President Trumps Easter message was uplifting and hopeful, while Biden's NO religion theme and Tranny were not welcomed except by the left few.
This was the first Easter all my boys and grands were able to come. It was fun to see my 6 -6-year-old Granddaughter hunt plastic easter eggs. We kept it low-key old fashion with the traditional ham and fixings. Ham, I bought it on sale at Christmas and froze.
My coffee tastes even better thanks to your Takes. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend.
Maybe it's my age but I still go back to one of Rush Limbaugh's old sayings that Social Media (may have been Twitter is his phrase) is not reality. So while I never really gave a shit about what was "trending" Rush's comment really rang so true.
So I continue to sit and wait comfyAF for the Trump Hammer to drop and the dominos to start to fall. All the DS Rat Bastard MSM bullshit is interesting to observe but with Chris Pauls's view that everything we see in MSM world is very potentially fake. So I just listen log trends and data points and carry on comfyAF.
"We need to remember that curated outrage, especially when we are morally and objectively right about the nature of an attack, is one if the enemy’s go-to advantages.”
Spot on, Simon. Conservatives get triggered just like the Left, and the media psychos spur this on.
Simon articulates a tool of the enemy in this escalating culture war: “ Biden’s proclamation was intended to inflame and fuel the culture war. ”
[They] are intentionally pushing all of our outrage buttons. The MSM gleefully lies with the same outrage of distorted truths which fans the flames. [They] are trying their panicked best to incite a civil war. The Information War is being intensified by emotions becoming ever more raw…very challenging to avoid the trap of anger and hatred which detract from the energetic frequency of LOVE for our country. It reminds me of a bit of wisdom I came across many moons ago: ‘You don’t end war by hating war; You end war by loving peace’. You can’t Love and Hate at the same time.
I actually feel some compassion for the transgender people - they are being used by a governing force that will toss them aside if the cabal ever were to win their aims of world domination. The trans community are being manipulated and defined as willing players to an evil agenda, and I hope they wake up!! to how abused they are really being treated!
There was a retired Marine I think it was, who was on Fox for a while back when Fox had not gone all the way to the dark side, and he used to say "We don't fight because we hate the enemy in front of us. We fight because we love the country behind us."
Nothing wrong with feeling compassion for the trans community. They are fellow humans, after all; God loves them as He loves everyone. To the Cabal, the trans community is just another group they can 'other' with, to keep us divided. We must wake up and refuse to 'other' or 'be othered.'
Once you know the game [they] are playing, you are free to decide not to play.
Thank you all for the kick-off to a new week and month - and it is April Fool's Day to boot - who could ask for anything more!
Simon, once again, strikes the harmonious chord that reinforces what is true while recognizing that the game of "whack-a-mole" (as I think of it) draws away our limited resources, generates frustration, and exposes our weaknesses to our enemies: "We need to remember that curated outrage, especially when we are morally and objectively right about the nature of an attack, is one if the enemy’s go-to advantages.”
BB: "The juxtapositions between Trump and Biden continue to get more and more cartoonish as the Info War accelerates toward whatever inflection point November represents." Indeed!
P.S. On the whole - the outrage over the Christian adoption of a pagan celebration of fertility and harlotry (and, in some historical settings, human sacrifice) should be the focus of those who proclaim Christ as Lord. The facts that should matter are that the adopted pagan celebration (come on - "the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the Spring equinox": REALLY?!?) overshadows the resurrection of Jesus Christ - who, after becoming sin for us - so that we can become the righteous of God in Christ - was Justified by the Father because of His (Jesus') sinlessness, Raised from Death and Seated on the throne of God. That it also, by happenstance, aligned with an annual declaration by a clearly God-less man should actually help Christians to adopt a more rational date for the Resurrection Celebration (say, like, the first Sunday after Passover...which is as close as we can come to nailing down the actual date)!
The Hebrew for luminary/star ("kobab") is not concerned with how light is produced...planets, meteors, moons, or hailstones would be called "stars" by that definition.
What many Christians think of relative to the "lesser light" (moon) comes from John's prophetic vision of a sign in the heavens.
Pardon me as I quote myself, from an excerpt of my exposition of the Revelation (verse 12:2):
So, what have we found:
A great indicator was seen in heaven (either space or God’s presence). The sign of a woman clothed in the brightness of the sun (which is the light and life of God); subjected to her, the pale reflection of that which would imitate the light and life of God (i.e. false religions). She has become victorious over her thoughts and imaginations by taking captive her thoughts and by being renewed in her mind, aided by the order and governance of God (His creation and His words). Through her turmoil and torment and toil she is being fruitful, extending the Kingdom of God by bringing forth new life in Christ.
What we learn after following John's prophecy to its end is that this "woman" is symbolic of the people of God throughout the ages - but is representative of His people during the fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week prophecy.
I hope that makes sense - hard to squeeze the contents of a cube into the area of a square.
So...let me push that boundary WB - "Understanding the REVELATION: A Devoted Look at HIS RETURN" by J S Livesay - just published. I warn you though - it is just shy of 600 pages...
HGV, can I bother you for a quick review of the work? Clarity, intended audience, faithfulness to God's word... I don't mind reading long books, and I've actually found several recommendations in Badlands comments that I've bought and enjoyed.
It also looks extra bright when it is a full moon, or nearly so. That is not an optical illusion; much of the dust on the surface of the Moon is silica microspheres, of the sort formed when rock is vaporized (think meteor impact) and then quickly solidifies in the vacuum of space, as the Moon has no atmosphere.
Those little microspheres are quite similar to the material 3M invented ~70 years ago and called 'Scotchlite.' Such materials are used on highway signs, license plates, and other applications where it is desired to strongly reflect light back in the direction where it came from. (This property is called 'retroreflection.')
When the Moon is full, the Sun is almost directly in line with it, with Earth in the middle (when they completely align, you get a lunar eclipse). Thus the light that hits the moon has passed very near the Earth and its 'retro-reflection' is back in the direction of the Sun, with the Earth right in line for a nice, bright view.
Thanks for the scientific explanation 😊 And since you are wearing your science thinking cap, care to weigh in on CERN powering up during the eclipse; and NASA firing rockets into the moon’s shadow (supposedly to study changes to the ionosphere) on the eclipse?
And then this…
“ Swinging pendulums go wild as if some mysterious force were tugging on them. Sensitive gravimeters give readings that fluctuate violently. Gravity itself seems to quiver a bit. Or so say a small band of physicists who claim that these mysterious phenomena hint at a fundamental flaw in Einstein’s general theory of relativity.”
So if the 'Allais effect' is real, CERN (located near Geneva) would not be the place to look for it. Much as we might suspect some sort of cosmic connection, I an guessing that CERN, which is a big bureaucracy, chose the dates for its upcoming large hadron collider experiments based on scheduling resources and limitations. But I could be wrong; CERN is part of the globalist Cabal and they may know something we do not.
As for rockets into the ionosphere, that is the sort of thing that scientists will do when a suitable event comes along. The ionosphere's ionization is caused by solar radiation; the ionization is strongest during daylight hours, when the conductivity can get high enough at solar maxima to allow worldwide RF communications (think ham radios) on frequencies as high as 50 MHz. During nighttime hours, the ionization decays and communication is normally possible over shorter distances, at lower frequencies; though still quite a bit longer distances than line of sight. Well beyond the horizon, think continental ranges.
So firing a rocket into the ionosphere during an eclipse might give the researchers a rare opportunity to investigate the short-term effects of 'turning off' the sunlight that creates the ionization. How fast does the ionization decay, for instance. And what mechanisms cause it to decay? They no doubt have some idea about these things; but give scientists a $250,000 rocket and some instruments and other toys and a ticket to Southeast Missouri, e.g. New Madrid (where the largest earthquakes that have ever occurred in the US east of the Rockies, happened 1811-1812) where the eclipse will be total around 2 PM local time, they will be off on an adventure.
I don't know if you heard this or not, but there are 7 towns in the USA and one in Canada named 'Nineveh' and this eclipse will travel over all of them. Furthermore, the intersection of the paths of this eclipse and the 2017 eclipse is quite close to New Madrid, near Carbondale, Illinois (home of Southern Illinois U) about 90 miles north. And the 2017 eclipse traveled over 7 towns named 'Salem' (the Biblical town Salem now known as Jerusalem...) Nobody puts this stuff together as well as Noah at WLTreport:
Love it!! Thank you so much for taking the time!! 🙏❤️
“ New Madrid (where the largest earthquakes that have ever occurred in the US east of the Rockies, happened 1811-1812) where the eclipse will be total around 2 PM local time”
That is fascinating.
And: “ 7 towns in the USA and one in Canada named 'Nineveh' and this eclipse will travel over all of them. ”
You are amazing, Bill. Really enjoyed ready your wonderful comment…thanks so much
As you know, I do not believe in coincidences. Astronomers have figured out the orbits of the planets, moon(s), etc. so accurately that they can predict future eclipses and other astronomical events thousands of years into the future... and for that matter, thousands of years back into the past.
God of course, knew all of this all along -- the scripture Noah quotes, Genesis 1:14, tells us to look for the meaning of all this:
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
For signs. What do you think of a sign, a big 'X' right across the middle of the USA, not far from one of the most dangerous fault lines in the continent -- what do you think that means? Especially with the tie-ins to Nineveh (an evil, though majestic and powerful, city in Biblical times, that was eventually destroyed) and Salem (word for 'peace' in semitic languages: now 'shalom' in Hebrew, 'salaam' in Arabic...)?
I read fairly recently that if another quake happened on the New Madrid fault, of the same magnitude as in 1812, it would be by far the largest natural disaster in the history of the USA (the area was very lightly populated back then). And another quake will happen there someday, nobody can know when nor how large it will be though.
"There's something happening here
But what it is ain't exactly clear..."
-- Stephen Stills, "For What It's Worth," recorded by Buffalo Springfield, 1967
Pompeo was a past CIA director...that alone disqualifies him imho. With all we've learned about the CIA these past few one from their ranks can be trusted
I would be interested in “your take” on 60 minutes breathless assessment of the microwave/ultrasound attacks on Intelligence workers (Havana Syndrome). They make Russia the boogie man and it seems like weak sauce. Just another reason to thoughtlessly fund Ukraine to attack the worlds “biggest monster” Putin. It had all the earmarks of an Intelligence PsyOp.
My take: anything CBS or other MSM outlets 'reports breathlessly' is almost certainly malinformation. Lies, to use a simple word.
Putin is not the monster [they] make him out to be. The problem (for [them]) with Putin is that he knows what [they] are up to, and will have none of it. Thus Putin is their enemy -- which by the old adage 'the enemy of my enemy, is my friend' makes him our friend. Not the friend of the US Deep State -- Putin is clearly their enemy (Russia! Russia! Russia!), but that does not make him ours.
I think the Luciferian parasites who think they are in control need to be mocked constantly just like they mock us.. I think they hate it because we are supposed to bow down to them..The story has been written and you lose hahaha 😂 bye bye 🔥🔥🔥
President Trumps Easter message was uplifting and hopeful, while Biden's NO religion theme and Tranny were not welcomed by few.
This was the first Easter all my boys and grands were able to come. It was fun to see my 6 -6-year-old Granddaughter hunt plastic easter eggs. We kept it low-key old fashion with the traditional ham and fixings. Ham, I bought it on sale at Christmas and froze.
"Trans Awareness Day"should also become the "Anti Abuse of Children Day" lets organize people!! For every day these Anti Normal freaks organize to get at our children, we should organize a different cause!
As for Mike Pompeo becoming President Trump's VP pick, it always amazes me at how fast people forget that Trump puts the best people into leadership positions that will get the job done right and as fast and cost-effective as possible without bending on any safety or quality products being used to accomplish the task given them, then once completed Trump replaces them with the next person to best accomplish the next step in the plan/agenda, Pompeo has been with Trump throughout his entire 4-years as POTUS and served in 2 positions, one was the head of the C_A and the other was as Sec. of State, which he did an excellent job. Trump would send "Kansas" into a Country before he would arrive to give them a heads-up on how things are going to proceed in this deal or this is how it will proceed kind of pep talk.
Heck, I have always said Gov. Noem would make an excellent VP pick for Trump based on the duties and responsibilities of the VP, she would be perfect for this job, then she comes out recently with some complete bonehead political move that basically sank her political career. Unless it is a hit job, and she fights it as one.
I have seen through the Q-posts how they connect together. Eye of the Storm with Absolute1776 and Stormy Patriot Joe explain the Q-posts so well that even I can understand them. Their Q For Dummies series is great laying out all the Co-Wink-E-Dinks so we now know what is most likely going to happen next, so just sit back pop some corn stop worrying about who Trump is or is not going to pick for some position, trust Trump is going to pick the absolute best person to accomplish the job.
We have more important things to get done and that is centered around voting and these election machines, we have to keep flooding social media with the truth about our current elections, all the legal cases that are currently being argued and inform the people about everything the MSM won't.
The setup for a major disaster may be an event the cabal’s minion’s cannot resist; to be deployed as a diversion/distraction when the time is right. A damaged hull in a ship full of fuel sitting directly on top of a high pressure natural gas line……
Words and phrases of the day;
- cartoonish
- galvanized
- series of social conflicts
- outraged
- emotional manipulation
- intentionally divisive eddies of social media
- operation(s)
- morally and objectively right
- illusion of public mandate
- scenario
- shatterpoint
- mob-like
- censoring
- government propaganda
- demonizing
- trampling
- shadow bureaucracy
- terrorist plot
- extremists
- heightened security
- guidelines for voter eligibility
- probable cause
- allegations
That about sums it up as we move into the second quarter. God bless truth!🙏🙏
President Trumps Easter message was uplifting and hopeful, while Biden's NO religion theme and Tranny were not welcomed except by the left few.
This was the first Easter all my boys and grands were able to come. It was fun to see my 6 -6-year-old Granddaughter hunt plastic easter eggs. We kept it low-key old fashion with the traditional ham and fixings. Ham, I bought it on sale at Christmas and froze.
My coffee tastes even better thanks to your Takes. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend.
Maybe it's my age but I still go back to one of Rush Limbaugh's old sayings that Social Media (may have been Twitter is his phrase) is not reality. So while I never really gave a shit about what was "trending" Rush's comment really rang so true.
So I continue to sit and wait comfyAF for the Trump Hammer to drop and the dominos to start to fall. All the DS Rat Bastard MSM bullshit is interesting to observe but with Chris Pauls's view that everything we see in MSM world is very potentially fake. So I just listen log trends and data points and carry on comfyAF.
Keep it coming.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
“My coffee tastes even better thanks to your Takes.” That should be his ad campaign!
Just like Dr Google cannot diagnose…..
"We need to remember that curated outrage, especially when we are morally and objectively right about the nature of an attack, is one if the enemy’s go-to advantages.”
Spot on, Simon. Conservatives get triggered just like the Left, and the media psychos spur this on.
Simon articulates a tool of the enemy in this escalating culture war: “ Biden’s proclamation was intended to inflame and fuel the culture war. ”
[They] are intentionally pushing all of our outrage buttons. The MSM gleefully lies with the same outrage of distorted truths which fans the flames. [They] are trying their panicked best to incite a civil war. The Information War is being intensified by emotions becoming ever more raw…very challenging to avoid the trap of anger and hatred which detract from the energetic frequency of LOVE for our country. It reminds me of a bit of wisdom I came across many moons ago: ‘You don’t end war by hating war; You end war by loving peace’. You can’t Love and Hate at the same time.
I actually feel some compassion for the transgender people - they are being used by a governing force that will toss them aside if the cabal ever were to win their aims of world domination. The trans community are being manipulated and defined as willing players to an evil agenda, and I hope they wake up!! to how abused they are really being treated!
There was a retired Marine I think it was, who was on Fox for a while back when Fox had not gone all the way to the dark side, and he used to say "We don't fight because we hate the enemy in front of us. We fight because we love the country behind us."
Nothing wrong with feeling compassion for the trans community. They are fellow humans, after all; God loves them as He loves everyone. To the Cabal, the trans community is just another group they can 'other' with, to keep us divided. We must wake up and refuse to 'other' or 'be othered.'
Once you know the game [they] are playing, you are free to decide not to play.
Nice quote by the Marine!
Thank you all for the kick-off to a new week and month - and it is April Fool's Day to boot - who could ask for anything more!
Simon, once again, strikes the harmonious chord that reinforces what is true while recognizing that the game of "whack-a-mole" (as I think of it) draws away our limited resources, generates frustration, and exposes our weaknesses to our enemies: "We need to remember that curated outrage, especially when we are morally and objectively right about the nature of an attack, is one if the enemy’s go-to advantages.”
BB: "The juxtapositions between Trump and Biden continue to get more and more cartoonish as the Info War accelerates toward whatever inflection point November represents." Indeed!
P.S. On the whole - the outrage over the Christian adoption of a pagan celebration of fertility and harlotry (and, in some historical settings, human sacrifice) should be the focus of those who proclaim Christ as Lord. The facts that should matter are that the adopted pagan celebration (come on - "the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the Spring equinox": REALLY?!?) overshadows the resurrection of Jesus Christ - who, after becoming sin for us - so that we can become the righteous of God in Christ - was Justified by the Father because of His (Jesus') sinlessness, Raised from Death and Seated on the throne of God. That it also, by happenstance, aligned with an annual declaration by a clearly God-less man should actually help Christians to adopt a more rational date for the Resurrection Celebration (say, like, the first Sunday after Passover...which is as close as we can come to nailing down the actual date)!
Good point! I remember remember reading once that the Moon represents Lucifer…the Moon does not produce light of its own, but merely reflects Light.
On a clear night, the moon looks so bright but actually it is a deception as it only reflects the Sun.
The Hebrew for luminary/star ("kobab") is not concerned with how light is produced...planets, meteors, moons, or hailstones would be called "stars" by that definition.
What many Christians think of relative to the "lesser light" (moon) comes from John's prophetic vision of a sign in the heavens.
Pardon me as I quote myself, from an excerpt of my exposition of the Revelation (verse 12:2):
So, what have we found:
A great indicator was seen in heaven (either space or God’s presence). The sign of a woman clothed in the brightness of the sun (which is the light and life of God); subjected to her, the pale reflection of that which would imitate the light and life of God (i.e. false religions). She has become victorious over her thoughts and imaginations by taking captive her thoughts and by being renewed in her mind, aided by the order and governance of God (His creation and His words). Through her turmoil and torment and toil she is being fruitful, extending the Kingdom of God by bringing forth new life in Christ.
What we learn after following John's prophecy to its end is that this "woman" is symbolic of the people of God throughout the ages - but is representative of His people during the fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week prophecy.
I hope that makes sense - hard to squeeze the contents of a cube into the area of a square.
Sorry if that came across self-serving...
Not to me -- insights into Revelation are always appreciated -- WB 💖🙏🕊✝
Let me know when you are done with the long entries below and I will delete them so they don't take up all the space here...
Thanks, HGV; I've read them and you may do with them as you wish. And thanks for taking the time to provide such a detailed reply.
However I would point out that others may also have the same question I did, so I will leave it to your judgment whether to delete, or not. 💖🙏🕊✝
So...let me push that boundary WB - "Understanding the REVELATION: A Devoted Look at HIS RETURN" by J S Livesay - just published. I warn you though - it is just shy of 600 pages...
HGV, can I bother you for a quick review of the work? Clarity, intended audience, faithfulness to God's word... I don't mind reading long books, and I've actually found several recommendations in Badlands comments that I've bought and enjoyed.
It did not 😊
I enjoyed reading it!
Especially loved: “extending the Kingdom of God by bringing forth new life in Christ.”
Thank you ❤️🙏
It also looks extra bright when it is a full moon, or nearly so. That is not an optical illusion; much of the dust on the surface of the Moon is silica microspheres, of the sort formed when rock is vaporized (think meteor impact) and then quickly solidifies in the vacuum of space, as the Moon has no atmosphere.
Those little microspheres are quite similar to the material 3M invented ~70 years ago and called 'Scotchlite.' Such materials are used on highway signs, license plates, and other applications where it is desired to strongly reflect light back in the direction where it came from. (This property is called 'retroreflection.')
When the Moon is full, the Sun is almost directly in line with it, with Earth in the middle (when they completely align, you get a lunar eclipse). Thus the light that hits the moon has passed very near the Earth and its 'retro-reflection' is back in the direction of the Sun, with the Earth right in line for a nice, bright view.
Thanks for the scientific explanation 😊 And since you are wearing your science thinking cap, care to weigh in on CERN powering up during the eclipse; and NASA firing rockets into the moon’s shadow (supposedly to study changes to the ionosphere) on the eclipse?
And then this…
“ Swinging pendulums go wild as if some mysterious force were tugging on them. Sensitive gravimeters give readings that fluctuate violently. Gravity itself seems to quiver a bit. Or so say a small band of physicists who claim that these mysterious phenomena hint at a fundamental flaw in Einstein’s general theory of relativity.”
Edit: better article
It is the curse of my life that I really never take my 'science thinking cap' off... 😎
To your questions, first of all CERN which is nowhere near the path of totality for the eclipse:
So if the 'Allais effect' is real, CERN (located near Geneva) would not be the place to look for it. Much as we might suspect some sort of cosmic connection, I an guessing that CERN, which is a big bureaucracy, chose the dates for its upcoming large hadron collider experiments based on scheduling resources and limitations. But I could be wrong; CERN is part of the globalist Cabal and they may know something we do not.
As for rockets into the ionosphere, that is the sort of thing that scientists will do when a suitable event comes along. The ionosphere's ionization is caused by solar radiation; the ionization is strongest during daylight hours, when the conductivity can get high enough at solar maxima to allow worldwide RF communications (think ham radios) on frequencies as high as 50 MHz. During nighttime hours, the ionization decays and communication is normally possible over shorter distances, at lower frequencies; though still quite a bit longer distances than line of sight. Well beyond the horizon, think continental ranges.
So firing a rocket into the ionosphere during an eclipse might give the researchers a rare opportunity to investigate the short-term effects of 'turning off' the sunlight that creates the ionization. How fast does the ionization decay, for instance. And what mechanisms cause it to decay? They no doubt have some idea about these things; but give scientists a $250,000 rocket and some instruments and other toys and a ticket to Southeast Missouri, e.g. New Madrid (where the largest earthquakes that have ever occurred in the US east of the Rockies, happened 1811-1812) where the eclipse will be total around 2 PM local time, they will be off on an adventure.
I don't know if you heard this or not, but there are 7 towns in the USA and one in Canada named 'Nineveh' and this eclipse will travel over all of them. Furthermore, the intersection of the paths of this eclipse and the 2017 eclipse is quite close to New Madrid, near Carbondale, Illinois (home of Southern Illinois U) about 90 miles north. And the 2017 eclipse traveled over 7 towns named 'Salem' (the Biblical town Salem now known as Jerusalem...) Nobody puts this stuff together as well as Noah at WLTreport:
Strange things for us conspiracy theorists to talk about!
Love it!! Thank you so much for taking the time!! 🙏❤️
“ New Madrid (where the largest earthquakes that have ever occurred in the US east of the Rockies, happened 1811-1812) where the eclipse will be total around 2 PM local time”
That is fascinating.
And: “ 7 towns in the USA and one in Canada named 'Nineveh' and this eclipse will travel over all of them. ”
You are amazing, Bill. Really enjoyed ready your wonderful comment…thanks so much
Going to check out the link now
Read the link
“ What are the odds?” ❤️🙏
As you know, I do not believe in coincidences. Astronomers have figured out the orbits of the planets, moon(s), etc. so accurately that they can predict future eclipses and other astronomical events thousands of years into the future... and for that matter, thousands of years back into the past.
God of course, knew all of this all along -- the scripture Noah quotes, Genesis 1:14, tells us to look for the meaning of all this:
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
For signs. What do you think of a sign, a big 'X' right across the middle of the USA, not far from one of the most dangerous fault lines in the continent -- what do you think that means? Especially with the tie-ins to Nineveh (an evil, though majestic and powerful, city in Biblical times, that was eventually destroyed) and Salem (word for 'peace' in semitic languages: now 'shalom' in Hebrew, 'salaam' in Arabic...)?
I read fairly recently that if another quake happened on the New Madrid fault, of the same magnitude as in 1812, it would be by far the largest natural disaster in the history of the USA (the area was very lightly populated back then). And another quake will happen there someday, nobody can know when nor how large it will be though.
"There's something happening here
But what it is ain't exactly clear..."
-- Stephen Stills, "For What It's Worth," recorded by Buffalo Springfield, 1967
Yes, indeed!
If Trump picks Pompeo, it would be a very clear indication he hasn’t learned his lessons.
Not a chance. I think we will all be surprised...
Your lips to his ears!
I haven’t been following anything going on with Pompeo, other than the buzz that he’s on the Trump VP list…
But one thing I liked about Pompeo when he was Sec of State was that he clearly butted heads with the Cabal Jesuit Pope Francis!
Q reference #4799
Pompeo was a past CIA director...that alone disqualifies him imho. With all we've learned about the CIA these past few one from their ranks can be trusted
Trump Releases 2024 Easter Message
I would be interested in “your take” on 60 minutes breathless assessment of the microwave/ultrasound attacks on Intelligence workers (Havana Syndrome). They make Russia the boogie man and it seems like weak sauce. Just another reason to thoughtlessly fund Ukraine to attack the worlds “biggest monster” Putin. It had all the earmarks of an Intelligence PsyOp.
Pro-Active: Tennessee: Sen Nicely is trying to prevent the addition of vaccines into our food
‘Sen. Nicely is trying to Prevent vaccines from being put in our food. Vaccine lettuce’ bill, aiming to classify food containing a vaccine as a drug, passes in Tennessee
My take: anything CBS or other MSM outlets 'reports breathlessly' is almost certainly malinformation. Lies, to use a simple word.
Putin is not the monster [they] make him out to be. The problem (for [them]) with Putin is that he knows what [they] are up to, and will have none of it. Thus Putin is their enemy -- which by the old adage 'the enemy of my enemy, is my friend' makes him our friend. Not the friend of the US Deep State -- Putin is clearly their enemy (Russia! Russia! Russia!), but that does not make him ours.
Well said, WildBill ❤️👍
Thanks for responding. Another peek behind the veil of the war between the globalists and the sovereign nationalists.
I think the Luciferian parasites who think they are in control need to be mocked constantly just like they mock us.. I think they hate it because we are supposed to bow down to them..The story has been written and you lose hahaha 😂 bye bye 🔥🔥🔥
President Trumps Easter message was uplifting and hopeful, while Biden's NO religion theme and Tranny were not welcomed by few.
This was the first Easter all my boys and grands were able to come. It was fun to see my 6 -6-year-old Granddaughter hunt plastic easter eggs. We kept it low-key old fashion with the traditional ham and fixings. Ham, I bought it on sale at Christmas and froze.
"Trans Awareness Day"should also become the "Anti Abuse of Children Day" lets organize people!! For every day these Anti Normal freaks organize to get at our children, we should organize a different cause!
As for Mike Pompeo becoming President Trump's VP pick, it always amazes me at how fast people forget that Trump puts the best people into leadership positions that will get the job done right and as fast and cost-effective as possible without bending on any safety or quality products being used to accomplish the task given them, then once completed Trump replaces them with the next person to best accomplish the next step in the plan/agenda, Pompeo has been with Trump throughout his entire 4-years as POTUS and served in 2 positions, one was the head of the C_A and the other was as Sec. of State, which he did an excellent job. Trump would send "Kansas" into a Country before he would arrive to give them a heads-up on how things are going to proceed in this deal or this is how it will proceed kind of pep talk.
Heck, I have always said Gov. Noem would make an excellent VP pick for Trump based on the duties and responsibilities of the VP, she would be perfect for this job, then she comes out recently with some complete bonehead political move that basically sank her political career. Unless it is a hit job, and she fights it as one.
I have seen through the Q-posts how they connect together. Eye of the Storm with Absolute1776 and Stormy Patriot Joe explain the Q-posts so well that even I can understand them. Their Q For Dummies series is great laying out all the Co-Wink-E-Dinks so we now know what is most likely going to happen next, so just sit back pop some corn stop worrying about who Trump is or is not going to pick for some position, trust Trump is going to pick the absolute best person to accomplish the job.
We have more important things to get done and that is centered around voting and these election machines, we have to keep flooding social media with the truth about our current elections, all the legal cases that are currently being argued and inform the people about everything the MSM won't.
The setup for a major disaster may be an event the cabal’s minion’s cannot resist; to be deployed as a diversion/distraction when the time is right. A damaged hull in a ship full of fuel sitting directly on top of a high pressure natural gas line……
Words and phrases of the day;
- cartoonish
- galvanized
- series of social conflicts
- outraged
- emotional manipulation
- intentionally divisive eddies of social media
- operation(s)
- morally and objectively right
- illusion of public mandate
- scenario
- shatterpoint
- mob-like
- censoring
- government propaganda
- demonizing
- trampling
- shadow bureaucracy
- terrorist plot
- extremists
- heightened security
- guidelines for voter eligibility
- probable cause
- allegations
That about sums it up as we move into the second quarter. God bless truth!🙏🙏
Thank you, you early riser!
[they] do and say as they like...
All evidence says the coming elections will be more of the same
"Trans Awareness Day" AKA "1st Ladyboy has a Penis Day"