracking implementation of their single government rule over a feudal society. They have been isolated from real people for so long (lots ‘of inbreeding, too) that they didn’t understand how intelligent people truly are, as God created man. Instead of their internet being their savior…it’s backfired and will be the instrument of their demise!

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You’re exactly right!!

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If I may - Rev.17:17 lets us know that the Lord will put it into the hearts of the leaders of the satanic system to bring about its destruction. There is a timing associated with it, but the house divided against itself was a prophecy not a warning.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Basel III

It’s not a theory, nor a conspiracy.

Everything we are seeing and experiencing is meant to destroy the old system and guard.


And, here we are.

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It’s incredible to watch this plan and history unfold in real time.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Actually it is, and also a huge relief. I came very close to losing all hope and faith...

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Keep your chin up my friend! Victory is coming!

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Joe, you have hit on a very interesting issue in this article. The public and, especially the Americans in general, have very little understanding of is who in the IC and who’s who in the military. There are very different halves to each of these organizations, some of which act for the good guys and some of which do not. I am knot exactly sure where the dividing line Is in the military. I have a guess, that issue is not my strong point. As you know, I consider myself as a god guy with internal I C knowledge. I am trying to begin a Substack on that subject if I can figure out how to convert IPad pages docs into CvS.

The IC general division comes between the civilian, political IC Agencies and the military agencies that only answer up the military chain of command. I have found that agencies with political leaders disguise their operations when needed and the military agencies still are mostly loyal to their military commanders.

These operations that you are describing in your article covers the actions of both sides of the military and the political agencies. The good guys within the military should watching and taking notes to be handed over to the Commander in Chief. I hope they are doing this, but I have been gone from the IC long enough to not know the current situation.

But, this is why I am trying to write the book, The IC For Dummies. I hope show Americans what their government is doing and what it is not.

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Thanks for those comments my friend. I look forward to your writings.

Q told us that the majority of the people working for these three letter agencies, including the CIA, are actually patriots and I believe that.

In previous articles, I went into a lot of history of George H.W. Bush and the CIA because he was the one that installed the shadow government we are fighting against and who have also committed all these crimes against humanity.

Blessings friend

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Not one bit of this article’s facts is surprising in any way and that’s a sign of how far ‘we the people’ have come in learning the true enemies of our constitutional republic. A great part of this progress is attributable to your ability to research and discern truth…much of which was told to us, but in such a deceitful manner that most couldn’t realize what was actually happening. The more I read (as well as my personal experience) about the CIA, Mossad and MI6 in particular, the more glaringly apparent it is that they have been nothing more than the enforcement arm of the global cabal’s nefarious agenda to destroy all human freedom and enslave survivors of the planned mass killings via wars, man made diseases and man made bio weapons that are passed off as vaccines and cures.

It’s eye opening that we readers of Will Zoll’s Prussian series now understand where this evil ideology originated, the way that the fake Jews were thrown out of western Russia to relocate to Prussia, their goals of having their own country to rule the world from (Israel) and the use of proxy accounts, corporations, government groups, terrorist networks and countries in order to steal from Americans, use that funding to destroy us first. Our constitution and the Bill of Rights are the only thing stopping their plan….

The corrupt and traitorous shadow governments here and abroad are also the brainchild of the Prussians and it’s no coincidence that Ukraine is still the proxy center of corruption, but likely not for much longer.

The evil traitors in our own government are truly key to the cabal’s success and we are going to witness their downfall. It’s happening now with the ‘flood’ part of the ‘drip, drip,flood’ identified in the Q plan.

God bless you, Joe, as you’re one of those gifted for your role in this ancient battle between good and evil.🙏🙏

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I couldn’t agree with your comments more ALtab!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 You are so on target. Will Zoll does such a great history on these evil bastards and you are so right about these intelligence agencies being the enemy’s greatest weapons because through them, they control so many things.

Blessings my friend!

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Great comment, ALtab!!

Left you a link on Badlands today - a very long video interview - but speaking of Israel: they are a piece of the complex puzzle re the JFK assassination. Israel lobbied Eisenhower and Kennedy to give them the nuclear bomb (since it was created by Jews, Israel felt they should have rights to the technology). Kennedy flat out refused. Two yrs after his assassination, while LBJ was at the helm, 200-600 lbs of enriched uranium “went missing” - the Apollo Afair - from Pennsylvania and Israel started their nuclear program.

DARPA Mind Control


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That is some really interesting information.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Thanks for the Truth-pill, Joe Lange!

Feeling precipice-y for quite some time now - really really really praying for the Justice phase to get underway, be revealed….

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I’m praying for that too my friend!🙏

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Thanks Joe. Quite the journey to get us to this point. I look forward to future articles.

God wins!

God Bless!!!

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Blessings Joe! I appreciate you my friend!!

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

I have no words. Between the hurricane catastrophe and the level of deep state corruption, the level of treason committed, I can only pray that God keeps us strong and supports us and those who are in need.

Thank you Joe, great article, as always. God bless us all.

By the way, have we reached the precipice yet?

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Keep your chin up Anna. God is in this fight and because of that, we will win. I believe God raised up Trump for this very fight and he is being protected.

Look at how the evil and corrupt enemy are being exposed everywhere.

Dark to light.

Nothing can stop what’s coming and Trump wasn’t kidding when he said the best is yet to come.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange


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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

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Keep up the good reporting Joe! Can’t wait for your next one!

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Thank you Terry. It’s going to get so much worse unfortunately. The level of treason is really hard to fathom.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

That's why we need to know about it. Our heads in the sand have enabled this evil. High time for that to change.

Keep the faith Joe. Onward! 💖🙏✝🕊

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You are exactly right Bill! It must all be exposed if we are going to have a new start and any hope of preventing this again in the future.

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Hear hear Wild Bill💯

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We're behind you Joe 🙏❣

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Ugh! I know the level of treason is mind boggling, it would be nice to see some justice served to the perpetrators. This feels like we keep getting hit and none of our punches ever stick.

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They already took down McCain and I’m sure there are others but just wait. Justice is going to be very public and it will be worth the wait.

If you think people were shocked by the Diddy arrest, they haven’t seen anything yet.

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Another amazing chapter in our True History…the history of crimes committed in the name of the American people that we knew so little about. We’ve been on a learning curve since 9/11 and it has certainly accelerated with Trump and Q and researchers with integrity, like you Joe! I appreciate the education I am getting with every one of your articles!!

Netanyahu called McCain “A hero. A fighter. A friend.”

Fidel Castro alleged that McCain, “together with [Mossad, conspired] in the creation of the Islamic State” (from The Jerusalem Post in 2014)

CIA and Mossad, two sides of the same coin.

Thank God for this time of The Great Awakening! And for writers, researchers like you, Joe, helping us to connect the stories.

God Bless and prosper you in your work, Joe 🙏❤️

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Thank you Feather! That’s really interesting info from Castro! I think the intelligence agencies are the most dangerous weapons the cabal controls and before Trump, everyone feared them.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Great breakdown Joe Lange!

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Thank you Catherine!! I appreciate you friend!!

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The military IC bad actors are people like General Hayden, who I witnessed, begin SPY gate after leaving NSA for the CIA. Another example is a former associate of mine, Debbie Brooks, who the Washington Post said that first helped Mrs. Clinton with her technology needs. The Director of NSA shut her down very quickly.

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Interesting names my friend! You should write about them because I don’t think many have even heard of them.

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I am. The first one takes time…

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Another possibility military IC actor who controlled a lot of money and who was buried deep in the political side, once asked me to buy a satellite for my program. When she was told that the program didn’t need a satellite, I was told that a satellite would make my program look “cool.” I was relieved of my duties regarding this program very quickly.

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Not surprising!

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It is clear we are on a collision course of good VS evil... Lord willing, we are about to witness "The Big Event" as it kicks off in November... what a time to be alive!

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I agree with you Moose! God is about to judge this evil!

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you for another excellent piece Joe. I remember seeing the pictures of what they did to Ambassador Stevens, they haunt me to this day. I sat in disbelief, shaking my head Wondering how our government could have been involved in this. we know who is responsible, and the rest of them need to be taken down.

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If people only knew the real story of why Stevens was purposely targeted. It’s coming in my next article.

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

Great piece Joe. Thank you. This is going to be great background information for the justice phase and trials coming up.

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I can’t wait for that!!

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Oct 3Liked by Joe Lange

The waiting is the hardest part--Tom Petty

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