Ashe, I appreciate real info about the Texas rally. Good to know. May God protect authentic patriots across the earth.

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Really enjoyed today's Takes.

In the 1st story my only comment to BB is add "Fake" in front of President in: ""It's almost like Biden is President in name only. War. Of. Stories.” — Burning Bright ""

Ashe I really appreciated your research and comments regarding the trucker & Texas border this weekend. Highlighting the constant LIES of the DS Rat Bastard MSM and the actual plan from the organizers put everything in proper context. When We the People report the Truth it helps all of us to ensure the real story does not get hijacked by the scumbags.

And the Devil Worshiping Swift NFL story makes me laugh. I see a Go Woke Go Broke lesson brewing in the background :-))

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Hi Joe! Always enjoy your comments and your participation here ❤️

Food for thought Re the Fake POTUS…Dr Jan Halper-Hayes added an interesting insight. Seeing how the Uniparty Congress went along with the election fraud, Halper-Hayes said that Biden became the legitimate President of the United States Corporation but that Trump was/is the President of the Constitutional Republic recognized by over 200 Generals in our Military.

Here’s a link to a recent interview…


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Have to run, we are starting our day. Will try to get back to thus tonight.

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I’ve read both sides of the American corporation vs the American constitutional republic and it appears that if there was a corporate replacement that would explain a lot about how we got to this point and then I’ve read the debunking material. I just don’t know.🤔

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Put it in the file 'awaiting further insight' -- h/t Rev Leslie Weatherhead, "The Christian Agnostic"

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The same way The City of London (as distinct from London) is not part of England and the Vatican is not part of Italy, DC is not part of the US. All three are separate foreign entities

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I have a question. If Washington is not a part of America as the US Corporation established, why are Democrats trying to make it the 51st State? Would that even be possible?

Jim Schout

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Our Founders saw the wisdom of a federal district separate from statehood.

And your question, why would the DEMs like it, gives one answer right there: why indeed would the Democrats favor DC statehood but not the Republicans?

For one thing it would give the Dems 2 more Senate votes.

My understanding is that the Act of 1871 is what turned DC from its status as a federal district capital of the US into a foreign state entity as a corporation.

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Separate, Sovereign foreign entities.

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Their sovereign status is a legend in their own minds, soon to be exposed to the world 🤞

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I’ve never come across the debunking side it?

When Trump posted her interview on TS back in Aug 2023, she talked about the District of Columbus (DC) being a foreign state and thus captured in Trump’s EO on “foreign interference” in our elections. She referred to DC as the US Corporation as opposed to a Constitutional Republic. (She even stated that DC had its own constitution)

Because Trump posted it, I figured it lent credibility to everything she was saying.

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So I have read and/or heard the Corporation vs Constitutional discussion a number of times since the stolen 2020 election. Believable.

While I don't know the plan details what I have observed is that Trump gets way more protection then any other "past" president. Sleepy Joe never seems in control of the military. 2024 is rushing towards BB's Crisis Cascade and Pedo Sleepy Joe is getting crushed under that cascade.

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Joe, yes, I really appreciated the background info about the Texas border event. I feel more confident that this is well-organized and will be an expression of Americans' disgust with the Biden regime's attempts to destroy America.

And the Swift stuff - I quit watching all NFL football in 2020 after they promoted the propaganda of Floyd and worshipped black lives matter, so it doesn't surprise me they are using this talent-less, Soros-puppet, satan-worshipper to sway the ignorant masses.

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I also was glad to get more details on the Texas trucker/rally event. It was looking to me like another J6 getting about to happen. I hope everyone attending keeps their eyes and ears open and their cameras on.

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God bless the J6ers, the Texans and all the rest of us beginning to assemble.

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Your discovery of the use of Sarbanes-Oxley is fascinating! That is profound. And, it begins to make complete sense concerning the underlying motives of the Left. S-O is mainly about audit and accurate business reporting, but stretching it to include election integrity is a bombshell development.

The Left knows about the stolen election because they orchestrated it. Now the key is to somehow “Prove” it was totally straight so as to persuade the public that their theft never happened.

I think the introduction of Sarbanes-Oxley was considered to be a brilliant move but it is going to backfire dramatically. If an honest accounting is done the election fraud is going to be proven beyond any doubt. They have fought all audits tooth and nail because they know the truth. If the J-6 folks could be put away with S-O as a basis, it could be argued that the accounting proved their guilt even though no accounting was done.

I see this as a fatal flaw in their legal logic. It was a futile attempt to confuse the public with more law fare aimed at a legal cover-up of the cover-up.

This getting really good and better and better by the day!

Jim Schout

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[They] are spending so much time looking back at the tiger chasing them, they don't see the brick wall they are about to crash into.

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Let’s hope they hit that wall with full velocity!!

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Love that 😊❤️🇺🇸

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Makes the tiger's job easier too. Easier to eat an animal that has knocked itself out running into the wall, than to actually have to catch it first.

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I’ve read your comments so far and you are on a roll today!!

Most enjoyable 😊

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Thanks Feather. There is an old saying "Many a true word is spoken in jest." Attribution uncertain; Wikipedia says the first similar use was in Middle English by Chaucer: "Ful ofte in game a sooth I have herd saye!"

edit: add link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many_a_true_word_is_spoken_in_jest

Regardless, I find a bit of humor or sarcasm helps to convey the point I'm making. And might give a few readers a laugh, while I'm at it 💖

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I appreciate the chuckles!!! Spirit lifting 😊🙏❤️

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Our unrepresented tax money is not going to Ukraine? Back to DC? Surprise surprise surprise…

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Grifting is good business. Create nothing, steal everything under the guise of it’s for our national security.

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The long game of optics and narratives - which Trump kicked off after the golden escalator and Q (Military Intelligence) fueled into high gear less than 2 yrs later -

is reaping benefits we only hoped and dreamed about a few years ago ❤️

Awesome reporting, Ashe ❤️, on the momentum building in favor of the J6 innocent imprisonment! No, never knew anything about: Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Thank you for educating us! 🙏❤️

Enjoying the Global cabal / NATO panic and desperation over loosing the info war!

“it seems the only weapon they have at their disposal is inflammatory Kabuki theater.” BB 😊

Yep. It’s election year. “Republicans are posturing that they’re going to make good on the last cycle’s campaign promise”. Say what ever it takes so they can get back to doing whatever they and their lobbyist bank accounts want to do. We are onto their tactics!!

The ongoing war between the globalists who produce nothing (while scheming on how to take over feeding the world with crap) vs the great Farmers of the world. God Bless the Farmers 🙏

And certainly praying for the Take Back Our Borders event. Thank you, Ashe, for your report.

What a great lineup of Takes and Briefs today. Thank You very much…such wonderful companions on the Enlightenment crusade…God Bless The Great Awakening ❤️🙏🕊🇺🇸🌎

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Expect to see Taylor Swift promoted like crazy. The Democrats expect her to get out the younger vote for Biden. I was wondering why I was seeing her picture everywhere for a girl that really cannot sing she's become a global ICON in the past few months.

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Her following is cultish and shockingly much older females too which is weird. 40+ year old women salivating at the chance to see her in concert. What on Earth is going on?

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Mass hypnosis....

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Now think of pushing the concerts last year in movie theaters. It really is just gross.

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....only to a few.... I expect the majority has had it with the celebrity push.... Expect this, too, to boomerang.

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She’s being fawned over by no less than the great white hater, Dame Michael O…and Kelce is a Pfizer spox…

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It don't get any better 😎

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Fake relationships! 👍❤️

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Feather: I just found the link from Catherine about the nurses speaking up re hospital murders, on BRIGHTEON. Mike Adams’ site. I couldn’t open Renz either.

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Thanks for the Brighteon tip!! 🙏❤️

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The only thing real about it is the money changing hands. Cha-ching, cha-ching! Must be nice...

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Exactly she can’t sing!

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Re: Mayorkas. What's the point of having an entire Department of Homeland Security if it's NOT GOING TO SECURE THE HOMELAND?? Too bad there's so many words cuz that needs to be a bumper sticker.

Also, not sure if people are aware that many of these illegal migrants are literally being flown within USA without any documentation at all. The entire premise behind the creation of DHS was to ensure air travel was "secured against terrorists".


Meanwhile, the rest of us are being irradiated, delayed, and subject to illegal search and seizure every flight we endure.

<23 years of pent up anger seeps to the surface>

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Yes. And Clinton, Bush, Obama have a new NGO flying this mercenary army against us.

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The article called it ‘The Three Presidents’ (something).

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I believe the NGO is called: Lead in Forehead for 3 Satanic Pedo Lizzy Prezs + HRC & Big Mike

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Sounds like time to re-read '1984' and if I have a few spare moments, 'Animal Farm' -- because there are definitely some animals on the loose that are 'more equal than the others.'

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It was my job in a major international corporation to secure our data systems for SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) compliance... how on Earth does that apply to individuals in a riot? Seriously... what sections could possibly be used for that??

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It's absolutely bonkers, isn't it!! More incredibly, this wasn't widely known until just now?!

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Exactly what I can’t figure out....

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You've heard of 'silent sleepers,' right? Dems run as Republicans and wait for the right time to 'show their stripes.'

Why should [they] not bury 'deep law' into bills that they pass, that hardly anyone knows about?

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Trump should sue the tax form leaker for the exact same sum that nut job in NYC was awarded...

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Sue The IRS…

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Dismantle the IRS

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In your comments on the trucker's rally you made this statement: "The regime is desperate for a narrative change on the border, and I believe they will be attempting to achieve real world examples of ‘vigilantism’ that can pump their election year, anti-MAGA storylines. That said, our right to rally, protest, and redress our grievances is inalienable, but we can only keep that right if we exercise it. "

I point you to the word "inalienable" which I am sure you believe is the word in the Declaration of Independence, 2nd paragraph describing our Rights given by the Creator. However, if you were to go to the Declaration House, which is on the corner of 6th and Market st. Philadelphia; the reconstruction of the house where Thomas Jefferson rented the upstairs and where he penned the Declaration of Independence, you would discover, as I did a few years ago that the 2nd paragraph says, in pertinent part; "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men were created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..."

Notice that the correct, original word is "unalienable" (un-a-lien-able) not "inalienable" (in-alien-able). The "u" in unalienable was changed to an "i" making the word "inalienable" by Congress in the Act of Feb. 21, 1871 which was an act required by the Rothschild Bankers in the City of London, before they would loan the U.S. Grant Administration funds because the USA was bankrupt.

As you can see the root word of unalienable is "lien" which is when someone else, such as a bank, has a lien on something, like your house, and even though you think of it as yours, the bank has a higher claim to your house, until the bank is paid in full, than you do!

When our "rights' come from the Creator they are "unalienable" meaning no one, not even the US government has a higher claim to them than we do!

When Congress made the change of a "u" to an "i" that made the root word "alien" which is a foreign born person who wants to become a citizen of the US. When an alien goes through the naturalization process they are granted "privileges and immunities" by the government and what government gives, government can take away!

As with a lot of our history and important documents, the change of the "u" to an "i" has been swept under the rug in an attempt to hide the truth from us. So you will not find this story by doing a web search on Google, Chrome, Bing or most other search engines. However, if you were to find original American History books written somewhere between 1875 and 1889 you would very likely find the story in those books. (As I did some 38 years ago.)

Those same books tell of the Agents of the city of London who fanned the flames of the Civil War in both the North and the South and about the post Civil War removal of the original 13th Amendment and the replacement with the current 13th Amendment and the addition of the 14th Amendment.

A careful reading of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment will open eyes as to how it meshes with the later change of the "u" to an "i" spoken of above and what "inalienable" means.

If anyone claims rights under the 14th Amendment, they are claiming their rights come from government and not from their Creator. So they are also claiming that government can take those rights away. when we claim our rights are 'inalienable' we are claiming that government can take away those rights!

As part of the cover up of the change of the "u" to an "i" all Legal Dictionaries, since the early 20th Century that contained the word "unalienable' say it and "inalienable" mean the same thing as do most all English language dictionaries today.

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I thought you were a grammar nitpicker at first, but that was a great share!

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Critical Thinker,

When you understand that the Declaration of Independence was notice to the world that the American Colonies were invoking what was at that time International Law in the Declaration of Independence, it had to be a document written with "grammar nitpicking" to be effective!

A study of history proves how effective it was; no country came to the aid of Great Britain during the American Revolution precisely because of the nitpikin' language of the Declaration of Independence. Britain had to hire Hessian Mercenaries to help fight the 13 colonies, yet France and others sent help to those same colonies!

So if it was written by a "grammar nitpicker' aka Thomas Jefferson and approved by "grammar nitpickers" aka Founding Fathers, the only way we can truly understand it is to also be "grammar nitpickers"!

Our Founding Fathers were smarter than the entire Biden Administration, our current DOJ and at least 4 or 5 Justices of SCOTUS put together!

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An excellent grasp of grammar would have been something many Americans of that time were well educated about.

How far we have fallen in our educational standards…complements of government / communist interference in public education

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Yes, that goernment/communist interference comes via a related association, (NEA) National Education Association. The NEA is a bunch of brain dead leftists who have some power.

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"'Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive"

-- from 'Marmion' by Sir Walter Scott

It is amazing what you can hide, amongst those little nits.

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That would support the US corporation claim....

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Love this clarification on the Texas convoy. I love getting Badlands News Brief delivered right to my...inbox!👍 Thanks BB for that Taylor Swift explain... complete with fangs bared @ Trump- WOW. I pray this Texas event just grows to encompass the patriotism of the entire USA, and shows the power of the silent majority 🙏

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Hmm...interesting that the quiet part is finally said out loud regarding the billions sent to Ukraine. It’s not helping Ukraine, but actually benefits the American interests....the corporate industrial complex. This is ONE of the purposes of a proxy state....to launder money for the cabal. No surprise to readers here, but a nice little educational red pill for the normies. Reminds me that the weapons Biden left in Afghanistan are turning up in the hands of anti-American people.

Mayorkas’ lame impeachment charges are obviously the brainchild of the DC uniparty. The real charge is treason.

BB states the obvious to us; the Trump American first policies that matter on the international stage are continuing despite the idiot in chief and his freak show administration. Looks like puppet territory, doesn’t it! War of stories, indeed!👏. The EU is whining down to their Prussian totalitarian roots about this affront to their one world government; hence the desperate attempt to distract from the obvious and generate an exercise to ‘prepare’ us for WWIII... BTW: why are troops stationed all over the Middle East when our country is being invaded? I suspect that the attack on the troops might have been in Syria instead of Jordan.🤔

The cabal minions in power will call the rally on private property in Texas ANYTHING but a rally to support a sovereign nation with secure borders. They will use the threat of civil war, false accusations (such as the Army of God designation) up to false flags to stop this in this election year. We the people must pray for all participating and supporting this as the armor of Gods will be necessary to protect them.🙏🙏

J6 political prisoners may be gradually released in the hope that we’ll forget the democrats plan to keep Trump out of office..., The handwriting is on the wall.

Hmm....cyber attack on Fani’s hoax trial??

God bless the foundation of America’s return to its constitutional republic roots....the citizen journalists.🙏🙏

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I love your Takes as much as I love the Badlands ones! Thanks ALtab❤️🙏

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You’re sweet!! Thanks Feather!🥰

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In Ashe’s report on the Trucker Convoy for our Borders, she wrote: “ Meanwhile across the Atlantic, farmers are bearing down on Europe's capitals - from Bucharest to Warsaw to Brussels - venting frustrations about climate policies.”

This reminded me of a report by Coreysdigs yesterday:

Globalist Plan to Control U.S. Land & Resources Through NACs WITHDRAWN After Pushback

From her opening paragraph:

“ n a major victory to protect America’s land and resources, an SEC proposed rule to authorize the creation of a completely new investment class known as a “Natural Asset Company” (NAC) was withdrawn, after pushback from congressional representatives, state authorities, and the public.”

“The plan to unconstitutionally cede management authority of federal lands to NACs was in conjunction with a broader initiative by the Biden administration, referred to as 30×30, to conserve at least 30 percent of all U.S. lands and waters by 2030”

Conserve means control!

It’s a great report:


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Thank you. Abba! It was so depressing…

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Close call win…but vigilance is necessary!

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Swift and Kelce is the democrat campaign.

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Well if that’s the best they got let it roll out. Game on!

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Alas, I thought I figured one out on my own! Lol…I’m catching up w you. 😁

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It’s strange how we slowly awaken. I never watch NFL first, I have no TV and secondly, after they pulled the BLM stuff, no way. But happened to be in the shop when everyone was watching the first game on big screen where Twitt showed up…I caught the tense, horrified look on Kelce’s mother’s face while having to pose w her. Mama was not smiling. I knew it was phony.

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"If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything."

-- Miyamoto Musashi

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Thank you. You must have some spurs, boy…I keep seeing.

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And all the credit goes to GOD ALMIGHTY!! He is the all time Champion in this Spiritual Warfare! Times they are a changing!!

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