One of the concerns (and there are many - like is Mike Huckabee really up to the challenge), though I may stand alone with it, is the possible "actual" imposition of devolution as a result of the US declaring war on someone.

We have heard for years that Trump's declaration of war because of COVID authorized him - as a wartime President - to instigate devolution doctrines to maintain essential functions. Holding that to be true, this was a "soft" form of devolution - which I highly doubt would be the approach that the current admin would take - given the right opportunity and the ability to shift the mandate (which as you point out Ryan, has not proven to be that difficult with "low-information Americans").

I pray that we get to 1/20 without the three letter agencies triggering an attack significant enough overseas or on our own soil to justify their instigation of a "hard-form" devolution! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Amen HGV! Except we do know who is truly in charge and that He didn’t gift so many to lose. Unless His plan has a different agenda for man. Either way, His plan will succeed in accordance with His will.

I’m very optimistic, however, have occasionally considered my questions about Trump. Could he really be the one to usher in the endings? His actions don’t support this at this time, but what if all of this was a ruse? We’ve had a couple of dynasties in recent history; no matter the intent, we don’t need another as that’s how corruption enters.

Only God knows and why we’re told to put all trust in Him alone. God bless you.🙏

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Nice to know I am not the only one willing to admit that those are viable thoughts. God bless you as well ALtab 🙏

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Thank you for your report and the excellent questions!!

“splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”~John F. Kennedy

Americans, indeed the people of so many countries, are finally waking up to the secretive cozy relationship between the CIA, the MIC, the NGOs, and the “fake news” mainstream media. How many decades have we been deceived by these proxy wars / conflicts to “change regimes” (aka meddle in other countries) under some guise of promoting democracy!?

It is evil and millions of lives have been ruthlessly ended for a clandestine agenda that anyone in their right mind and truthfully informed would never want!

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And now we have significant reason to believe the CIA has infiltrated the FBI to the extent that neither look different from the other.

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Amen, Feather. I'm pretty sure none of us were alive (except me. of course, as I'm pretty old but loving every minute of new information.

I so enjoy reading your comments and thank you

God bless and God wins all of the time. Have a wonderful & blessed weekend

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And God Bless YOU, Floridafan! 🙏❤️

Edit: My dearest friend’s father is 102 and a Trump supporter who follows the news every day!

Maybe it’s brain exercise, keeping track of the times we are in now!

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I’m placing this historically proved mic/money laundering operation into the playbook known category---I mean, how many times before everyone knows(except the intentionally blind), what’s happening here!?! won’t be long before tables are turned like Fonzie did to Jerry Reed in Waterboy!?!---this has setup written all over it!?! the fallout can’t help but be glorious!!! God Bless!!!

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Great writing, very informative and it brings a all together doesn’t it? If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times- everything that the CIA touches turns to shit. I just got another mail solicitation (with a free shopping bag) raising yet more money for the 9/11 towers or ancillary project. I’m not entirely clear on what I’d be supporting based on Wapo etal- am I pro or con Al-Qaeda now? Do I still care that Bush etal rigged the buildings with explosives and took them down ala a Vegas style implosion but with a world wide audience or am I supposed to root for the CIA terrorists now? I’ve come to realize that the USA I grew up in is and always was fictional, mythological, a comfortable lie. I’ve always been well aware of regime change excursions, hell my Dad flew cargo planes to South and Central America and to Eastern Asia, not to mention Saudi Arabia. Uncle Sam financed my school clothes and trinkets and I was young, didn’t give it much thought back then.

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"Those who control the weather, control the world" Lyndon B Johnson, who became President after the assassination of John F Kennedy. He was obviously DEEP STATE TRASH. How much is being paid to keep countries and states safe from complete wipe out by weather blackmailers? I dont see the chemtrails ending on their own or Big Pharma slowing their bioweapon vaccine production. Trump has his work cut out for him. Whats the 5G signal and the frequencies doing to our bodies, our brains, our weather? I pray Trump's people are ready day one for the war on Americans from within. Hold nothing back and take this Deep state down! Do what MUST be done to end this war on our brains before we no longer have our own will, no more compromising! Prayers for America 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Thank you for pointing out much of the truth behind the standard narrative, and as you’ve noted, the US is (once again) is behind the terrorist groups in the Middle East…might be one of the revelations about who actually was behind 9/11. The cabal apparently only knows one playbook to refer back to. In the long run this will help us as the plan against our would-be rulers is played out.

We must remove the cabal’s minions from the US. It’s ALL connected and likely a single tread pull will bring the crime family down….if it’s the right thread.

Blessings, Ryan!🙏

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Mind telling the readers what the palets of US 100 bills are doing in Damascus today. From the FED noless. Maybe left over from Obamas gift/bribe to Iran.

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"multimillion-dollar aid package" Mind explaining to the readers what the

palets of 100 bills from the FED are doing in Damascus. Maybe they are left over from Obama's gift/bribe to Iran of billions in cash?

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Thanks for background history. I am getting used to these events now, the CIA is in the background all the time. The people of Syria deserve to have their Sovereign leader. I expect Assad will be back in due time. The sheeple have to wake up here in the US. Russian interests have to be respected, too. Bye Bye CIA. Hello, vision of Donal Trump and the WH! Well done, Ryan.

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Thank you, Ryan, for shedding light on this whole sad situation in the Middle East. I believe in my heart that nonintervention will ultimately prevail!

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The issue with 'nonintervention' is that [we] have already intervened -- in Syria and myriad other places. Always with the goal as Ryan said, of making the military-industrial complex and their sycophants rich.

The real question, which I believe Donald Trump is primed to ask and insist be answered, is 'how to we make the world great again' as in, extricate ourselves from all these MIC-inspired conflicts and quagmires around the world? Ryan again pointed out that the Syrian people certainly have not benefited from foreign (including but not limited to US) intervention in their country's affairs. And they will not benefit from any future 'help,' either.

Remember that everything the MIC makes is designed to kill people and blow stuff up. Once you internalize a clear understanding of that fact, you come to the almost intuitive conclusion that while some of this may be needed to protect our nation (as other governments protect their nations), the less of it the better. [They] hate this idea, painting those who suggest it as 'non-interventionist morons' as if they are much smarter than we are, and only they can be counted on to 'protect' us from all the monsters under the bed.

On a related matter, Rush Limbaugh once had a segment on why the Democrats want to end elections. Bottom line is that they think they are smarter than you, and the resent the hell out of having to run for election by those they perceive as lesser than themselves.


These elites must be driven from power, because they will never give it up on their own.

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💯 ❤️🇺🇸🕊🕊🌎

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Wouldnt it be beautiful to make ourselves great and DEFUND all the corruption we are involved in.

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Trump will do it, given the chance.

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Amen, Wild Bill

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Well said.

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Assad Day in Damascus was certainly a sad day in Damascus.

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Thanks for putting this new war intrigue in order and perspective for us.

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I would not be surprised that the Syrian people will welcome Assaid’s return.

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It doesn't seem like a good scenario, with Israel on the rise, possibly weakening Iran, to become the next victim. I would like to know more about what the Sovereign Alliance's (Trump included) strategy is in all this. The whole withdrawal of Assad seems orchestrated. A bit like Russia's fallback in its own wars. We are looking for the Middle East renaissance.

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Brilliant article! Thank you.

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