What is excellent about Trump pointing to overtime pay taxes is missed completely. He is pointing to the difference between labor and management taxation and it is really a key issue that almost no one sees.

The real problem is how the rich pay the majority of taxes. It has created the problems that exist today with big business favoring Democrats. Here is how it actually works. Shareholders often fail to vote their proxies that each share of stock gives them. To make matters worse, mutual funds and index funds control the proxy votes for all of the shares investors have bought through the funds. Thus, these funds have control over the management and can demand all sorts of DEI and Green Deal silliness. In exchange, they agree to vote for huge pay packages for top management. There is no demands for labor because labor is not a player in this corrupt game.

But here is the bad part. If our government decides to “tax the rich” the higher rate makes no difference to the top executives! They just ask for more pay to offset the higher tax. The shareholders suffer, but they never know because their pockets were picked by the management and the fund managers.

This evil game has been getting worse and worse by the year because no one is really paying attention. Business in America is doing great and this Trillion dollar theft is just written off.

Washington loves it and business can afford it. So, why slow down even if it is hurting the little guy?

Trump cut taxes, but he screwed the rich top management. He took away their state and local tax deductions as well as the write-off of their giant mortgages. He limited both to $10,000 per year. I saw it and loved it, but who else recognized the beauty of it?

When Kamala brags that she will eliminate the Trump tax cuts, she is rewarding the rich! And, stupid Democrats applaud because they do not understand the socialist game. Taxing the rich is the easiest way to devastate the poor! That is what Trump is pointing at with his tax reductions. The problem is, the tax codes are so complex and the gamesmanship is so convoluted that very few people know what is going on behind the scenes.

I hope I have helped open some eyes today.

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Exactly so!

I worked 60 to 70 hours a week in management - I stopped calculating my hourly wage because I was doing what I loved, but my top employees made more than I...by design.

That said I encourage my children to avoid management - to stay close to the "consumer" - this move would help that philosophy pay off!

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Good advice! That is where I spent my career, not in management, but doing engineering that I was good at. But, I saved and invested and paid attention to what I saw with voting my proxies.

I actually learned a great deal by just figuring out how everything actually works. Our system is brilliant until corrupt politicians butchered it by using the system against itself.

We can straighten this out quite easily. We just need honest management

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By the way, before 1871 50% of revenues came from tariffs and the other 50% came from corporation taxes. The income tax substituted personal taxes for tariffs.

What we have today is the culmination of this change that has evolved over the last 111 years. Trump knows this and is changing us back to a better system.

Today, corporate taxation pays about 9% of total revenues while the individual tax payer funds 91%…or they have been led to believe they are paying. In fact, business pays the 91% as well as the 9% and that is why the government has created our convoluted tax system. Corporate management is taking multi-million dollar pay and benefit packages that are taxed at high rates that do no affect the management at all. They just write off the taxes they pay along with the salary and benefits. The workers in the business just get taxes deducted along with FICA. Again, that pay is also written off, but it is much harder on the worker because his pay is just a small percentage of management’s pay.

50 years ago top management made about four to five times the pay of the lower level workers. As this has evolved, that ratio is now 500:1. Management has just compensated themselves with the assistance of the financial managers on Wall Street who also compensate themselves and demand the Green Deal and DEI wants of the Left are accorded by the corporations.

I hope this makes sense because it is why America is in the mess we have today. It is by design. It is a Marxist plan to sell Communism to us. And, it has been working for over a century.

The real problem is We the People have let this happen because we are not good at investing and we have relied on experts to “help us”. They have merely helped themselves to our wealth. We have not appreciated the power of our vote and freely gave it to the experts. This is not hard to change. We just take back control for ourselves!

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I wish we could restock comments. Yours is 🎯

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Helped open mine !😳 !

Sending to friends. Thanks again!

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Thank you! This is the power of the Badlands site. We can cut and paste things that never are reported by the corrupt media. If several of us send a piece to several friends and each one of them does the same, in a matter of days the message can get to millions of Americans. The math of compounding works for us as well as it does for business.

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I knew part of this, Jim, but you provided some I did not know. Thank you for delving into the details! God bless.🙏

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Great comments, especially "stupid Democrats applaud because they do not understand the socialist game." Only Jesus can fix stupid.

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Home runs!, Jim. No. Grand slams ! ! Thanks much!

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When we actually see the specifics of how we have slowly been duped as a society everything fits and makes complete sense. The very good news is we are actually in control because we have the power to take control if we are led properly. This is exactly why things are going to get really ugly in the next months. The Left is in a death struggle of their own creation and Trump’s hands are solidly around their collective necks!

The key is truth. All America needs is a good dose of reality. And, luckily the real Republicans have created the conditions for the collapse of the Left. Look at the 37 Trillion debt! There is the proof. By never agreeing to further tax the citizens without fighting like crazy, they have force the Left to fund their corruption with debt. Debt is our downfall.

The Left doesn’t care because our downfall has always been their goal. It is how they planned to kill the idea of freedom and a self-governing population. Communism cannot allow that sort of ridiculousness to survive. But, it has survived because our profit motive has created continuous positive compound growth for over 200 years. The good news is Trump can guarantee another 200 years once we destroy our form of Communism forever.

Again, I hope my perspective helps. I have been studying all of this for 30 years and actually figuring out how all of this fits together. It is what I do, full time.

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Keep it up. You so articulately open up what usually stays in unopened boxes in the basement corner. (Or are either overly complex & nerdy or incompletely shown)

Question⬇️But first something about me personally ( as one very simple ordinary part of We The People): I have never borrowed to buy anything (hate paying interest) own my home & some stocks, live frugally & been a saver (missing the days of banks’ compound interest — hope it can eventually overcome inflation.) That’s just a little background.

So, back to one of your posts today, my question: How do we “just take back control ourselves?”

What is the first necessary step? Or rather, what can I, myself, do to further the taking back? (Besides prayer, which is always the first)

-Many thanks for your education, Perfesser.

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Trump took back control in 2017 when he bankrupted the U.S. Corporation that was formed in 1871 to enslave us. But, who actually knows this happened and who has had life changed drastically in the last seven years? Thefuturehasneen set in motion and what has to happen now is we have to slowly take control back.

People who own stocks need to just hold on. People with funds need to slowly sell and start buying great stocks to hold the shares personally.

Our strength is in the fact that we, as citizens, can own property. Communists cannot own property as the state owns everything. So, the plan all along was to make it possible for our government to slowly get us to give up our control. And since business pays for everything we needed to be persuaded to give up our control of businesses. Debt does that and mutual funds do that. We can be fleeced without knowing it. But, we own our funds and can take our money out if we just want to. The funds control the stocks they bought in our name, but we can stop that in a heartbeat. But, due to Capital gains taxes that can be a problem.

What if Trump decides to stop taxing cap gains? See how his approach can solve problems?

But, what is Kamala saying she wants? She promises to tax unrealized cap gains!!! This is how we prove everything I am saying to be 100% correct. The Left is bankrupt and they bankrupted America. But, business is still going strong and the left is still sucking business for revenues as fast as possible. But, taxing capital gains is illegal constititionally because we own the assets and taxing them is forbidden. That was the evil trick of the income tax. The Left argued they took the money before it went to the taxpayer. They laid claim before the worker actually had his hands on the earnings. But, once the worker had his money, the federal government was out of the picture. Local and state governments could tax assets.

I could talk about this for hours because there is so much scullduggery at play, but it is all going to be revealed. All is well because the founding fathers understood scullduggery and designed a system that actually works!

Let’s enjoy the show.

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Enjoying immensely!

I do buy stocks to hold, by the way. Well-run, serious, ethical & honest companies that will serve future needs well. …and a few minor, just for grins, like DJT. I have known about T’s 2017 take-back. Trusting in undercurrents stemming from that. But I so appreciate the depth and clarity you bring. …I guess standing pat & on truth is what I’ll continue to do. — and keep learning. …Have applied over seven decades of living to a researched & gleaned eduction — worth far more than anything I thought I’d learned 4 years ago. Getting our unofficial Masters degrees. Priceless.

God Bless you & yours.

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Earlier, Dick, you said prayer is the first thing. Amen to that! I'm going to be praying this weekend for God's guidance on these financial ideas that have been brought out, and whether my husband and I should shift some from funds to individual stocks, and which ones. It makes a lot of sense, but it's also scary.

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This: "But, what is Kamala saying she wants? She promises to tax unrealized cap gains!!! " has got to be the most insane idea ever. Do people even understand what that would mean in the real world? Disaster! People would have to take out loans to pay the taxes. And then when they have capital losses, do they get their money back? Hah!

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I agree, but the insanity is really the proof we need to prove our case. The Left is grabbing at crazy straws trying to somehow find a way to pay for their insanity. Business is tapped out and already paying 100% of revenues. Increasing corporate taxes is not going to help them. As a percentage of all tax revenues, the corporate tax is 9%. It was around $380 Billion of close to $4 Trillion total. The rest is personal taxation that is also tapped out.

The idea of taxing unrealized gains is actually proof of their total failure, but almost nobody understands that fact.

Our job is to make the public aware of the truth. Trump is trying, but he is not getting into detail math. That is boring and people will stop listening. He needs to entertain while making valid points that scare the deep state.

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Thank you!

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An interesting goody for you. I happened to cut out a newspaper article dated January 23, 2023. It shows the debt clock turning over at $31 Trillion. Today the clock is almost touching $37 Trillion. The Congress must raise the debt ceiling now or the government shuts down September 30th.

But, do the math. In a year and eight months the debt has grown by $6 Trillion. That is a growth of 19%. To be perfectly fair, the annual compound rate is 12%, but that is almost six times the growth of our GDP.

So, tell me, how can a country grow at one sixth the rate it grows debt? In a word it is called “Bankruptcy”.

There is no way out except a total redesign of the losing proposition. That is what Trump is doing for us.

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By the way, look at that 19% debt growth in the last 20 months. There is the underlying inflation hurting everyone as well as the cause.

How can I explain all this crap so easily and the well paid experts never seem to get this story right? That is a sin.

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Thanks for the history lesson on the Hussars. Was not familiar with that part of our history. Ottoman empire was not taught in my history classes. Loved the scene from LOTR. It is probably my most favorite scene!

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I love that scene too! Where is the one where Theoden says, "Men of the West!..."? Is it before that same battle? Anyway, it always makes my heart flutter at the thought of true, courageous heroes, and the fact that being brave, manly MEN of the WEST is something to be proud of, just like any country or culture.

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It is before this scene when he gets word Gondor signals by fire pyres, via Gandalf. Another great scene.

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Yes!! We are huge LOTR fans!!!

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Great day to be a Badlander! Oak and I are in Wisconsin this week and we were introduced to some great fellow Badlanders! Friends of long time MAGA friends who live here in Racine County. Great brief today that I will make sure my husband reads when he has a few minutes. As an infantry AND maneuver warfare “aficionado” he will very much enjoy this. I enjoyed it as well.

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Ashe is correct, ‘…Kirby insulting veterans is effectively Kamala insulting veterans. He speaks for the administration, and she is the administration. Brand her with it.’ Indeed! We must remember ‘we the people’ are nothing but cattle to the cabal and their minions. Kirby just reconfirmed it.

Ghost’s description of how the underdog often takes the battle win reminds me of how many other times this has happened throughout history. I did know of Pulaski and have seen his stature, but I did not know (maybe forgot) the background of how he came to the Revolutionary War scene. We’ve studied this war and been to various museums about the war, but I can’t remember ever reading this. Thank you, Ghost!! I also consider how many times God has worked for the underdog in history and it’s applicable today as the very gifted anons (by God) are bringing light to a very dark evil.

As Europe was first to succumb to socialism, they are the first to restrict their borders. We clearly understand why.

Congress and Jan 6, 2025….🤣🤣

I love being part of the fact-checkers who are debunking ALL of the MSM’s so-called fact-checkers (read liars).

God bless the patriots fighting for our country’s constitutional republic.🙏🙏

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Love your Brief take takes, ALtab!! Always resonating with the readers.

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I agree! I always come back later for ALtab’s comments ❤️

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Another excellent post! I use to commute to work via the Pulaski highway and had no idea that he was the head of the cavalry. So many American heroes have been forgotten. History needs to be taught and remembered if you really want to appreciate your proud American heritage.

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I remember Count Pulaski's name from high school history, back in the early '70s when we were taught actual American history. I'll bet homeschooled kids know!

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It’s the same thing every day.

Another excellent fact filled brief of enlightenment. Seriously, how much of this can the DS take?

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I’m wondering how much WE can take! I mean, it’s such a bountiful feast served up here! My history cup runneth over. Can one get drunk on history???

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WOW I don't know why it was that today's Takes covered so much information that I had not uncovered for myself yet. Great Takes and y'all really armed me with some new information.

The whole NYC DS Rat fest was on my periphery but I did not have all those details... we might see some serious takedowns in Ol Gotham City, well deserved and about time I might add:-)

We will end up with no taxes IMHO and Trumps slow rollout of each item really makes them squirm... to think that the DS Rat Bastards have played us to believe paying them "taxes" was good still blows my mind...

The Kirby exposure fits perfectly with exposing how they really feal about We the People.

GBPH I loved your history lesson!!!

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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The Kirby response is appalling. He should be fired like, yesterday.

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Well Trump sure has some great answers to the current economy and I bet that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to be fun to see if Kamala copies that too...lol. The ridiculousness of her simultaneously blaming Trump, but copying his promises, seems to be lost on the sleepers. I believe a nuke threat is looming and imminent because TDS is real and destructive and I have to fight the urge to grab a bullhorn and scream at people who believe the swamp creatures are what's best for us. I cringe when I see Harris/Walz signs and again I have to fight the urge to knock on the door and smack some sense into those that want to give this country over to Marxism. Thanks Badlands for bringing news that calms those urges....

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Well said! I’m with you! It’s hard to hear some of my Trump supporter friends criticize him. They want a “polished” politician. I send them the News Brief and I know they don’t read it. I can only say so much bc they think this is a 4 year election. They believe the Dems and Rinos are criminals but they have deaf ears to other truths I talk about. For example they think the 2020 election was not stolen. 🙄

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I know... sometimes the " you can't fix stupid" phrase isn't enough...I literally cringe.

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That is a good point. "Pretty" is akin to being acceptable, clean, in polite society. I can appreciate it, but people, the shit has backed up your toilet, and it is spilling into your bathroom - you need the plumber with the ass crack who knows what the hell he is doing. Febreeze isn't going to help here.

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*sigh*… Those are the two keys, aren’t they? That it’s a uniparty (and has been, for a long time) and that 2020 was indeed stolen (— fraudulent, designer elections, for a long time).

—That we’ve been successfully, utterly duped, conned, hoodwinked…

Until those are plugged into the equation, they’ll never get it. And everything written here will be nonsensical rambling.

My brother’s finally getting to where he recognizes the election was stolen, but not the implications when you carry it to its logical conclusions (which Chris Paul continually hammers home, Bless ‘im ) And too, he gets that it’s not republicans vs democrats, & that it is a uniparty, but, he doesn’t really apply that understanding. There are other hurdles to overcome then — layers of history, players, powerful interconnected spheres of influence — and the daily news, limited hangouts and controlled oppo, etc, built on years of the virtual world they supplied us.

The behind-the-scenes realms and the nature, depth and breadth of this war has become our predicate — and it’s that upon which we build our understanding of people & unfolding events. It’s that, which which gives us such hope.

Perhaps it’s time to send them Jon’s Devolution series — The Devolution recaps Jon began recently could very well provide the needed understanding for them. A good underpinning.

It’s time to send that to my brother,too, I think!

Best of!

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History and politics…used to be my least favorite subjects..until 9/11.

Once my interest was sparked, I began to see how history and politics are intertwined.

Whatever the precipice turns out to be, at least your brother will have you as a source to start making sense of the world. Once we get past the chaos ahead and Trump is back at the helm, I think everyone will experience a spark of curiosity they can’t ignore. ❤️

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Yes. I think you’re right! We must plug away at telling others truth, but patiently and judiciously, not writing them off nor overwhelming them. With respect and faith. My brother is now sending me stuff he never would have 6 monthe ago. Just 3 months ago.

I was a terrible history student in school. The books made no sense & were terribly written. I bacame interested through art history, then literature. But it was really sparked when I became a Christian & saw it all through a new & clear lens.

I’m actually very thankful I was a lousy history student — far less brainwashing to untangle! …😂.

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One of your more fabulous news posts. All the stories but regarding the NYPD CO

I am thinking they can take down a lot of the administration in New York, but this appears to be a very strategic takedown in order to implement their own - oh my goodness.

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Kirbys email response in regards to veterans who would like more info on the failed Afghanistan withdrawal is appalling and likens to Hillarys Benghazi debacle At this point, what difference does it make?

The veterans and families of the dead deserve better than this. Someday, I hope to witness real accountability of government officials because what they all get away with is beyond maddening.

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Joe Lange is working on a Benghazi article!

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I know I can’t wait for that!

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Yes I want to know (before I die) where was Obama on Benghazi night when he couldn't be reached? Was he on the Moon? Did he go through a portal to Mars? Enquiring minds want to know!😊

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Great history lesson, Ghost ❤️ The Winged Hussars and Pulaski, Father of the American Cavalry. Thanks for that!

We pray the NATO Nazi’s days are numbered…while being exposed for the NWO agenda they push carried into sleeping minds by their allies in the mainstream media.

God Bless alternative news media 🙏❤️

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Can´t tell you how great these daily briefs are. Such great analysis and commentary. I wake up with it along with my morning coffee

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The abbreviation on any paycheck says "OASDI" for the social security deduction. Which by the way you cannot deduct on your federal taxes. And it keeps going up. However the key is the "I". I means "Insurance." It is an insurance program. Insurance is NOT taxable! If you get a payout on Life Insurance or Homeowner's Insurance, etc., it is NOT taxable. It is horrendous that our Social Security checks are taxed. I lose half my check. This is something our govt never should have started.

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Re: "In other words, Kirby insulting veterans is effectively Kamala insulting veterans. He speaks for the administration, and she is the administration. Brand her with it." I hope Lara Trump or SOMEBODY is on this - immediate commercials should be on NETWORK TV for the raisins (and I am one, although I don't watch tv, but many do), showing this Kirby remark contrasted with President Trump going to Arlington AT THE INVITATION OF THE FAMILIES, and clearly stating the Biden admin was invited and CHOSE NOT TO ATTEND.

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IN RE: "𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 ..." Hey! I resemble that remark! 😂

(But you swung a pretty broad brush there.)

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Kamala's ACTING JOB wasn't much different from her other 'JOBS'. Shes a PAID PERFORMER! Mayor Brown still recommends Kamala. Shes an OLD PRO! "KamalHO BLOWS 2024"

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