Before getting into how the CIA RUNS the US economy, I must first lay down some groundwork for the reader to understand just how great of an impact the CIA currently has on the US economy. This may seem a bit technical in the beginning. Please hang in there, as the technical information will quickly give way to conspiracy.
The S&P 500 represents the 500 biggest companies in the US by market cap (total value). The S&P 500 Index is weighted so that the bigger the company, the more it is represented in the index.
The current S&P 500 Index has the most top-heavy weighting the US has ever known. In 2025, the top 5 companies in America account for 33% of the S&P 500 Index weighting. For reference, in 2010, the top 5 companies accounted for 11%. In 15 years, the top 5 companies tripled in their weighting. One-third of the current weighting is in 1% of the S&P 500 companies. This means the S&P 500 doesn’t appropriately represent the US stock market. In fact, only 1% of American businesses are even publicly traded companies and a part of the stock market. The stock market doesn’t represent the economy, and the S&P 500 doesn’t properly represent the stock market.
Now that that is established, what do the five biggest companies in America all have in common, besides being megalithic in size? I believe they all have the same master, the CIA. They are all used to influence Americans and the world. They are all critical in propagandizing and controlling the world.
Some may remember how during Covid, smaller companies went belly up while the mega corporations became even bigger. Some will say this happened organically. I would argue that it was all by design. I’ve heard people refer to the Covid pandemic as the Amazon pandemic, because of how much business they did during the lockdowns and how much market share they captured when smaller companies went under.
Something I noticed a few years prior to the Covid lockdowns was how many Starbucks stores without drive-throughs were being replaced with Starbucks stores with drive-throughs. Almost all the new Starbucks stores being built had a drive-through. How did they foresee what was coming? There was also a push to order ahead of time. This allows one to minimize the interactions they have with anyone in the store.
In the five years since the lockdowns, I’ve noticed in many Starbucks locations, much of the seating has been permanently removed, as if they don’t want to promote people being in community with each other. In many smaller towns, Starbucks are the town center, where people go to meet up with each other to have a cup of coffee and share a conversation. This is being replaced with people not getting out of their cars or ordering ahead and walking in and out of the store without any human interaction.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, part of the technology push we have experienced the past 20 years is to minimize the human interactions we have with each other on a daily basis. The less we interact with each other, the less we connect with each other, the less we care or empathize for one another. Ultimately, the less we procreate. The end goal of these sick people is for some of us to rarely leave our apartments in our 15-minute cities. Work from home, order food to our homes, have everything delivered to our homes … stay at home for a romantic evening on Saturday night with our AI robot girlfriend or boyfriend.
Sounds crazy, right? But look how far we’ve already come towards this goal.
‘But it’s all about convenience.’
Sure it is.
The top five largest American companies over the past 25 years by market cap:
2025 2020 2010 2000
Apple Apple Exxon Exxon
Nvidia Microsoft Apple GE
Microsoft Amazon Microsoft Cisco
Alphabet Alphabet Berkshire Hathaway Pfizer
Amazon Meta Walmart Walmart
The top 5 American companies in 2025 are all AI big tech companies. In 2020, they were all pre-AI big tech companies.
In 2000, there was a pretty diversified mix of companies—an energy company, an electronics/aerospace engine maker, a tech company, a big pharma company and a retail company. Why was Pfizer so big in 2000? Well, big pharma ads were allowed on broadcast TV starting in 1997, and Viagra was released to the public in 1998. As always seems to be the case with Big Pharma, they pump us full of toxins, then sell us drugs fix what it caused.
The American economy has actually become even more top heavy than I’ve explained thus far. In 2025, the biggest American company, Apple, is 10 times larger than the number 20 company, Home Depot. By comparison, in 2000, the largest company, Exxon, was only 3 times bigger than the number 20 company, Eli Lilly. In other words, the top 1% is now 10 times bigger than the top 4% in the S&P 500, and remember, the stock market in general only represents 1% of American businesses.
It’s quite shocking how big, powerful, valuable and influential the top 1% of the American publicly-traded companies have become. In 1911, the Rockefeller monopoly was broken up. The US Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was in violation of the federal anti-trust laws, and it was broken up into 34 separate entities. Is this the path forward to limit the power and influence the top 1% of publicly traded American companies have on the American economy and society?
Lately, many CEOs, especially within big tech, have endorsed Trump or at least, stopped directly working against him. Elon Musk has been the most supportive, both vocally and financially. Mark Zuckerberg of Meta (Facebook) has agreed to open up his platforms to more free speech, and Jeff Bezos of Amazon and WAPO has said WAPO should be less biased, and more trustworthy.
Big tech companies and CEOs are donating a million dollars to Trump’s inaugural fund. This is purely symbolic in that it is a drop in the bucket for all of them. In my opinion, this is the real pardoning that is happening in America, Biden’s pardons are purely optics. Trump is allowing the CEOs and companies that are valuable to the American economy to essentially kiss the ring. Google, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Apple, and OpenAI have all donated. Notice the common theme here: they are all massive companies, they are all big tech companies, and they are all heavily involved with the development of AI technology.
As of the writing of this, the AI company that seems to not be on this list of doners is Nvidia. This could change, but it’s strange that it isn’t on the list. Is Nvidia not a part of Trump’s future plans?
DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense that focuses on developing new technologies for the military. US tax dollars are used to create this technology that often finds its way into American society and the American economy. The internet is probably one of the biggest and most important technologies created by DARPA that found its way into every American’s office, home and pocket.
I remember as a kid hearing about how Tang and Velcro were invented by NASA. It turns out they weren’t, but NASA wanted to seem more important to the American society, so they never really corrected people. DARPA creations, on the other hand have been sold to Americans much differently. From a hoody wearing tech nerd from Harvard to a couple of friends working out of a mom’s garage, to a guy selling books online out of a small, one-person office. In some cases, movies are made to help solidify the origin stories in people’s minds.
‘No really, that’s how it happened. I saw it in a movie.’
In some cases, the CIA has taken technology that DARPA created and has used it to influence and keep tabs on Americans. But Americans aren’t dumb enough to voluntarily give the CIA their information, so the CIA creates companies and assigns people to be the faces of the companies.
In 1975, it was discovered through the Church Committee that the CIA had manipulated and controlled the American media since 1960, maybe even further back. The congressional committee led by congressman Frank Church, grilled William Colby, the CIA Director, under oath. He revealed the existence of Operation Mockingbird—how the CIA had assets working within different media companies.
Before the 1990’s, when the internet became accessible to Americans, the media was pretty easy for the CIA to control. They only had to control Hollywood, the music industry, TV, radio, books, magazines, newspapers and broadcast news. With the introduction of the internet, they lost control. The internet was like the Wild West. There was no way of controlling what was being communicated and what was being found. The CIA needed a solution, and they needed it fast, as more and more anti-government sentiment was starting to form.
By the year 2000, 52% of Americans now had access to the internet. If only the CIA could create and control social media and search engines, they could control or at least monitor, what was being said online and what people would be able to find online.
According to Wikipedia,
LifeLog was a project of the Information Processing Techniques Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). […]
LifeLog aimed to compile a massive electronic database of every activity and relationship a person engages in. This was to include credit card purchases, web sites visited, the content of telephone calls and e-mails sent and received, scans of faxes and postal mail sent and received, instant messages sent and received, books and magazines read, television and radio selections, physical location recorded via wearable GPS sensors, biomedical data captured through wearable sensors. The high-level goal of this data logging was to identify "preferences, plans, goals, and other markers of intentionality".
Another of DARPA's goals for LifeLog had a predictive function. It sought to “find meaningful patterns in the timeline, to infer the user’s routines, habits, and relationships with other people, organizations, places, and objects, and to exploit these patterns to ease its task". […]
The LifeLog program was canceled on February 4th, 2004, after criticism concerning the privacy implications of the system.
Sound familiar?
What if I told you that February 4th, 2004, the day LifeLog shut down, was the same day that Facebook started up. Or that much of the early funding of FaceBook came from CIA shell companies. Or that Google Earth is an old CIA satellite that they gave them. Or that one of Amazon Web Services’ first big contracts was with the CIA.
In early 2013, Amazon was awarded the contract for $600 million, and in August of 2013, Bezos bought the CIA run newspaper, The Washington Post for $250 million.
A lot of people don’t remember that by the late 1990s, Bill Gates was one of the most hated men in the world. In the year 2000, he started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and in no time, he was considered one of the world’s greatest philanthropists. While the world believed he was giving away all his money, his net worth doubled in a year. And as for his genius, it is rumored that his mother hired engineers from IBM to come up with the early Microsoft software. And before I let Apple off the hook, DARPA also probably created SIRI.
iPhones listen to everything that is said around them, and track everywhere one goes.
As many big tech CEOs start to climb aboard the Trump Train and apologize for their past corruption and, one might say, treasonous behavior, Americans are being asked to forgive them or at least move on. It is understandable that many within MAGA are less than trusting of these Deep State puppets who seem to be having their strings cut.
Whether one trusts them or forgives them, it is apparent to me that Trump finds them and their companies to be a necessary part of the American economy. It’s hard to imagine an America without Amazon, Apple, FaceBook, Microsoft or Google.
I think it’s safe to say that what comes out of places like Seattle and Silicon Valley, via DARPA, are resources the rest of the world does not have, or at least at a capacity to compete. Other countries can compete in the production of oil, the mining of scarce resources, and manufacturing, but they don’t seem to be able to compete in the creation of intellectual property. This is the area America seems to excel in most. Let’s face it, America is founded on principals that lead to creativity.
I’m not asking anyone to forgive and forget, I’m just explaining why things may not play out the way some want them to. The cure can’t be worse than the disease. The US economy can’t collapse to bring down everyone who deserves to be tried for treason.
What have we seen lately with these mega big tech corporations?
Zuckerberg has publicly stated that his platforms will allow more free speech, as well as terminating DEI programs. Bezos is not only committed to cleaning up the bias and misinformation at WAPO, but he has forced Amazon employees to come back into the office. This not only helps America to alleviate the commercial real estate ticking time bomb that working from home has caused, but it forces humans to once again interact with each other. Gates is planning to fund nuclear power plants to power Microsoft’s AI.
What do I expect to see going forward?
Some companies and CEOs not being chosen to take part in the American Renaissance. Some mega corporations will be broken up into separate smaller companies. CIA and Deep State Cabal strings will continue to be cut. America will continue to lead the world in innovation, but more of that innovation will come from America-born citizens.
While I don’t believe the American economy is out of the woods just yet, the future is brighter than we’ve ever known. I understand that these CIA-created and controlled companies will be a big part of the American economy going forward—I don’t think people like Zuckerberg and Bezos will walk away from their crimes completely unscathed—but at the same time, I’m not going to allow my blood to boil as I see them sitting with Musk at the Inauguration.
Trump is a businessman, and he understands that this is business. The American economy can’t be destroyed in order for him and us to receive the justice deserved.
If the CIA’s strings have been cut, I for one am going to take the win. Gladly.
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It’s not at at all surprising that the top 5 companies comprise 33% of the market; what was a bit of a surprise is how these 5 went from 10-33% in 14+ years. (Except the Covid scam was designed to get this increase) Since global government is the desire and fascism is the ‘ism’ of choice, again, not surprising that these intertwined (with governments) are part of the global ‘solution’! One of the reasons the US is targeted IS that only 1% are publicly traded AND that the nation’s wealth machine is small businesses. Why were the small businesses forced to shut down during the COVID scam?
The internet was planned to put the cap on the 2030 agenda, but, ‘With the introduction of the internet, they lost control. The internet was like the Wild West.’ This backfired because there was a lack of understanding the American character and the willingness for many to use the internet to dig! The brilliance of the Q plan is the backbone of this.
I do realize that pragmatically it is reasonable in order to have justice without collapse, we might have to continue to have these companies. However, treason is treason and those in charge need to face tribunals and sentences. New ownership/leadership is the way to change the anti-American culture in these companies.
It boils down to this: if there is no justice for the treason and egregious crimes against humanity, then we are only changing one set of masters for another. We likewise do not need a tribunal for the few that are sacrificed for it to appear like justice. It is also for this reason, I am not in favor of political elite celebrity worship OR family dynasties. Even a Trump one. I’m a Trump supporter and a patriot. I’m not willing to accept a new set of masters. This requires ALL citizens to get involved and assume our responsibilities as citizens of a constitutional republic.
Thank you and God bless you, Erik.🙏
I also am not for destroying the economy or shutting down big corporations. I’m for Justice. If the CEOs or board members committed crimes, they are arrested, charged and it found guilty. They are sentenced and do their time. they deserve the same privileges and penalties as any other American citizen. If they’re not an American citizen, then they do their time and get thrown out of the country.