For those who think Q is a conspiracy theory, he and I used to write. When he went international it ended. The Q team is quite real also. They mostly are ending pedophilia, but all the other ills of the planet. Go to Patriots in Progress if you want Q drops. As I was saying earlier on a different blog, there was no Covid. Millions did die, there is no getting around that. How? Pre-existing conditions, you never heard ANYTHING about the regular flu those first few years, did you? They named any death Covid, that could be SIDS, a girl falling down her basement steps and choking-those are two I know of personally. The ventilator has been a death protocol from day one, taking already compromised lungs and forcing air into them.

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I couldn’t agree more.

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Untreated pre-existing conditions. I have COPD and I knew my nebulizer was a powerful tool. I made sure to have albuterol and budesonide and even managed to hoard some antibiotics. People were NOT being treated aggressively enough in the beginning stages of getting sick. I could see this! My DIL elderly grandmother got Covid. She also was being treated for bladder cancer. She was set to be discharged having survived Covid but needed to be cathed because she hadn’t peed. Because of radiation treatments, it was too painful. So they gave her morphine. And she never woke up. Also, no one notified her cancer specialist so her cancer was left unchecked. But she was listed as a Covid death. 😡

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I'm sorry to hear that, I have my own experience with catheters, but not the same.

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My brother uses a Nebulizer for his asthma.

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Covid may not have been real, but something was spreading around. I have had skin issues & much more indigestion recovering

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All I heard it first when it started was that colds and some flu are also coronaviruses, so it may be that it isn't the virus that was the problem, but the genetically engineered who-knows-what they attached to it.

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Yep corona viruses are colds and flu or that genre. I think they just added SARS. It felt like swine flu.

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I know, I had it before anyone knew what the hell it was. So Ativan to calm my lungs, then quinine like in the jungles of Vietnam. and I was okay.. after 10 days or so.

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do you have a link to Patriots in Progress? You know how difficult it is to use a Search engine these days to even find what you want, with all the suppression and censorship going on. I am doing a search, but getting crap mostly.

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I know they are another substack. I found them by accident.

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Me too folks - cool, looking around here: https://patriotsinprogress.substack.com/?nthPub=121

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Just get on the substack app and type Patriots in Progress into the search engine and, wa-la! There it is!

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Thanks for this info re Q. Searched and went right there and signed up for newsletter.

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I'm happy I could help.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Brilliant deductions from Erik Carlson on President Trump speaking to 'We The People' in CODE.

Also I think Trump was chosen by GOD just like Moses. Also I think Trump is the CURRENT CIC

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Imperfect man doing God’s will.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson


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I think about Trump as a type of Esther, too. A Jewish girl who did not want to go be part of a harem but was urged to do it by her uncle and ended up saving her people... I'm sure the last thing Trump wanted to do was be part of political system but someone urged him to do it and he's going to end up saving our country.

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If he had never walked down that escalator, he would be universally loved by the media today. He chose this difficult path, knowing how bad it would be.

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I pray to see "Devolution".

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For sure. Absolutely. The Ensign of the People.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

My twin sis & I have been waiting a lifetime ( seems like it ) for someone to speak on Trump & the covid shots. Thank you for shedding light on many things we have not even thought about.

We read several hrs a day. Well my twin reads much more than I do but she gives me the condensed versions. God bless you & thank you for your amazing insight

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Beautifully said sissy. 😘❤️

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Excellent analysis Erik! What a great connection to the true virus which is the very evil we are facing in this war.

You are spot on brother!🎯

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Solid read

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My sister and I were going to comment on your earlier article of this morning asking about what you have just written here.

The shots seem to be the catalyst for depopulation. Thoughts?

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I think the Cabal was able to get their poison in some of the vaccines. I think most of the shots are placebos. I can’t verify, but I read 4% of the batches have caused 71% of the adverse effects. I believe the Cabal intended the jabs to be far worse than they have been.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

most of poisons added I believe post President Trump. I have gone to https://howbadismybatch.com/. Most of my friends and family batches seem to be clear of any adverse effects.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I see the hand of God in that. I also believe "they" were disappointed (shocked?) that there weren't piles of bodies in the streets. That's one thing that made me go "hmmm?" right away - why weren't homeless people dropping like flies?

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Margot that was one of the first statements I made when they were DEMANDING the shots. Why were they not forcing the homeless to get the jab like they were the rest of us?

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they also said illegals didnt have to get vaxx......our replacement slaves

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

George Webb has been making a case that Anthrax is one of the Cabal's go-to methods to create fake waves off illness. They can add it to water, food, spray it. Then the media will report whatever fake "virus" story they concoct. Likewise Jon Rappoport has written for years about industrial poisoning to the environment, and "scientists" go out and magically discover some "new" virus like Zika.,.,.,to deflect from the real cause: toxic poisons.

One day you'll read that Corona has never successfully been made useful as a bio-weapon...though they have tried mightily for decades. Then some source will insist it is really the cause.

Karen Kingston on substack is definitely worth reading as she has years in the medical biz as patent researcher, and incorporates the best of the other researchers. Her view,..from the data in their own patents...is that the primary goal is to get hydrogel into people via the fakes stats and fear porn ...the Jab was always the goal.

Hydrogel is carbon nano bio-weapon: responsive to EM downloads, emits bluetooth tracking signal, can be turned on or off and starts to create nano-machine structures in the blood which create the clogs, as shown in many darkfield microscope videos on Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD's substack.

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No doubt they are messing with us constantly.

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I believe Dr. Brian Ardis is on to something regarding synthetic snake and other venom peptides that were intro'd in the environment and also are added to vaxxes.

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Erik - I also read that.

Do you follow Dr. Ryan Cole, Sasha Latypova and/or Katherine Watt?

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I’ll have to give them a look. Thanks.

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Both of these authors reference Dr. Ryan Cole. He's a pathologist out of Idaho. I have seen many videos with him.

Also, do you follow Dr. Peter McCullough?

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

If they'd wanted to kill off large & noticeable amounts of the population they would have. They will never do that, because the masses would see the truth about all vac sins. These are expert Eugenists who planned just enough adverse events and deaths to harvest masses of loosh with folks still clamoring for the boo stirs, maintaining persistent division within families and society.

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Nice points.

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We are aware something ominous is after our country. I have felt it coming for many years and it is now here. I am so thankful to have a man of such great character leading us at this time in our history. We need to understand that as a people our watchful eyes must be wide open and we need to fill our mouth with words of truth being unafraid of fighting and combating the enemy. The truth cannot be denied. I am also thankful for the men and women who bring us thoughtful, meaningful discussions and conversations. We are not alone in this effort. We are scattered but also joined together. Thank you!

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I'm thankful for Trump and now also Tucker. What an uncanny ability to cut through all the deep-state BS with a single question! Single-handedly destroying what was it, 5 or 6, 'GOP' Uniparty candidates in the first salvo! He and Trump are both fearless warriors for the side of good. Thanks be to God. 🙏🕊💖

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They were designed and created for this fight.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Another brilliant analysis Erik. Like many, I have become comfortable with the following notions.

1. Nothing which is perceivable in today’s society is as it seems. That includes everything: government and financial institutions, religious movements, political parties/politicians, all media outlets and the people working in them, the entire health “scare”system, biopharma, the education scam etc.

2. This relentlessly growing cynicism and skepticism, on the part of regular folks, was determined and deliberately unleashed, by our genuine God fearing patriot leaders.

They understood that the only weapon against the regime cabal which had a hope of winning was something which eventually would overcome the very real fear people everywhere feel about their totalitarian governments.

3. Their calculation was that rapid shock therapy was needed to wake the world up to the forces which seek to destroy humanity. Rapid in this context means a decade, which is what this very special decade (2015-2025) will achieve. Results (ie awareness, courage and determination) which would otherwise have taken generations or even a century to take root in human consciousness (by which time it would be too late).

Once my brain understood and accepted this premise, I stopped allowing daily and weekly events to distract me from the actual, versus the imagined.

This allows me to try to live a “normal” life despite having excised almost every contemporary source of social and cultural stimulation (entertainment, “news”, movies, large groups of family, friends and acquaintances etc).

I managed to replace those things with a newfound philosophy, resulting in a contentment with living a fairly solitary life, staying informed through new data and analysis sources such as you and your colleagues, human history and American Enlightenment culture, and developing a much stronger faith in my God Jesus.

All this while maintaining my love and commitment to my beloved country America.

And my certainty that at the end of this short period of unimaginable tribulation, humanity will strongly re-emerge clutching the very values and principles which the enemies of humanity are presently trying to exterminate.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank you SO much. Very well said and most encouraging. I need to do better about not letting daily/weekly events upset me! I recently found out I have high blood pressure and the news is not good for that. Jesus is my God and my Savior also. God bless you!!!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Amen Margot and thank you!

It’s absolutely essential to preserve your health.

I regularly deliberately stay away from all financial media - which is pretty much all I follow daily for business reasons - (including those news sources on our side) for a day or two, just to keep my bp in check. I find that’s very effective.

It’s funny because when I come back I usually find nothing actually new has happened 😏😂

Be well and stay powerful. ✝️🇺🇸👍

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As always well said Pluribus. I'm with you 💯 percent!

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Such a great comment, Pluribus.

And I love the “ rapid shock therapy “…warp speed awakening.

Perfect phrase for the times we are witnessing! ❤️🇺🇸🌎

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Momentous times indeed Featherjourney!

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I know, I think I hit a sore spot. 😂

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Great analysis! One addition to the necessity of allowing the Covid psyop might be that an important agenda the military intelligence and Trump have is to expose the criminal Big Pharma industry. At least the virus/vaccine fraud.

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Interesting that Trump was going to have Bobby Kennedy work on the childhood vax/health issue. The cabal must have put a stop to that somehow

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Or it could be that they wanted the people to see how Big Pharma behaves, and how the media behaves

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VERY good point Angela!

So sad though the carnage in the wake 😢

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Great article. Thanks for the insight on Trump!! I always thought he meant Chyna Ukraine. The cesspool of a country thanks to the deep state!

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Chynadiieve or Chynadiiovo (Ukrainian

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in the FAR WEST of Ukraine, actually surrounded by Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania - It makes me wonder, could this be a launch-point for bioweapons targeting Slavonic peoples, destabilizing a maximum number of countries at first strike ...? or could it be a secret centre for the occult Nazi stuff carried forward as Azov regiment, etc?

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Great insight, and thoughts! I also believe that Trump is standing up to the system and that the patriots have already won!

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson


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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Eric, this is very, very good piece. Thank you for sharing your take on this. I am/was one of those with the perspective of Trump's big fail with Operation Warp Speed but your explanation actually brought pain to my heart and tears to my eyes because it is so true. I could only imagine the inner crisis he must have felt, faced and understood, as the captain of the ship of state, to make the choice to rush the vaccines, knowing the greater price that a longer lock down would exact. We have seen the statistics of what happened with the lock downs as it was, especially in liberal states. God bless Kristi Noem and other governors who kept their states open and used sensible measures rather than following the recommendations of the Mad Max Men and Women of the 1984 type. I also appreciate that we needed the "pandemic" and the lock down to see the swamp more clearly, and boy, have we ever seen "leadership" and medicine for the corruption it has so sadly become.

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I know, how many people did Covid wake up to the medical industry in general?

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

PS. Congratulations Erick!

The fact that so many Lincoln Project Never Trumper types have decided to invade this comment section to inform the rest of us dumb cult members how evil Trump is, is testament to the power of your words and reasoning.

You are literally living rent-free in their child brains’ 😂👍🇺🇸

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LOL!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Those who are familiar with "Operation Paper Clip" near the end of WWII, will recognize the name Allen Dulles who was the Vatican point man on Wall Street which financed both sides of WWII. The Pope being Eugenio Pacelli-Pius XII-aka Hitler's Pope. After FDR dies and Truman becomes president, Allen Dulles goes to Truman and lays out the plan, approved by Pius XII to move the entire Gehlen Org, the intelligence gathering apparatus above the SS from Germany to the US through what was called the Vatican Rat Lines. This was done and many of the German Intelligence people were put into the OSS, the Office of Special Services run by "Wild Bill" Donovan and after that the name was changed to the CIA.

I will not spoil who some of these people were-Erik will, I'm sure tell you.

Fast forward to Ukraine today; the CIA has a big influence over NATO and Ukraine has/had the AZOV Battalion made up of NazIs who fled from Germany before Russia captured Berlin in 1945.

Today's war is likely motivated partly by the CIA desire to get even with Russia for being the country that brought the final defeat to Germany.

There is the little matter of the Malta Conference between FDR, Churchill and Stalin that I will not cover which likely plays a role also.

So why Ukraine War between Russia and Ukraine with a push to get NATO involved and Brandon playing at least a Cameo Role? I believe it is an attempt to get the US and Russia into a war with the hopes China will come in and side with Russia and defeat the US, which was the job that was to go to Hilary-getting the US in a war they would lose with Russia and China- after Obama laid the ground work for 8 years.

Why is the MSM so anti-Trump? Because he beat Hilary and foiled the plans of the Nazis, such as Klas Swab and George Sorus to take down the US. You will need to figure out what they hoped the outcome to Russia and China would be.

That's my take and I'm sticking to it now!

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Brilliant. If people could just understand there are no coincidences. This evil plot has been in place a long time. There is a reason Trump and Putin are so hated by the Cabal.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson


It is refreshing to know there are other people in a position to educate "nomies" who do not understand what is really going on.

Your Substack is one of the best!


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