Dec 30Edited

This is a response to GBPH’s statement

“ It is a big white pill that the targeted demographic is now openly rebelling against the operative. My only question is where are the Canadian men? Why are they not in the vanguard politely telling Trudeau to f--- himself? “

“ During a photo-op, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was confronted by a disgruntled steelworker, who gave an earful to Trudeau over high taxes and rising cost of living. Trudeau was offering doughnuts outside a steel firm in Ontario but the unidentified worker refused Canadian prime minister's offer and complained about medical bills and taxes.”


And this

Trudeau heckled after Freeland’s resignation


The reason why you don’t hear much about it until very recently is that the Canadian MSM have been actively suppressing reports on such events unless they can’t edit it.

Trudeau has openly bought off the media here with at least $1.6 billion a year in ‘subsidies’ to the legacy media.

So to answer GBPH rhetorical question, men here are speaking out, but it’s been censored out until recently.

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Thank you for all takes. Especially resonating with me this morning (as I have been ignoring so much of the boring noise in the past week) is that all the WINNING should not breed complacency. It is natural for us to take a break during the holidays (though the “Briefers” have hardly done so) but as Ashe points out, communism will continue to rebrand, and we MUST identify it and beat it over the head like the deadly octopus it is.

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Dec 30Edited
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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️

⚠️ TOXIC and RADIOACTIVE SCAM inside !⚠️


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Yep…She’s back — or rather, IT’S back!

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Hi Dick ! 🇫🇷💕🕊️🇺🇲

Please feel free to use my template at will as often as needed! 😁🔥

Every of US here can copy/paste my "toxic template" at will !!

We can kill [Their] clic bait if we all do that as often as possible 🕊️🕊️

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Ha ha thanks! It’s a good one! But beware — your posts will likely be targeted with with the same & they’ll litter your notifications … be it Kim or Beth or Mary or Jane etc, whichever nom du jour the scammers put out. I made the mistake of commenting similarly and it actually tag-teamed me with two different identities — 5 times in one day’s thread! Extremely annoying.

God Bless, mon ami!

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I know but we need to make this scam clearly and fully visible to kill their clic bait !

We must make [Them] TOXIC and RADIOACTIVE for everyone to know …


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It seems it actually help those who manage and clean up the waste in the threads, because these posts are made in clearly visible and become easy targets !

I enjoy seeing the number of actual comments lowing at some moments rather going up ! 👍🏼💪🏼

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Comment removed huh?

Must be telling more truth than Badlands can handle.

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What a curious thing, the MAGA side conflict / debate over the H1B. Anyone taking the time to follow the pros and cons would inevitably find themselves questioning the decline of excellence in our Educational System! Many of us here would recognize the “silent invasion,” the intentional dumbing down by the Marxist communist ideologies at work for decades. Add to that the social media capture of our youth - blamed for 25%+ increase in suicides amoung our youth. The ramifications of the communist invasion into our Educational Institutions has far reaching consequences…a decline in excellence, not just in the STEM categories (including medicine and health) but in a moral code that creates excellence in our work ethics.

As Ashes points out, we can not allow the ‘silent invasion’ to retreat into the shadows. It must be exposed and eliminated….as in MAGA ❤️🇺🇸

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Having been in public education since 1974, I completely agree. Indoctrinating Our Children to Death - Government Schools' War on Faith, Family & Freedom and How to Stop It by Alex Newman is an excellent book on this very topic.

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I read that book. I agree, an excellent book!!

Good chapter (8) on How Socialists Used Teachers’ Unions Such as the NEA to Destroy Education

I love that he called Common Core “Nationalized Educational Quackery”

Common Core is what woke me up to the attack on our Educational system.

Thanks for mentioning it! ❤️

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So well said Featherjourney! I’m observing this in real time but thankfully in a positive way. I hope this is true in other places as well. My oldest son lives in a blue state, in a small rural town. My grandson is in the same conservative school district my children attended, which focuses on academics. My daughter (who has a boy and a girl in school) lives in a red state in a small community with a conservative school district which focuses on academics. I have heard my daughter and her sister in laws talk about the transgender and woke agendas at family gatherings. They keep track of everything going on in the schools by attending or viewing school board meetings, networking on neighborhood Facebook pages and talking with neighbors. Nothing gets past them! They talk to their children, they know the parents of their children’s friends and they attend all school activities. My grandchildren have various interests in sports, music and theatre as well. The parents all work but take the time to be there for their children! I think there are many parents out there doing the same thing. I see them when I attend my grandchildren’s activities.

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There is definitely a positive side! The country is waking up and paying more attention than ever. The absurdities of the “progressive woke” was a pendulum that swung way too far left…and finally caught our attention. Now the pendulum swings back and will find its balance, rejecting the Marxist brainwashing.

Really enjoyed reading your nice comment 🙏❤️

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Thank you!

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The H1B Visa discussion is not about globalism it is about excellence and fixing all that is broken in our country and the world.

Our education system is FUBR from top to bottom and that in before you throw in DEI and all the woke horseshit. Many (most?) leaders in corporate America thought they were doing their part for education by paying their taxes that funded the Department of Education. Like much of our current society it's broken.

I am a firm believer that we are living in Biblical times and that soon the Best is about to Come.

We will need to reinvent ourselves and need to be open to new ideas.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Dec 30Edited

In Canada we have something similar, I've experienced reverse racism from such people who landed jobs in Canada using such a program.

I could write a long essay on it but the point is that such programs need to be carefully monitored for cheating and for the "quality" of the successful applicants.

This post from Vivek Ramaswamy pissed me off because that's the type of generalization I see from skilled Indians coming to Canada, that "western culture" is too "relaxed" and laid back with their kids and that Indian culture produced superior scammers, uhm I mean superior workers...


I've seen the result of "Tiger Mom's" among the Chinese and it's not pretty, for every successful Asian you have 5 others who don't handle it so well and turned into burnt out neurotics who eventually resent their parents.

BTW, I'm not white, I was born to Chinese immigrant parents in Canada in the 1960s so I can see what these comments were intended say but also I can see the dark side of "immigrant exceptionalism".

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Great post! You might take a look at Ashe’s long take on the scam: Last night’s Badlands’ “Culture of Change”.

Beaucoup bucks for crooked US/International money laundering banks and for India mainly, but other countries too Truly is a globalist hydra, as Ashe & Col Towner-Watkins give the straight inside poop.

Was going to post the link (again) but the Badlands media page isn’t loading —server trouble?) …anyway, when you can, do watch —it’ll explain so much!


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Thank you! That was a great discussion and we could have done two more hours easy!

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Truly amazing, Ashe. I’m up for two more hours — I hope you and The Colonel are too!

God Bless & Godspeed

And Thank You!!

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Did I understand that you wanted the link to "Ashe in America and Absolute1776 welcome special guest Colonel Towner for a deep dive into the H1B visa program". This? https://rumble.com/v63v8dp-culture-of-change-ep.-87.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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No, no, but thank you! 😊 …I had the link but the site wouldn’t load it to c/p for readers. I hope it gets around. The combined expertise of those two makes that show a unique must see!

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Thanks for the link. I’m going to have a look when I get a chance.

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Hi Joe !

I just can wish and hope France could benefit the very same treatment ASAP (the sooner the better!) because we're in a much worst shape than your country !

God bless you as well as 🇫🇷"the elder daughter of His Church"🇫🇷


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What is happening now with Trump and team will impact the US but as the Q Drops often mention the World is waking up.

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Will the Vatican survive the global cabal’s Pope Francis?

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Nope. All religions will be critically examined in 2025/2026. Mark these words.

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Hopefully that will include the “religion of humanism,” a Marxist ideology of collectivism that has been slowly eroding our values of literacy, moral codes, family, education

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Can you elaborate on your prediction, Featherjourney?

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If it is God's Will.

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Hi Feather 🪶!

I don't hope so and I do wish it won't!

It can, and even must crumble on itself for the god of all !

May God act decisively about this or enlight us to do so !

Maybe the brick given by the Hermit of More with the name of Donald Trump could be back in the light since the pope “opened” several “portals” these last days ??



Just praying for the Best to Come as soon as possible!


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Thanks TdlF that was a very interesting read, I had never heard of the Hermit before.

I believe Trump is leading the world back to Christ. One thing that I have learned during my journey is that God is within us and does not just live in a Church.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you so much Joe !


And I heartfully second your own take about Trump leading the World 🌎 back to God and Jesus !

A priest recently remembered me our faith is a direct relation between God and every people who claims to love God …

He said all !


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Love that!! 🙏❤️🕊💫

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Hello Joe !

I take advantage of this comment to wish you and your loved ones a happy MAGA new year ! 🇫🇷🕊️💕🇺🇲

I brought you an update I hope you'll enjoy as I did:


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I remember reading about the Hermit…a simple, humble man with some prophecies. I’ll read your link because I don’t remember the details ❤️

The Catholic religion will survive without the hierarchy of the Vatican. 🙏❤️💫🇺🇸🇫🇷🕊

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Enjoyed the article on the Hermit. Reminded me of Mark Taylor the fireman prophet. He predicted a similar “hand of God” on Trump ❤️

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At church yesterday, the message was on the first part of the book of Esther. It’s a good point on how God uses both believers and nonbelievers to achieve His will on earth. Immediately thought of how He’s using Trump.

Blessings to you, Feather!🙏🇺🇸🕊️

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I'm very happy when reading this answer ! 🙏🏼🕊️

WLTReport is a nice source for information as they always frame their analysis and critics

in a religious way based on Scriptures.

But it's a mess to read ! 😁

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I am not so sure that any of the world's organized religions will be recognizable in the near future. They, like many institutions including government and the corporate world, have simply abandoned their missions and become compromised by Satan.

I remember a church board meeting (I believe it was the United Church in Canada) where the leaders were squabbling about something so far from what should be the mission of the church that I became frustrated -- and quoted the Great Commission to them, and asked how any of this discussion related in any way to that, Jesus Christ's last words to His Disciples that serve as a framework for what the church should be doing. Basically, make disciples, baptize, and teach. They were gobsmacked, and the discussion fell silent. But only for a while.

They got back into it, and I decided to leave the meeting. My continued presence would only have been seen as obstructionist to them, as well as frustrating to me.

But this, which is evidence of a much larger and more pernicious problem with the organized church, foretells what the future holds.

King Solomon told us this:

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

-- Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)

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You might be right!

All the organized Christian denominations could benefit from reform I suspect.

I’m not affiliated with any of them and yet I am devoted to an inner spiritual path, Christian, and contemplate the Presence of God daily. Working on transcending the ego mind to realize the Higher Self Mind, Oneness with God.

That said, an upbringing in the Catholic Church gave me the foundation of Jesus’ teachings of love and forgiveness. A Church (of any denomination) can not do the work for anyone…it will always be an inside journey. ❤️

Edit: spelling

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Sunday’s lesson in S.S. was the Great Commission that not only includes God’s grace, but the (sometimes onerous) work to educate and train new believers…. God’s perfect timing.🙏

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Hello to all !

I just want to share with you some very interesting articles and posts I found while I was digging the story of the Hermit of Loreto (no sorting here !) ...


** Please read through the 700+ comments! **






** Symbolically, the numerology of 1983 equals "3", which represents the Holy Trinity! **




I even found an article about a prediction by Kim Clement I think could become a reality:


And don't forget the powerful and meaningful open letters the late Cardinal Vigano wrote to President Donald Trump:


🕊️🕊️ In all cases, may the Glory go to God and Jesus, and may God bless all of you ! 🕊️🕊️

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Thank You 🙏❤️

I love the story!!

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France is precious. Without France we would have no croissants, and that thought makes me cry. And French culture, and French language and so many things.

Similar with the rest of Europe. Each of those cultures is irreplaceable. Precious. May The Creator Bless and assist you in restoring France to self respect and Frenchness, and send you some angels to help.

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Hi Esther (a sister-in-law of mine wears the same nice firstname 😃) !


I wish you a happy MAGA new year !

On behalf of all the French people who share (or not) the same values as you and I, I thank you for these warm and pleasant words to read that warm 🔥 the heart ❤️!

I sincerely hope that we will succeed in preserving and making the culture and fundamental values of Old Europe shine once again, and that they will enrich those of the America of renewal and draw inspiration from them to contribute to the betterment of the greatest number of countries around the world.

This is my dearest wish from 2925 and beyond President Trump's term of office!

[Thanks to Deepl for allowing me to express this complex answer clearly]🙏🏼

🇫🇷💒🕊️🇺🇲 May God bless you and America as it knows how to be loved by all when it deploys its finest values! 🇺🇲🕊️💒🇫🇷

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Ashe was understating the H1B Visa can o’ worms — she has intimate knowledge of its workings.

I HIGHLY recommend last night’s ‘Culture of Change” where she and Col Towner-Watkins discuss the ins & outs and why it’s a monumental problem. ….With data.



H1B has built a major scaffolding in the the globalist structure and it’s insidious.

Please do watch — It’s a must-see.

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I agree. It was an excellent discussion and I learned a lot!

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An 80 year old woman, Patricia, died here in San Antonio this week. Also Pricilla, 76; Charlotte, 84; Shirley, 97; Patsy, 90; Henry, 91; Gerald, 66; Peter, 91; and more.

Much more interesting than Carter dying at 100.

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Isn't it interesting that it took the IDF SEVEN HOURS to respond to the attacks of Oct. 7th? Israel is the size of New Jersey. The jets coud have been in the air in minutes, just like ours could have been on their way to Benghazi if Hillary Clinton had not called them back.

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It was a false flag. Bibi and his friends organized it.

That will all come out. Bibi is scared, I would guess.

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As he should be.

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Puppet Jimmy Carter never shared the 'SECRET' of his cure for Cancer with the People. He never spoke up against the TRAFFICKING of drugs and humans, he left the border wide open and overall was a piss-poor weak leader and commander of our military. He botched a rescue and got many service members killed. He catered to the cartel, oil tycoons and never ever exposed the evil which is the CIA and the "representatives" involved with pedophilia. He was a good puppet for the billionaires behind the curtain. Habitat, a shill, laundering the dirty _oney. He played his part as a dumb farmer very well. A neutral spineless good ol' boy. Liberal loving Jimmy. RIP Scumbag!

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Something is very strange about the Netanyahu story. "Benign prostatic hyperplasia" simply means enlarged prostate. The very word benign means NOT cancer. I'm not a doctor or medical person, I simply looked it up, and don't see anything about removal of the prostate as a treatment. Who knows what's really going on??

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Good Point!

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Hi Margot !


We're many on the same page 😉


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This is not the only 'strange' story being told these days.

It's a good idea to take a healthy dose of skepticism with your news, these days... much going on that is not being reported.

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Not what we’ve been told!

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THE most important fact anyone can know about labor in the United States is this:

The largest constituency of organized labor in the U.S. or anywhere else on earth is the AFL-CIO organization of U.S. government employees, a.k.a. the bureaucracy.

Now-deceased AFL-CIO president, Richard Trumka, made his bones thuggin for UMW, the United Mine Workers. When Bill and Hillary began using the regulatory power of bureaucracy to destroy coal-mining in America, Richard Trumka saw the future of union power in the U.S.A. and thugged his way to the top of AFL-CIO.

Richard Trumka was as Barack Obama is: a communist organizer. Bureaucracy in the U.S.A. is a communist collective. It's mission is to destroy the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. This big noise about H1B is a distraction from the real labor problem in the United States: communist union ownership of every Executive Agency.

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Tax-payer funded government positions (at all levels) should NEVER be union represented. It was the source of many, many useless government slugs during the 25 years I worked in the military. Government unions are the excuse for extreme, well protected laziness. It’s true maybe 10-20% of the workforce does 80-90% of the work.

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The ‘Canadian men’ did that truck thing, taking it all the way to Ottawa’s front porch, risking everything in the process and exposing the depth of evil behind the Canadian branch of the Deep State. It’s okay if their wives step into the ring while they finish recuperating.

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Some are still in prison in Alberta last I heard. Like the J6ers, trumped-up charges based on rage by the machine at being challenged. You can almost feel it in the air, these days, with all the goings-on surrounding Trudope and friends.

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned - or embarrassed.

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Amen. At the risk of being divisive, there hasn't been anything even close to the Freedom Convoy in Ghost's America, so that cheap shot was pretty ignorant and tone deaf. Can we get a "sorry eh..."?

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America first! American citizens first! The supervisors and managers and directors in American companies hiring all these foreign workers care more about lining their pockets than supporting our country. It's greed. Naked greed. One of the Seven Deadly Sins.

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“Communists will fight to move the needle until they’ve overexposed themselves, then continue from the shadows until it’s safe to reemerge.”


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My Crystal ball says that Netanyahu will have complication after complication after the "removal" and will never face a trial. Just like McConnell and his "frozen" lip that acts up every time he's asked a question that may incriminate him...

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Hello Catherine!


Many people and alternative media seem to share the same view, or the same scheme ?

This one is good !


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Dear Badlands and Readers,

Please watch these important wake-up videos on www.Rumble.com, on the MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGE channel, videos labeled #63, #64, #65, #66

Was there a world reset 300 years ago, and they have been lying to us?

I love your discussions!

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Hi Keith !


PLEASE Could you or someone else just summarize what we can learn with this video ?

Rumble is censored in France 🇫🇷 and European countries 💶

and I won't use technical tricks to watch it ... 😉🙏🏼

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In "Our World", all technologies advance as the decades advance. As we go back in time, all technologies become more primitive until they don't exist. (examples: cars, airplanes, telephones, refrigerators, etc.). All technologies EXCEPT constructing gorgeous buildings. In the building construction case, during the 1800s and early 1900s, they could construct buildings with horse and donkey and pull carts, small populations and only hand tools like hammer, chisel, saw, drill. These gorgeous buildings should be easy stuff for us to construct in the 2020s. Instead we build box bildings. So, we caught them in a worldwide lie in every major city around the world and many towns. The Old-World buildings are from a former civilization!!! He also covers catacombs (many thousands of skulls and bones below cathedrals and cities and tunnel systems below cities. Also, incubator babies at the state fairs, adoptions, insane asylums (a place to put troublemakers) etc.

He has about 100 videos showing proof of the Old World that they don't want us to know about. With the internet, we now know that these buildings have been there in plain sight all along and we have believed there non-stop lying until now. We populated the earth in about 300 years, and he theorizes that there was a worldwide reset about 300 years ago and these buildings are eft over. They have destroyed many buildings in wars and fires so we wouldn't catch on. The previous civilization was much more advance than we are. They likely saved the technologies and have been feeding them out to Our World with them leading the way and gaining all the wealth in the process.

He is also on X and Patrion. Look for him there. If you find him, you won't be disappointed.

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I didn't know France was communist

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Regarding the last entry about the S. Korean airplane crash, this might be an interesting subject for someone. Since Korean is a hierarchical language, right of way is given to whoever is in the superior social position. It explains a lot about Korean drivers. If you are subordinate/inferior, you must wait or give way to your social superior. After serious, sometimes fatal issues due to confusion among Korean speaking pilots, I understand Korean flights were not allowed to use international airspace/airports until all the Korean pilots spoke and used English, which is non-hierarchical. I have to wonder if speaking Korean played any role in the recent fatal crash taking so many lives.

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There should never have been a concrete wall at the end of the runway. The B737 is capable of flying, on one engine. Hydraulics are set up in parallel so if one goes out, the others can still function. Landing gear can be dropped and locked with gravity. I know this due to my experience in working on these aircraft in the early 90's.

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My husband is livid about this. He’s full blown rabbit hole on the concrete barricade and has been obsessed for 24 hours. Also, he’s a normie so I’m encouraging his digging 🤣

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Mistakes are sometimes made, for instance in the design of the DC-10 whose triple redundant hydraulic systems guaranteed it was essentially impossible for the aircraft to lose all three -- important since all of the controls were hydraulic.

Except for the fact that for some reason, all of the main hydraulic pumps and reservoirs were located in the tail of the aircraft. The #2 engine of (IIRC) UA232 blew a turbine midflight and the shards managed to take out all three systems, leaving the pilots with nothing but differential and collective thrust on the remaining two engines to steer the aircraft and control altitude.

Somehow the pilot managed to get the aircraft to a runway in Iowa, where it basically controlled-crashed. Quite a few people survived this 'unsurvivable' incident, due to the crew's skill and no doubt some help from Above. Nobody, including the pilot of that aircraft that day, has been able to repeat that miracle on the simulator, though many have tried.

We have to be careful designing 'unbreakable' systems. It is always the one you don't see, that gets you.

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