Thank you again for a fantastically written article, Joe! I learn so much from your excellent analysis. You've got a great style of teaching that really resonates.

I have a quick question. What role, if any, do the credit unions play in the banking war that you're describing? I really don't know the difference between them, honestly.

And......while we're waiting for all of this banking/crypto stuff to flesh itself out, what SHOULD we do with our funds (I'm thinking the bank and/or the under the mattress isn't the best answer!)?

So happy that I have a great resource of knowledge in you to explain the things that fly right over my head. God bless you, my friend.

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I think credit unions are more local so a good option but they aren’t immune from corruption as we saw in my article on the Savings and Loan crisis.

I don’t like to tell people what they should do with their own money because that’s a personal responsibility.

What I’ve done is stored plenty of food and supplies.

Cash on hand.

I invest in silver and most of my savings is invested in gold and silver mining stocks.

That’s what I’ve done.

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I'll take that and run with it, Joe! Can't go wrong with any of that and it's a nice and simple strategy. Again, many thanks to you, dear friend!

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Watch this... https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr

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I use a credit union for this reason. “Banks are for-profit institutions that are either privately owned or publicly traded, while credit unions are not-for-profit institutions that distribute their profits among their members.”

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And that is a very good thing! My credit union has treated me very well for many years!

Blessings Carol!

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Wow, Joe.....just Wow!! What a fantastic article that gives us hope that Trump is truly the genius and American Patriot we have come to know and love. I literally got the chills reading this amazing, well researched article. It gave me hope that my children and their children will inherit a truly Great America! Love your writing...you make it simple to understand complicated subject matter. Thanks!! Well Done!!!! : )

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Thank you Laura!! Trump isn’t exaggerating when he constantly says he’s going to make America great again!

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Well done, sir. May it all come to pass. The more safeguards we have in place, supervised and enforced by people of integrity, the better off we will all be.

Oh, and nobody needs to make the kind of money that these banking vipers make at the expense of us lesser forms of humanity. They’ll be just fine downsizing to ‘average’ gated communities instead of posh estates (which could just as well be turned into hotels).

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I second that my friend!! Trump is going to install so many safeguards then hand it all to us to maintain.

We need to take that baton and prioritize handing that responsibility off to the next generations.

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We'll need to do a better job of it than we've been doing of protecting the safeguards of the Constitution. Corruption will never stop trying to invade and evade whatever safeguards exist.

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Amen my friend!!!

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And we need to steel ourselves now for that responsibility both mentally and spiritually - for it will be both a nationwide and neighborhood/community focused endeavor.

I recall that the most annoying aspect of high school track for me was practicing the passing of that bloody baton. One slip-up and you lose the lead! Lol.

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I remember those baton races too!!😁😁

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Will only US Citizens be allowed to use the banking system since our government seems determined to provide everything to non citizens at the expense of the American Citizens?

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There are lots of foreigners here legally that would still need to be able to use the banking system.

Transforming the banking system takes control away from Wall Street and gives it back to the people with local control.

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Trump has promised to deport the illegals and secure the border.

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That’s coming!!

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Since it is a government entity it would need to be in the foundational establishing of it or with a change in the board or new president could it be altered.

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I think Trump is already transforming systems in the background and setting the table for his return.

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Private citizens do business internationally. There would have to be exchange between citizens of other countries. If I understand the article correctly I think only US citizens could open an account.

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I believe the whole world is going back to a gold standard and the BRICS countries are allies with Trump and building the new system.

This article focused on giving the control of the government back to the American people by giving them control again of the banking system.

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Currency exchange services are offered by many banks. There is no reason a public bank could not do it -- the only difference is that their profit margin would be zero. Bid and ask, same price.

Of course if every currency is backed by resources (like gold) as BRICS proposes, there no longer is a need for exchange. One ruble equals one dollar equals one British pound, maybe 100 yen since the Japanese have never had sub-units in their currency. There would be a one-time readjustment in the values of each nation's currency to do this; it would happen at the same time that the digital currency came to be. (Which would not necessarily mean the end of physical money, either.)

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You make an excellent point Wild Bill and those currency exchange houses have been used to launder money for generations. I think I’ll be talking about that in my next article.

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Wild Bill. You are sooo smart

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Thank you.

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This puts the spotlight on the banking/wall street system next.  

​​​​​​​Makes sense, and may be the best route to dealing with the Fed parasites without totally collapsing the economy and ignite another front of military engagement, like they are in the process of doing now.  

A preference cascade which would starve the beast. Love it.

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Starving the beast of control of the money is how you destroy the enemy’s system and preventing it in the future.

Love that term my friend!

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Thanks you for all the time you put into this. I am old enough to have a dim memory of the old Postal Banks. Never knew where they went! Praying we see this come to fruition soon.

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I think once the election fraud is exposed, things will move pretty quickly!

Blessings Sandra!!

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Thanks, Joe. I got into the local political scene after Nov 2020. I am born 1947. Family always GOP, Dad was a Marine in WWII, saw the flag raised on Iwo Jima. I still tear up thinking as he told me in later life about it. I think all the men suffered PTSD but never knew it,. i know the fraud. I heard all the C Span testimony from various states. I know in my heart Nov 2020 has to be rectified. God opened doors for me to meet other patriots. We work hard for election integrity. I found Audit the Vote and am faithful with their sessions here in PA. We have a horrible Uniparty here. i keep praying for what you mention above. I believe in knocking on doors and knowing people. Also know the TDS people in GOP, too! I love the system you explain. Old Ben Frankliln had his reasons for being Post Master General, he made his money printing gov't documents as well! I grew up in Philly, He started PSFS, it got gobbled up but was a great bank for school kids to put in 10 cents a week. I follow Badlands people and others. Am awake, not woke! Waiting, waiting and reading all the small things that show changes. But I know, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. These 2 laws above all. Our Declaration and Constitution founded for a free people based on Biblical truths. We have a Republic if we can keep it, if BF actually said that thought. Thanks for your postal service. I've had great postal workers through my life time. Growing up in Philly we had am and pm mail delivery! I remember a penny postcard! Somehow we still have Sat delivery, a miracle.

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Thank you for your service to our patriot movement my friend!

I really appreciate your comments!!

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Another masterpiece Joe! The US Postal service. Who knew! That’s very exciting. It will be worth all the time and effort we have invested in believing Trump’s plan is materializing. Bravo Joe👏🏼 Now that you’re retired to you feel like you’re now doing what you were put on earth to do? I think so❤️

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Thank you Gerri!! I do love researching and writing and I’m hoping to spend a lot more time doing it.

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Love where you went with this article. It fits together very well.

Breaking the Central Banker's hold on printing money is critical to crushing the DS Rat Bastards. Eliminating fiat dollars is critical too. These items go hand in hand.

I also believe Bitcoin is part of the solution.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I also think Bitcoin is part of the solution. I was focused more on decentralizing the banking system rather than the money in this article.

I believe Bitcoin plays a key part in the plan because it driving the blockchain technology that will ultimately make all of these corrupt systems open and honest with nothing hidden from the people.

But it will also play a part as peer to peer and a place to store wealth for those that choose to.

One more necessary safeguard.

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I agree!!!

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I think it is the US Postal Building in DC that Nancy Drew on Telegram has shown with no acitivty?? Being prepared for something new?

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Fantastic read! Wish I could convince my family . God speed president Trump💯♥️

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Everything will change and everyone will be awake.

It’s coming!

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Thank you, Joe, great article!

Question, what about FedNow, the new service started on July 20, 2023?

An internet search says, in part:

The FedNow Service is a new service for instant payments built by the Federal Reserve to help make everyday payments fast and convenient for American households and businesses.

Is this a program that Trump put in place?

Many thanks! God bless!

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Thanks Anna! I think it’s all part of the plan on removing control from outside influence and the many middle men put in place to control our money and transactions. We’re moving towards a more open system that is easily audited and tracked and more instant peer to peer.

That’s what I think is coming.

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This is absolutely game changing if all goes thru!!! I'm especially hopeful for the voting system to change as you've detailed it here for the 2024 general!!! Praise God and thank you so much Joe, outstanding research and writing! 🏆

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The plan is really incredible. There are so many things happening at once while most people are only focusing on the current election cycle.

I think the entire government is already being transformed on Biden’s watch and most people are missing it.

There’s plenty of clues.

Blessings my friend!

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Yes! May you and yours be abundantly blessed sir.

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Crush it. Great job.

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Thank you my faithful friend!!👊🏼👊🏼

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Thanks again, Joe, for another GREAT INFORMATIVE ARTICLE on our country and the corruption in BANKING.

I can’t wait for this NEW “banking system” and as we, who follow you, already know DONALD TRUMP is “Master and Commander”!!

What a BRILLIANT WRITER YOU ARE, JOE, SHOWING EVERYONE of This Great President’s ❤️for OUR COUNTRY and what President Trump has done all through his presidency to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Thank you for your kind words Vicky!!

Trump is the Master and Commander of a genius plan to save the world, not just America!

Blessings friend

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You are Right...THE WORLD! He ended the WARS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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And he will do it again.

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Another great essay, Joe. Thanks for putting it together. While reading it, I kept thinking about the American System first developed by Hamilton, advocated by John Quincy Adams, implemented by Lincoln (Henry C Carey), revisited by McKinley, implemented in part by FDR and again by JFK. Also, it inspired Czars Alexander II & Nicholas II. Otto von Bismarck, Sergei Witte, Frederick List and Sun Yat-sen. DJT is in great company. You know it it makes sense because of all the assassinations or attempts that took place. My son wrote an essay on the American System, take a look when you get a chance. https://jfish1535.substack.com/p/the-american-system

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Thanks for sharing that link. It sounds interesting. I’ll check it out!

I appreciate you my friend.

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I have now read your son’s wonderful article from your link…and went on to read his geopolitical analysis concerning the Suez Canal! Very insightful!!


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Another great article! I work for the postal service and I hope you’re right about this but right now the postal service is a disaster!

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I just retired from the Postal Service after working there for 34 years. It’s always been a bit disorganized but if anybody can make it great again, it’s Trump.

It’s a government agency that was established to serve the people, all people, and I believe Trump is going to use that mandate to have the government focus on serving the people again when it comes to banks.

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Thanks again Joe for connecting some dots, teaching me something new and growing my optimism even more. You are definitely on Gods team 🙏❤️

God bless and have a lovely weekend

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Thank you Steve!! I really think we are underestimating what Trump’s plans really are.

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As much respect as I have for Trump, I don't believe he is doing all of this by himself. He is brilliant and motivated; but to actually do everything I believe needs to be done, I expect that he will require and have help from others -- including from Above. 🙏

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I completely agree. Trump is one important spoke in the wheel. The military has planned a lot of this and God’s hand is required if we are going to be victorious!

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