Congratulations, Ashe! I heard about your victory, even read about it but did not connect it to our 'Ashe in America' at the time.

Your close reminds me of the timeless closing words of Ronald Reagan's 'Encroaching Control' speech, given March 30, 1961 before the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce:

"Our Founding Fathers, here in this country, brought about the only true revolution that has ever taken place in man's history. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another set of rulers. But only here did that little band of men so advanced beyond their time that the world has never seen their like since, evolve the idea that you and I have within ourselves the God-given right and the ability to determine our own destiny. But freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well thought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free."

-- https://archive.org/details/RonaldReagan-EncroachingControl

Thanks for fighting the good fight, Ashe.

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Brava, Ashe! Hope this article gets wide circulation. Local story with critical national implications. As you said, " ... justice doesn’t just happen. You must show up and fight for it. It’s up to every one of us to be brave, stand up, and defend our liberties." Amen!

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I am happy for you, and I greatly admire your hard work and tenacity. Your vindication also gave me some faith in our justice system; unfortunately as you post your victory in this Substack, Tina Peters was convicted yesterday via lawfare, and she had hired representation! Of course this gave the AP the opportunity to force feed the narrative that the 2020 election was fair and anyone who questions it is a lunatic. Thank you for all your hard work with Badlands, I enjoy listening to you.

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“Election deniers” is nomenclature that only exists as a pretense in the universe of “lawfare”. Lawfare is a gambit that has taken root in our quasi-Marxist , post-constitutional society. The left has tried in the past to effect this outcome going back to Woodrow Wilson and then in full effort with FDR. FDR’s efforts were in effect until recently when Trumped restored some balance to the Suoteme Court. The left, accustomed to being the schoolyard bully, went into a full fledged temper tantrum. “Election Denial” is the outcome. And it has been an effective gambit. How will we remove the bullies?? I’ll get back to you in November

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Going to court without any evidence? Sounds a lot like what the Texas RINO's did to Ken Paxton last year.

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Exactly 🎯 Happily, AG Paxton had a better outcome. I hope and expect we will see a Paxton terminator-like activation in the near future.

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Lies should not go to court in the first place. Congratulations on your victory, but it never should have been tried.

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Great read and wonderful history lesson too!! God Bless you for your bravery and your integrity. A stressful 2 years and a well-deserved Happy Outcome!!

You are an inspiration, Ashe!

#Trump2024 ❤️🇺🇸🦅

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Great comment Feather. I couldn't have said it better

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Hi Floridafan! 🙏❤️

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Now we can only hope that Tina Peters appeal and new trial allows her the exculpatory evidence that was denied by the dirty corrupt assistant DA. Jena Griswold needs to be the one criminally prosecuted for election fraud and weaponizing her position to go after honest people like Tina who exposed the fraud. Her sentencing is Oct 3rd and I don't expect the judge to go easy so I pray for God's intervention.

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This includes a wonderful summary of election history in America. Fabulous work!!

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Two of our adult children live in CO - though our oldest just sold their home and are joining us here in TN - you are a hero and advocate to all of the citizens of the state - whether they know it or not! Thank you!

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Yes. Your experience demonstrates, like the J6 prisoners, cases against Trump and his close associates, etc. that the purpose of the left (cabal’s minions in the US) is, ‘Our conduct was entirely lawful. They just didn’t like our ideas.’

We’re thankful for you, your fight, teaching us how to fight back and that, in the end, that it’s been worth it to you! Thank you for being an inspiration to ‘we the people’ and God bless you.🙏🙏

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Congratulations Ashe! That took courage and tenacity to stick with it. But, you all prevailed. And, have set a precedent. Bravo!

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Wasn't it dismissed? If so, that evades precedent unfortunately.

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No, they won. Some are falsely reporting it as dismissed, but they actually won.

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If not a legal precedent then surely an example.

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Bravo Ashe. I am glad that you kicked their asses. I truly hope that all of the parties and individuals involved in prosecuting you 3 are severely punished.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Ashe, I noted the judge awarded you costs. I wonder if that negates your ability to sue for damages? You mention your reputation was damaged and that should cost them much more than “costs”.

Please tell me you are going after these law fare crooks legally. What makes their game worth pursuing is most people fail to retaliate. They are so happy to be over the accusations that they just go home and celebrate. In truth, the case should just be going into second gear as the defendants take the bad guys to the cleaners. Once that happens a few times the word will get around and law fare will go away. It will be too costly for the players to play.

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This is correct, and the wolves are depending on us not pursuing them.

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❤️ so glad to see Justice prevailing.

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Bravo for standing up for your rights along with the other defendants in this farce of a trial.

Even in a "farce of a trial" there are times when one wonders if it is worth the effort and every defendant suffers the abuse of the Plaintiff's Lawyers who are paid to win the case by any means possible.

Cases like yours are not always won in the Trial Court. Some go to the Appeals Court before being won, and some are not won at the Appeals Court and SCOTUS does not take them.

some cases are ultimately won at the ballot box, that is why this upcoming election is so important!

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