Exactly! This tax thing is just getting started.

Yesterday Trump said that social security income should be tax free.

He’s amping up the pressure.

He’s now got the lower income people intrigued via no tip tax and older folks via the no SS income tax statements.


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I’m going to toot my own horn here. A lot of the stuff I write about ends up being understood two weeks later, two months later or even two years later. People tend to not even realize I was the one who originally said or predicted it. Sometimes people even present to me ideas and facts that I previously told them not realizing I was the one who told them. 😂

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Nothing wrong with tooting your own horn, Erik. You are making a difference.

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That’s why I follow you!! 😍

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Friend old Red said “ if you don’t toot your own horn, someone will think it’s a spittoon”.

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There will be other things Trump can add to the 'no-tax' bandwagon:

-- Capital gains and Inheritance tax

-- Gambling winnings (not taxed in Canada, at least when I lived there 2000-2020)

-- Allow charitable deductions, regardless of the amount (now there is a 'minimum' percent of AGI)

-- Eliminate fuel taxes, alcohol and tobacco taxes, other vice taxes

-- Use your imagination!

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And get rid of tax on interest income. Talk about a disincentive to saving! Ideally no income tax altogether, but until we get there, cutting certain taxes is a start.

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Stop the IRS on individuals. Not in the Constitution. The states, yes. Federal funding of a limited gov't by tariffs. Cut the ABC agencies!! They are not Constitutional! I hope I live to see it in the next 4 years.

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And 100% deduction for medical expenses! I seem to always be $5 under the standard deduction cut off!!!

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Yes! The ideas will come like an avalanche, until there's nothing left to tax!

Hmmm... maybe Trump's idea all along. 🙂

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That is so true. And a few bucks under my medical insurance out of pocket cap 😡🙄

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Child care expenses, tuition expense for any accredited institution, public or private, primary secondary or college/university -- fully deductible to the person who pays the bills.

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Fair tax!

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One step at a time... other than Mike Huckabee, no politician has 'gotten' the idea of the Fair Tax. If we can get Trump to take income taxes off of a bunch of things, that's a step in the right direction; and it sounds like Trump is heading in the direction of eliminating the income tax outright and replacing it with a broad import duty. An even better idea, IMO, though you lose the immediate visibility of taxation that you get with the Fair Tax.

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That’s right…missing several steps…. Thanks!!

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My dad used to tell me he didn't mind that up to 50% of his SS could be taxed as his employer paid into it 50%, but when they went over 50% up to 85%, that was double taxation. However, the Constitution doesn't say individuals can be taxed by the federal government on income. Abolish IRS, save tons of money and follow the Constitution. Tariffs for federal and state sales taxes enough.

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someone asked me today...Why was Trump against BITCOIN back in 2019? Here was my theoretical answer:

Simple, like a lot things, he was misinformed. A lot of people back then didn't fully understand it, and still don't. However, you can now buy stuff with it. We didn't have that widespread acceptance of it for that purpose back then either. My theory has always been, if we translate what crypto is into a store of energy (crypto requires A LOT of energy to mine it) it becomes easier to see its value. Work requires compensation (equitable trade for something of equal value), mining is work done by super computers which translates into energy. The thermal value of that energy can also translate into energy that can be produced from it, endless energy. Pretty sure that's how he see's it now. It also offers a choice using a less efficient system over a more efficient system. Now its mere seconds to transfer currency .vs days. I am a proponent of diversifying investments into self custody assets. Not one that the government says I can have when they say I can have it, ie retirement age, if that ever comes. My opinions are my own.

Its the libs, dems, RINO's and retards that want to kill it. It exposes their money laundering machines and puts an end to their oil wars. Imagine, endless energy produced from thermal energy. And if we take it a step further, where does energy originate from?

He has been educated on it now and sees it as a national asset. Personally, i think in terms of the equal trade...crypto gets the short end of the stick in that construct as humanity will reap endless rewards from it. eventually.

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Work requires compensation (equitable trade for something of equal value) So I ask , If I work for someone and we agree on how I will be compensated for my work with something of equal value to my work, my effort, my blood, sweat and tears, an equal trade, then why the hell is this crooked government taxing me? I traded equal/equal and here's the damnable government stealing part of my compensation.

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All taxes are theft prove me wrong please... Also Codes and Statutes are Color of Law, or corporate by laws and not LAW!!! Income tax is voluntary, stop volunteering!!! Peace...

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without trying to sound callous...because of a little thing called silent compliance. They said so, and we said nothing about it. Work = compensation...gift= gift nothing is free. This is one of the oldest customs since time began.

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Trump was a gold bug back then. Central Banks are loading up on gold.

Is Trump distracting us from gold with his tilt to Bitcoin?

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I dont think so...I know I'm not distracted. Off topic, but loosely related, I watched the struggles of DJT media in its infancy. I invested in it. I held on to it even through requests to sell my shares back. Just before the merger went through, as I knew it would, I loaded up on it. I wasn't sorry. There was a signal somewhere in all that nonsense that told me I needed to buy. I think there is a signal here as well.

If you watched the BITCOIN summit he now is a proponent of self custody of assets as I always have been. He also brought up his Uncle when he was at MIT. I'm speculating here, but I think Trump has something up his sleeve as I allude to and I also think he has been made aware of tech his uncle may have been working on that has been suppressed. Why? OIL. EVERY single person that has come up with an actual viable alternative to oil has either "died" or been killed. If my speculation comes true why would this come out now? The petro-dollar is dying a violent death. Currency needs to be replaced. A currency the people control not a central bank. That's why, among other reasons, the powers that be want to destroy crypto. Freedom means they no longer have control of world populations. GAME OVER. just food for thought.

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Do you really think Trump's positions on things are always and only based on his personal convictions and understanding of matters? There is a team behind the curtain that he is working with, possibly for decades even. There's nobody else who could do what Trump has done and he's probably the keystone in this huge effort, but he's not soloing anything.

Putting a spotlight on gold earlier was strategy..."where's all the gold?" started becoming a topic again, and then there were all those planes full of gold being repatriated from here and there (sad pope). And now we're into Phase 2 which is setting the stage for the takedown of the banking cabal, so naturally the focus shift to this secure, decentralized alternative to fiat piracy and quantitative easing nightmares.

Timing is everything...

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I am a believer in Bitcoin, and even more in Reggie Middleton's patented technology Veritaseum. If we are to have true freedom, we need a currency we can custody ourselves. Combine that with smart contracts and peer to peer capital markets as Reggie's patents cover, we can have true freedom.

That being said, I am not sure which Trump to believe. The one that is shifting towards Bitcoin, or the one calling for the death penalty for anti-Semites.

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C'mon....Trump never said there should be a "death penalty for anti-Semites".

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Trump is an Israel first ultra-Zionist. I myself was unaware of this until recently. It is becoming more apparent every day.

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The fact that, once again, bitcoin is and still is a CIA operation.

Do you realize how much money they move around with bitcoin? Billions!

Mostly black ops money but CIA none the less.

Me personally it's bad news.

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You sound like a deep state “ bitcoin is only used by criminals “ troll.

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well, if they're moving it around with bitcoin they are stupid (no surprise there) all transactions are public. in the ledger. they would be better off moving it the old fashioned way- with cash. I still hedge my bets and diversify. To each his own.

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Yeah, the CIA is real stupid. That's why they've been doing business for so long.

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I don't trust him. He cannot be both a dolt and a genius. He is still pushing his kill shots.

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Bitcoin is a temporary phenomenon, created by DARPA. I'm certain that Trump knows this. Something far, far better is coming.

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I'd be inclined to agree with you. My earlier statement ended with..."eventually"

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Somebody asked me today why would Trump want to imprison someone for burning a flag something that's their own property?

I said IDK? Go ask a communist.

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Actually, if they buy their own flag and burn it, that may be "free speech", but, if they steal one and burn it, that is theft and vandalism., both crimes punishable by law.

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That goes without saying. We'll, for most anyhow.

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LoyalMarine, I know very little about Bitcoin, I'm an old lady who's not very tech-savvy, and I am curious. You said, "mining is work done by super computers which translates into energy. The thermal value of that energy can also translate into energy that can be produced from it". What is the work these computers are doing? I have read it's solving complex mathematical calculations; is that right? How is that valuable work? And thermal means heat, right? So all these giant computers are using huge amounts of electricity and that makes heat? Where does it go?

My questions probably sound stupid, but I am sincerely trying to get a basic grasp of what bitcoin is. I would love to see some diagrams or illustrations or something. Thanks to anybody willing to explain this in a simple way.

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Couldn't have said it better, Margot.

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No answers to my questions so far.

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Trump was not misinformed. He has been building a story and bringing people along. He knows it's far more than monetary. He's well ahead of you on understanding of it. He's likely working with the team that created it.

Crypto takes energy, not creates energy. The supercomputers are turning energy into work mining bitcoin. Heat is waste, inefficiency. But correct in that bitcoin is far more than crypto.

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I said, if you could harness the thermal bi product of mining crypto you get energy from it. Thermal is a bi product that could be used to power a generator of sorts...like a radiometer would operate...I havent explored the details but I know it can be done. On what scale remains to be seen.

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Sure, but it's miniscule, and you said "unlimited energy." But you will always be dumping more energy into it than you get out, by orders of magnitude. So there is no real value in that thermal energy biproduct.

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So this could turn out to be an interesting subject for conversation. We only see thermal energy as inefficient because we havent found a way to amplify it. I'm not closed minded to this way of thinking...just because it hasn't been done doesnt mean it can't. If the thermal output and energy harnessed from it could be turbo charged it theoretically could be continuous and self sustaining as long as its source stays running..I think like pushing a stream of heat through a firehose then reduce the aperature and force it through using mechanical means or some other way...I worked for a company years ago where we developed a way to harness the kinetic energy of cars traveling on the highway to power street lights...it seemed difficult back then because we didn't have low watt LEDS...But it worked..I think this could too with some thoughtful engineering.

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Trump deliberately puts out disinformation is my thoughts but I like the way you explain Cryptocurrency and it's uses. Explaining it as a value besides monetarily is very helpful! Umm I might steal it...unless you object!

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I dont object, its just a theory of mine...opinions will vary. I guarantee it. Some will say its worthless out of the box.some will say its worthless because we use fiat currency to pay for it. Other real geniuses (not me) may think along the same lines as I do or completely different. Whether trump is using it as a campaign tool or not is irrelevant when discussing its potential uses.

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Eric, thank you so much for writing this! You nailed it! We are being distracted for sure. I will remember this next time I see something that gets me angry and think wait, what am I missing here.... appreciate your work!

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Amen Erik: "While God is mocked today, he will get the last laugh. In the end, God wins. In the end, we win."

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Robert Malone just had an article about the two men who fought like women (one guy was allowed because his passport said "female": https://www.malone.news/p/the-beatings-will-continueunless).

I 100% agree with you that a distracted population is a more susceptible population. One could make the argument that our entire world is made up of "bread and circus" to keep us distracted from what really matters: our slavery and support to this system: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-comfortable-cage-of-our-modern

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Awesome! One of the BEST articles I've read for a while as it is extremely pertinent to what's happening right now. An important and vital reminder to notice what's really going on around us. Puts so many things into perspective. Thank you!

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Erik, Excellent point, remain calm and use your higher consciousness to figure out what they are trying to distract us from. Don't watch headlines, watch the articles on the back pages where things that are true actually show up... I find it funny, China and Russia are using Bitcoin to pay each other because using the banks is taking about a year for the payments to go through... Some stealing going on???? Follow the Money $$$$$ First rule of investigations... The money doesn't lie... BRICS is starting to use Bitcoin to settle and purchase items between countries.

Both sides need the Federal Reserve Note to go away!!! The black hats want a financial crisis and cause another transfer of wealth such as the 2008 crash, The Bio-Weapon called a vaccine, and several other distractions from what's really important. Once you understand that the Cabal or deep state has a pop warner play book with only about 6 effective plays, and you understand all the different plays of the NFL play book. The deep state cabal's moves become evident. We won't know the timing or location, but we can predict a false flag event to distract everyone from where they should be looking. Many issues can fall into a category of a false flag event... What did 9/11/01 distract everyone from? The Patriot Act which took away more of our rights, and sold us on going to war in the middle ease... All based on Lies. I find it funny the people in GITMO being charged with 9/11/01 are going to do some kind of settlement... Where is Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George Bush??? They are actually the ones ultimately responsible for 9/11/01. Not some middle eastern terrorist. They are the patsy's like Oswald and this new kid who supposedly shot at Trump...When are we going to hold the CIA and FBI accountable for all of the crimes they have conducted against we the People Like J6!!! The Lying Tell-Lie-Vision has everyone believing lies are truth and truth is a lie... But of course since the 2012 changes in the Smith Mundt act that is actually the Lame Stream Media's job... Enough of my rants... Great article 100% agreement. Hopefully your article will wake some of the sleepers up... Peace...

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When I got to the part about "lukewarm" I thought immediately about what God said about some people. He said He wished they would either be hot or cold. Since they were instead lukewarm He would spit them out of His mouth.

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Great observation! I believe it's becoming more and more apparent the games being played by the left. It's all they have to work with, and I expect they will double down on it as we approach the election. They do want kids operated on though. The agenda to mutilate as many children as possible is underway, with clinics for example, going into American schools, with Bill Gates billions. He has infiltrated public, private, and charter education. It didn't just begin with Biden or Obama. Its been going on for the last 40 yrs I'm aware of and ramping up year after year to where we are now. 60 vaccines plus new ones from birth to 18 laced with Gates and fauci only knows. Kids drugged up are at record numbers. Almost every kid on ADD drugs. Ashma inhalers, Allergies, stomach issues, low testosterone in boys... Let's continue to pray that God and those people fighting back, get us out of this mess the Lefty Loons have planned for us!! TRUMP 2024

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Couldn't agree more!

America today is a combination of the 7 churches of Revelations. The worst part is we are mainly the churches of Laodicea and Thyatira.

Laodicea: A wealthy and influential church, but rebuked for their spiritual complacency and materialism.

Thyatira: A prosperous church, but rebuked for allowing false prophecy and immorality to flourish.

Our wealth and relative comfort has caused us to get complacent and allow the government to grow like a cancer and our churches allowing, and tolerating, immorality and lies to flourish

The result is the people suffering under the tyranny of immoral liars and deceivers enriching and empowering themselves at our expense. Leading to our demise, if we do not get back to God.

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Excellent article. We prolly need reminded of this quarterly! thank you.

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Your message today was so spot on. I needed to hear it, as did many others I am sure. I have been trying to wrap my head around the concept of Bitcoin for about 5 years now. How it can be "created" by humans is still hard for me to understand. But the concept of assets controlled only by those who own them, and instantly transferrable without government intervention is VERY appealing to me .

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Read SoftWar, you can find a free PDF on line.. It will help you understand BitCoin beyond financial issues... It's a Peaceful Weapon...

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Excellent, Erik! Always cool to see someone else who is actually paying attention to the BS and adding it up, IMHO, correctly. A pleasure to read! Thank you!

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A great piece and a timely reminder for me “to let go let God” . I have been so guilty over these couple of weeks of falling into the quicksand of bullsh&t on every front. I have been angry at the injustices of the world where normally I would practice discernment and keep the faith. We have absolutely been distracted with all this situational overload. I agree with Kellyh - in future I will do likewise- stop - think - review - discernment and if necessary - brain delete!

As usual Great work

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Another banger Erik! Thank you and God bless brother.

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Excellent read and great reminder to keep focused

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