Thanks for another day of great Takes. The more I read these the happier I am that I turned off ALL DS Rat Bastard MSM November 3, 2020 and have never looked back. The bullshit they write or put on their TV feeds are Total Inversions (h.t. Chris Paul). If you simply use basic critical thinking skills (or just trust your gut) not one thing they say is even close to being believable. It's actually comical.

So like I say We the People are the news now and we simply need to loudly & proudly share the Truth.

GBPH that interview with General Kwast was fantastic. The future really does look bright!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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How in the h e double toothpicks does anyone believe that inflation is low and unemployment is low? The BS reports of inflation are so far off that it would be amusing if it wasn’t so debilitating to most household budgets. What I paid $45 for in 2021 I now pay $200+ now. So the “powers that be” can shove their data where the sun don’t shine.

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I must add to the great Trump policies no more illegal immigration! No more mentally ill patients and criminals being sent to us from other nations. We want LEGAL immigration with vetted individuals truly desiring to become proud American citizens and build a great life! That’s the way it used to be!

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Who wouldn't turn in some dull kitchen knife for free Netflix when you can pick up another knife anywhere? Yeah...that will keep people safe...🙄

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LOL! I know. It's so clearly obvious what's going on.

"Disarm the people? Nooooo my friends, we just need to keep you safe from the bad men"

- that you've just imported by the millions?

"Nooo, friends we were just helping poor defenseless migrants who happened upon our shores!"

-because of your never ending wars against "terror"

"but that was about madmen, freedom and dumbacracy!"

- <Haliburton has entered the chat>

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School shootings. Pass a law legally prohibiting the adults in a school from protecting the children, wait for the occasional nut case, blame Republicans and guns, never mention said law or how the shooters are on psycho-active drugs, rinse and repeat. Frequently talk about school shootings on the news so the nut cases never forget. After all, an armed citizenry is more difficult to control.

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And never, ever mention MKUltra and its part in every mass shooting...

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Don’t know, but a lot of them seem to come at politically expedient times.

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I remember the Aurora theater shooting in Colorado. The shooters picture showed wild eyes and a crazed look. When he went to trial his picture looked normal. Interesting.

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What I love about Wild Bill is he always says the occulted part out loud. Thank you brother. 👍

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What I love about Wild Bill is he always says the occulted part out loud. Thank you brother. 👍

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What I love about Wild Bill is he always says the occulted part out loud. Thank you brother. 👍

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After the hammers and garden tools, will it be rocks? I mean they are sort of black, and in the wrong hands can kill. Rocks are very dangerous! I hear the AR rocks are particularly dangerous and can be thrown automatically. I think turning in your rocks is worth more than a Netflix account for a year. Maybe we could get free popcorn with that Netflix subscription?

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I like sling shots…wrist rockets.

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Both men are POS. Harris in male form. Court transcript sheds new light on Walz's DUI arrest


“A strong odor of alcoholic beverage was detected emitting from Mr. Walz[‘s] breath and person,” says a Nebraska state trooper’s report on the incident.

Walz submitted to and failed both a field sobriety test and a preliminary breath test, according to the report. He was then transported to Chadron Hospital for a blood test before being booked into the Dawes County Jail.

He was initially charged with driving under the influence and speeding, but the charges were reduced to a lone count of reckless driving under the terms of a plea deal.

Kamala VP pick Tim Walz proudly posed with mastermind behind pro-Hamas riots on American campuses following Oct. 7 massacre of Israelis and Americans. (Hatem Bazian, whose group is under terror investigation, is in scarf standing to the left of Walz):


As Somali Gangs Waged War and Trafficked Children In Minnesota, Tim Walz Asked for More Somali Refugees

https://www.dailywire.com/news/as-somali-gangs-waged-war-and-trafficked-children-in-minnesota-tim-walz-asked-for-more-somali-refugees?topStoryPosition=1 LINKS

VDH: The Harris Flop Would Be Scarier Than Her Flip › American Greatness


But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term.

Fooled and naïve voters were shocked that their supposedly moderate candidate turned into a veritable neo-socialist president.

So, for now, Harris and her new vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz, will smother all their cherished left-wing positions—at least until November.

The two left-wing chameleons will assume the temporary identities and policies of “moderates.” That is a de facto admission that they know that the public does not want any of their true agendas.

The Truth About Tim Walz



Walz’s history on born-alive abortions opens door for Trump, GOP to flip extremism argument At least eight infants were born alive after botched abortions in Minnesota on Walz's watch, none was given life-saving care, reports show.

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MILITARY MEN, ACTIVE OR RETIRED HATE THOSE WHO COMMIT STOLEN VALOR, it is just not assuming a Military record, but falsifying one. True Christians won't put up with the rest. States passed laws this last election. 10th Amendment. It Beats Fed statutory laws.

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There is a whole lot more, Covid fraud, illegals, full-term abortion, money for illegals, climate change, and the MSM will try to whitewash it. NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH on Twitter, that was dug up. Shapiro covered up a homicide when she was his AG. How do you stab yourself 20 times, 10 times in places normal people can't ever reach?

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Great comment! 🙏❤️

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The abortion CRIMES are of huge importance. 🤬 Your point about the history in MN opening doors is one I would have missed. Bring it on!

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11

Thanks! Very questionable background with these people. …I would just like to say, though that Walz’s DUI happened as a very young man who had lost his father at a vulnerable age I think even pointing to that incident detracts from the facts surrounding the man he became. And it makes us appear petty and biased. I wish we’d leave that one alone.

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The media always likes to tell us the (fake fake fake) reason for the dips and crashes. And for a long time, even a non-economist like myself, questioned their bogus reasoning. I learned, from reading one your fellow Badlanders, that a good portion of the "job numbers" we are "seeing" are part time jobs. But let's face it, back in 2009 when BO took office, the post-crash unemployment number was 8-point-something percent. I distinctly recall EVERY news blurb prefacing their bogus econ/ business reports with, "the greatest economic crisis since the great depression". I believed, at the time, that this event and the fact that BO declared, "if the unemployment rate is 8% in 2012, I will be a one-term president " were dog-whistles to the media to: 1. Keep distance from BO and the economy in all fake news reporting and 2: monkey with "the unemployment number" so that in the fall of 2012, it will be below 8%. And so that IS what happened. But today's markets are really reacting to the war focused Brandon-and-who-the-heck-else Administration.

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"whom she accused of being stuck in the past and preferring a confrontational style of politics — even as she criticized her opponent herself" - surprised to see a news outlet giving a nod to Kamala hypocrisy.

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And I guess to them, making America great again is being negative! Bizarro world.

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Ashe is spot on Trump’s opinion on Walz, ‘Methinks Trump is right. This guy is perfect.’

What an absolute hilarious thing if they drag out the Sleeper-in-chief for the convention! The convention is likely going to be top billing for the DNC comedy show! BB’s take is the absolute truth, ‘Because our dream is their nightmare. And because control comes in many forms.’

Ashe definitely understands the fragile nature of the ‘so-called’ great economy!

If Iran delays the attack on Israel, it won’t be on the urging of Blinken or anyone in the US. It will be due to Putin. If it does explode, I agree with Ghost’s assessment, ‘I just expect it to be Netanyahu to make the first move.’

Xi is a nationalist and likely has diminished the cabal’s control of the CCP there, as the cabal’s hold on the US government is weakening daily. This apparently has been planned several years earlier. ‘The US wasn't reliant on China. Each was reliant on the other. That's Globalism, and is something both Trump and Xi oppose very publicly, which is why their "trade war," in my view, was actually a mutual agreement.’ I concur with BB.

Knife buybacks for Netflix? They truly think we are stupid. Not Ashe, ‘It’s not about the people having arms. It’s about the people being capable of defense.’ Indeed. Apparently there are still Nazis in Germany.

And the war continues…. We know how this eventually ends. God bless the truth journalists! Thank you…each and every one!🙏🙏

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ALtab, I wish I could get you and Ashe to stop thinking our economy is not great. You are seriously confused. May I try to help?

We are living in two distinctly different American economies and the two are mostly divorced from each other.

Let’s take a gander at the thriving, robust economy. Pull up the DOW Jones average since it was established. There we see a graph of our economy since 1896! Tell me that is not a thing of beauty. That is not exactly the economy, but it is a fine representative of how our business grows over time. Look at all of the crashes! Do you see how insignificant they are? Once anyone understands what is driving America, they can never say our economy is not strong. Please stop talking foolishness.

Now, to the absolutely bankrupt and ridiculously crazy piss poor economy. It is the government’s economy! The government has designed a really stupid system that designed to fail. That is what needs fixing and Trump is in the process of fixing it right now.

Better yet, he killed the old government economy seven years ago!!! Please get this straight in your heads. The good news is, America has never known he bankrupted our piss poor system for seven damned years! No body even knows we are still thriving without the old government economy. Trump is letting them run wild in trying to save the old system, but it is a Ponzi scheme and always has been.

Here is the punch line. The only thing keeping the Ponzi scheme going is our Free Enterprise Capitalism. It has been weakened by the government economy, but it does not rely on the Ponzi scheme. The Ponzi scheme relays on our Capitalism working.

I hope I have helped.

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Jim — You wrote an excellent & timely piece of good sense. Great perspective. Thank you!

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That makes a lot of sense and I agree. To me, the 'terrible economy' is the inflation, which is clearly seen at the grocery store in the insanely high prices for food and household supplies, and the sneaky shrink-flation of smaller amounts for the same $. A box of saltine crackers now has a big air space at the top when you open it! I don't know how people with big families, especially growing boys, get by. On the other side of the coin, as you point out, our retirement accounts have done well, praise God.

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That is the two economies at work. Inflation is a monetary policy problem created by the government spending money we do not have. They sell bonds to generate "new" money. Meanwhile, the business economy just deals with it rationally. They increase prices and look to improve productivity. The net result is the consumer gets hit in the wallet.

Biden almost immediately after getting to the White House pushed for spending bills that are basically a total waste of money. He had the unmitigated gall of calling one bill "The Inflation Reduction Act." What a joke!

That is where inflation blossomed. Much of the money is being funneled right back into the pockets of the politicians who voted for the spending, the majority is just paying back donors for their contributions. Democrats do not care about you and me. They care about enriching themselves on the tax payers dollars. The system they invented is absolutely fantastic at doing just that. Ponzi schemes benefit just the ones who manage it.

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You summed it up better than I could. Thank you! 🙏

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Glad to help.

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My continuing gratitude for the Badlanders' Takes and the comments from the readers - the insights are most welcome!

PS - Having spent 40 years in the financial services industry, I learned long ago that economic statistics are as useful as political polls. For example - did you know that inflation (let's use CPI in this example) doesn't directly hurt an economy as long as wages (let's use DOL per hour averages in this example, and leave "productivity" out of the calculus for now) pace at a higher rate, but inflation (no matter how it is calculated) has been the dog-whistle from before the "it's the economy, stupid" era.

Same with the tenuous "security" of social security benefits - make someone vulnerable and then threaten them consistently. It is not about quality of life - it is solely and completely about control - and fearful people are soooo much easier to control.

In my humble opinion (okay, "humble" may be arguable) anyone, from any party, with any agenda who uses fear as a primary means to motivate behavior should be vetted with great care and scrutiny. Freedom was a gift from our Creator; manufactured doubt and the fear of missing out precipitated an absolutely awful exchange - freedom for bondage.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

PPS - for those who are interested - part four in two posts:



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Please do not leave productivity out of the discussion. Productivity is what drives the inflation game. Yes, rising wages offset dollar value declines. But, if productivity grows at 2% per year, inflation of 2% is further hidden as a negative influence. So, Capitalists work very hard to be more efficient by increasing productivity and thus allow the government to suck value out of the dollar. There we have the Ponzi scheme’s ability to exist.

The problem exposes itself when inflation jumps to 20% per year. Productivity is not going to offset that and wages cannot be increased that much. Hummm? Isn’t that where we are right now?

Sit bank and relax. This is really getting good. How can the government solve the problem they have created? I am loving this!

By the way, this is precisely why Trump let the Democrats take the White House. His hands are clean. This is all the Left’s problem because they created it.

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Btw, Jim. I had wanted to recommend the site linked in the comm above: “His Glorious Victory” (Especially. per your last post of our long convo —see footnote👇🏼 too.) I’ve found them all rich in substance & edifying… & they address in a bigger & better way of what I had been reply to you. (Got too long & convoluted🙄-so still unsent. Catching up today, & found these posts of yours. Wow!👍🏼).

What have today (the past 100+ yrs) is a spurious end-time scenario that’s captivated & permeated the American Christian’s mind. To the point where much of Truth has been stood on its head, & caused untold mischief.

These doctrines were based on a falsely constructed, complete & too compelling system of Bible interpretation. It imposed & overlayed definitions & concepts onto Scripture, while yet appearing faithful, even with those (both preaching & lay) who read and study their Bibles, because they cannot escape the limitations imposed by the false overlay.

But, upon a more thorough & deep reading, we learn how clearly aberrant & debased & it truly is — because the antidote is the light of God’s Truth, laid out in Scripture. (which HGV is masterful at doing). —

Among its troubling aspects is the way it has infused so much of our thinking & perception — even to non-adherents — without our even being conscious of the limitations it’s placed on our own understanding (so permeating is it in the zeitgeist . ( …! And all this by intent. It’s a story worth knowing — But another time…). The carthorse has no perception of the blinders attached to keep it only on the path the driver desires )

The antidote to this is logical, thorough and reverent Biblical exegesis. And I find this writer to be one of the absolute best and most thoughtful I’ve ever found. (And I study a lot). Highly recommended.



PS. I’m not going to respond now to the comments you made wrt translations of words in the Bible. Perhaps we can talk more later. Except to just say that, be that as it may (ie. mis-translations leading to misinterpretations), it doesn’t strike at the heart of the matter. (And concerning the examples you gave, I believe you’ll come to see it all as moot points, which will be apparent as premises based on elements of that flawed end-times narrative are discarded. …This, because the big narrative containing those elements, itself, is flawed.


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I LOVED the interview with Lt. Gen Kwast! I had watched the one Jon had done with him as well. It's impossible for me to not hear this and have deep optimism for the future, in spite of the lies, assassination attempts, useless feckless s-elected officials and the like. It's Jeremiah 29:11 all day long, I pray and beseech God to allow it in.my lifetime. I am. SO blessed! .The discussion about Africa made my heart race, as in my teaching career, I had the privilege of teaching refugees from Africa, as an English as A Second Language Teacher. I had my own 1 room schoolhouse, with students, ages 6-12, not all from the same "tribes", non English speakers, and children with limited, interrupted, or non-existent schooling prior to arriving in America. I came to realize the brain power held within this continent, where daily survival was consuming all the human effort these students and their families could muster. For me, it was the most incredible teaching year of my career for so many reasons. Such a great interview! Yes! We want more Ghost and Kwast!!! God bless you guys!

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! ! ! WOW ! ! ! — And ditto on Gen Kwast & Ghost Was rapt & so heartened & inspired listening to those interviews. I think we’ll be seeing more of Kwast. A keeper 😊

I wish he could see your post. I think he’d very much appreciate it. I know I did!

All Blessings!


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Just finished listening to GBPH’s interview with Steve Kwast. Find the time…it is a beautiful, uplifting, inspiring interview!!!

I loved it. Thank You, Ghost!! 🙏❤️🕊

Heading over to check out the book: The Revenge of Geography ❤️📚

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Thank you Ghost, for including your link and interview with Lt. Gen. Kwast! I caught part of it during the livestream, and returned to watch it in full late last night. Let me say, that interview gave me so much hope and excitement for our future, both as a nation, and for the world. If anyone here hasn't watched it, I whole heartedly recommend you do so. I understand why you respect him so much, Ghost! I'm waiting anxiously for another interview!

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Adding to my To Do List: Secret Stash for my woodworking and gardening tools!


“What Netanyahu desperately needs is for Iran to attack Israel, to give Netanyahu a boogeyman to whom the public can direct its ire and frustration.” - Ghost 👍 It occurs to me that the Left also needs the Netanyahu / Iran escalation to stall out a bit…it doesn’t look like things are going very well for the Democrat (Uni) Party and they might need the distraction later more than now.


Thanks for the link to your interview, Ghost! The enemy is global and once we keep that in mind, it adds insight and greater focus to how everything is playing out on the homefront. Geopolitics is the name of the game these days.


Waltz’s military service record…a little bit of deja vu to No Name?

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Burning Bright - I am more interested in Who the F is the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. An "Institute" requires, I would think, a building, employees and staff, and of course lots of funding.

It took multiple searches to discover anything of value about it. Funding coming (at least) from the University of California, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore Labs (I guess that explains what $2000 toilet seats are for). Two of those searches were required just to find the building (some place in La Jolla - near UC San Diego I would presume). And the best I could discern was that this black money operation was either doing absolutely nothing other than flushing money down the toilet or nefarious things that the money that they are using was not designed to do.

Worth some more research.

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Oh...so more business as usual...copy that! 🥸

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Boy, how I wish you were my neighbor! Every post is a hoot, holler or hallelujah!

God’s good Blessings & peace to you this glorious sabbath day. 🙏🏼👆🏼✝️🕊💌

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