Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

To add an extra point or two to the timeline.

July 18th: Day 4 of the RNC, Trump makes a lengthy speech, he closes out the RNC by having Nessun Dorma played.


That is a massive message to the Deep State of what he’s going to do to [them] when he comes back in January.

He’s told them the gloves are off for what they tried to do to him.

This was such a massive signal that many normies even understood the reference!

However a lot of people seemed to have missed the connection that the Cabal sent their reply the next morning, July 19th.

The Crowdstrike crash caused the largest IT outage in history.


For those who want a technical explanation of what happened.


As former IT I can tell you for a fact that the way it happened cannot be accidental in any way.

The MSM are trying to sell it as an oopsie caused by a simple accident.

But such mission critical applications cannot simply be deployed without going through a normally rigorous testing process.

The error is so simple yet obvious it should have been caught in testing long before being deployed.

So the timing of this outage the day after Trump sends his message is a bit too coincidental.

The message in this response is loud and clear, if the white hats come after us, we can and will cripple and destroy your IT infrastructure at will.

This outage is a sample of what we can do to you.

A more severe attack would’ve caused mass chaos in the form of severe supply chain interruptions, lack of emergency services and healthcare, impaired access to basic financial services such as credit card transactions etc.

Maybe even downing infrastructure delivery systems such as the power grid, water and energy distribution systems etc.

The Cabal are both desperate and in a panic that nothing is deterring Trump, slowing his campaign momentum nor lowering his popularity.

They are also in a rage that the normies are rejecting and rebelling against their system of control.

Their response is typical of an organization run by psychopaths/sociopaths who cannot seem to comprehend the fact that their power is finite and declining.

They always double down when losing because they can’t envision any other way to react, it’s what Trump and the white hats are using to fuel the Great Awakening.

As for Jackson-Lee, there are no coincidences, she was an expendable pawn and also served as a warning to others in the Cabal, we don’t tolerate failure and if you are thinking about jumping ship and switching side this will be your fate.

Look for a fatal accident in Cheatle’s future, maybe she should have stayed as security at Pepsi Co, guarding the Doritos instead of jumping into the Deep end with real sharks.

Also the clean up will involve not only evidence but witnesses and players in the assassination disappearing, much like what happened at the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Remember, it's the cover-up which gets them and in this case that's what is going to happen.

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

"it’s what Trump and the white hats are using to fuel the Great Awakening."

Which is why the good guys let the Cabal get away with crowdstrike. Part of the plan. If this bug was as obvious as you describe, the good guys already knew about it and were waiting for the Cabal to use it. Another nail in [their] coffin. "People have to see how bad it can get."

It isn't bad enough yet, to allow the White Hats to take down the Cabal. The People need to experience real pain, before that can happen. NCSWIC.

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It’s something which can be anticipated quite easily for anyone who has done professional IT work.

Major organizations and corporations spend millions a year developing processes to avoid just what happened here.

Even Q mentioned this event and how it’s not a critical concern.


I fully expected the white hats to have anticipated this move by the Deep State because it was the Cabal through Klaus Schwab who telegraphed it!


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Perhaps Bill, I'd like to believe that. I think you have some truth of it. But while I agree fully on the part about it having to show people how bad it can get before their dumb asses will catch a clue, nothing is ever under complete control. My personal philosophy is to always assume this enemy is capable of a reversal, even to just deliver a injury out of pure spite. I Assume nothing of the Cabal is dead till it and everything within 3 degrees of separation is fertilizer. A mite paranoid perhaps, but vigilance is often mistaken as such.

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You're right, the Cabal is not down and out yet. They still have moves left on the board, though they're losing and most of them are bad ones. But it would be a mistake to think they are not dangerous -- they are, and will be until this is all over. A cornered, dying enemy must be respected for the damage they can still cause.

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"the Great Awakening"?? Am I wrong, my husband and I keep "trying" to speak to family and friends who are Trump haters. So far, we are 0-2.

We are speaking with neighbors who are registered Republicans, at least get them to show up. This is what Turning Point encourages us to do and it feels somewhat better. But, I'm surging Substack and Hillsdale.imprimis for something to send to these people. Any suggestions?

Let the cards fall and pray with everyone else and Trump prevails?

Keep looking for something that will help win the argument?

Thanks, I bet I'm not the only one at a loss here.

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Mary Ann and fellow travelers: You cannot tell people things they are not ready to hear. When they are ready, they will come to you. That happens after what Burning Bright calls 'the Scare Event' -- something too big for them to ignore. You can't know when or what that will be, because it will likely come as a surprise, a culmination of little events and maybe a big one, or two, that finally wake them up. More and more are waking every day, but some will hold out until the bitter end. Until the bottom of the 9th, bases loaded, two out, down by 3 runs -- then they find out if Casey strikes out, or hits a homer to win the game.

BB's latest piece is a good one:


From the piece: "psychological combatants need not adopt YOUR paradigm in order to first abandon their own … they need only question the False Reality as a first step toward breaking its hold over them."

'Wakey, wakey' is another thing BB has been saying a lot lately. How can normies look at the 'party of democracy' as they totally upend the will of 14 million primary voters, in a primary they did everything to keep from being democratic, and then installed a pinch hitter? It is happening, it will be different for everyone, and there will be some that just bury their heads in the sand because accepting that they were wrong is just too hard. But most will come around; when they do, be patient and kind and explain to them what has really been happening.

There's an old joke from the 60s: How many shrinks does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only one, but the bulb really has to want to change.

Many a truth were spake in jest -- this is one of those gems. Keep the faith, remain steadfast in your commitment, and I expect that the day will come.

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Thanks for your note. I vacillate between knowing what you say is true. And then remember à substack post in Freedom Health, she likened her daughter sleeping through 10 alarms and she had to wake her up. She says we should keep trying. But I think not after Sunday's call from family.

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You will have to let them come to you. They are not ready yet, and some may sadly never be; but you can't force the horse to drink the water. He has to be thirsty, on his own.

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Wild Bill is right in his statement that you cannot tell people anything they aren’t ready to understand.

The old adage of you can lead a horse to water applies to these types of people.

I’ve had a similar situation concerning people (a family) I know(knew) and the toxic covid vax, I tried to warn them very early on about its untested nature but they refused to listen.

Even after initial reports of vax injuries started appearing and I gave them the research I had complied they still refused to heed my warnings.

Then they saw vax injuries starting to appear in their circle of friends and relatives.

The husband started having doubts about the shots, he quietly asked me for more information, the wife was firmly convinced I was a right wing anti-vaxxer and cutoff all contact with me, she also forbid her husband from talking to me.

I gave him links to the research and other items questioning the shots.

Then I lost contact with them, the wife cut all contact with me and some other people in my circle.

Last I heard the husband now refuses to get any boosters and his wife and him are constantly arguing. What’s unfortunate is their two children have been vaxxed and one is showing signs of odd ‘circulatory’ issues.

Some people need to learn the hard way, a few(5%) will never listen to you no matter what you say nor what evidence is presented to them, they are firmly and permanently brainwashed.

As callous as this sounds these people are ‘casualties of war’ and need to be written off, you can only save those who want to be saved.

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On my own Substack I called the computer crash, "Warning Shot". In Colorado, our own State and County computer systems went down on Monday.

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Jay - did you read Jeff’s take on the CrowdStrike issue?


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Thank you

Somehow I missed Saturday. My Substack was talking about his crash possibly being an accidental or on purpose warning against going all digital on finance. We could all be equally broke in a flash!

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I'm not an IT, but I'm fairly savvy with computers, security protocols, internet traffic and SEO. And from my years of doing SEO consulting the manipulation of the narrative is *very* obvious.

My suspicions leaned very strongly in this direction as well Knowing as I do how the Cabal controls money and finances, this sent my spidey sense tingling as well. Though I lacked the actual technical expertise as you do to have more than this hunch, so a humble thank you for sharing your expertise and thoughts.

There is a reason why the mother-WEF'ers keep "warning" us about a massive cyberattack, its not difficult to be prescient when you can be the cause of what you're warning against. (Event 201 hosted by Bill Gates anyone?). --ALL-- the systems you mention possibly suffering significant to severe disruption are on the playing board, literally anything touching the internet is vulnerable. We'd look worse than a teenager cut off from social media during a romantic break-up.

And what makes this threat all the more existential is the existing manufactured hate divisions that exists within our societies, not just the US but all of Europe as well. The division is much more significant than just Blue or Red, race, culture, religious, they've maneuvered these resentments masterfully from behind their veils by capitalizing on people's hardships and their control of money. And they know exactly how to steer social media outlets to aggravate what's lurking beneath a very thin layer of self-restraint due to all their psy-ops.

I hope you're right about normies becoming more aware. I'm overly cynical in that regard, perhaps I watch too much Michael Malice, but his thoughts on the average person are born out by my daily exposure to the zombie masses, damn near anyone I deal with under age 40 is typically blind and deaf. i can't tell you how many times I heard someone say "Some crazy guy finally took a shot at Trump." The looks you will get if you point out that it wasn't some lone whack job or that he's dodged number of assassination attempts since 2015 is almost worthy of a comedy skit. Almost.

Finally, regarding the clean up, I'm of like mind. As someone who was present during the LV shooting and experienced first hand a number of things that are decidedly absent from the MSM narrative, it has firmly seated my contempt and even hatred of the MSM.

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Or perhaps a different take on the CrowdStrike crash:


It’s after the piece about Sheila Jackson Lee.

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Thanks for the link, it bears thinking about.

It might be plausible this is a white hat operation to expose Crowdstrike and it's DS ties and influence plus it's involvement in Ukraine.

It also highlights the vulnerability of voting machines and indeed any system which uses the Crowdstrike software.

We know the Cabal are also dependent on computer systems and networks for their operations.

The only concern I have about such an operation is based on moral and ethical grounds.

We know the white hats operate according to internationally accepted standards of war, typically called rules of engagement.

One of which is to minimize or cause as very few civilian casualties as possible when attacking legitimate targets.

In this war with the Deep State their assets like Crowdstrike are indeed legit targets, however with this type of attack it would be quite difficult to calculate the damage potential because of "chain reaction" effects.

An example is that some healthcare facilities actually installed the Crowdstrike software onto hospital systems, some of which are critical systems like MRI and CAT scan machines, and others which are medical diagnostic systems linked to an internal network.

Imagine a person dependent on say a kidney dialysis machine having it's computer controlled systems go down in the middle of treatment?

I'm not saying this did happen but the white hat rules of engagement would probably rule out using a cyberattack such is this because of the unknown amount of collateral damage which might be the result.

It's an interesting alternative interpretation of the Crowdstrike fiasco and worth considering.

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Very good points, GRY. I did wonder if there would be collateral damage if indeed it was the white hats. As far as hospitals go, they are dangerous places anyway. "Killing fields"

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Concur completely!

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🔥🔥🔥🌶️🌶️🌶️⚡️⚡️⚡️thanks for a great reply! 😎

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Interesting theory about the Crowdstrike outage being a response to Trump's dire warning...

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Thanks for a great post! In terms of Q postings, a few years ahead of things actually happening, I am wondering if these exact "predictions" are really due to Trump or Q having access to "looking glass" technology, specifically alien tech? I have wondered if anyone else thinks this is possible. Too many coincidences. Yes your descriptions of everything involved with the monetary system is very true. Also I would think there are different controllers behind Obama, Clintons, and the Bidens. Kamala is sort of an interloper.

In terms of the financial world, I have wondered about all the gold stolen from the basement of the Towers on 9/11, and possibly wasn't gold stolen from the Philippines and Germany? How does this all fit in? My last comment is, before modern tracking of people's finances in the last few years, we older people remember a time with our taxes. We could report things, with receipts. Now when we do taxes, the govt already has every bit of everything we spent on, we can't be off by a penny or they flag the return! There is no privacy anymore.

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As to Project Looking Glass, Marie, I've read that it is more of a super computer, maybe a functioning Quantum computer?, than a crystal ball. One that can take in essentially infinite variables and deliver probabilities. The multitude of amazingly accurate Future Proves Past proclamations cannot be explained by coincidence (which, after all, is God's way of remaining anonymous), unless, of course, it can.

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Well stated, Marie!!

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Another amazing article, Erik!

Thank you for weaving things together so beautifully, as you always do. It is incredibly helpful in maintaining the big picture perspective.

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John 8:32 NKJV

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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not coincidental that the Bible has nothing positive to say about tax collectors.

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Not too sure about that, I think there was a certain tax collector that became one of Jesus‘s 12 disciples

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Yes, then he stopped collecting taxes!

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Yes, he did. I think all the disciples that Jesus called, gave up their day jobs to become a full-time evangelist because the rewards were much greater.

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Agreed. Can you imagine, the level of trust? Amazing.

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Absolutely, I never Come away from a Bible study, where I am not amazed

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someone read the stories. 😉

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Matthew was one, and also Zacchaeus.

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one became a disciple. the other repented and agreed to repay those he had wronged.

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

What an excellent post that reminds us of the fake reality that we have lived under for decades. It isn’t a coincidence that the petrodollar was created to increase funding to the cabal and give the US a beneficial boost over the rest of the world, who joined the US citizens in making up the difference for the controllers. This makes me consider that the Prussian Nazis, post WWII, DID move to DC and infiltrate/establish a shadow government that was tripled in size and control after several false flags in Bush/Obama administrations; from there fully funded to control the world. The 2008 ‘reset’ helped the cabal minions beef up the control over citizens as well as consolidating power in the 3-letter (unconstitutional) agencies. State and the CIA have been merrily destroying any country willing to stand up to the cabal….(from their primary base in the US). This is apparently why so much evil has been done from a country founded on individual rights; a deliberate attempt to destroy all respect for the US and our Constitution. It’s been working, too, until an alliance was/is being formed to take down the controllers from within. The cabal sees the future and, as you’ve pointed out, is frantically trying to move back to Europe. In the end it won’t matter, because this massive criminal organization is all connected and is already being dismantled from the bottom up. There will be no where to hide. Good news is throughout this article, we just need to connect the dots! God bless you, Erik! Thank you for sharing.🙏

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I remember Glenn Beck and his chalkboards on tv. I loved that visual dot-connecting. Eric and Joe Lange should make us some chalkboard videos!!

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Great idea!

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Thanks for another great article. Trump has finally taken control over the RNC but it seems to me the DNC is fractured and behind the scenes there are warring factions fighting for power. Biden was not going anywhere until after the failed assassination attempt on Trump, I think someone told him he was next if he didn’t step down. So to get back at them he backed Harris. Now today 6 democrats in congress voted with the GOP to condemn Harris on the border. They are playing king of the hill. We will see who will be the last person standing and if they destroy themselves in the process.

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Kamala might be next so "Joe" can appoint another replacement for himself before he is forced to resign before his term ends.

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Or they threatened him with the 25th Amendment.

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“…how does one justify the same dollar being taxed multiple times?” 🏆

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Only those who stand to profit….

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

I like where you take this article... I however believe we are on a much faster course. The fiat system must be brought down on Sleepy Pedo Joe's head and the new system, currently running in the background, bursts onto the scene.

The world as we know it must change, hang on it's coming and it is going to be Biblical!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

What a great column!

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

As a Federal employee, I fully agree with your assessment of the current government and am disgusted by what I have to deal with regarding this issue. However, I can also tell you that not everyone who works for the federal government is bad. In fact, I would say that at possibly 99% are just normal, hard working Americans trying to get by the best they can. I totally believe that getting rid of all federal taxes is a good idea, but completely shutting down large employers like the IRS is going to put a whole lot of good people in financial hardship unless there is some sort of transition system.

- Patriot in the Machine

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Those not complicit in crimes should get some sort of severance perhaps, but don't expect a lot of sympathy. Fedgov employees went from getting about 2/3 of the salary they'd get in the private sector, in exchange for lifetime employment and excellent benefits, to now getting 30-40% more than the private sector and still with the goodies.

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It's a misconception that the average federal employee makes more than the private sector. Mostly because all the public usual ever sees are high ranking, high profile folks like directors of agencies in places like DC where the COLA is also high. The average fed employee makes well under $100k, even after decades of service. In fact, you can't even expect $100k until you have 5+ years as a GS-13, minimum (see link below). The lifetime employment is also not guaranteed. I've known people get fired for things the private sector doesn't even have an issue with, like accepting gifts over $20 or having a side business without getting permission first. As for the benefits, they are the same as any other employer, they just costs less. This is what offsets the lower pay to make things a bit more even.


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I consider a little under $100,000 to be great pay. The average where I live is around $60 to $65,000 yearly.

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Where I live $100k is about right to live a very modest life. And I don’t live in an expensive state or on the coast.

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It is great for those who have been feds for decades. Nobody starts out at that level. $50k-70k is what the vast majority of fed workers earn.

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Thanks for a great article. I too wondered about the “tip thing” growing into a bigger deal beginning with the fact that tips can have such a broad definition. Was this a sly hint? My main question / worry is about the puppet masters who have been running the world for centuries. There have been what appears to be some really stupid mistakes lately - world wide- and though I do understand the impact that pure arrogance has on these people and how this makes them believe they are indestructible, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. They didn’t get this far being stupid, sooooo what’s up their sleeve in the short term. While I do trust “the plan”, they are seeing it too. (p.s. I’m just cautious, not a black piller)

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

[They] are not stupid, but they are cornered and losing, and they know it. Their moves are being forced by the winning side. They do not really have any good moves left.

And yes, this is a world-wide operation. It has taken decades to plan. It seems that the focus is the US 2024 election, so expect things to start getting kinetic before too long. It has to be that way, so the public will accept "the plan" and all it entails.

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True, but our planners aren’t inbred like the cabal (for centuries) and there is a lot of misinformation included in the plan to throw off their agenda and entrap them…it’s why the clues are such an enigma, I believe. The fact that both the good/bad guys can read the same posts without impacting the overall goals is the brilliance of the plan…. Blessings.

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent! I agree and know there are countermeasures. I just want ALL THE ANSWERS NOW! Is that too much to ask??? (kidding) I am in awe of the brilliance!

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I’m not the patient type typically, but God’s surely been using the last 8 years to fix that flaw!! The more I learn the less I seem to know. Weird!!

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Awesome, Erik! And not only more prosperous, but more freedom as we move back to our Founding Principles and living under a functioning Constitutional Republic.

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Great essay. Gets one thinking about a world without Central Banks. I think another thing that would help destroy the Deep State Globalists is to frame most issues -- CBDCs, Digital ID, Open Borders etc. in terms of Globalists Vs Anti-Globalists rather than Democrats Vs Republicans. Should that occur the public will see the world through those glasses in the film "They Live." We will see the globalists everywhere by linking Globalist Policies with Globalist individuals and organizations: WEF, UN, WHO, Soros, Fink (Black Rock) etc.


In the first week of June (2024) the EU elections resulted in huge wins for what they call the "right" and what I more accurately call the Anti-Globalists. It is well summarized by this commentator in the video below where he says the following. "Europe's populists have emerged from different political Traditions. They disagree with one another over the war in Ukraine, on questions of tax and public spending on welfare, abortion, and other social policies. Some are more unsavory and liberal than others. But what unites pretty much all of them is a fierce opposition to the Ironclad consensus of the Brussels bureaucracy particularly on sovereignty, migration and Net Zero."

The Anti-Globalist Revolution is gaining traction in the US, EU and around the world

Why Globalist Corporate Media refuses to adopt the Anti-Globalist Paradigm

BRUCE CAIN, JUN 23, 2024


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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Gotta love how as this plan gains momentum we are able to see more and more, and understand more and more, ....eventually we’ll be able to do more and more, maybe even truly live, not just dream, more and more. God Bless!!!

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Indeed. An exciting, if a bit scary, time to be alive.

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Jul 25Liked by Erik Carlson

Fabulous analysis Erik.

My, you’re on a roll sir.

Gargantuan forces are indeed at work in every facet of this world - not just the political, the geopolitical, the economic.

There’s some fascinating stuff going on in the stock market relating specifically to the naked shorting criminalities.

These directly involve not just Trump’s Truth Social but several other American companies like GameStop, Bed Bath and Beyond, AMC, and of course, the original famous victim, Overstock (of Patrick Byrne fame).

Byrne himself has confessed that he was deputed by a group of senior senators in 2006 to help bring down the Uniparty financial system.

I think we will soon be seeing the apocalyptic resolution of this where the corrupt machinations of the financial aristocracy will be revealed and destroyed.

And don’t even start trying to unravel what Elon Musk is doing in his kaleidoscope of industrial and space businesses. It’s all mind blowing.

Your sage advice to focus on the macro and not get our panties in a twist over the micro is perfect.

Stock up on popcorn 🍿 😁🇺🇸👍

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