So great! Thank you!! And thanks, especially for the link to the video. My interest in ALL the Devolution pieces brought me to Epic Threads Reader, Patrick. His voice is marvelous and he read your thread perfectly, adding meaning with pauses and inflection. I thank THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, MY SAVIOR, JESUS, for all of you digital soldiers!! The shape-shifting serpents and the gaslighting get to me, at times, I admit. I am a nobody. A grammie in FL, who recently chose the battlefield of a pregnancy resource center where I volunteer and act as the asst. director and client advocate. Here I can focus on TRUTH: true information, the truth of the Gospel, and the truth of blessings received for loving my neighbor. It is a tonic and respite for my soul. I spent a semester in the USSR in 1976. I was young and dumb, but wise enough to learn from what I was seeing and hearing, firsthand. I suspected our news media was morphing into USSR-style one-sided or fabricated storyboarding in the late 90's. However, daily responsibilities of family and work left little time political action, other than writing my DC delegation, or calling my local representatives. Hah! I was naive enough to believe we had the system of government outlined in the Constitution.

Now I believe we have had "s-elections" my entire adult voting life and that every election was monkeyed with. I so appreciate your closing remarks: God's delay is not God's denial. I can forgive each and every compatriot who was brainwashed, mainly because I was in that group for decades. BUT. NOT. A. SINGLE. S-ELECTED. OFFICIAL. WHO. KNEW. AND. SOLD. US. OUT. TO. CCP-INFILTRATED. BUREAUCRATS. Prison is a MUST for them. Thanks again, for your wisdom.

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"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

-- 18 USC 2381


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Great article and great to see others felt/feel the same way regarding the Plandemic and Dr. Doom, who should IMO be on trial for crimes against humanity.


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Dear JB White,

Nice Write Up.

Jesuits, ahh, another Secret Society, who pledge their allegiance to The Pope, first & foremost.

Jon Rappoport, wrote an excellent book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies.

It may be out of paper print, but is included in one of his Matrix Series (computer download).

It describes "how" & "the means by which" they work. Additionally, it has a fascinating story of an ancient tradition of healing. Mysterious would be an understatement.

Thank you for the included video & other author articles.

I tend to believe some agencies are beyond "reform."

But that's just my opinion.


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Thank you! Very good article.

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A wonderfully written article!

Covid-19 vaccine pushers and the advocating for our children to be vaccinated makes my blood boil! A rapid overflowing boil!

God bless you 🙏

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Music to my ears. God bless you

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My sentiments from the beginningof this whole nefarious scamdemic.

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A good article, to the point. I shared with The Usual Suspects within my Sphere of Comms.


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Sal_Peenx, thank *you* for that comment and your local action. Keep the faith!

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Good article! If I may allow me to share something I learned several years ago that is extremely hard to find in history books today.

I had occasion to visit a small college library in in a small town in the eastern mountains of the US. I was allowed to visit their "stacks" and there I found 3 US History books. The most recent one had a printing date of 1892. All 3 were printed between 1875 and 1892 by my recollection.

Each book talked about the changes in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution that took place in 1871. (The Organic Act of 1871 and the Act of February 21, 1871).

In Law, even the change of 1 letter in one word can have a dramatic effect on the meaning of that word. That was the case with one word in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:

It is in the phrase "...all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..." Notice the word "unalienable". The root word is "lien" where someone or some thing, such as a bank has a higher claim to what you call yours, like your home, than you do. They have a lien on it and if you default, you lose that item that had the lien on it.

In the original Declaration of Independence, sometimes referred to as the Organic Declaration of Independence, the word "unalienable" meant that no one or no entity such as government had a higher claim on those rights endowed by the Creator than you had.

In 1871 the "u" was removed by an act of congress and replaced with an "i" making the word "inalienable". That had the effect of changing the root word to "alien". What is an "alien" in this situation? He/she is someone born in a different country that applies for and is granted "citizenship" in a new country such as a French citizen who becomes a "naturalized US citizen."

Now couple the change from "unalienable rights" to "inalienable rights" with the 14th amendment that was passed some 3 years before the change in that one word in the Declaration of Independence.

14th Amendment; "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any laws which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States..."

Under the 14th amendment our "rights endowed by the Creator" that were "unalienable" in The Declaration of Independence were changed to "privileges and immunities" of aliens by the combination of the 14th Amendment and the change of the "u" to an "i" by congress in 1871!

In 2008 I visited the Declaration House on the corner of 6th and Market St. in Philadelphia, where Thomas Jefferson is said to have penned the Declaration of Independence. There they verified for me that the original, as penned by Jefferson had the word "unalienable" but the current has the word "inalienable."

So our "rights" as Americans were changed to "privileges and immunities" which are granted by government and what government grants, government can take back.

The remedy? Return to the Constitutional Republic and get rid of the "Democracy".

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In our personal, social and religious sphere, my wife and I are the holdouts who resisted and still resist the group think concerning the validity of the "plandemic" embraced by our Church, our relatives and friends. They mostly have accepted the obvious lies, protocols and fears propagated through our government, medical personnel and religious prelates. We refused to wear masks and received ridicule from every angle. In Church, they wanted us to sit in a "special" place; we refused. Now, it seems, that the "blanket" of wool over "our" eyes is starting to fray...science based upon conjecture and authority has started to collapse under the weight of these lies. However, too many people are complacent about the potential horrors which these "experts" have unleashed upon us and our children and grandchildren. I pray that we recover at least part of our sanity. RJS

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I join you in that prayer, Robert.

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Great article! Thank you JB. Trash Talk is one of my fav shows on Badlands. We live in Havana - we’re neighbors!

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Havana !!! Love that little Florida town. Thanks for the compliment.

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"But Fauci does not act alone for the criminal syndicate of syndicates. He, and others like him in various governments, corporations, and groups skillfully employ Bottom Bitches all across the United States. These are people who not only disseminate preferred narratives, but insist on partisan censorship among a host of other clearly unconstitutional actions." If only this were just a rant. I've had years of these trolls, beginning a year before Trump's administration then two years after. I gave them an article that clearly says all of this crap about Trump has been proven false. Encapsulated a two-page article into one sentence. :) And they think I was just bolstering their argument. None as blind as those who will not see.

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It's a difficult journey. I'm still suffering family members proudly wearing masks.

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I’m not the least surprised at the wisdom of your stack, but I am surprised at my joy in receiving it. God’s oversight (being prayed) for you now and always!

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Great article. When rhe general public finds out what Fauci has actually been responsible for in rhe last 40 years, heads are gonna roll. Think AIDS.

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Did they ever say why they wear the face diapers?

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