Great Takes today!

My biggest laugh came from BB: "Ironic, that self-branded Collectivists seem most affected by this trend, as evidenced by the following graphic of media headlines decrying their conversation as a threat to … ah, who gives a shit anymore? — Burning Bright". I spit out some of my coffee:-)

I keep laughing at the DS Rat Bastard's minions. They are so absurd.

I am looking forward to Joe Lange's next acticle because I am so looking foward to the Justice phase of The Plan.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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You are ignoring the history of British MI6 involvement in the creation of radical Zionism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Your discussion of the controlled contest between the two sides is useful as far as it goes. You should look at Richard Poe's book "How the British created Communism, . . . and blamed it on the Jews". It'll widen your view, and maybe cause you to see that both sides are totally controlled as is the Congress. Please note that the intent behind the British led intelligence game, is the destruction of the Republic of the United States, which without Trump's election, is a certainty.

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I’ve written about these topics extensively, as well as the fact that Congress is a Uniparty completely controlled by a foreign cartel.

Here’s a useful video discussion that I did back in October with Jon Herold where I explain how the British actually plagiarized the concept of the Muslim Brotherhood from Ibn Saud, who had to destroy his own creation after the British infiltrated it and turned it against him.


You should also check out my weekly show Breaking History on the Badlands Rumble channel. My co-host, Matt Ehret, has published several books on the British Empire, and how it never ended. (MI6 created Mossad and CIA.) We have spent been talking about these things for nearly a year, and have dedicated several episodes to Zionism and its London-backing, but also its ideological roots in the Pale of Settlement (Eastern Europe— Ukraine).


If you go back and review my past work, I think you’ll find a compelling case that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is directly tied to Zionism and what is happening now in Israel. I appreciate your feedback and am glad you like our work.

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The Saud family are Khazarian Jews. As are the primary leaders in Iran for many generations. More to the point of this article, Trump, Musk and Lucifer are all builders. Good or bad, you be the judge, but Satan is a builder, he challenges God’s living realm with inventions and constructions. The builders are aligned with Satan. The satanic sacrifice and rituals happen when men hate God for making the miracle of life just happen while men are stuck toiling in stone quarries and sterile factories for their meager advancement. Trump and Elon (versions 2.0?) have seemed to have made peace with the clashing clunky advancements of men and the sublime universes of God.

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It's an enormously complex topic which spans centuries to possibly millenia of poignant material power and influence...

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The Black Nobility (aka the top secret orders of the Jesuits) cloaked in a “British” identity.

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I hope [they] are enjoying their run, seeing as it will all soon come to an end.

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Yes…culminating with the Black Pope….

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We’re all, I think on the same page as you. Do check out those links in Ghost’s reply. It’s all there, +++. What you expressed is fully covered and the remarks in his takes today are predicated on readers’ already having that understanding well in hand. But, your iteration may inform some who don’t and remind others. And also it gave Ghost an opportunity to catch them up. So, glad you wrote!

I’m certain you’ll be reassured by those shows he mentioned — and you’ll be treated to a great, wide historical panorama if you take a look at past Breaking Histories. From there, much to explore.

Welcome to this neck of the woods. Don’t hesitate to weigh in.

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Communism and the other evil ‘isms’ likely moved to Britain from Prussia….the original source. Read all of Will Zoll’s posts. Blessings.🙏

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Great analysis by Ghost on the Bicameral Black Hat plan. I have thought along similar lines, that Israel is the fulcrum upon which the Black Hats intend to destroy or enslave humanity.

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It is wonderful that we have readers who constantly merge onto this autobahn of information. It reminds us not only of the language that we have become familiar with that may be confusing, but also encourages the resurfacing of past resources!

My focus (said another way - my passion) happens to be on the Biblical disclosures that, when researched and understood, provide powerful insight and hope for all of us during times of tension. Simple truths: "For God so loved all of His created order ("kosmos") that He gave His Son to save it..." and complex truths: everlasting promises grounded in conditional covenants and the necessity of the exercising of free-will; when examined, speak of true equality and justice and peace.

What GBPH brings in the way of honest speculation and exceptional research from a more or less secular perspective, though closely aligned with my discoveries, provides for me a depth of knowledge that I do not have the time or passion to pursue.

As I see it - our (humanity's) biggest risk is self-confidence which leads to the arrogant belief that we cannot make the same mistakes our ancestors made. The remedy is humility, honesty, and the willingness to hold to the standard of Truth that resides outside of ourselves, but has been given to us by Our Loving Father.


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VERY well said!!🙏

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Yes! And that Truth is revealed to us in the very Word of God, the Bible. The enemy hates it and has tried to destroy it, and is working hard on that still today. But God's Word stands forever.

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"Said another way, Trump has been unburdened by what has been, allowing all of us to imagine what can be." hahaha

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"Those who took pleas in Fani’s RICO must be drowning in regret."

Never, ever underestimate Trump. Those who allowed their fear to force them into a 'safe' plea deal bet on themselves instead of Trump, who they had worked for. They should have known better.

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Yes, they had to know that President Trump knew! He has frequently said, “We have it all!” However I understand their fear as well.🙏❤️🇺🇸

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There are multiple good topics - good news post today, but especially Kudos to @ghostofbasedPatrickHenry for the article on AIPAC. Your conclusions that there is more nuance that is needed in discussions along with more realizations of the behind the scenes power brokers is how I have been looking at this. I also don't pretend to know precisely who is behind it all, but do have my 'beliefs' that Zionism is pure evil and it is backed by....ultimately the Satanic Cabal presence here, with all of its color revolution and controlled opposition trickery. I am not a believer that Palestinians are united behind Hamas or Hezbollah, or whatever the Strawman enemies of Israel are. We do need Peace in that region and by extension Peace on this Globe, and Yes, this means we need a more precise understanding and documentation of the true hidden enemies backing all of this War and Hostility. Whether we can truly Destroy the Satanic Cabal by the hands and Efforts of Men, or Man and God in Alliance, or just by the Hand of God remains to be seen. Sooner would be better and I do expect a possibly brief but Devastating Storm arriving soon. It feels so Overdue! A cleansing Storm because.... this place needs an Enema! :-)

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Great comment!

“a possibly brief but Devastating Storm”

“Only at the PRECIPICE will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

Q “

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Our Fearless Tiger calls it the 'Scare Event.'

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14

My same understanding of things & feelings.

Although, taking God to be sovereign over all, everything working for good according to His will, it cannot help but be an alliance — with God ever and always at the helm.

& That cleansing storm? I think we’ve been in it. But *Their* ships, while many broken and breaking, still ply the seas, still haul their cargo of riches and slaves, still fire their cannons.

So I think we’re all sensing the “perfect” part of the storm is soon to hit.

When their welcoming ports are no more, their flotsam washed ashore, we’ll gather it up & use what was good to rebuild.

Oh — and God, just leave the enema to us, ok? 😎

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His glorious Victory: What is your take on the person who said satan is a builder too. I don’t agree with his implication that Trump and Musk are satanists bc they are builders too. I believe satan is a destroyer who tricks/ tempts people which is destructive to them.

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BlueSky, my thoughts exactly! Satan is a destroyer, only God creates, while Satan opposes everything righteous. Satan is the father of lies.

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I’m with you BlueSky.

Satan is not a creator of anything but uses the creativity of others for diabolical purposes. Trump and Musk…amazing creativity, using their spark of inspiration for the benefit of others, of humanity…the opposite of destruction.

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Feather, Well said!

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Thank you Jim Schout! Exactly!

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There are two types of builders. The good builders build for the good of all. Bad builders build to destroy. Think highways versus bombs. Both are built by talented builders but for diametrically different ends.

Trump and Musk seem to me to fit the good builder mold. Builders who pursue satanist goals are obviously of a different ilk. This makes sense to me. It all comes down to conscience. What is intended?

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It occurs to me we should simply look at reality. In Ukraine as well as in Palestine we are witnessing massive destruction. Isn’t that exactly the opposite of building positively?

Watching buildings crumble daily is heartbreaking. Isn’t that a perfect example of evil? Huge amounts of human effort went into constructing all of those assets and a few seconds of attack creates millions of tons of rubble. That should immediately open our eyes to the difference between good and bad builders.

What possible good will come from the bombing of innocent humans and the destruction of their assets? This is so obvious it bothers me have say it. But, many Americans just accept war as inevitable. It is not! It is a choice of evil over good.

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Jim, "What possible good will come from the bombing of innocent humans and the destruction of their assets? " I think the evil ones who do these things know very well that no good will come of it, they do it for the sick pleasure of hurting people and destroying things. I have always thought it extremely evil that rape is always part of war. Same kind of thing.

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So well said and right.

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Love your piece today, BB ❤️

“technical issues due to a sustained DDOS attack” delaying (but not stopping) the billion-view conversation between Trump and Elon. The glitch, payback for the lawsuit against GARM that took the global censorship tyrant off stage?


When [you] have the keys to the AI gate and your soul is full of arrogant hate but [you] have to compete against Freedom Warrior Musk….Truth is the Infinite Player!

Amazing times, these days of The Great Awakening ❤️🇺🇸🕊🦅🌎

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Aug 14·edited Aug 15

AI is way overhyped. It does have useful and in some cases even powerful applications (especially in Game Theory), but it lacks creativity. You know, the ability to see 'What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been.'

AI works in the 'what has been' category. Even Kamala can do better 😉

edit: JFK said it more eloquently, when asked by a reporter in his late 30s why he was qualified to be President of the most powerful nation on Earth: "Some see things as they are, and ask Why? I see things as they could be, and ask Why not?"

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BB: ‘Ironic, that self-branded Collectivists seem most affected by this trend, as evidenced by the following graphic of media headlines decrying their conversation as a threat to … ah, who gives a shit anymore?’ 🤣

Ashe’s expertise in the law has been an education for us! Thank you! Too bad the lame left minions can’t get rid of Trump….🤣. NCSWIC.

Ghost is right. We must not be duped by those who use any means possible to encourage religious conservatives to restrict (?) as it is intended to serve as precedent against us. ‘I don't know if I'm right, but I am willing to try to diffuse this bomb.’👏👏

Hmm…Hillary and Obama (from their basements) take center stage next week 🤔

Fascist ideology merges corporations and government…just like we have here today. It’s encouraging that people are waking up to be sick of woke companies…I wonder how many know what Fascism is. The timing of the Google machinations is perfect!

2020 was filled with cheating and election fraud. Period…getting purely sick of the fake denials and lies. Ashe is right, ‘Never stop fighting. We’re winning.’

God bless BB, Ashe and Ghost for the excellent assessments!🙏

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I wonder if Badlands will cover the Demonrat convention? I would actually like to watch Hillary's speech just to see for myself, but I know dear husband will never allow it on the big TV! LOL, can't blame him...

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Amen 🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊🦅🌎📚💫

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The leftists are losing control... but they still have ballot mills, a whole flock of sheep, looming WW3, and underground bunkers.

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Davi: Which will be their demise. Wait until the fake president calls for drafting our young men and women and transgenders to fight yet another forever war on foreign soil! I bet the transgenders will be the first deserters bc they sadly are confused individuals.

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Book of Revelation.

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Yes, thank you. Maybe the author will see your comment. It grates on me when someone adds an "s".

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Maybe it was his auto correct….

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Soros is like the Jewish Rothschild Banking Family. Both have no allegiance to a Nation or to a Nationality, but only to money.

To increase their bottom line and their influence, both Soros and the Rothschild's will walk all over anybody or any nation to achieve their goals.

I believe their walking days are numbered and to paraphrase Nancy Sinatra's old song; "These Sovereign Boots are gonna walk all over you, Soros and the Rothschilds!"

This movie s about to get really good, be sure to have plenty of popcorn on hand!

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Who's done their research on Vances ties to adrenachrome harvesting?

Also, does anyone here consider Trump a hero?

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14

Who's tired of people making alarmist claims without providing any evidence to support it?

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Try research instead of waiting for someone to give you the answers.


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Try building clout before expecting others to do work on your behalf. Pretty simple concept for most to understand.

Here's how it works: Ewe are a blackpilled sheep. Evidence? Your numerous posts here.

Now, you try. Post a single link to evidence.

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Thank you, Gregory :)

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Can't help yourself from commenting, can ya?

I have that effect on people.

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So basically your saying I have to have a brand name in order for you to listen to me?

If you believe what I'm saying is wrong, prove me wrong.

You see you can't. That's why you refuse to look into it. So instead of using critical thinking and doing your own research instead of someone else doing it for you. You want everyone else to give you the answers.

I'll bet in school you told the teacher to provide the answers for you? I can believe it with the comments you make.

You say I'm wrong but you refuse to look into it and honestly that's the highest form of ignorance.

You're another one of those people if I told you that you were about to walk off a cliff you'd ignore me arrogantly and walk right off, wouldn't ya?

When have you ever asked one of these authors for links and proof?

That's a rhetorical question btw.

I already know your not here to question the narrative you're here to enforce it.

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Let us first investigate your ties to adrenochrome harvesting... What branch of the military did you serve in?

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The questions are fairly simple. It requires some thinking.

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The kinds of posts you make don't require thought, they require broken dogma.

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The fact you can't answer either question says alot.

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Do you have links?

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🫡 Mr. Fence!

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He/she/it won't ever give us any links.

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Ask the substack authors for links and proof.

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Asks ‘Joe the Troll’😝🥴

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Yes, I'm a troll because I have a different opinion than everyone else does in this echo chamber.

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A lot of genuine and sincere Christians have a kind of blind loyalty to Israel based on the concept that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. But in following that idea, they forego a more behind-the-scenes knowledge of some of Israel's more nefarious actions and also forego a nuanced adherence to Jesus' words, "Judge righteous judgment." Jesus never approved unrighteousness, whether among the Jewish leaders (read Matt. 23) or among His personal followers (e.g., Matt. 16:21-23). St. Paul admonished a "love that abounds in knowledge and judgment" (Phil. 1:9-10), not an unthinking blind, sentimental love. Israel remains in the same condition it was in spiritually 2000 years ago when the leaders and many of the people sent Jesus to a Roman cross to die a horrible death. Israel still has not repented of that, and therefore the sufferings and trials will continue until the nation turns back to the God of its fathers. They (the religious among them) think they are following God, but are deluded in that, because Jesus said, "If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me.

He who is of God hears God's words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God."

John 8:41 & 47

Jesus was bold to speak truth to the unbelieving Jews. Christians today need to be the same way, instead of blindly endorsing Israel no matter what they do.

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As opposed to Jesus being the 'corner-stone', Trump is the 'cap-stone' the stone the 'builders' rejected. It must be remembered Jesus was NOT rejected by those 'builders' He rejected them & thier desire to make him king. But Trump not only was Jesuit taught but also a Mason. They rejected him when he turned on them for JFKjnr & he was the only President not given thier inaurgeration ritual. And now he takes them down with nothing but the sword of his mouth. As per, Rev 19;15 & 2Edras 13;9. ' He had no spear in his hand, no weapon at all ; only as I watched, he poured what seemed like stream of fire out of his mouth, a breath of flame from his lips & a storm of sparks from his tongue. All of them combined into one mass--the stream of fire, the breath of flame & the great storm . It fell on the host advancing to join battle, & burnt up every man of them; suddenly all that enormous multitude had dissapeared leaving nothing but dust & ashes & a reek of smoke... Trump is the true 'rider on the white horse' Appolyon of Rev 9 & 20 who the Cabal has convinced us was the anti-christ.

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