Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

Thank you, Ashe. This was fascinating. I have been to Mt. Rushmore but never to the Cosmos & at my age, I'm content to be where I am, Thank you for sharing your experience and thank you for your patriotism and SPUNK.

God Bless and God wins always. Have a blessed weekend

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

Great article Ashe, Deadwood is now on my bucket-list:-)

Learning to trust my gut was very unnatural to me, especially early in my career. Moving from writing and managing software to managing people was a real dramatic change. But the more I learned to trust my gut the better/more comfortable I became. That coupled with my faith journey allowed me to join the Awakening.

Thanks for sharing this article.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Don't miss Deadwood, but give yourself plenty of time to explore the Black Hills thoroughly. My wife and have been there a few times, and once spent a full week touring the area, and that's barely a start, like reading the menu but missing the meal.

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

We went to Cosmos when I was in my late teens….very nice description of it…odd experience. I also very much liked the General’s comment, “Triangulate what’s true.” You’ve described it perfectly and I believe it’s an ability that can be improved along the way. My very first experience upon seeing Obama on television, I turned to my husband and said Obama was a master manipulator. For 8 years he did the exact opposite of what he stated. I never believed a single thing that came out of his mouth. All these years later that assessment was proven true. We must follow (but verify) our instincts.

God bless you, Ashe, for all the hard work bringing truth to light! I know I speak for many when I say thank you-you are much appreciated.


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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

I had a similar experience with Obama. When he was elected the first time, I had a bad feeling, but I prayed for him and for the country and thought, maybe I'm wrong; we'll see. It didn't take very long to come to the same conclusion you did. Praise God for bringing us through those terrible 8 years of BO.

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The completely accidental plane crash of Senatorial candidate JFKjr resulted in Senator Hillary Clinton.

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

My instincts still tell me it was not an accident.

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

Three of over 100 (and counting) Clintoncides.

There are those that claim JFKjr's security detail discovered the sabotage to the aircraft, put three corpses in it and an experienced (retired USAF likely) pilot with parachute flew it out a ways, put it on autopilot to meet its intended end. So far no corroboration, but who knows?

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Aug 31Liked by Ashe in America

Ten years ago, I think the count was closer to 400.....

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Interesting. I have been reading about "trust your gut and live" from a variety of perspectives recently.

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

Brilliant metaphor, Ashe, using your experience at the Cosmos for how we have all been seeking balance …learning to “Triangulate what’s true.”

Well done! ❤️

Plus, I had never heard of this place called “the Cosmos” and found it fascinating. On different levels, a great read.

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America
Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

Yes, he was the commander of Air University at Maxwell AFB. I was a civil servant there for 21 years and knew many of the AU commanders. He’s brilliant and based upon Ashe’s article, possesses a lot of common sense. It will be interesting to see what his role turns out to be. He’s in great company!🙏🇺🇸

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💗💗💗 Ashe you bring something unique and very special to the team. Keep your holy spirit fire and light up this world

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Great post Ashe, I haven't been to Cosmos, but Mystery Spot is a local place similar where the water seems to run up hill and stuff you described. It's a fun visit, but i agree with triangulate what is true. That makes a ton of sense to me.. Love your work.. Peace...

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Aug 31Liked by Ashe in America

Ashley great article. Great analogy. Dad and I are now planning a Deadwood/Cosmos trip but first to see you in Myrtle Beach “If the good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise”. ❣️

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Thanks, mom!

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Aug 31Liked by Ashe in America

Thank you, Ashe, I found this through a link from Gordon's X page! I had sent you a email, I am so glad you wrote this. It answered my questions! I need some help getting back into telegram. There have been some scammers making suggestions. The circular sign in option for telegram is awful.

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I don’t think I got your email? Can you resend it? Asheinamerica@protonmail.com

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Aug 31Liked by Ashe in America

“Triangulate what’s true.”

BB says to focus on figuring out what the lies are, and by canceling those you will arrive at the truth. Another instrument in our Truth Dashboard

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Aug 31Liked by Ashe in America

“Triangulate the truth” is my new mantra. It encapsulates what I’ve been doing instinctually since 2018. Thank you!

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

So as a Hills local, Cosmos is just a tourist trap invented by a bunch of bored Mines students (engineers can be tricky if we want to be). I still don’t understand how Mt. Rushmore moves people, but I guess familiarity breeds indifference.

To anyone reading this, Spearfish and the Canyon is much more interesting than Deadwood, and less touristy.

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All the more local people 100% agreed with you. For me, I had never been to Rushmore and it was very moving. The group I was with, the meaning of our weekend together, the beauty of the surroundings, and the veteran focus… involuntary emotional reactions 🥰

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Aug 30Liked by Ashe in America

All the same tricks at the old miner's cabin at Knott's, Calif. About 1957 I first went there.

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Northern Gretchistan (AKA "Michigan" on older maps) used to have attractions like this, usually called "The Mystery Spot" and featuring the same illusions, though when I was a kid the effects were said to be caused by the UP's massive copper deposits. Entrepreneurism at its finest, but associating the way it's accomplished with the malicious political deception around us is brilliant.

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