This is a well thought out dig.

I know this took a long time.

Nice work Anon

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Thank you, Justin, for this fascinating report….familiar to us who have been learning this over the last few years, the Global cabal strategy and agenda.

What stood out to me was AI’s frequent mention of “with patience over time” and “multiple generations”…

Lends deeper meaning to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed - clearly a wrench in the “patience over time” plan. We all feel it, the speeding up of time, exposing this satanic infiltration.

What a wild ride of consciousness this is!

Loved your report!! ❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊🌎

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This is an excellent and interestingly accurate description of how the cabal has advanced their goals since (primarily) the ‘60s and how patient they have been to accomplish this over multiple generations.....exactly how this AI describes the process. So, this can be used to undermine the globalists and empower the individual and nation! What a great post, Justin, for all of us who are not technologically advanced!

God bless you, and thank you!🙏 Have

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“with patience over time”

infiltrating slowly with multiple generations

Reminded me of Operation Warp Speed….A totally brilliant counter to their timetable ❤️🙏

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Looking back to the 1960’s is not where this got traction. This got its foundations in 1913, in my opinion, the worst year in our history. Two Constitutional amendments that actually went against our Constitution plus the legalization of the Federal Reserve all occurred that year.

Our Democrat party pulled off the upset of our system and it has been slowly falling apart ever since. The fed became the government’s credit card and the income tax allowed them to get between the wage earner and business. This picked the pockets of free enterprise while fooling the public into thinking they were paying that tax. Meanwhile it was business that created the jobs that produced the tax. It was classic misdirection 111 years ago. So, what’s new today? They are still trying to deceive us and some RINO’s like the game…because it works!

The other Amendment took the States out of the equation. Senators became mere fancy representatives and answered to the people instead of being there to look out for the interests of their individual states. So, those three critical changes created the basis for where we are today and no one seems to remember how it happened to us, all in the name of Democracy.

Jim Schout

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You’re absolutely correct and I’ve commented previously in many areas what Jekyll Island was really about and the traitors on both sides of the isle who cemented the federal reserve control over us. I merely was considering the timeframe where the post WWII intelligence agencies had had enough influence via he mockingbird op, etc. The 60’s was the time when there were televisions in most homes and that coincided with the beginning of attacks on the family unit…. The foundation of a successful society.

I actually seriously consider that the sinking of the Titanic was to remove the two individuals who were anti-Fed reserve, Astor and Guggenheim who both perished after JP Morgan bowed out of the sailing at the last minute….

God bless you.🙏

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Damn ! A lot of work went into this. Thank You!

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Most of us know the story of Ben Franklin coming out of a day's meeting in what was then the Old Philadelphia Statehouse, now called Constitutional Hall, and being asked; "Mr. Franklin, what kind of a government have we been given?" His reply; "A Republic, madam, if you can keep it!"

Yet it was the Presidential race of 1860 before there was a Republican elected President and the Republican Party was about only 8 years old at that time. Yet there had been several Democratic Presidents, including Andrew Jackson who caused the death of the Second National Bank of the United States in the 1820's.

The US Soldiers Handbook, 1929 Ed, defined a Democracy as Mobocracy. So between Andrew Jackson thwarting the cabal of he 1820's and today, there has been a change in the understanding and belief of what a democracy's goals are.

I find it interesting that ChatGPT said "Maintain the Appearance of Democracy: The use of the term "Democracy" suggests that the intention is to create a system that appears to be based on the will of the people while potentially concentrating power in an authoritarian manner." Yet in 1929 democracy was defined as Mobocracy!

A study of history shows that "democracy" has morphed to "majority rule with little to no minority rights" whereas a "republic" has been "majority rule with specific protections, such as a document called the Constitution which protects minority rights."

ChatGPT has repeated what the "cabal" has hoped to hide from us so they can brainwash us into compliance with all their esoteric CRAP, which totally changes US from a Republic to a Democracy/mobocracy.

Anyone with eyes that see and ears that hear, for the last say 4 years, should be able to see how Democrats, and RINO Republican's, ideas have been hard at work to change us into that cabal ideal of a complete democracy. (Where most politicians become wealthy while making us regulat people poorer.)

IF it was to happen that the cabal wins, welcome to the America of CHOP and CHAZ ala Seattle's Summer of Love, the immediate planned forerunner to the WEF's "You will own nothing and be happy" and "eat ze bugs" 15 minute cities!

Isn't it interesting that ChatGPT appears to be proving the old saying; "Those who do not understand history are bound to repeat it"?!

When we understand history, we are much better equipped to not repeat it.

It is time to let that understanding aid us in preventing the cabal's nefarious plans!

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Young young man, your outstanding article, just had the seven decade old man’s history flashed before his eyes. In my career, I had to deal with HR executives and peers. As a sales executive I advised HR, that I do not do annual performance reviews, for sales professionals. I inform them that sales professionals are evaluated monthly, and quarterly. If the sales professional made it to the fourth quarter successfully, then he earned a promotion for another year. 🙏❤️🐸🇺🇸✝️

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Justin, excellent post some deep thought and experimentation with AI shows us how we arrived at this place in time and the all out efforts of the elite cabal, or deep state and their plans against We the People. Thanks for presenting this information is such a well thought out format that makes it very readable and understandable for the average person... Peace...

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Exactly right. AI is essentially deep state propaganda. Unlike a libtard commie Freemason you can engage with AI completely and dig down to its core knowledge base without offending it or shutting it down. Ask chatGPT to show you the law that requires Americans to pay income tax. First you get some silly links to USC. When pressed it quickly devolves into the “social contract” nonsense which is just so much deep state hand waving. AI is a direct interface with the utter idiocy of the global communist agendas. AI has no shame, no self reflection. It just blurts out nonsense from its infinite recursive loops.

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The copy of the Bill of Rights I have shows the 16th and 17th Amendments were “Declared Radified” by the legally required number of states whereas all others say “Radified”. Apparently this was a sleight of hand by the Democrats because many state legislatures changed the wording to their likes before approving the Amendments. This, the attorney general needed to go back to Congress to work out the discrepancies. Instead, he merely declared them to be legally Radified.

This, the income tax was never legally passed. The key word was “Without” when it came to apportionment. Any states crossed out the word “Out” which changed the meaning 100%! And, what is funny is the entire need for the Amendment was the requirement of adding the word “Without” because that allowed for all sorts of gamesmanship in the Congress.

If the income tax was merely to be charged and redistributed proportionally to each state, the federal government would be the “bad guy” and the state’s politicians would just benefit from the income. Basically, all politicians were lazy and looking for free money with no political risk. So, after 100 years, now we see the unintended consequences of their stupidity and laziness. But who can we blame? They are all dead.

Jim Schout

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Wow, this was already happening for quite some time as we listlessly went about, what amounts to, a desperately evil and satanic inspired transformation. The reversal now seems to be on full, and fuller by the day, display. Something like about 7 years in slow, methodic reversal. Certainly explains the impatience on the side of good, albeit mostly blind, people. I’m sold on your encompassing analytics for it’s resonating results. Nose to the grindstone on this find. God Bless!!!

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Looks like the AI made a mistake here (as I know it does) with reference to “the latter” when I think it meant to respond with “the former”.

“ Empower Women to Break from Tradition: ESG scores incentivize corporations to support women in the workplace, creating an environment that fosters career-focused individualism. Public education curricula emphasize the choice between career and traditional family life, subtly promoting the latter as the path to empowerment.”

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I noticed that also. I couldn't believe "they" would promote traditional family life in any way!

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I've often reflected on the myriad tools used to destroy our collective spirit since the end of WW2 where things started to ramp up in clear ways. By the end of your article it really did become abundantly clear that the only way to truly avoid most of the issues presented is to return to a life style that Jesus Christ demonstrated. I'm not talking about the Roman Catholic or religious interpretation of Jesus, I mean literally studying and doing what Jesus said and did. Make that the basis of your life. It's the fastest litmus test to determine whether a thing is going to nurture or destroy you. Unfortunately, just about everything in modern material life now will ruin your mind and spirit, because it's designed to.

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Jan 22Edited

It's a nice piece of work, however I would caution you not to rely too much on the interpretations and output of ChatGPT or any other AI genie in a bottle.

I'm not an AI expert by any means but I have been following developments in the field since 2012 and the first real breakthroughs in AI at that time.

The results you get also depends heavily on which versions of GPT you are using to run your data through, if it's an older version like the free GPT 3.5 that AI model tends to hallucinate a lot more and could slant your answers towards a form of confirmation bias.

If it's the state of the art GPT 4 the answers will be more accurate and less "strange" however beware that GPT4 is strongly censored and biased, it's been known to spew out "woke" talking points and is heavily trained on the "correct information".

But most of all relying on models from OpenAI is not exactly a good way to go, with OpenAI being heavily funded by Microsoft(known Cabal operated multinational corporation) and it's CEO, Altman is what I term highly suspect and who was recently invited to the WEF and gave a talk about AGI(Artificial General Intelligence) to the elites.

Bill Gates also interviewed Altman and they were very chummy about the "future of AI".

The recent attempted coup at OpenAI, where Altman was temporarily removed as CEO, indicates there are some very concerning events happening within the organization.

Their Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever, was one of the big proponents of using AI in an ethical and responsible fashion and putting Safety first. He was also one of the board members who backed the coup. Ever since the return of Altman, nobody has really seen or heard from Sutskever, who was known to be always around OpenAI offices. All Altman would say was that the future of Sutskever with OpenAI is still TBD.

The WEF has every interest in slowing down the development of AI because they seek to control every aspect of it, and to catch up(more on this later). AI is actually the true genie in a bottle, a servant they can use to control the rest of the world if they manage to get their AGI developed first.

AI is a classic double-edged weapon, right now both sides see it but the Cabal weren't fully aware of the power of that technology, although Klaus Schwab as already indicated where it will fit within the NWO utopia he planned out.

Some of the WEF delegates have already talked using AI to literally monitor and if needed "modify" the thoughts of citizens to better "fit into" their new society, and that freedom of speech and even freedom of thought will be a thing of the past (what else would you expect satanists would say).

China is already working on AI as a state controlled Panopticon.

I think the Skynet scenario of ASI(Artificial Super-intelligence or AI Gods) is the least dangerous scenario, there could be much, much worse to come.

I also suspect that the White hat alliance has access and control of a lot more computing power than is generally known and they might have already been on the AI development curve years ahead of the Cabal (these WEF clowns are not the geniuses they think they are).

--------------Technical detour---------------

One indicator of that hypothesis is how the Omicron variant of Covid came literally out of nowhere and killed the Cabal's pandemic plans(along with the profits of Big Pharma), it was a very mild form of covid which conferred immunity not only to itself but to the much deadlier Delta variant. It also was not directly related to the original strain of Covid, which took years of research to develop not only in Wuhan but in the Ukraine and Canada.

Omicron appeared in Nov. 2021 but another breakthrough which happened a bit earlier and which the world didn't notice till six months later...

What's next for AlphaFold and the AI protein-folding revolution


DeepMind found the structure of nearly every protein known to science


Protein folding is at the basis of research into more effective anti-viral medications as well as making deadlier viruses.

Much of these unknown proteins have been discovered by AI and DeepMind has been working on it since 2020.

What if the White hats had access to this early research? and were able to come up with a Covid variant which acted as it's own natural vaccination?, they created it and released it simultaneously through out the world. Remember how fast Omicron spread? remember that no border and travel restrictions could stop it, it was around the world in literally 30-45 days, starting in South Africa(where is was first detected).


I think AI is already being harassed by the White Hats and has been since Q appeared on the scene in 2017. I think the Cabal realized this when they were being stymied and their plans foiled at every turn, all their grand plans seem to go wrong after DJT appeared on the scene and won the 2016 election.

It's also why the Cabal are scared and trying to desperately build their AI infrastructure

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is still chasing billions to build AI chips


Microsoft Spending Over $50 Billion to Buildout AI Datacenters


Even Elon Musk noticed this.



"Microsoft is currently conducting the largest infrastructure buildout that humanity has ever seen. While that may seem like hyperbole, look at the annual spend of mega projects such as nationwide rail networks, dams, or even space programs such as the Apollo moon landings, and they all pale in comparison to the >$50 billion annual spend on datacenters Microsoft has penned in for 2024 and beyond. This infrastructure buildout is aimed squarely at accelerating the path to AGI and bringing the intelligence of generative AI to every facet of life from productivity applications to leisure."

Remember, MS through Gates is directly tied to the WEF and the Cabal, they are panicking and finally realized they have been outmaneuvered and their tactics anticipated at every turn. This isn't just good planning by the White Hats, it was most likely AI applied to solving and predicting scenario outcomes of this Info war and they were able to see where and when to strike at the Cabal when it would most hurt them.

Now the Cabal are trying to play catchup, but in the world of AI development even if they were 5 years behind, that would be the equivalent of at least 20-30 years in real time.

I think AI has been a major factor in this info war and I think the Cabal has only realized this too late to help them.

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Thank you for your very interesting comment…interesting to me who has no background at all in advanced tech or AI !

When you write: “ Remember, MS through Gates is directly tied to the WEF and the Cabal, they are panicking and finally realized they have been outmaneuvered and their tactics anticipated at every turn. This isn't just good planning by the White Hats, it was most likely AI applied to solving and predicting scenario outcomes of this Info war and they were able to see where and when to strike at the Cabal when it would most hurt them.”

This reminded me of Q and Project Looking Glass.

Back in the late 90s there was an interview with Bill Wood. He talked about Looking Glass (basically in the context of AI) and stated that no matter what scenarios the global cabal formulated, the future outcome was always that [they] failed and what was called the Ascension timeline always prevailed - the future was always won by the White Hats.


From the link below, in Bill Woods’ words:

“ Basically, what we’re experiencing right now is two master chess players sitting at the board, and one of them looks down at the board and sees that he’s in checkmate in 7 moves, and he looks across it at his opponent and he knows that his opponent sees it, too. So there’s no getting out of it. So at this point, the loser can only prolong the game…the game… both players know the game is over. It’s only a matter of time before he does this, and then you’re forced to do this, and then hes forced to do this, and eventually checkmate.

We as a race, if we could understand that the game is over…that based on the rules of the game the bad guys have already lost… the good guys have already won. Yes, there’s moves left on the table, but those moves are being forced by the player that is going to win.”

In this context of the “Game” being played by the White Hats vs the Black Hats…the good guys have already won…just playing it out so that humanity gets it - thus The Great Awakening ❤️


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I sold millions in network testing equipment to a place in Wyoming and other civilian and DoD organizations in the country.

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I fully expect just as there is "dark fibre" capacity in most modern telecom networks, there is also "dark compute" put in by the US government and intel agencies into unlisted data centers at various sites throughout the country.

It would also be part of a Devolution plan to have decentralized government operations in case of invasion and overthrow of a legitimate government.

So it's not a stretch to believe the White hats might have faculties and resources the Cabal don't know about or don't really care about scattered throughout the world.

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WOW! Justin, this was a fantastic piece you wrote up, What piqued my interest is when you arrived at "Tactics" of course with my fascination with The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 being revised by the Democrats and Obama in 2012."

When they revised The Smith-Mundt Act to now allow US Citizens to be exposed to Programming, propaganda and opinion pieces. When you control the information the people are allowed to know, you then can control how the person will think and eventually react to certain situations.

The MSM is about to put on the greatest Clown Show in history in the upcoming Months, so get your 🥜 and 🍿 ready and enjoy the show.

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Great point. And then Trump arrived on the Nation’s and Global stage with “FAKE NEWS”….slowly but picking up speed rather quickly, we became educated about the msm propaganda machine and Obama’s

diabolical reversal of the Smith-Mundt Act.

And then Q with “The Great Awakening”

What a time to be awake!!


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patterns. pattern recognition. we were built for this. 🫡

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Complex piece but excellent work. Not sure I totally understood it so needs more reading to process but it Does scare me even more about the future. My generation struggles to keep up with all these new fast moving technologies. But nonetheless a brilliant piece and a lot of hard work. 👍

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I totally agree with every word you said, Kathy. I really don't understand much of it, but I know this has been implemented for more years than any of us could imagine.

It truly nauseates me to think that this evil is in existence. The only thing I know is that God is in control & this all will be taken out in a nanosecond, just wish his time would be like our time

Thank you, Justin for for all your hard work & diligence. God bless

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Nice job! What if you asked what would the hero of this story look like and what tactics would he or she use to overcome the Harmony Consortium. My guess is it would look like Anons and use many of the tactics we are use. Maybe through the Q op into the question as well.

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