"1. Criminal enterprises masquerading as “government” are, without exception, wrong.
"2. We mustn’t hold innocent civilians personally culpable for the actions of said “governments”.
"The goal should not be for one side to lay waste and decimate the other side (though losses in war do occur)—the goal should be for the removal of criminal elements from these governments."
YES! EXACTLY!! I do not understand why more people cannot see this clearly. I see it clear as day.
Just wars need clear objectives, which can be achieved with a minimum of collateral damage. Said objectives must also be unambiguous -- when they are achieved, there is no uncertainty that the objectives have been achieved.
The only acceptable military objective (for me anyway) here would be surgical decapitation of the Iranian regime. Take out the mullahs who have been making all the trouble, and the terrorism and nuclear threat should go away. The US knew where Soleimani was; I'm sure that the IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet know where the key mullahs are as well.
Demanding the release of all hostages is also non-negotiable, but it is questionable whether a military operation is the best way to accomplish such a goal. It would require a very precise battle plan, and impeccable execution. (The same can be said of removal of the Iranian regime.) Negotiation, if possible, would always be the best choice; if the Hamas leaders realize that their Iranian backers have all just been killed, they might be in a much more favorable frame of mind vis-a-vis negotiation.
The "avalanche" theory you refer to is technically called the "catastrophe theory" and is described mathematically. It applies to many types of real-world phenomena, including social change. It is characterized by constant minute changes that appear invisible, followed by a rapid period of catastrophic change. When the catastrophe happens, it is clear in retrospect that the catastrophe had been building over a long period of time. The Fourth Turning is a historical treatment of the same phenomena. None of this changes the correctness of your analysis, which I share.
I was not aware of catastrophe theory—that's an extremely useful bit of info, and I greatly appreciate you letting me know about it. I'm always up for learning better, more mathematically precise ways of describing things. Godspeed!
"When the catastrophe happens, it is clear in retrospect that the catastrophe had been building over a long period of time."
Almost every societal catastrophe we have experienced was warned of long before it happened. Most of these catastrophes are caused by government, and when they happen, the media claim that no one could have seen them coming.
"...power has been centralized and government control increased... Only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism... I predicted it six hundred years into the future. Today it seems quite possible that the horror may be upon us within a single century."
Alduous Huxlely, 1946 Foreward to the 1932 novel Brave New World
Volcanoes work much the same way, FWIW. Today seismographs can be used to chart and, to a certain extent, predict the progress of an impending eruption; but prior to modern technology the first real warning of an eruption was often the eruption itself.
You might add to your stance," Never feel guilt over things for which you are not responsible." Also, I: have put these in comments before:
These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the inetrnet through searches. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Thank You.
The Five Rules of Propaganda
1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.
2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.
4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.
5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.
I think this one is where they try to change culture itself. Example would trying to change the culture to accept easy divorce, homosexuality, trans things, etc. Use propaganda to change the values of the culture by using 1 ,2 ,4 and 5.
What an excellent assessment of the importance of propaganda in a way that new readers can grasp. Many of us have learned years ago not to trust what is read and only half of what is seen....this is years before technology now has us not trusting anything we see. The next year is a key point in this war and we must assess unemotionally to get even a glimpse into actual reality.
And American Hypnotist’s excellent read was a breath of fresh air…and just like that, I am (for now ; ) completely free of the emotional matrix. Thank you very much for a delightful read ❤️
Of course, one of the many enemies, but they are the vanguard, inflicting the ongoing divisive narrative, whether they are operatives, have been bought, threatened, blackmailed, or are just useful eejits.
Until this has been addressed, nothing will change.
Hypnotist offers good argument, but we who live in communities and families look around us and know that there is a large chunk of society that is addicted to these talking heads and keyboard influencers. Check the comboxes. How is it that Biden is still here and considered to be a mere 4% behind djt? He should be 40% behind.
"large chunk of society that is addicted" -- indeed; but it is getting smaller by the day.
Brandon -- a whole different matter, but related in that those are mostly also part of the "large chunk of society that is addicted."
It won't happen all at once, and there will be some to whom the truth will never come. But, it is happening; and it is accelerating. Drip, drip, FLOOD.
If it helps, basically all of the stats are fake to some degree. Even the most honest pollsters out there still can't fully extrapolate from a small sample size what's going on with a country of 330 million people.
The amount of effort they had to put in to rig the election is a really good metric for knowing what the true public sentiment really is—according to that metric, Trump's popularity is gargantuan compared to Biden's.
There is evidence. To me, the biggest is that Trump is running. He knows he can't win if [they] are allowed to fraud the 2024 election like they did '18, '20, '22. He's running, so he knows something we don't -- that the elections will not be rigged this time. Otherwise, why would he put up with all of this? It's costing him millions of dollars and time and frustration. He knows something. He can't tell us yet... at least not directly. But for those who are paying attention, there are other sometimes not-so-subtle hints. Noah at WLT covers it best:
What I can't understand is the mere delusional run of the mill reporters that still repeat known lies as their profession on the daily under their ignorance (doubtful, if remotely intelligent) of compliance and truth be damned, without leaving and calling their handlers out as they are also citizens of this nation and have to deal with this daily nightmare as we do. Have they no shame? I think they should be tried in court for corruption if you ask me.
IDK about all the Q stuff, because trusting in an unseen plan, is not really something I'm down with.
That said many things going on now are definitely fake, and many more people are beginning to see that. Like your car analogy. Things are so crazy, that older programming won't suffice. They're stirring people up, before there's even a direction to send them in! It's immediately noticeable. And, when the people are given direction, it's stupid and last minute.
At the end of the day, whether Q is real or not, the end goal remains the same—we the people need to wake up and become self-governing. Neither Q nor Trump nor anyone else can hold our hand forever (nor should they).
Q posted early on in the Trump administration on (3/10/18) "we are saving Israel for last, Very specific reason not mentioned a single time"
One can speculate on that reason, but IMHO, it is because the epicenter of the Khazarian mafia is about to be beheaded... all the causes behind the level of world corruption we see today. Keep in mind that the motto for MOSSAD is... by way of deception thou shalt make war
"We mustn’t hold innocent civilians personally culpable for the actions of said 'governments'”.
Indeed. The assumption that we, the common people, really are the government is a government trap IMHO. “We” are the ruled, they are the rulers. Equating government = state = people is a word trick that leftists have used since Marx, to equate government ownership with "public ownership". The U.S. government rulers would like us to believe that we are the government, but we're not. The people in the U.S. government should be blamed for their crimes, not the American people whom they rule.
That's very insightful. One of the most insidious features of the gov't-slavery-matrix is this constant messaging that what they do is because of the will of the people, or the will of the majority, etc. They're quite literally hypnotizing the slaves to think that they're free and in charge of "their" gov't—and the spell has been absurdly powerful.
We have rights that come from God—and the system pretends to uphold that, but it's a lie. Practically speaking, rights don't "exist" (at least in a de facto sense) unless you can use them. Our "leaders" are fork-tongued; they speak of rights but they do not to honor them.
Your comment, "One of the most insidious features of the gov't-slavery-matrix is this constant messaging that what they do is because of the will of the people, or the will of the majority, etc" leads me to think about the homosexual and "trans" madness that is gripping our nation. There has to be (I hope and pray) a very small minority of people who have these proclivities, and "they" are trying to make us think it's a huge chunk of the population, and it's normal and wonderful and we should all support and celebrate it.
The easiest way to make a spell 'absurdly powerful' is to make that spell what the person under the spell wants it to be. It's a lot easier to get people to believe a spell 'you are free' than one 'you are a worthless slave.'
Brilliant analysis Hypnotist! The evil powers that be didn't count on us being 'on to them' and not reacting to their evil shenanigans! For decades we have been their puppets, but puppets no more!
Here lies the Mockingbird Media etc...may they all RIP... 😉
Many of us have been following the events of the Deep State and Cabal for many years. Having been educated in the “Art of War,” I have come to the same conclusion that was shared by MG Smedley D. Butler, a 2 Time Medal of Honor Recipient, and a Marine Corps General Officer, often cited by GEN Dwight D. Eisenhower, as drawn from his book “War is a Racket,” published in 1935.
“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”
It is the last 2 sentences that describes what we are facing & experiencing today.
“WAR - It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”
Many of us would submit that “THE VERY FEW” represent the IMF and the World Bank of INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS” [The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, WEF, etc.] who continue to orchestrate the actions on both sides of today’s global conflicts – NOT just the KINETIC FORM, but the CONFLICT being waged on and upon the AMERICAN MIND.
"1. Criminal enterprises masquerading as “government” are, without exception, wrong.
"2. We mustn’t hold innocent civilians personally culpable for the actions of said “governments”.
"The goal should not be for one side to lay waste and decimate the other side (though losses in war do occur)—the goal should be for the removal of criminal elements from these governments."
YES! EXACTLY!! I do not understand why more people cannot see this clearly. I see it clear as day.
Just wars need clear objectives, which can be achieved with a minimum of collateral damage. Said objectives must also be unambiguous -- when they are achieved, there is no uncertainty that the objectives have been achieved.
The only acceptable military objective (for me anyway) here would be surgical decapitation of the Iranian regime. Take out the mullahs who have been making all the trouble, and the terrorism and nuclear threat should go away. The US knew where Soleimani was; I'm sure that the IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet know where the key mullahs are as well.
Demanding the release of all hostages is also non-negotiable, but it is questionable whether a military operation is the best way to accomplish such a goal. It would require a very precise battle plan, and impeccable execution. (The same can be said of removal of the Iranian regime.) Negotiation, if possible, would always be the best choice; if the Hamas leaders realize that their Iranian backers have all just been killed, they might be in a much more favorable frame of mind vis-a-vis negotiation.
Yes, indeed!
Not meaning to be cheeky, but I think ‘WWIII’ has also become a ‘nominalization.’ Think about how many arms that octopus has grown over the decades.
Very astute! You're 100% right—it is a nominalization
It's their way of life, been going on for centuries!!
The "avalanche" theory you refer to is technically called the "catastrophe theory" and is described mathematically. It applies to many types of real-world phenomena, including social change. It is characterized by constant minute changes that appear invisible, followed by a rapid period of catastrophic change. When the catastrophe happens, it is clear in retrospect that the catastrophe had been building over a long period of time. The Fourth Turning is a historical treatment of the same phenomena. None of this changes the correctness of your analysis, which I share.
I was not aware of catastrophe theory—that's an extremely useful bit of info, and I greatly appreciate you letting me know about it. I'm always up for learning better, more mathematically precise ways of describing things. Godspeed!
Great article, and good for you for having what I've heard called "a teachable spirit". God likes it.
"When the catastrophe happens, it is clear in retrospect that the catastrophe had been building over a long period of time."
Almost every societal catastrophe we have experienced was warned of long before it happened. Most of these catastrophes are caused by government, and when they happen, the media claim that no one could have seen them coming.
Leftists use catastrophism to scare the public with phony catastrophes while hiding the truth about the real ones. https://michael796.substack.com/p/leftist-untruth-4-catastrophism
"...power has been centralized and government control increased... Only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism... I predicted it six hundred years into the future. Today it seems quite possible that the horror may be upon us within a single century."
Alduous Huxlely, 1946 Foreward to the 1932 novel Brave New World
Volcanoes work much the same way, FWIW. Today seismographs can be used to chart and, to a certain extent, predict the progress of an impending eruption; but prior to modern technology the first real warning of an eruption was often the eruption itself.
You might add to your stance," Never feel guilt over things for which you are not responsible." Also, I: have put these in comments before:
These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the inetrnet through searches. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Thank You.
The Five Rules of Propaganda
1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.
2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.
4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.
5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.
Very helpful. Not sure I understand #3, though; could you give an example or explain more?
I think this one is where they try to change culture itself. Example would trying to change the culture to accept easy divorce, homosexuality, trans things, etc. Use propaganda to change the values of the culture by using 1 ,2 ,4 and 5.
I liked this guys essay, he's usually worth checking out
What an excellent assessment of the importance of propaganda in a way that new readers can grasp. Many of us have learned years ago not to trust what is read and only half of what is seen....this is years before technology now has us not trusting anything we see. The next year is a key point in this war and we must assess unemotionally to get even a glimpse into actual reality.
God bless you.🙏🙏
Thank you kindly!
Another great read with a lot of logical thinking, thank you!
I loved reading this!!
Ryan Long’s skit had me in hysterics 😂
And American Hypnotist’s excellent read was a breath of fresh air…and just like that, I am (for now ; ) completely free of the emotional matrix. Thank you very much for a delightful read ❤️
His skit was the inspiration behind this article. Glad you liked it! Blessings
The Enemy R MSM.
Of course, one of the many enemies, but they are the vanguard, inflicting the ongoing divisive narrative, whether they are operatives, have been bought, threatened, blackmailed, or are just useful eejits.
Until this has been addressed, nothing will change.
MSM is on the way out. Hypnotist tells us why -- they can no longer be believed.
Hypnotist offers good argument, but we who live in communities and families look around us and know that there is a large chunk of society that is addicted to these talking heads and keyboard influencers. Check the comboxes. How is it that Biden is still here and considered to be a mere 4% behind djt? He should be 40% behind.
"large chunk of society that is addicted" -- indeed; but it is getting smaller by the day.
Brandon -- a whole different matter, but related in that those are mostly also part of the "large chunk of society that is addicted."
It won't happen all at once, and there will be some to whom the truth will never come. But, it is happening; and it is accelerating. Drip, drip, FLOOD.
I so hope you are correct.
If it helps, basically all of the stats are fake to some degree. Even the most honest pollsters out there still can't fully extrapolate from a small sample size what's going on with a country of 330 million people.
The amount of effort they had to put in to rig the election is a really good metric for knowing what the true public sentiment really is—according to that metric, Trump's popularity is gargantuan compared to Biden's.
There is evidence. To me, the biggest is that Trump is running. He knows he can't win if [they] are allowed to fraud the 2024 election like they did '18, '20, '22. He's running, so he knows something we don't -- that the elections will not be rigged this time. Otherwise, why would he put up with all of this? It's costing him millions of dollars and time and frustration. He knows something. He can't tell us yet... at least not directly. But for those who are paying attention, there are other sometimes not-so-subtle hints. Noah at WLT covers it best:
TDS is part of the problem.
Yes, most cannot be reasoned with.
What I can't understand is the mere delusional run of the mill reporters that still repeat known lies as their profession on the daily under their ignorance (doubtful, if remotely intelligent) of compliance and truth be damned, without leaving and calling their handlers out as they are also citizens of this nation and have to deal with this daily nightmare as we do. Have they no shame? I think they should be tried in court for corruption if you ask me.
I'm 100% in favor of criminal trials for propagandists who use said propaganda to ruin society. Same goes for those who intentionally funds it.
They should walk out en masse if they had the balls! So pathetic! They will be shunned into oblivion!
Good article.
IDK about all the Q stuff, because trusting in an unseen plan, is not really something I'm down with.
That said many things going on now are definitely fake, and many more people are beginning to see that. Like your car analogy. Things are so crazy, that older programming won't suffice. They're stirring people up, before there's even a direction to send them in! It's immediately noticeable. And, when the people are given direction, it's stupid and last minute.
People waking up can't happen soon enough!
At the end of the day, whether Q is real or not, the end goal remains the same—we the people need to wake up and become self-governing. Neither Q nor Trump nor anyone else can hold our hand forever (nor should they).
Thank you for your kind words and support.
Q posted early on in the Trump administration on (3/10/18) "we are saving Israel for last, Very specific reason not mentioned a single time"
One can speculate on that reason, but IMHO, it is because the epicenter of the Khazarian mafia is about to be beheaded... all the causes behind the level of world corruption we see today. Keep in mind that the motto for MOSSAD is... by way of deception thou shalt make war
Sun Tzu said much the same thing, it is not original with Mossad.
edit: add link https://www.azquotes.com/author/19687-Sun_Tzu/tag/deception
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
In haste, as I’m at work, EXCELLENT post. So insightful, everyone should read it, though many will not really comprehend it.
"We mustn’t hold innocent civilians personally culpable for the actions of said 'governments'”.
Indeed. The assumption that we, the common people, really are the government is a government trap IMHO. “We” are the ruled, they are the rulers. Equating government = state = people is a word trick that leftists have used since Marx, to equate government ownership with "public ownership". The U.S. government rulers would like us to believe that we are the government, but we're not. The people in the U.S. government should be blamed for their crimes, not the American people whom they rule.
That's very insightful. One of the most insidious features of the gov't-slavery-matrix is this constant messaging that what they do is because of the will of the people, or the will of the majority, etc. They're quite literally hypnotizing the slaves to think that they're free and in charge of "their" gov't—and the spell has been absurdly powerful.
We have rights that come from God—and the system pretends to uphold that, but it's a lie. Practically speaking, rights don't "exist" (at least in a de facto sense) unless you can use them. Our "leaders" are fork-tongued; they speak of rights but they do not to honor them.
Your comment, "One of the most insidious features of the gov't-slavery-matrix is this constant messaging that what they do is because of the will of the people, or the will of the majority, etc" leads me to think about the homosexual and "trans" madness that is gripping our nation. There has to be (I hope and pray) a very small minority of people who have these proclivities, and "they" are trying to make us think it's a huge chunk of the population, and it's normal and wonderful and we should all support and celebrate it.
The easiest way to make a spell 'absurdly powerful' is to make that spell what the person under the spell wants it to be. It's a lot easier to get people to believe a spell 'you are free' than one 'you are a worthless slave.'
I believe you are right.
"Dear Lord, please watch over President Trump and his family. AMEN"
🙏🏻🕊️✝️ God bless the Great America, President "45-19" Trump and The Plan God gave us ! ❤️🇺🇸🦅 !✝️🕊️🙏🏻
Saving Is Ra El for last....it's a criminal enterprise masquerading as a religion, as is the vatican and catholicism.
Brilliant analysis Hypnotist! The evil powers that be didn't count on us being 'on to them' and not reacting to their evil shenanigans! For decades we have been their puppets, but puppets no more!
Here lies the Mockingbird Media etc...may they all RIP... 😉
Excellent analysis my friend. You break it down very well!!
Many of us have been following the events of the Deep State and Cabal for many years. Having been educated in the “Art of War,” I have come to the same conclusion that was shared by MG Smedley D. Butler, a 2 Time Medal of Honor Recipient, and a Marine Corps General Officer, often cited by GEN Dwight D. Eisenhower, as drawn from his book “War is a Racket,” published in 1935.
“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”
It is the last 2 sentences that describes what we are facing & experiencing today.
“WAR - It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”
Many of us would submit that “THE VERY FEW” represent the IMF and the World Bank of INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS” [The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, WEF, etc.] who continue to orchestrate the actions on both sides of today’s global conflicts – NOT just the KINETIC FORM, but the CONFLICT being waged on and upon the AMERICAN MIND.