Joe’s research is overwhelming. I’m floored by how many facts and details he brings to an article. I feel they are like semester courses condensed down to 20 minutes. Thank you professor Joe.
Someday, someone will compile all of these nefarious deals into a compendium of what actually happened to the U.S. since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. This compendium will be massive, as large as one or two sets of World Book encyclopedias. There will be chapters which you should write. This collection of articles would be an excellent basis for those.
I want the leather-bound collector's edition.
Thank you so much for all you're doing, Joe; you da Man!
I guess because as Trump has stated many times that Sleepy Joe was the dumbest politician in the Senate it was more obvious when he was using his son as his bagman. The crimes were done and bragged about right out in public. The Bushes on the other hand were better at hiding their crimes (and pure evil). But the whole political system (swamp) is being exposed and they all had a hand in it. That is why they never retired... they just died in office...
It all seems so obvious once the blinders are removed but I still find it hard at times to believe I was so blind for so many years.
Fortunately, the Lord has opened my eyes and now I am able to have a front row seat to the Greatest Show On Earth.
Great work Joe, looking forward to your next installment.
The eve of the JFK assassination is a good time to post a family history of GHW Bush, Mr “I don’t remember where I was on 11/22, 1963.” There is a picture of what looks like the young CIA agent at the scene of the crime. I was five years old and I remember walking to the cafeteria across the playground to hear the special announcement, retuning home and finding my mother with tears running down her face over the laundry room sink. My parents extreme distress at dinner, for years really. Or their lifetimes actually. I’m in with those who want to see public executions of these dark cowardly demons. They’re dead to me already, all of them. Still I want to see their lifeless bodies.
Real disturbing info about the Bush family aka the Scherff's from Nazi Germany. Thought I knew just about all there was about the Bush clan but I was wrong. RE the JFK killing, Ive reading Michael Salla's Kennedy's Last Stand which says JFK was taken out because he wanted to expose the CIA's secret MJ-12 on UFO involvement. I'll look forward to what you say in connection with MJ-12 and its members. Salla's read is damned convincing.
I remember sitting in my fourth grade class in a school on a North Dakota Air Force Base, Grand Forks, and our teacher coming into our classroom crying and telling us that President Kennedy had been killed. Being from the South, my family/relatives were not "Kennedy fans" and I was a bit confused at all the crying I saw; almost embarrassed that I did not share their grief. I certainly do now.
Today, more than ever, I am so proud that my father saw Vietnam as a bad idea and retired from the military to prevent having to build runways in Vietnam. After WW2 and Korea, he felt the "third time" might be the charm.
I agree on the public executions and I would be more than willing to re-enlist today for the privilege to have "squad" duty.
“Dark Alliance by Gary Webb: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion” gets into some of the same connections from slightly different tangents. Nicaraguans, Cubans, Guatemalans, Panamanians, Columbians, and Americans. All involved in drug trafficking from South America through Central America into the US. CIA, DEA, FBI. Its all dirty and most of it has been hidden by “classification” by government officials who are all trained that classification cannot hide embarrassing or illegal government activities. Its a big club and the taxpayers ain’t in it.
I used to follow Webb in the SJ Mercury News, as well as Penthouse. Pretty good movie about him, Kill The Messenger. I guess it is true, No Good Deed Goes UNpunished !!!
That Cuban exile brigade was GHWBush’s little private army and trained to do everything from assassination to money laundering. They are a huge deal and exactly why GHBush doesn’t want to be publicly tied to the Bay of Pigs
Zapata Bay in Cuba has oil. Zapata Oil was set up to get Cuba’s oil but Castro screwed that up. The Bay of Pigs was to recover ownership of the oil for the international syndicate.
That’s a very good point. The syndicate also had gambling casinos and was running drugs through Cuba. The CIA has been tied to the mob since at least WW2. Their mob puppets controlled Cuba before Castro.
Correct. The Operation Gladio network used Cuba as its staging into NY and Miami. The syndicate destroyed Cuba with crime but were told how bad Castro was by running them out of Cuba. Not suggesting he’s a good guy but understanding Operation Gladio makes you go back and find out who actually was killing who. Gladio operators disguised themselves as communists all over Europe to commit crimes in the name of Communism and were found to actually be fascists working at the discretion of the western control government forces.
There are no words for the amount of torture the BUSH family and all the rest of the Washington SCUM should receive. Upon Conviction by military court, I would torture them very slowly by the most original forms, everyday another finger or toe would go bye bye. Waterboarding would just be the start of the hell they deserve. They would suffer every single day and so would their wives who know exactly what the hell is going on. None of that immunity bullshit. You laid it out so perfectly... Great work!! The Funeral letters PIC, where Jeb nearly had a stroke, and lovely Laura stopped breathing for 10 seconds while George looked like he shit his pants....... Id love to know what they saw on the card? ANIMALS might have seen a pic of themselves with a child? "The JIG is up"? Cant wait to find out one day soon.
9-11, Our dead soldiers, drug deaths...suicides. These fks have killed so many people. Faking their own deaths like Epstein is the only way out now. Bastards!
Jeb and George's kids and extended family are surely knee deep too.... but that's another series for the future. None of the BS 'hands off the kids' is going to fly with me. Chelsie's gotten a pass up to now, but she's just as involved in the "CLINTON FOUNDATION" as Spirit-cooking MOMMA and Epstein Island loving POPPA
I’m writing as fast as I can but a lot of material. I told people that this rabbit hole I went down was massive and actually keeps getting bigger as I write.
The tangled web of deception has far surpassed a "web" and has gone directly into a myriad of cocaine induced super webs in a colossal nest of viper spiders, each creating their own myriad!
The People had NO chance to know the Truth - until Trump, TEAM and super researchers such as yourself came out.
You did what you said! this installment is head and shoulders above the previous expose of the Bush family.
Did you ever know of a paper called the "Idaho Observer"? It was printed in the 1990's in a small town in North Idaho called Spirit Lake.
I was a law Student in Tennessee back then and someone told me about that paper and I had a subscription to it.
I never was able to verify one of the articles it printed, but it claimed that Prescott Bush was a NAZI and the families last name at that time Prescott was a NAZI was "Schriff" and changed to Bush when they came to the US.
I know from Horowitz's work on "Operation Paperclip" that after FDR died and Truman was president that Allen Dulles, older brother of John Foster Dulles of UN Fame, met with Truman after Pope Pius XII, aka Eugenio Pacelli aka Hitler's Pope, asked for Allen's help in moving the entire Gehlen Org, the NAZI Intelligence gathering organization above the SS to the US prior to the end of WWII. They were moved through the Vatican Ratlines and most went into Wild Bill Donovan's OSS (Office of Special Services) which in 1947 became the CIA.
Wonder if the Schriff/Bush family connection goes back to the WWII era? If so, the Schriff/Bush family has been in covert operations for quite some time!
My articles are laying the foundation for the CIA being the greatest threat Trump faced and in order to give the evidence of that, I’ve had to go back to a lot of their history as it relates to the shadow government set up by Bush.
I'll never forget the day I was eating lunch in the break room of my former employer when George Jr was on TV professing to be a "born again christian".....I nearly choked on the bite I'd just taken as his admission seemed so insincere and phony. This was way, way before I knew ANYTHING about the Bush family or George's involvement with the 9-11 crime. This family's criminal involvements go way beyond what one could imagine, its just so unbelievable!
They tricked Truman. But Deep State was bringing them over. Dad had papers. Dr Josef Mengele spent a long time in S America but died in Georgia as Dr. Green.
When it comes to corruption, it most certainly is a family affair, evidently.
Keeping ‘it’ in the family, as Jacob Rothschild has openly stated, is the rule.
Loyalty to the family is everything and the more wealthy and powerful the family gets, the more the family must keep its secrets hidden.
If I was a betting man, I’d place a pretty big wager on the fact that every single member of these satanic ‘elitist’ families has been honey-potted / “Epstein-ed” - set up by their own family elders, as a guarantee of lifelong family loyalty with the consolation of unimaginable wealth where nothing is out of their reach. You know, just in case they ever feel so used and abused by their family and decide that the corruption and evil is just too much to take anymore???
Adrenochrome also has that effect. Causes an eye to be bruised ie their symbolic ONE EYE. Adreno and Chrome two operating systems of Bill Gates. The Pope, Romney and many others have had that one black eye, Obama recently too but he might have gotten that from the Chef or Michael....or... some guy he picked up for a crack fueled HO down
Ill bet my savings that if Jo took "Inappropriate Showers" with his daughter he may have with his Son. I feel a certain sympathy for the life they endured with that Creep. Attorney Lin WOOD, who was cast aside as a Mental Case, had taped confessions of whistle blowers who were closer than close to the "B"s, who witnessed things between the Delaware judge, where they shared their grandkids with one another. Transcripts were once accessible. Lots about 'P's kinks too....Very EVIL bunch!!
Highly plausible, even if wikipedia is very often nonsense. Always follow the money. The Word has much to say about the influence, deceit, and tyranny of the rich evil.
I agree we knew these agencies had a role in certain corrupt practices with other countries but you my friend shed the light on those relationships and by who was responsible through those relationships! Absolutely brilliant work! Love these! How the average American can’t piece together with what is happening now with what we know happened in the pass is mind blowing! Great work!
Great way to maintain leverage on the spook community.
Your article completely changes my perspective on the various attempts by very wealthy Latin American 'families' recruiting efforts from vets like myself back in the day. Totally different context that even suggests grooming of potential candidates.
Joe’s research is overwhelming. I’m floored by how many facts and details he brings to an article. I feel they are like semester courses condensed down to 20 minutes. Thank you professor Joe.
😁😁 I really appreciate your encouragement Erik!! My two favorite teachers in school taught history and creative writing.
I think I’m now doing something I love, which is writing about topics I’m interested in, which is our real history, hidden behind a lifetime of lies.
Blessings always
You are a treasure Joe
Someday, someone will compile all of these nefarious deals into a compendium of what actually happened to the U.S. since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. This compendium will be massive, as large as one or two sets of World Book encyclopedias. There will be chapters which you should write. This collection of articles would be an excellent basis for those.
I want the leather-bound collector's edition.
Thank you so much for all you're doing, Joe; you da Man!
That would be a great idea!! Thanks for your kind words my friend!
Absolutely agree.
Thx friend!
Joe’s gonna write a book. Right, Joe? 😏
I guess because as Trump has stated many times that Sleepy Joe was the dumbest politician in the Senate it was more obvious when he was using his son as his bagman. The crimes were done and bragged about right out in public. The Bushes on the other hand were better at hiding their crimes (and pure evil). But the whole political system (swamp) is being exposed and they all had a hand in it. That is why they never retired... they just died in office...
It all seems so obvious once the blinders are removed but I still find it hard at times to believe I was so blind for so many years.
Fortunately, the Lord has opened my eyes and now I am able to have a front row seat to the Greatest Show On Earth.
Great work Joe, looking forward to your next installment.
God Wins!!!
God Bless!!!
Thank you my friend! I was blind too but now I see. Praise God!
The amount of corruption is really sickening.
The people have literally been robbed and abused right in front of their blind eyes unfortunately.
It’s time to change that!!
The eve of the JFK assassination is a good time to post a family history of GHW Bush, Mr “I don’t remember where I was on 11/22, 1963.” There is a picture of what looks like the young CIA agent at the scene of the crime. I was five years old and I remember walking to the cafeteria across the playground to hear the special announcement, retuning home and finding my mother with tears running down her face over the laundry room sink. My parents extreme distress at dinner, for years really. Or their lifetimes actually. I’m in with those who want to see public executions of these dark cowardly demons. They’re dead to me already, all of them. Still I want to see their lifeless bodies.
CIA likes the numbers 11 and 22.
I’m going to get to the JFK assassination in this series and I think it will be eye opening.
Right on! Can’t wait.
Real disturbing info about the Bush family aka the Scherff's from Nazi Germany. Thought I knew just about all there was about the Bush clan but I was wrong. RE the JFK killing, Ive reading Michael Salla's Kennedy's Last Stand which says JFK was taken out because he wanted to expose the CIA's secret MJ-12 on UFO involvement. I'll look forward to what you say in connection with MJ-12 and its members. Salla's read is damned convincing.
Interesting but my view of why JFK was taken out is completely different and it’s coming in a future article. Blessings friend
I'll look forward to your take on JFK. Love your writing, it flows. I envy your research ability and see how its connected.
I have been saying this for years
No one here believed me.
Ooh, that’s sounds intriguing Joe. If you’d like to email it through I’d be more than happy to proof read it for you....? 😉......🤣😂🤣
I remember sitting in my fourth grade class in a school on a North Dakota Air Force Base, Grand Forks, and our teacher coming into our classroom crying and telling us that President Kennedy had been killed. Being from the South, my family/relatives were not "Kennedy fans" and I was a bit confused at all the crying I saw; almost embarrassed that I did not share their grief. I certainly do now.
Today, more than ever, I am so proud that my father saw Vietnam as a bad idea and retired from the military to prevent having to build runways in Vietnam. After WW2 and Korea, he felt the "third time" might be the charm.
I agree on the public executions and I would be more than willing to re-enlist today for the privilege to have "squad" duty.
May God, Bless you.
Blessings my friend and I really appreciate both you and your dad’s service for our country.
“Dark Alliance by Gary Webb: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion” gets into some of the same connections from slightly different tangents. Nicaraguans, Cubans, Guatemalans, Panamanians, Columbians, and Americans. All involved in drug trafficking from South America through Central America into the US. CIA, DEA, FBI. Its all dirty and most of it has been hidden by “classification” by government officials who are all trained that classification cannot hide embarrassing or illegal government activities. Its a big club and the taxpayers ain’t in it.
You are exactly right my friend!
The Gary Webb story is coming. I’m saving it for my article focused on the media.
Apprecite your stacks. Thanks for the work and research you put into all of it. o7
I really appreciate your encouragement my friend!
I used to follow Webb in the SJ Mercury News, as well as Penthouse. Pretty good movie about him, Kill The Messenger. I guess it is true, No Good Deed Goes UNpunished !!!
The story about Webb is coming in a future article my friend! It’s a tragedy about an honest man.
crazy, but not coincidental how much runs back to the Cubanos de Bahia de los Cochinos y Brigada 2506.
That Cuban exile brigade was GHWBush’s little private army and trained to do everything from assassination to money laundering. They are a huge deal and exactly why GHBush doesn’t want to be publicly tied to the Bay of Pigs
Zapata Bay in Cuba has oil. Zapata Oil was set up to get Cuba’s oil but Castro screwed that up. The Bay of Pigs was to recover ownership of the oil for the international syndicate.
That’s a very good point. The syndicate also had gambling casinos and was running drugs through Cuba. The CIA has been tied to the mob since at least WW2. Their mob puppets controlled Cuba before Castro.
Correct. The Operation Gladio network used Cuba as its staging into NY and Miami. The syndicate destroyed Cuba with crime but were told how bad Castro was by running them out of Cuba. Not suggesting he’s a good guy but understanding Operation Gladio makes you go back and find out who actually was killing who. Gladio operators disguised themselves as communists all over Europe to commit crimes in the name of Communism and were found to actually be fascists working at the discretion of the western control government forces.
Truth is, CIA is MI-6, and the Brits are all about destroying nations with drugs.
And Joe, what else was happening in the early 90s? Kosovo and Iraq War to take out Saddam Huessein. Everyone was watching over there and not here.
This piece makes absolute total sense. Thank you for all your effort. The truth will make you free.
Have a wonderful and restful holiday. We appreciate you so much!!!
Blessings Pamela always! I appreciate you!
Just wait!
I’m going to get to the wars in the Middle East and Kosovo.
Lots of bombshells coming!
Happy Thanksgiving, Joe. 🙏🏼❤️
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Pamela! Blessings friend!
There are no words for the amount of torture the BUSH family and all the rest of the Washington SCUM should receive. Upon Conviction by military court, I would torture them very slowly by the most original forms, everyday another finger or toe would go bye bye. Waterboarding would just be the start of the hell they deserve. They would suffer every single day and so would their wives who know exactly what the hell is going on. None of that immunity bullshit. You laid it out so perfectly... Great work!! The Funeral letters PIC, where Jeb nearly had a stroke, and lovely Laura stopped breathing for 10 seconds while George looked like he shit his pants....... Id love to know what they saw on the card? ANIMALS might have seen a pic of themselves with a child? "The JIG is up"? Cant wait to find out one day soon.
I can get behind that!! They don’t value our lives at all.
9-11, Our dead soldiers, drug deaths...suicides. These fks have killed so many people. Faking their own deaths like Epstein is the only way out now. Bastards!
Just wait till I get to my 9/11 article. Big bombshells coming.
Waiting with bated breath
I think I’ve got one more article before I make my way to the wars in the Middle East that will lead up to 9/11
Jeb and George's kids and extended family are surely knee deep too.... but that's another series for the future. None of the BS 'hands off the kids' is going to fly with me. Chelsie's gotten a pass up to now, but she's just as involved in the "CLINTON FOUNDATION" as Spirit-cooking MOMMA and Epstein Island loving POPPA
You’re exactly right! Their kids are trained in evil too
Absolutely agree 💯% with you Catherine. The kids are just as knee deep in it all as the elders.
Hope these are all coming soon , i simply must read it all to confirm my gut feelings all these years !
I’m writing as fast as I can but a lot of material. I told people that this rabbit hole I went down was massive and actually keeps getting bigger as I write.
Sickening people in power over us. It all must fall.
It’s going to be torn down and we will taste freedom for the first time.
Will we know it ??
The whole world will taste real freedom for the first time.
The Funeral
Serious digs my fren!
Thank you.
Thank you very much! I really appreciate that. I have so much more material still left to share in this series.
And I, for one, can't wait to read it!!
The tangled web of deception has far surpassed a "web" and has gone directly into a myriad of cocaine induced super webs in a colossal nest of viper spiders, each creating their own myriad!
The People had NO chance to know the Truth - until Trump, TEAM and super researchers such as yourself came out.
May God bless your endeavors INDEED!!
You're an amazing Patriot my fren!
*Tips hat
Much Love
That really encouraged me my friend and I thank you for that!!
Buckle up!
Material coming, isn’t going to get any easier to swallow.
You did what you said! this installment is head and shoulders above the previous expose of the Bush family.
Did you ever know of a paper called the "Idaho Observer"? It was printed in the 1990's in a small town in North Idaho called Spirit Lake.
I was a law Student in Tennessee back then and someone told me about that paper and I had a subscription to it.
I never was able to verify one of the articles it printed, but it claimed that Prescott Bush was a NAZI and the families last name at that time Prescott was a NAZI was "Schriff" and changed to Bush when they came to the US.
I know from Horowitz's work on "Operation Paperclip" that after FDR died and Truman was president that Allen Dulles, older brother of John Foster Dulles of UN Fame, met with Truman after Pope Pius XII, aka Eugenio Pacelli aka Hitler's Pope, asked for Allen's help in moving the entire Gehlen Org, the NAZI Intelligence gathering organization above the SS to the US prior to the end of WWII. They were moved through the Vatican Ratlines and most went into Wild Bill Donovan's OSS (Office of Special Services) which in 1947 became the CIA.
Wonder if the Schriff/Bush family connection goes back to the WWII era? If so, the Schriff/Bush family has been in covert operations for quite some time!
Their family are directly tied to the Nazi’s.
My articles are laying the foundation for the CIA being the greatest threat Trump faced and in order to give the evidence of that, I’ve had to go back to a lot of their history as it relates to the shadow government set up by Bush.
The Bush family is completely corrupt.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and keep up the great work!
Happy Thanksgiving my friend!
I'll never forget the day I was eating lunch in the break room of my former employer when George Jr was on TV professing to be a "born again christian".....I nearly choked on the bite I'd just taken as his admission seemed so insincere and phony. This was way, way before I knew ANYTHING about the Bush family or George's involvement with the 9-11 crime. This family's criminal involvements go way beyond what one could imagine, its just so unbelievable!
It’s absolutely sickening and the fact they try to hide behind faith and patriotism is all a CIA public narrative for us Plebes.
It fooled me and a lot of people unfortunately, but we need to learn from our mistakes so we won’t be fooled again.
They tricked Truman. But Deep State was bringing them over. Dad had papers. Dr Josef Mengele spent a long time in S America but died in Georgia as Dr. Green.
I can believe it. The shadow government was already working beyond any presidential oversight
Yes....all from Prussia. Home of the original Nazis.
When it comes to corruption, it most certainly is a family affair, evidently.
Keeping ‘it’ in the family, as Jacob Rothschild has openly stated, is the rule.
Loyalty to the family is everything and the more wealthy and powerful the family gets, the more the family must keep its secrets hidden.
If I was a betting man, I’d place a pretty big wager on the fact that every single member of these satanic ‘elitist’ families has been honey-potted / “Epstein-ed” - set up by their own family elders, as a guarantee of lifelong family loyalty with the consolation of unimaginable wealth where nothing is out of their reach. You know, just in case they ever feel so used and abused by their family and decide that the corruption and evil is just too much to take anymore???
Like Hunter Biden perhaps???
I think you’re exactly right. Anybody remember GWB with a black eye as president.
I think he got the message
Adrenochrome also has that effect. Causes an eye to be bruised ie their symbolic ONE EYE. Adreno and Chrome two operating systems of Bill Gates. The Pope, Romney and many others have had that one black eye, Obama recently too but he might have gotten that from the Chef or Michael....or... some guy he picked up for a crack fueled HO down
WARNING.... Not for the faint of heart
Ill bet my savings that if Jo took "Inappropriate Showers" with his daughter he may have with his Son. I feel a certain sympathy for the life they endured with that Creep. Attorney Lin WOOD, who was cast aside as a Mental Case, had taped confessions of whistle blowers who were closer than close to the "B"s, who witnessed things between the Delaware judge, where they shared their grandkids with one another. Transcripts were once accessible. Lots about 'P's kinks too....Very EVIL bunch!!
Bush Sr and ‘The Franklin Scandal’ . . . The Johnny Gosch child kidnap. I believe the surviving kids.
Highly plausible, even if wikipedia is very often nonsense. Always follow the money. The Word has much to say about the influence, deceit, and tyranny of the rich evil.
Great article! I got me thinking....
Was the Bush senior’s wartime shoot down and rescue at sea a real actual event or a setup to a pretend event or narrative?
I’ll bet it was fake.
It was probably as real as Killery's account of her "Landing under sniper fire" in Bosnia, when actual footage showed she's a pathological liar..
I agree we knew these agencies had a role in certain corrupt practices with other countries but you my friend shed the light on those relationships and by who was responsible through those relationships! Absolutely brilliant work! Love these! How the average American can’t piece together with what is happening now with what we know happened in the pass is mind blowing! Great work!
Thank you so much Reaper!! I’m trying my best to open up one person’s eyes at a time to the truth!
Blessings friend
Great way to maintain leverage on the spook community.
Your article completely changes my perspective on the various attempts by very wealthy Latin American 'families' recruiting efforts from vets like myself back in the day. Totally different context that even suggests grooming of potential candidates.
I think you’re right!!
Are you on X, I'd love to be able to repost your posts there, as opposed to a substack link that doesn't expand and therefore gets ignored?
I am.
Linking now