"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 83% 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 ..." This is entirely true, but you also wouldn't give the doctor a brief time limit. The last 17% of that tumor often takes the most time to extract, especially when it has wound itself into vital organs. 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻.
Is it possible the remaining USAID contracts are the ones that are being litigated, have the most push back? Have to trot thru the courts, pushed by the State Dept...for clarity, precedence setting, setting in stone so they don't have any chance of making a come back in the future? The Doctor/tumor analogy doesn't sit well w/ me esp talking about a cancer...or maybe it does. There are other ways besides surgery to deal w/ a cancer...they just take a little longer. We're talking about the ultimate health of of our government. For me doctors are not a very big part of the equation. Maybe this is a holistic approach to government...diet and exercise v drugs and surgery
I think you are correct. If some NGOs are still in line to receive funds, their management has no reason to resign like a huge number of the defunded NGO top brass.
The 17% may be left for prosecution because the NGOs books are still open for possible audit. I bet a lot of the 83% are burning evidence very fast.
Anyway, I feel confident that our side is acting in ways to bring about a just conclusion.
Jon's take on USAID was like a gut punch when I first read it, and I would not be confident at all given any track record from the past. However, the contrived method of getting to "17%" when, in reality, it's much closer to 18%...well that has me thinking that maybe something else is going on, eh?
One of those NGOs is headed by Stacey Abrams of Georgia fame. Her organization got $2 Billion last year.
Did anyone see her interview yesterday defending her spending? She bragged that they funded an entire small town in Georgia by helping to supply the citizens with higher efficiency appliances. Wow! Sounds great!
Problem. If the small town had 3500 people and they bought all of them a new refrigerator, that accounts for 0.0045% of the two billion! Where is the other 99.9955% Stacey?
This is a question that must be asked. The math doesn’t work well for the bad guys. Stacey just buried herself and seems to have no clue. Rhetoric works just so well.
Since I live in Georgia and have since 1990, this egregious grifter and BTW, an election denier who has stated she does not accept the results of Gov. Kemp’s election needs to be taken down to the town square and put in a pillory and suffer the humiliation at the hands of John Q. Public…jest sayin’
"The Economist is a global elite mouthpiece for a global elite audience"--Chris Paul. I didn't really like Chris when he first came to Badlands, now I love him. A no nonsense, X-Hollywood, kick ass like a Tom Homan w/ a theatrical flare. Just say it like it is, Chris Paul. It's music to my ears ❤️
Yesterday I watched the press conference with Mark Carney of Canada. He was ranting about how Trump is trying to hurt Canadian workers with Tariffs. It’s quite funny, he never mentioned the Canadian tariffs they put on us.
So, Carney is no better than the last clown. He is still trying to sell a lie instead of explaining how Canada will compete fairly with America. I recently read that we are responsible for about 40% of Canada’s economy due to their export imbalance with us. Surely Canadian citizens are as capable of doing anything Americans can do. It is not like we are special humans. No, what makes us special is our freedom and lack of Socialism. America was fast chasing Canada and Europe down the Marxist road, but our leadership changed and we are moving back toward free enterprise capitalism. Canada and the rest of the world had best smell the roses and try to figure out the new course.
You know, it is quite interesting to me to see how this has evolved. Actually, starting in 1913 the Socialists took over our banking and ever so slowly modified our system to sell America in their socialist ideas. But, it failed!
Now, the rest of the world is really confused. Almost over night America is acting very strangely. We are acting like we did in 1870! Tariffs? Golden Age? Balanced Budget? What the Hell is all this?
I feel sorry for the rest of the world. They are out of touch with reality.
The French 🇫🇷 / European 💶 citizen agree 💯/💯 and admire America First for being the leading country of this new and so much needed economical and societal course !
We should all be grateful AND shameful at the same... 🥺🥴
In 1945, as the world war ended, Europe was caught between America 3000 miles to the West and the U.S.S.R. Immediately to the East. And, those two entities were still at war, the Cold War. The problem for Europe was, who was going to win? Was America’s Capitalism to prevail or the Soviet’s Communism? I am afraid they tried playing it down the middle.
Meanwhile, Canada was still under the Crown, but was not 3000 miles away from America. I think we can see today how Socialism made inroads in Europe slightly faster than in Canada. Our problem here in America was it was making inroads here too.
Trump merely put our foot down for us. No more of our support for Socialism anywhere! We are out of the social engineering business. Deal with it.
Anyway, that is my opinion based on what I have merely observed during my life. I have not one speck of proof to offer.
But every day I am further convinced my take is correct. I feel sorry for both Canada and Europe, they are now on their own to figure out which way they choose to go. Down the middle works in Golf. In economics it can’t win.
By the way, Russia figured this out as the Berlin Wall came down. China has a ways to go yet. They are toying with Capitalism but not in a really workable way. They still miss the key issue of personal property rights.
What always steams my broccoli is that postwar Europe was rebuilt by us and given decades of favorable defense (and God knows what else) assistance, so once they began building their economies back, what did they do? They instituted cradle-to-grave citizen subsidies, while we were still paying for their defense and their trade tariffs. And we are over here trying to live long enough to collect our paltry SS benefits that we paid into. Grrrrrr!
Thinking of this rationally, I become more impressed with America. What funded all of this for 155 years was our ability to not only survive, but to have stock markets thriving due to prosperous businesses. So, we have the two economies I have been mentioning here for months.
The government economy that has been picking the pockets of business has failed because it cannot continue borrowing because the interest on the debt is debilitating.
Meanwhile, the corporate business is still going strong and making money every year. And, it all comes down to Socialism. Our government has tried to justify taxation by offering more social programs. They are never going to be profitable and the key is government must be as small as possible, not expanding yearly.
The exact opposite is true for a Capitalistic operation. Thus, the booming business economy.
I hope this help explain Trump’s perspective and game plan. He is shrinking government and promising a surge in prosperity because he understand America. Understanding America is all anyone needs to know. It is really quite simple. What we need is more of what works well and less of what is a losing proposition.
The world [they] thought they understood has been stood on its head by Trump and more importantly, the people who elected him.
They have a few choices: deny their eyes and ears and go down the drain; change gears and be more Trumpian; or double down on their failing strategy. I would not bet on any of them to make the correct choice. [They] are doubling down, seems to me, if their actions in Romania are any indication.
This is the key point here, Jim, ‘…what makes us special is our freedom and lack of Socialism.’ We grew up without Socialism and that’s what our unique spark is! Stubborn, too. Plus, most of us don’t care a flip about what some celebrity states.
The globalists are pretty desperate to put one of their top bankers in a politicians role....I wonder if Carney is a wee bit pissed having to come out of the shadows to do his master's bidding......
That is a very good question. It confused me when I learned Carney is an ex-central banker. It seemed to me that Canada was failing to recognize the real problem, loose credit and too much debt.
Of course, America has been the world leader in deficit spending because it was an integral part of the Cabal’s plan to bankrupt America. It took an expert on bankruptcy to do the right thing. Trump merely did what President Grant needed to do in 1871, go ahead and bankrupt a broke organization and tell the Cabal to kiss off. But, that was not to be in 1871 and Grant somehow thought borrowing from Europe to bail out America could end well. Well, in hindsight he was right. It is ending well after 155 years of losing money every year, by design.
The rest of the world is confused. Suddenly America isn’t acting right and taking on more debt. The Cabal is pissed, Europe and Canada are confused, and a few countries are applauding. What a great time to be alive! America is returning to greatness.
Weak dollar or strong dollar? That is the question.
How about a Fair Dollar? Thanks to the Federal Reserve and a spend crazy Congress, the 2025 dollar is 85% weaker than the 1933 dollar created when FDR outlawed Gold in America. That is actually what creates our real trade problems.
Once Trump unleashes the Gold backed currency and outlaws the FED, we will once again have a fair dollar that will command fair trade.
We are on a fast track to do just that right now. The “progressives” are working overtime to stop our progress! Now, isn’t that just special?
I agree! To a Marxist, progress is destroying Capitalism. To a Capitalist progress is making a profit doing business. We just feel sorry for Socialists because we know they are destined to fail and we hate failure.
Don't feel sorry for [them.] We love failure of evil. Socialism is evil. Nobody will voluntarily organize under socialism. It must be forced (evil) on them.
I can’t help it, I just feel sorry for weak minded humans. Somehow their honor has become warped and it is a character failure that I hope can be corrected if they actually recognize the flaws.
"Nobody will voluntarily organize under socialism." Sad truth is that plenty of younger Americans would, thanks to educational indoctrination and social media pressure. There are polls that show this. The idealistic and naïve think it's a great solution.
When I finally figured out why there was no brief Friday, I meandered through the halls of my Spacious mud hut until this morning humming an old Dire Straits tune, I want my, I want my Badlands Brief. if anyone missed the best of the JD Vance memes this weekend go here:
Yes, manufacturing was the base of my hometown area growing up. People who didn't go to college all worked in the factories, had homes and a car. There was no homelessness! People were optimistic and had common interests and motivations. NAFTA and Clinton destroyed all that.
Ditto in my hometown. The jobs left because our labor intensive industries could not compete with super cheap foreign labor. Almost 100% of textile jobs left.
I am afraid that the situation has not changed because China has reinvented slavery. And, tariffs will not cure that
Problem. Neither will AI.
Over the last 60 years our standard of living has gradually declined but the standards outside of the U.S. have substantially increased. So, if we stop rewarding China and shift our suppliers to countries that play nice, tariffs will level the field and allow for fair competition and bring back our jobs. It is a win-win if we just have honorable intentions on all sides. Fair competition creates productivity, efficiency, and cost effective business practices instead of corruption.
We have genius mechanical engineering and computer engineering. China steals our technology. They will always use slavery to compete because they aren’t creative or innovative. They are only good at undercutting the US and lying with creative accounting. The CCP is totally relying on globalism to level competition. Communism destroys the drive to excellence.
I would LOVE to see the return of American textiles! And home economics for girls. One of the joys in my life as a teen and young mother was fabric stores and creating one of a kind outfits for myself and my girls. The polyesters of the early 70's destroyed that. Whenever I can, I always wear cotton......but now it comes from India.
You are correct! I have lamented the demise of Shop Class in our schools. Teaching students the basics of woodworking and other hand crafts is important in stirring up creative instincts and it led me to realize that my future was in engineering.
Home Economics did the same but more geared to the girls. Today I can see both sexes in Shop or Home Ec. Hands on experiences are key in lieu of “feel good, mind altering” political games. A return to Civics classes would be a nice idea too. No more 1619 or CRT revisionist history.
This is a multifront war, and it requires incredible effort and organization to coordinate all of the attacks on all the fronts. The deep state Hydra is a sinister foe. Our side must be relentless, courageous, clever.
“You wouldn’t celebrate a doctor removing only 83% of a cancerous tumor when they had the opportunity to remove it all, so don’t celebrate this bullshit either.”
"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 83% 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 ..." This is entirely true, but you also wouldn't give the doctor a brief time limit. The last 17% of that tumor often takes the most time to extract, especially when it has wound itself into vital organs. 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻.
I will trust the plan as soon as we know the names of the organizations that are still getting paid through USAID
They are for contracts that are too important to stop.
Translation: powerful grifters are grifting on them.
17...I see what you did there. 😀
Hi Gary ! 🇫🇷🕊️🇺🇲
How do you do to write in bold / italic letters in these comment sections ?
I think it could interest many people here if someone can teach us how to improve and enrich our writings ... 😉
I sure missed The Brief but I'm glad everyone had a good time at GART.
I did too! I even got on Badlands to ask why I was deleted from my morning news!!!!
Silly me. I read it with my coffee first thing!
Welcome back.
I enjoyed my GART 7 Virtual Ticket, the panel discussions really focused on the future of the Golden Age and that is where my mind is focused too.
P.S. Not tired of winning yet:-)
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Is it possible the remaining USAID contracts are the ones that are being litigated, have the most push back? Have to trot thru the courts, pushed by the State Dept...for clarity, precedence setting, setting in stone so they don't have any chance of making a come back in the future? The Doctor/tumor analogy doesn't sit well w/ me esp talking about a cancer...or maybe it does. There are other ways besides surgery to deal w/ a cancer...they just take a little longer. We're talking about the ultimate health of of our government. For me doctors are not a very big part of the equation. Maybe this is a holistic approach to government...diet and exercise v drugs and surgery
I think you are correct. If some NGOs are still in line to receive funds, their management has no reason to resign like a huge number of the defunded NGO top brass.
The 17% may be left for prosecution because the NGOs books are still open for possible audit. I bet a lot of the 83% are burning evidence very fast.
Anyway, I feel confident that our side is acting in ways to bring about a just conclusion.
Jon's take on USAID was like a gut punch when I first read it, and I would not be confident at all given any track record from the past. However, the contrived method of getting to "17%" when, in reality, it's much closer to 18%...well that has me thinking that maybe something else is going on, eh?
I certainly hope so.
This 17% might be what puts the spotlight on the corruptive nature of the NGOs and those behind their creation as well as the vast connecting system.
One of those NGOs is headed by Stacey Abrams of Georgia fame. Her organization got $2 Billion last year.
Did anyone see her interview yesterday defending her spending? She bragged that they funded an entire small town in Georgia by helping to supply the citizens with higher efficiency appliances. Wow! Sounds great!
Problem. If the small town had 3500 people and they bought all of them a new refrigerator, that accounts for 0.0045% of the two billion! Where is the other 99.9955% Stacey?
This is a question that must be asked. The math doesn’t work well for the bad guys. Stacey just buried herself and seems to have no clue. Rhetoric works just so well.
Since I live in Georgia and have since 1990, this egregious grifter and BTW, an election denier who has stated she does not accept the results of Gov. Kemp’s election needs to be taken down to the town square and put in a pillory and suffer the humiliation at the hands of John Q. Public…jest sayin’
Your neighbor next to GA agrees!!
Ugh. Stacey should have been put behind bars years ago....along with Ratsberger and I'm not too keen on Kemp either. That is one criminal state.
Hi Altab! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
I agree but WHY is there so oftenly some "17" of anything as seen in so much Q drops ??
Asking for many friends here ... 😉😃
Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Could it be a confirmation of the Q plan?
Hi Altab! 🇫🇷🙏🏻🇺🇲
I know this meaning but I'm also very surprised to find this “reference” in so much cases, many of them I wouldn't have even think about nor imagine!
Blessings to you and your nice hubby!
That I do not know, but am highly curious about!
"The Economist is a global elite mouthpiece for a global elite audience"--Chris Paul. I didn't really like Chris when he first came to Badlands, now I love him. A no nonsense, X-Hollywood, kick ass like a Tom Homan w/ a theatrical flare. Just say it like it is, Chris Paul. It's music to my ears ❤️
Each are uniquely gifted by God and celebrate the variety in perspective, talent and intelligence!! Blessings to we readers/listeners.
LOVE the Vance Meme's.. I bet he chuckles over them too!
Yesterday I watched the press conference with Mark Carney of Canada. He was ranting about how Trump is trying to hurt Canadian workers with Tariffs. It’s quite funny, he never mentioned the Canadian tariffs they put on us.
So, Carney is no better than the last clown. He is still trying to sell a lie instead of explaining how Canada will compete fairly with America. I recently read that we are responsible for about 40% of Canada’s economy due to their export imbalance with us. Surely Canadian citizens are as capable of doing anything Americans can do. It is not like we are special humans. No, what makes us special is our freedom and lack of Socialism. America was fast chasing Canada and Europe down the Marxist road, but our leadership changed and we are moving back toward free enterprise capitalism. Canada and the rest of the world had best smell the roses and try to figure out the new course.
You know, it is quite interesting to me to see how this has evolved. Actually, starting in 1913 the Socialists took over our banking and ever so slowly modified our system to sell America in their socialist ideas. But, it failed!
Now, the rest of the world is really confused. Almost over night America is acting very strangely. We are acting like we did in 1870! Tariffs? Golden Age? Balanced Budget? What the Hell is all this?
I feel sorry for the rest of the world. They are out of touch with reality.
Hi Jim ! 🙋🏼♂️
The French 🇫🇷 / European 💶 citizen agree 💯/💯 and admire America First for being the leading country of this new and so much needed economical and societal course !
We should all be grateful AND shameful at the same... 🥺🥴
In 1945, as the world war ended, Europe was caught between America 3000 miles to the West and the U.S.S.R. Immediately to the East. And, those two entities were still at war, the Cold War. The problem for Europe was, who was going to win? Was America’s Capitalism to prevail or the Soviet’s Communism? I am afraid they tried playing it down the middle.
Meanwhile, Canada was still under the Crown, but was not 3000 miles away from America. I think we can see today how Socialism made inroads in Europe slightly faster than in Canada. Our problem here in America was it was making inroads here too.
Trump merely put our foot down for us. No more of our support for Socialism anywhere! We are out of the social engineering business. Deal with it.
Anyway, that is my opinion based on what I have merely observed during my life. I have not one speck of proof to offer.
But every day I am further convinced my take is correct. I feel sorry for both Canada and Europe, they are now on their own to figure out which way they choose to go. Down the middle works in Golf. In economics it can’t win.
By the way, Russia figured this out as the Berlin Wall came down. China has a ways to go yet. They are toying with Capitalism but not in a really workable way. They still miss the key issue of personal property rights.
What always steams my broccoli is that postwar Europe was rebuilt by us and given decades of favorable defense (and God knows what else) assistance, so once they began building their economies back, what did they do? They instituted cradle-to-grave citizen subsidies, while we were still paying for their defense and their trade tariffs. And we are over here trying to live long enough to collect our paltry SS benefits that we paid into. Grrrrrr!
It was a well planned (and very successful) operation for them….at least until recently!
I’ve observed this my entire lifetime, too, and (even without definitive evidence) concur completely with your assessment!
Thinking of this rationally, I become more impressed with America. What funded all of this for 155 years was our ability to not only survive, but to have stock markets thriving due to prosperous businesses. So, we have the two economies I have been mentioning here for months.
The government economy that has been picking the pockets of business has failed because it cannot continue borrowing because the interest on the debt is debilitating.
Meanwhile, the corporate business is still going strong and making money every year. And, it all comes down to Socialism. Our government has tried to justify taxation by offering more social programs. They are never going to be profitable and the key is government must be as small as possible, not expanding yearly.
The exact opposite is true for a Capitalistic operation. Thus, the booming business economy.
I hope this help explain Trump’s perspective and game plan. He is shrinking government and promising a surge in prosperity because he understand America. Understanding America is all anyone needs to know. It is really quite simple. What we need is more of what works well and less of what is a losing proposition.
The world [they] thought they understood has been stood on its head by Trump and more importantly, the people who elected him.
They have a few choices: deny their eyes and ears and go down the drain; change gears and be more Trumpian; or double down on their failing strategy. I would not bet on any of them to make the correct choice. [They] are doubling down, seems to me, if their actions in Romania are any indication.
This is the key point here, Jim, ‘…what makes us special is our freedom and lack of Socialism.’ We grew up without Socialism and that’s what our unique spark is! Stubborn, too. Plus, most of us don’t care a flip about what some celebrity states.
The globalists are pretty desperate to put one of their top bankers in a politicians role....I wonder if Carney is a wee bit pissed having to come out of the shadows to do his master's bidding......
That is a very good question. It confused me when I learned Carney is an ex-central banker. It seemed to me that Canada was failing to recognize the real problem, loose credit and too much debt.
Of course, America has been the world leader in deficit spending because it was an integral part of the Cabal’s plan to bankrupt America. It took an expert on bankruptcy to do the right thing. Trump merely did what President Grant needed to do in 1871, go ahead and bankrupt a broke organization and tell the Cabal to kiss off. But, that was not to be in 1871 and Grant somehow thought borrowing from Europe to bail out America could end well. Well, in hindsight he was right. It is ending well after 155 years of losing money every year, by design.
The rest of the world is confused. Suddenly America isn’t acting right and taking on more debt. The Cabal is pissed, Europe and Canada are confused, and a few countries are applauding. What a great time to be alive! America is returning to greatness.
I love those Vance memes! My favorite is the Van Halen one, the group of my 20's and 30's. Young people today have no real identifying music.
Remove Bibi just like you're removing little puppet-boy Z
That's next!
Or turn him into 'Our Boy N.'
Trump plays the tunes, and they dance.
I'm so sick of Netanyahu and can't wait for the end of him as far as leading Israel. There has got to be someone better...got to be!!!
N is on very thin ice. If he loses another cabinet member, his government dissolves.
As for anyone better, seems to me they are all a pretty unsavory bunch.
Weak dollar or strong dollar? That is the question.
How about a Fair Dollar? Thanks to the Federal Reserve and a spend crazy Congress, the 2025 dollar is 85% weaker than the 1933 dollar created when FDR outlawed Gold in America. That is actually what creates our real trade problems.
Once Trump unleashes the Gold backed currency and outlaws the FED, we will once again have a fair dollar that will command fair trade.
We are on a fast track to do just that right now. The “progressives” are working overtime to stop our progress! Now, isn’t that just special?
Remember, our progress is not their progress. [They] have a different definition of 'success.'
I agree! To a Marxist, progress is destroying Capitalism. To a Capitalist progress is making a profit doing business. We just feel sorry for Socialists because we know they are destined to fail and we hate failure.
Don't feel sorry for [them.] We love failure of evil. Socialism is evil. Nobody will voluntarily organize under socialism. It must be forced (evil) on them.
I can’t help it, I just feel sorry for weak minded humans. Somehow their honor has become warped and it is a character failure that I hope can be corrected if they actually recognize the flaws.
"Nobody will voluntarily organize under socialism." Sad truth is that plenty of younger Americans would, thanks to educational indoctrination and social media pressure. There are polls that show this. The idealistic and naïve think it's a great solution.
Great brief Ashe
When I finally figured out why there was no brief Friday, I meandered through the halls of my Spacious mud hut until this morning humming an old Dire Straits tune, I want my, I want my Badlands Brief. if anyone missed the best of the JD Vance memes this weekend go here:
Can't believe no meme of Jaba Vance yet
Those were hysterical memes! Especially the Andy Mayberry Sherriff! Lol!
Thanks Buddy!
Trump wants to bring manufacturing back to the US, hence the tariffs.
Yes, manufacturing was the base of my hometown area growing up. People who didn't go to college all worked in the factories, had homes and a car. There was no homelessness! People were optimistic and had common interests and motivations. NAFTA and Clinton destroyed all that.
Ditto in my hometown. The jobs left because our labor intensive industries could not compete with super cheap foreign labor. Almost 100% of textile jobs left.
I am afraid that the situation has not changed because China has reinvented slavery. And, tariffs will not cure that
Problem. Neither will AI.
Over the last 60 years our standard of living has gradually declined but the standards outside of the U.S. have substantially increased. So, if we stop rewarding China and shift our suppliers to countries that play nice, tariffs will level the field and allow for fair competition and bring back our jobs. It is a win-win if we just have honorable intentions on all sides. Fair competition creates productivity, efficiency, and cost effective business practices instead of corruption.
We have genius mechanical engineering and computer engineering. China steals our technology. They will always use slavery to compete because they aren’t creative or innovative. They are only good at undercutting the US and lying with creative accounting. The CCP is totally relying on globalism to level competition. Communism destroys the drive to excellence.
I would LOVE to see the return of American textiles! And home economics for girls. One of the joys in my life as a teen and young mother was fabric stores and creating one of a kind outfits for myself and my girls. The polyesters of the early 70's destroyed that. Whenever I can, I always wear cotton......but now it comes from India.
You are correct! I have lamented the demise of Shop Class in our schools. Teaching students the basics of woodworking and other hand crafts is important in stirring up creative instincts and it led me to realize that my future was in engineering.
Home Economics did the same but more geared to the girls. Today I can see both sexes in Shop or Home Ec. Hands on experiences are key in lieu of “feel good, mind altering” political games. A return to Civics classes would be a nice idea too. No more 1619 or CRT revisionist history.
This is why I voted for Perot in 1992 primary. That giant sucking sound was pretty on-point (and prescient), wasn't it?
So...will we ever fix our elections?
This is a multifront war, and it requires incredible effort and organization to coordinate all of the attacks on all the fronts. The deep state Hydra is a sinister foe. Our side must be relentless, courageous, clever.
“access to the President's Daily Brief”
Does he still get daily briefs? I pray he does not!
He does NOT ! 🙏🏻👍🏻
President Donald Trump announced on February 7, 2025, that he was revoking former President Joe Biden's access to daily intelligence briefings and classified information, citing payback for Biden's similar actions in 2021 Trump claimed that there was no need for Biden to continue receiving access to classified information and stated that he was immediately revoking Biden's security clearances Trum… https://search.brave.com/search?q=biden+intelligence+daily+briefings&spellcheck=0&source=alteredQuery&conversation=63416130cc35527d09883c&summary=1
bho is the concern, imo.
Agree! Does bho still receive daily briefs?
I’d be amazed if he was….unless Ratcliff is setting a trap for him. 🧐
When I see the way you often use shortened wordings, I ask myself if you could help us there … 🕊️😉
barack hussein obama. in my opinion. 😐
“You wouldn’t celebrate a doctor removing only 83% of a cancerous tumor when they had the opportunity to remove it all, so don’t celebrate this bullshit either.”