It’s not at at all surprising that the top 5 companies comprise 33% of the market; what was a bit of a surprise is how these 5 went from 10-33% in 14+ years. (Except the Covid scam was designed to get this increase) Since global government is the desire and fascism is the ‘ism’ of choice, again, not surprising that these intertwined (with governments) are part of the global ‘solution’! One of the reasons the US is targeted IS that only 1% are publicly traded AND that the nation’s wealth machine is small businesses. Why were the small businesses forced to shut down during the COVID scam?
The internet was planned to put the cap on the 2030 agenda, but, ‘With the introduction of the internet, they lost control. The internet was like the Wild West.’ This backfired because there was a lack of understanding the American character and the willingness for many to use the internet to dig! The brilliance of the Q plan is the backbone of this.
I do realize that pragmatically it is reasonable in order to have justice without collapse, we might have to continue to have these companies. However, treason is treason and those in charge need to face tribunals and sentences. New ownership/leadership is the way to change the anti-American culture in these companies.
It boils down to this: if there is no justice for the treason and egregious crimes against humanity, then we are only changing one set of masters for another. We likewise do not need a tribunal for the few that are sacrificed for it to appear like justice. It is also for this reason, I am not in favor of political elite celebrity worship OR family dynasties. Even a Trump one. I’m a Trump supporter and a patriot. I’m not willing to accept a new set of masters. This requires ALL citizens to get involved and assume our responsibilities as citizens of a constitutional republic.
I also am not for destroying the economy or shutting down big corporations. I’m for Justice. If the CEOs or board members committed crimes, they are arrested, charged and it found guilty. They are sentenced and do their time. they deserve the same privileges and penalties as any other American citizen. If they’re not an American citizen, then they do their time and get thrown out of the country.
I can explain why the Starbucks lounges are disappearing… because the homeless are camping out there. I’ve seen a local Starbucks here completely wall off the lounge and restrooms because the homeless had taken over their location. Another one near a bus stop completely closed up shop and moved elsewhere. It had nothing to do with the pandemic.
I dont go to starbucks but if its like Panera, people are using these places as their home businesses, interviews with clients ect.... Date meet-ups. Some sitting all day, as Ive been told, using the net and conducting business. Basically, stinking up the bathrooms and getting free internet and rent! Theres that homeless thing too.
Yes, it absolutely changed "because of the plandemic." It's literally part of the plan from the beginning. We don't have any homeless problem around here but it's still happened. Other businesses have also been forced to remove seating and social spaces as a result. Look around - no more social distancing or mask mandates, but many of the food services businesses didn't change back to pre COV operations. Everything is single serve packets.
The Satanists are good at hiding when it becomes necessary. They went too far, too fast, and they have exposed themselves - but I don't think they will go away. They never have. People relax quickly, and they forget, once the danger is gone. But, at the same time, I don't think the Satanists are driven as hard as they once were. They have lived a life of luxury and debauchery for so long, the evil genius of their task has dimmed. Their new AI brain just isn't evil enough, because logic just can't find a good way to support evil to the extent that is necessary to maintain the bloodlust that used to push their faith along. They need to live in the bleak recess of failure to recharge, and perhaps we need to find a way to mitigate that. Instead of striking them all down in anger, thus fomenting their revenge, maybe we can incorporate them back into normal society - pony rides for Satanists.
Don't forget, either, how inbred [they] have become. Why, for instance, are the British royals a singularly ugly bunch? And Hitler and his micropenis?
I remember an old joke about a minister coming upon a woman with an extremely ugly kid in a stroller. Preacher asks, "Who is that baby's father?" Woman responds, "He ain't got no daddy. He was born by Artificial Insemination!" Preacher responds: "Spare the rod, spoil the child."
The world‘s economy is commercial. The world of Satan is very large. Satan‘s world is a construction of contracts. What happens to contracts when all transactions are digitized? When any agreement we consent to is tied to a chain of agreements that are algorithmic and hidden to everyone? satan is both a control freak and a reductionist. When the digitized systems are reduced for their simplest forms of control, there’s no space left for living devils to operate.
Great insight and a great perspective. I always enjoy reading your work. You inspire me and make me feel hopeful for the future and humanity. Thank you!
Alpha Warrior and Col Towner just did a program about Batelle Medical Institute. Wow. They are in bed with the CIA all over the place. The list of projects the Institute received money for is astounding. Our tax payer money. Sinful and often used to control us. Example of what you have written about here, Erik. Thanks.
Erik, another great post. The Clowns In America need to be broken into pieces and scattered to the winds!!! Anything less is unacceptable!!! The Clowns In America and military bases through out the country are complicit in human and child trafficking.
Think about it, what better place to conduct trafficking and other criminal elements than on a secured military base. You have highly restricted areas of the base that only people with certain clearances are allowed into. While the general military operations are going on all around, A special section with special clearances conduct trafficking operations. The general military operation have no clue what type of Top Secret Operations are going on...
This is the part of the Swamp that is hard to remove or cut the strings to because it's only allowed access to the people with the proper clearance. Why hasn't the JFK files been released? or the 9/11/01 files? They can't afford to allow the lies to be exposed to the public because they are all complicit. Then you have all your NGO or 501 C3 organizations to launder the money and handle the logistics of the people. It's all covered as a government operation under top secret clearances.
Trump has taken down more pedophile organizations than the last 5 presidents combined. The Saudi Arabia purge in Trump's first term took down the head of the snake of the trafficking operations. Ukraine was a trafficking and money laundering operation. Dig into the history of the area. The Pale of Settlements, and Kazarians. Where did Mayer Amchel Rothschild immigrate to Germany from? What other country removed the money masters and eliminated the human trafficking. What is the "Alliance" that Trump built in his first term? Oh the things that make you go HUmmmmmmm... Again great post... Keep doing what you do... Peace..
I’m not surprised that the CIA has controlled the media since 1960. I personally saw Walter Cronkite telling Americans that Kennedy was dead, complete with his dramatic eye glass removal. He was completely insincere and that’s the perspective of a 7 year old, almost 8. My Mom must have studied under the wing of Hitchcock because watching body language was a critical skill for my emotional/physical survival. I think that’s probably why Cronkite struck me as insincere. What the 6 o’clock news was saying before that day, I have no recollection whatsoever. When I consider the current state of the media I always think back to November 22, 1963, the day of the coup. I knew the CIA was pissed about the Khrushchev phone call that bypassed the CIA but dam! Bay of Pigs sealed Kennedy’s fate. And not going all in on Vietnam. LBJ was more than happy to play ball. And help arrange the murder. IMO.
When I was really young it was more a feeling of “something is rotten in the state of Denmark” but not really understanding what and why nobody else seemed to think that anything was off. Coupled with Dad flying C-124s full of??? to various countries. I enjoyed the trinkets but the places struck me odd even as a kid. I have his flight records now and the why is abundantly clear now. Everywhere there was a regime change there he went. I think by using USAF reserves they had plausible deniability in that we didn’t send in active duty. Dad had the same job and only his clothes were different. Street clothes for day to day flight line stuff, flight suits for flights and khakis for reserve weekends. Looking back gives me all kinds of feels.
CIA-run economy for sure. But who founded the CIA? Wall Street bankers. Whose bidding does the CIA do? Wall Street bankers, who are connected to the City of London bankers.
Most, maybe all, billionaires, and trillionaires are legacy mob, big government corporate welfare recipients or both.
Pritzkers, Myer Lansky, Crowns, Musk, Gates, and fronts like Zuckerberg, and Bezos, to real estate tycoons like Stephen Ross whose start was in federally subsidized housing, and so many others are examples of consolidating wealth around crime, and government takings. Plus, there's $22 trillion missing from our federal budgets as documented rigorously by Catherine Austin Fitts. We're not getting any of our $22 trillion back because several criminal cartels have already spent it.
I'm sure that those who are actually guilty will be met with justice. The Zuck is no tech wizard, he's a nobody in control of a lot of money, but real tech wizards will transform Facebook into a national townsquare where issues from local to national can be voted on by each individual in minutes or even seconds. Zuckerberg can fry or hang or be shot, it won't change the fact that these platforms will be radically changed in scope to actually serve the people's needs.
I don't want to delude myself, but if we are entering a new age for humanity, I am excited to be part of it. Part of me struggles to believe this is real, but at the same time, the path we were on was destined for failure and the collapse of this nation. None of us actually wants that, except cabal members. We've collectively said "No" and now, we've been watching the bullets slow down for many years.
I think we're about to pluck them out of the air. We are "The One."
It’s not at at all surprising that the top 5 companies comprise 33% of the market; what was a bit of a surprise is how these 5 went from 10-33% in 14+ years. (Except the Covid scam was designed to get this increase) Since global government is the desire and fascism is the ‘ism’ of choice, again, not surprising that these intertwined (with governments) are part of the global ‘solution’! One of the reasons the US is targeted IS that only 1% are publicly traded AND that the nation’s wealth machine is small businesses. Why were the small businesses forced to shut down during the COVID scam?
The internet was planned to put the cap on the 2030 agenda, but, ‘With the introduction of the internet, they lost control. The internet was like the Wild West.’ This backfired because there was a lack of understanding the American character and the willingness for many to use the internet to dig! The brilliance of the Q plan is the backbone of this.
I do realize that pragmatically it is reasonable in order to have justice without collapse, we might have to continue to have these companies. However, treason is treason and those in charge need to face tribunals and sentences. New ownership/leadership is the way to change the anti-American culture in these companies.
It boils down to this: if there is no justice for the treason and egregious crimes against humanity, then we are only changing one set of masters for another. We likewise do not need a tribunal for the few that are sacrificed for it to appear like justice. It is also for this reason, I am not in favor of political elite celebrity worship OR family dynasties. Even a Trump one. I’m a Trump supporter and a patriot. I’m not willing to accept a new set of masters. This requires ALL citizens to get involved and assume our responsibilities as citizens of a constitutional republic.
Thank you and God bless you, Erik.🙏
Hear hear and Amen ALtab!!
I also am not for destroying the economy or shutting down big corporations. I’m for Justice. If the CEOs or board members committed crimes, they are arrested, charged and it found guilty. They are sentenced and do their time. they deserve the same privileges and penalties as any other American citizen. If they’re not an American citizen, then they do their time and get thrown out of the country.
I can explain why the Starbucks lounges are disappearing… because the homeless are camping out there. I’ve seen a local Starbucks here completely wall off the lounge and restrooms because the homeless had taken over their location. Another one near a bus stop completely closed up shop and moved elsewhere. It had nothing to do with the pandemic.
They don’t want the homeless people in their stores but can’t say it or acknowledge it, so they get rid of seating.
I dont go to starbucks but if its like Panera, people are using these places as their home businesses, interviews with clients ect.... Date meet-ups. Some sitting all day, as Ive been told, using the net and conducting business. Basically, stinking up the bathrooms and getting free internet and rent! Theres that homeless thing too.
Excellent point. I remember about eight years ago a health insurance sales rep asked me to meet them at a Starbucks.
Yes, it absolutely changed "because of the plandemic." It's literally part of the plan from the beginning. We don't have any homeless problem around here but it's still happened. Other businesses have also been forced to remove seating and social spaces as a result. Look around - no more social distancing or mask mandates, but many of the food services businesses didn't change back to pre COV operations. Everything is single serve packets.
The Satanists are good at hiding when it becomes necessary. They went too far, too fast, and they have exposed themselves - but I don't think they will go away. They never have. People relax quickly, and they forget, once the danger is gone. But, at the same time, I don't think the Satanists are driven as hard as they once were. They have lived a life of luxury and debauchery for so long, the evil genius of their task has dimmed. Their new AI brain just isn't evil enough, because logic just can't find a good way to support evil to the extent that is necessary to maintain the bloodlust that used to push their faith along. They need to live in the bleak recess of failure to recharge, and perhaps we need to find a way to mitigate that. Instead of striking them all down in anger, thus fomenting their revenge, maybe we can incorporate them back into normal society - pony rides for Satanists.
Don't forget, either, how inbred [they] have become. Why, for instance, are the British royals a singularly ugly bunch? And Hitler and his micropenis?
I remember an old joke about a minister coming upon a woman with an extremely ugly kid in a stroller. Preacher asks, "Who is that baby's father?" Woman responds, "He ain't got no daddy. He was born by Artificial Insemination!" Preacher responds: "Spare the rod, spoil the child."
Ha! Indeed. It's true though - the eyes are very close together, and they have an angry disposition - probably because they are confused by emotions.
Right, Margaret Thatcher always looked like she had an invisible little turd between her upper lip and her nose
Last thing we need in this world are more ugly men with micro penis's. I agree with Preacher!
Such a mind-enriching experience listening to your material. Thank you so much 🙏❤️
The world‘s economy is commercial. The world of Satan is very large. Satan‘s world is a construction of contracts. What happens to contracts when all transactions are digitized? When any agreement we consent to is tied to a chain of agreements that are algorithmic and hidden to everyone? satan is both a control freak and a reductionist. When the digitized systems are reduced for their simplest forms of control, there’s no space left for living devils to operate.
Great insight and a great perspective. I always enjoy reading your work. You inspire me and make me feel hopeful for the future and humanity. Thank you!
Alpha Warrior and Col Towner just did a program about Batelle Medical Institute. Wow. They are in bed with the CIA all over the place. The list of projects the Institute received money for is astounding. Our tax payer money. Sinful and often used to control us. Example of what you have written about here, Erik. Thanks.
How can I find that program?
Look for Alpha Warrior Show on rumble. this is the link to that episode. Batelle
Thank you Sandra!
You will find Alpha Warrior has the series on Operation Gladio. Very informative.
Total Information Awareness (TIA). Office of Net Assessment. Inslaw. PROMIS.
Erik, another great post. The Clowns In America need to be broken into pieces and scattered to the winds!!! Anything less is unacceptable!!! The Clowns In America and military bases through out the country are complicit in human and child trafficking.
Think about it, what better place to conduct trafficking and other criminal elements than on a secured military base. You have highly restricted areas of the base that only people with certain clearances are allowed into. While the general military operations are going on all around, A special section with special clearances conduct trafficking operations. The general military operation have no clue what type of Top Secret Operations are going on...
This is the part of the Swamp that is hard to remove or cut the strings to because it's only allowed access to the people with the proper clearance. Why hasn't the JFK files been released? or the 9/11/01 files? They can't afford to allow the lies to be exposed to the public because they are all complicit. Then you have all your NGO or 501 C3 organizations to launder the money and handle the logistics of the people. It's all covered as a government operation under top secret clearances.
Trump has taken down more pedophile organizations than the last 5 presidents combined. The Saudi Arabia purge in Trump's first term took down the head of the snake of the trafficking operations. Ukraine was a trafficking and money laundering operation. Dig into the history of the area. The Pale of Settlements, and Kazarians. Where did Mayer Amchel Rothschild immigrate to Germany from? What other country removed the money masters and eliminated the human trafficking. What is the "Alliance" that Trump built in his first term? Oh the things that make you go HUmmmmmmm... Again great post... Keep doing what you do... Peace..
Excellent comment.
Thank You very much!!
I’m not surprised that the CIA has controlled the media since 1960. I personally saw Walter Cronkite telling Americans that Kennedy was dead, complete with his dramatic eye glass removal. He was completely insincere and that’s the perspective of a 7 year old, almost 8. My Mom must have studied under the wing of Hitchcock because watching body language was a critical skill for my emotional/physical survival. I think that’s probably why Cronkite struck me as insincere. What the 6 o’clock news was saying before that day, I have no recollection whatsoever. When I consider the current state of the media I always think back to November 22, 1963, the day of the coup. I knew the CIA was pissed about the Khrushchev phone call that bypassed the CIA but dam! Bay of Pigs sealed Kennedy’s fate. And not going all in on Vietnam. LBJ was more than happy to play ball. And help arrange the murder. IMO.
That's a long lonely time to know the truth...
When I was really young it was more a feeling of “something is rotten in the state of Denmark” but not really understanding what and why nobody else seemed to think that anything was off. Coupled with Dad flying C-124s full of??? to various countries. I enjoyed the trinkets but the places struck me odd even as a kid. I have his flight records now and the why is abundantly clear now. Everywhere there was a regime change there he went. I think by using USAF reserves they had plausible deniability in that we didn’t send in active duty. Dad had the same job and only his clothes were different. Street clothes for day to day flight line stuff, flight suits for flights and khakis for reserve weekends. Looking back gives me all kinds of feels.
CIA-run economy for sure. But who founded the CIA? Wall Street bankers. Whose bidding does the CIA do? Wall Street bankers, who are connected to the City of London bankers.
Ultimately correct.
Eric, Well written as usual and, I fear you may be right in the natural. But then, I think there is more to this than just what DJT is doing.
There is the part that God is doing, and that only God can do.
That is the part that is going to have real earth shaking, earth changing consequences.
That bullet that clipped DJT’s ear tells me just how in control of this take down of Satanic control God is.
He is certainly using DJT. He always does use a man to deliver His people.
But the part where the Red Sea parts? 🤔 Hmm... that part is God’s alone.
Most, maybe all, billionaires, and trillionaires are legacy mob, big government corporate welfare recipients or both.
Pritzkers, Myer Lansky, Crowns, Musk, Gates, and fronts like Zuckerberg, and Bezos, to real estate tycoons like Stephen Ross whose start was in federally subsidized housing, and so many others are examples of consolidating wealth around crime, and government takings. Plus, there's $22 trillion missing from our federal budgets as documented rigorously by Catherine Austin Fitts. We're not getting any of our $22 trillion back because several criminal cartels have already spent it.
Thanks Eric I applaud your common sense in the approaching revelations, to come! 🙏❤️
I'm sure that those who are actually guilty will be met with justice. The Zuck is no tech wizard, he's a nobody in control of a lot of money, but real tech wizards will transform Facebook into a national townsquare where issues from local to national can be voted on by each individual in minutes or even seconds. Zuckerberg can fry or hang or be shot, it won't change the fact that these platforms will be radically changed in scope to actually serve the people's needs.
I don't want to delude myself, but if we are entering a new age for humanity, I am excited to be part of it. Part of me struggles to believe this is real, but at the same time, the path we were on was destined for failure and the collapse of this nation. None of us actually wants that, except cabal members. We've collectively said "No" and now, we've been watching the bullets slow down for many years.
I think we're about to pluck them out of the air. We are "The One."
We will see what God will do! It is exciting.