“Gen z is the most educated generation in US history”. REALLY??? Maybe there individuals that have great potential. But as a generation, I would love to know on what basis you make that claim !! I think the educational institution in our country is at rock bottom. How could their “clientele” be the best ever. That is a tough one for me to grasp.

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Hi Robert v! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

Speaking from France, I agree with your comment BUT I do think also that education IS a duty for parents, NOT the one of any "Education" ministry ...

Education, moral and personal values, religious faith... need to be adresses by parents and famille, no one else !

[EDIT] I want to add that the education of YOUR kids is one of YOUR individual SOVEREIGN choices and liberties !!


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Could not agree more. I was a professor at one the Big 10 universities before I started money management. I stopped teaching because students were so I’ll-prepared I was unable to have an effect. So I went into business. Meanwhile we homeschooled both our boys (now 36 and 40). Very few parents were homeschooling at that point. We were considered crazy. They both graduated at the top of their class, the younger one was #1 in the business school he attended and was a Rhodes Scholar nominee.

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My nephew is 40 but his mindset is like a Gen Z. The only time my brother see him is when he needs a "favor" or money!! He was an only child so everything was handed to him!!

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Please have a look there, you'll enjoy her testimony:


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Outstanding! Thank you.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Most of Gen Z cant do math in their head, Cant write in cursive and are influenced by the Kardashian's / Influencers, rather than history. Their speaking skills lack a sentence without the word "LIKE" stated over and over at nauseum. They dont know how to use a can opener. Taking a bus to work is beneath them. They'll spend a fortune on Cafe Latte, and most can't cook anything that's not a frozen meal nor do they spring clean. Most never used an iron, nor fixed a flat. NONE had to walk a mile to school on a winter blizzard day because schools were closed for them.

Although they may have degrees, their interpersonal skills and work ethic lacks. They are afraid to be themselves and speak their minds on politics and the Jab for fear of being fired and ostracized or bashed on the net. Porn addiction among young men is at an all-time high and among 12 yr old boys in a study conducted, most admit having downloaded child porn. Although I love younger people, we have some real major concerns ahead. Many are on anti-depressants and addicted to Adderall their parents put them on in elementary school at the advice of BIG PHARMA educated teachers and Doctors getting big monthly checks from pushing pharma. They need our prayers.

On the other hand, they are able to do things with the internet, most of us over the hill only wish we could accomplish. They are speaking up at school board meetings where parents have failed to show up and they are coming to CHRIST in droves to be saved. Lets keep praying for them to find their way in what seems a very scary place for them. Most don't ever want to be married or have kids because of the fear they have about the world. They lack what we had when I was growing up "streetwise" skills

Frigg'n Hilarious Video


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Yes it was. By the time he got it open in real life you could starve and they applauded? loved it.

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I am guessing that none of the other folks knew how to do it either, and he actually was willing to stick his neck out to try to figure it out. So you have to give him credit for taking a risk, something that many younger folks these days will not do.

And as he figured it out, he taught his classmates how it was done, and that there's no harm in trying something new. Good lessons.

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I'll give him that. Few try new things. The nail polish and dress threw me off a bit but that's my issue.

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Im just glad he didnt take a finger off when he reached in to pull out the lid. Whew nail biting finale! lol

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Would have been a learning experience...

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Tough for me too, I had a video of Gen. Z people who couldn't answer basic questions like what is 3x3x3, which countries border us? You are traveling at 50 M.P.H. After one hour how far have you gone? I really don't blame the kids, they are up against PHONES, COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY to be more succinct. Teachers lol nothing but liars who won't teach true history or science or even math. It has to be right so it's racist I've heard ;) They were lied to and bought every word of it.

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Rob Polans,

Thank you for your 44 yrs service in the USMC....and any future missions. God Bless You.

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Thank you Catherine, actually I'm on one now. The part I can talk about is we (Project Sheepdog) is taking most if not all injured military men of any branch and "rehoming" them. Getting them better service than their local VAs. The other is slightly classified, but a weapon more powerful than DEWs or HAARPs. You're no slouch yourself when it comes to keyboard warriors getting the TRUTH out there, thank you very much for that. I've been following you for some time.

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Thank you for taking care of our Heroes. The VA sucks! You are Awesome!! ❤️🙏

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Agreed. My wife as an elementary educator (retired) saw it coming with common core. The spiral downward began and the school system ushered out the “old guard” for new teachers which had been educated in the Marxist leaning universities. Public education sucks. Home school and search out the retired teachers for support.

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Ashe... I agree with most of your writing .. with the exception to “ Gen Z is the most educated in Us History ... “ Maybe yours are .. though sadly ... the majority have been in indoctrination stations since four weeks postpartum ....and look how well the government is doing being their daddy....??!!! ..

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Gen Z's Are Terrified Of Military Draft As War Looms I agree with Zero Hedge on this. Ashe admits that the reason she is defending Gen Z is because she has 3 Gen Z kids and maybe her kids are good kids, I'm sure there are many, but the majority of those who are between the ages of 11 and 26, need a good kick in the ass!! They are not the most educated generation in American history, they are the most indoctrinated through our public school system, colleges and universities. The internet has made kids lazy and practically braindead because they are all attached to some sort of device! They have no idea how to communicate on a personal level. All kids, even us" Boomers" at this age, thought we knew everything! and compared to kids today, I would say we did know a lot more than they do as far as a real education. Being drafted and going to war right after high school like in 1968, will maybe be that kick they need to grow up and learn respect and discipline. BOY's have been going to war for decades, some didn't make it but for those that did, they came home MEN with a whole different perspective on life, whether it be a good perspective or bad, they learned valuable lessons and don't take life for granted.

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Oh Ashe "It’s the rest of us that need to step it up and bring them into the light."

While I appreciate your message of hope fir the Zzzzz's, I have to question whether your statistical sample of 1 describes the whole. I have watched both my MIllenial kids and my Z kids be polluted by the school system. They may have the brains to get beyond it all, the chances that they will not be affected by the Non stop gamma rays of propaganda are slim to none.

We do need to bring them into the light. But that is a pretty steep hill to climb. I am open to advice. And it has to be short simple messages to get their attention - maybe with cute dances as well. It is a whole new world. We have to help to write the script. THEY have been writing it for years and are far ahead of us.

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Great read. Ashe I agree on this Gen Z. They will have the capacity for great change once we take down the DS, so I'm not counting them out. Love lumping Trump in with Putin and Xi because I believe the three of them want peace. And yes Mike Johnson shows Maga power growing strong. It's not our time, it's God's time... and God's time is always the right time!

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None of Trump, Putin and Xi are controlled by the Cabal.

Israel and Iran are, as Joe Lange has been telling us.

[They] were unable to turn Ukraine into WW3 because you have to control both sides to escalate it to that level, and they do not control Putin's Russia.

So [they] needed a new war -- voila! Have Iran send some of their puppets to commit atrocities against Israel, atrocities so horrific that they provoke a lizard-brain response in all who see them -- and miracle of miracles, for some reason Mossad (Cabal puppet), CIA (Cabal puppet) and MI6 (Cabal puppet) did not see any of this coming! Across a border that an Israeli Defense Force veteran described as 'so well monitored that they could detect a cockroach trying to walk across.'

Now you've got a war where [they] control both sides. Putin is right when he says that this could easily spiral out of control, and outside the Middle East. That is exactly what [they] want to happen.

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Hi Wild Bill ! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

I fully agree and second your take !

I would add there could come some good news, "revelations" from this staged civilizational war.

Please have a look to this article on The Federalist:


It could be an unawaited (but maybe well-planned !) result of this Globalists disaster...


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Excellent article. I hope (as you do) that this will help with the Awakening. The events of Oct. 7 have been a catalyst for many.

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This is an important article as it goes right to the root of the global DeepState agenda, that is that the global cabal are (as they have done for centuries) using anti-semitism as a cover for anti everything western civilization!

Thanks Trumpist ❤️🙏🕊

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"The Fourth Turning" by Strauss and Howe would be a worthwhile read for any of those here. Written in the '90's, the secular concept (a non-linear view of Anglo-American generations that has shown consistent "seasonal" patterns for well over 400 years) allowed them to "predict" the timing - and to a degree - the triggers of our current crises.

Ultimately, every generation (like every person) has their ability to influence for good or bad; and those positioned before (or after) any single generation are likely (on the whole) to be critical - it is in fact this tendency to critique that often influences the cycle.

As for education - we home-schooled our 11 kids (all but the youngest were millennials) for the very reason that education does not equate to knowledge, wisdom, or understanding.

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Bravo to you for homeschooling your 11 kids. I’m sure that was quite the challenge but well worth it.

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I like your take under the light of your particular family experience ! 🙏🏼✝️🕊️🇺🇸


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It was clear from the beginning of the FBI “mass shooting” psyop that was exactly what they planned to happen. There were so many obvious signs. It’s sad when we know how the FBI sets up all these false flags. You mentioned some additional details I had not seen, so its a slam dunk FBI setup yet again to attempt to get America’s guns!!! They are preparing for all out war with the military aged illegals they have been bringing in compliments of Ovomit/Obiden/Clinton/Bush and every other globalist who wants to destroy America! God be with us!!!!

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We will see who wins that 'all out war.'

500 quatloos on the rednecks.


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What a fascinating debate going on here between Ashe’s thoughts on Gen Z and the perceptions of many leaving comments here which don’t seem as favorable. I only know a few Gen Z students. The ones I know who tend towards the conservative side of the political spectrum have parents who are conservative. The Gen Zers who are more Liberal, so are their parents. My intuitive take is that these young people will want to pull the country back from the radical Left and also from the far Right. Our Constitution was brilliantly designed to keep our freedoms firmly anchored in the middle between the radical left tyranny and the radical right of anarchy. Our times now are witnessing the extremes of both ends of the spectrum. I suspect that the Gen Zers will firmly resist the extremes.

Regardless, we desperately need to reform our public school system as it has certainly tracked into dangerous Marxist territory. When our schools and universities neglect a healthy balance between conservative and classical liberal values and have abandoned the encouragement to think independently then such an imbalance will turn out very poorly for our country…which we are witnessing today.

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Today we really don't have a 'far right' in the USA, by any reasonable definition of it. The MSM will argue that of course, but they are hardly unbiased observers and have not been for at least a generation.

Unless you call Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump far right, that is. I view both of them as practical moderates -- as John F. Kennedy was a practical moderate.

I always will remember watching 'Meet The Press' back when Tim Russert would have Bob Dole and Patrick Moynihan on as guests. Dole was about as conservative as anyone in the Senate, and Moynihan was similarly liberal. Back then, you could disagree on some things and still have a civil discussion, and Dole & Moynihan agreed on the ~95% of things that made them Americans. The other 5% they debated, not hoping to change each others' minds as much as to convince the audience. But they always debated respectfully, as the true friends that they were.

Today's conservatives are no more far right than Dole was, but the liberals in power today aren't far from being communists. The country has swung far, far to the left and it is only viewed under that lens that anyone can view someone like Trump or Mike Johnson as far right. There was a time that faith in God was considered a cornerstone of patriotism, not a liability. We need to get back to that time. It will happen; these things all run in cycles, and my sense of it is that the world is on the verge of a new awakening, believing in something more than just ourselves. In God's time, not ours.

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I agree that the far Right isn’t the problem. I was pointing out the extremes and that the wisdom of the Founding Fathers was in safeguarding us from both. The trend since the early 1900s has been moving the needle slowly to the far Left.

Enjoyed your comment, WildBill.

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OK, Feather -- what did you mean then when you said "Our times now are witnessing the extremes of both ends of the spectrum."

All societies have a spread of political philosophy, and at any point in time there will be people at either end of that spread. I think you and I agree that the current spread is tilted far to the left. Given that, if the Gen Z wants to move to what they perceive as the center of that existing spread, we are in for a farther-left future than the USA has ever had, and that will not be a good thing.

I see that the pendulum, which has moved far to the left, is actually turning and heading back toward the middle, as these things almost always do. The further off-center the pendulum is moved, the harder and faster it will return. There can and likely will be a tumultuous time ahead, as the pendulum swings back to a more balanced state. Rapid changes cause significant disruption and dislocation, the faster they happen the more severe the effects.

And I too always enjoy our conversations, Feather! 💖

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Although it was carried out by the radical left, the example of anarchy was witnessed in all the chaos, destruction and violence of 2020. A lawless time, defunding the police, etc.

To me, that was anarchy which is the opposite of tyranny.

Am I understanding that correctly? ❤️

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

"Anarchy is a situation where a government does not exist in a state, or the existing government has no authority over the people, while tyranny refers to a state under a cruel and oppressive government."


The 'Summer of Love' happened at a time where there was a government in place, but it chose not to act to stop the 'mostly peaceful' rioters. This does not strictly meet the definition of either anarchy or tyranny; but I think it could be seen as a case of 'constructive anarchy' when a government refuses to enforce the law.


President Trump said that Portland and Seattle were 'in a state of anarchy' when he sent in federal agents to put an end to the Portland and Seattle rioting. So although what happened in 2020 does not meet the literal definition of anarchy, for all intents and purposes respecting those riots, there was no government in place. So, a special case of anarchy.

Note that anarchy is by definition neither right nor left; if there is no government then it cannot be either. Tyranny can be either, as well. It all depends what the tyrant tells people to do. Constructive anarchy, where the government selectively enforces the law (you can bet if the KKK or John Birch Society started riots in Portland or Seattle, they would have done something) can be left- or right-wing if the selective enforcement is designed to further a particular political agenda, which clearly was the case in 2020.

However, I would say that today in the USA, we are much closer to tyranny than anarchy. Government abuse of power to attack an opposing politician, political party or movement is a hallmark of tyranny. And that is what is happening today -- the far-left government is attacking its political opponents -- Trump and his MAGA/A1 supporters -- with a goal of maintaining perpetual power.

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Great answer. I think my confusion was in assuming the spectrum of right/left as a definition of anarchy vs tyranny.

“Note that anarchy is by definition neither right nor left”

I was thinking of the spectrum between no rules and rules without representation by the people. The former, anarchy and the latter, tyranny.

Thank God for The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence ❤️🇺🇸

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Bill, I am rethinking the Left / Right political spectrum and I do still see that too far to the Right, all the way, is no government, anarchy. Too far, all the way, to the Left is tyranny, where the government controls everything about our lives.

The brilliance of our Founding Fathers is they were knowledgeable on both extremes and worked diligently on a Constitution that would safeguard a nation from those extremes.

Left Liberals favor more and more government control. Conservatives favor limited government control.

The confusion happens because the global cabal will use anarchy to push for total government control. The Constitution, it could be argued, did a better job of protecting the nation from “no government”…doesn’t mean the cabal wouldn’t use anarchy as a tool to push us all the way to tyranny.

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters” Benjamin Franklin (pg 41 ;)

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Hi Feather !

I added my own French Touch 🇫🇷 !


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I somewhat agree with you, yes parents have an important part to play - and that has certainly come into greater focus for our country these days. But I also believe in public education. What has come under attack in our country is the philosophy of education. Until the mid 1990s, our universities were fairly balanced between conservative and liberal professors. These days, our K-12 and higher are way out of balance. This is a result of a Marxist Radical Left take over.

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You made me laugh reading your comment !

We're somewhat on the same page on this whole subject, but I didn't adress the public education thematic because I don't know the US one well enough...

In France, and probably in most of the main European 🇪🇺 countries, our educational system has been overtaken, overwhelmed by the most radical leftist ideologies as soon as the middle of the 60's, and our May 1968 students révolution has become a cultural turning point and a leftist milestone as well !! 🤬😡

There has been no turning back since these events and everything seems worsening at each New generation !

It needs now a full reset of our youth mindset, and we just can pray for them to be enlighted by God's Wisdom and Love the sooner the better !


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You would like this book that WildBill recommended: The Five Thousand Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen

One of America’s Founding Fathers’ favorite authors / political thinkers was Cicero.

“Cicero projected throughout his writings a particularly optimistic view of the potential improvement of human beings by teaching them the elements of virtue through education”


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I have searched information about this book when he evoked it, to know what it adresses 😉

But my disease makes me unable to read such a book because it needs much more attention than I can.

I thank both of you for this good advice ! 🙏🏼🕊️

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The audio book is on YouTube free to listen. The copy I have is a different forward but the book is the same.

Who has time to listen to an 8 hr narration?!!

I’m reading a chapter every day or so. But it’s in English…couldn’t find it in French 🧐❤️🇺🇸🇫🇷


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The 60s was a major shift for all of us 👍

Honestly, I know very little about European education these days, so I really appreciate your comment! ❤️🇺🇸🇫🇷🕊🌎

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Respectfully, Ashe, I must disagree with ur analysis of Gen Z. They may have spent the most money on education thus far but they r the most indoctrinated not the most educated. Having young adult children I see how easily they are influenced by social media and the education system. Speaking at school board meetings each month against the trash they are including in education I see how youth are failing the basics and excelling in social narratives. Fortunately your children are raised by you! You have such great insight as to what is truly happening in America and the World. And they are choosing peers who align with what they have been taught. However you are functioning in a microcosm as the vast Gen Z population is regurgitating the narratives being pushed by their favorite social media and are loath to give up the slightest convenience.

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Hello Elisa ! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

Most of the comments about this specific matter lean toward the same view most of us AND

YOU here share !

Just take a few minutes to read the whole comments thread in chronological order, you'll enjoy most of them ...


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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

"Someone asked me today in the media, they said, 'It's curious, people are curious. What does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?'" Johnson told Hannity of the intense media scrutiny he'd seen since taking on his new role.

"I said, 'Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it – that's my worldview.' That's what I believe and so I make no apologies for it," he said.

"That's your personal worldview," Hannity pressed, and Johnson confirmed: "That's my personal worldview."


QUOTE: A proposed new Ukrainian law which will ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for merely maintaining communion and ties to the Russian Orthodox Church based in Moscow is poised to go into effect. This after its churches and monasteries have already in some instances been subject to brutal raids by police or else ultra-nationalist thugs, which has been met with international silence despite the egregious violation of religions freedom. Bishops have been hauled before courts, priests have been thrown in jail, monks and nuns have been thrown onto the street.

Ukrainian parliament approved the law Thursday, and it awaits a second reading and then approval by President Zelensky, which he is expected to give, before going into force. Last night Tucker Carlson released a new interview focused on what's being deemed the Zelensky government's "war on Christianity".

Bob Amsterdam, an international lawyer from Amsterdam & Partners LLP who has been hired by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) to defend the country's largest religious body against this blatant persecution in European courts, spoke to Tucker Carlson in a segment published Thursday. The two decried the "attack on Christianity" and underscored Orthodoxy has had a home in Ukraine for at least a thousand years. Amsterdam agreed with Carlson's scathing assessment: "Of all of Biden's crimes, backing the Ukrainian government as it throws priests in jail may be the most revealing."


The Spiritual WAR WAR WAR continues

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“ Newly sworn-in House Speaker Mike Johnson laid out what he sees as the seven core principles of not just American conservatism, but American greatness.”

Individual Freedom

Limited government

The Rule of Law

Peace through Strength

Fiscal Responsibility

Free Markets

Human Dignity


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That sort of reads like a Cliff's Notes version of Skousen's "The Five Thousand Year Leap," does it not? 💖


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😊. I’m only up to page 40 as I haven’t had time lately but I love the book! ❤️🙏

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I'm glad you are enjoying it!

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A good way to start my week... thanks for the Takes.

The first time I went to a Walk for Life in DC over a decade ago the most amazing thing to me was the number of high school kids that were participating. It restored my faith in our country. BTW have I ever mentioned the DS Rat Bastard MSM LIES CONSTANTLY.

We the People are winning and our numbers increase daily. When you take a step back (40k view) and don't get buried in the minutiae it is a Glorious sight.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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It's a privilege to be white in America, it's also a privilege to be black in America. It is a privilege to be an American. I reject Speaker Johnson for his continued support of BLM and CRT, he has stated many times that black people are victims. Don't fall for the lies, No one in Congress is for the people.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

AMEDD91CHARLIE...Please post the source for these accusations on Johnson so we can verify.

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"No one in Congress is for the people"

Maybe, but there are although powerful and efficient MAGA relays doing well these last days !

And if there are more MAGA representatives supporting and seconding President Trump, it means there are ALSO more people for WE/YOU the People ...


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Ashe, you’ve really nailed it with your assessment of where our youth are! They ARE our future, and those of us who actually grew up, have the critical responsibility to ensure they learn the truth and facilitate the path back to the establishment of our national sovereignty in accordance with our Constitution, and as you’ve aptly described them, they are ripe!! Well stated!!

Interesting, but not at all surprising to the readers here, that the big three (Trump, Putin, Xi) are on the same peace path vs the war drums.

The lone wolf shooter was always going to be dead. Apparently, he had enough wherewithal to expose his handlers, who I believe are the shrinks supported the the intelligence community...maybe the FBI has joined the ranks. Pray for the victims’ families as they are the innocents.🙏🙏

The speaker situation is likely going to get interesting...haven’t a clue where it’s going, but we can bet it will be very interesting!

Slovakia is awake and apparently the adults are in charge there; meanwhile the idiot rPresident/handlers’ in DC and the ‘candidates’ are floundering while we the people are increasingly ‘getting it’ and ignoring their machinations....

God bless these dedicated, tenacious and truth-loving journalists! You are MUCH loved!🙏🙏

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Re. the Maine shooter -- I read somewhere (does not matter because it was educated speculation) that he may have been programmed in the MKUltra system, and this 'hearing voices' started when he recently, last summer I think, got new 'high powered' hearing aids (this last I think supposedly came from a family member).

Any chance those new hearing aids were provided by the CIA? And that he was actually hearing voices, transmitted to his hearing aids by his handlers? And that what he was hearing triggered his programming?

I know, white-hat conspiracy theory stuff, but we are living in times when most of those conspiracies seem to be coming true...

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No, the hearing aids-voices is very possible. And you're correct time did show 'conspiracies' to be true.

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Likely the CIA had the idea, but was probably DARPA, or some other defense agency that developed them. We’ve been kept from knowing the true capabilities for decades and would be shocked to find how far this has come. The CIA never stopped MKULTRA…they just testified they did to Congress and went underground. I still think the shrinks are serving as the handlers…. May be wrong, but we’ll eventually find out.🙏

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3 Million people showed up to hear Rev.Billy Graham speak in Vietnam, 3 Million people who didn't speak English. There is a Z out there that needs encouragement from us to rise above, outshine. This country is and was built on the backs of young citizens, not the old. Encourage the young.

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Most of the comments about this specific matter lean toward the same view most of us here share !

Just take a few minutes to read the whole comments thread in chronological order, you'll enjoy most of them ...

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

AMEDD91CHARLIE... Can you provide the proof of this "SPEECH" that happened with "3 million people that didnt speak English in Vietnam"? Graham gave a speech to 5000 SOLDIERS in 1966 in Vietnam to Our Military Troops. Not sure where you are getting your info from? What does that speech have to do with Gen Z? Also People in this Country have worked as laborers building the skyscrapers, schools, homes, automobiles, aircrafts and roads to the age of 65 and some beyond, so what do you consider the "Backs of Young Citizens"?

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Boy oh Boy Catherine, It sounds like you have encouraged exactly 0 youths. Soel, South Korea 1973 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQDLjd57vdE , I know that we can count on you to remind these kids to be ambitious and courageous, take action with great fortitude. I agree with you that older people can be great mentors, I haven't seen many 65 year olds working on skyscrapers though. Hope your day gets better.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

1973, ok thanks, 50 yrs ago... lol... You were probably practicing your Pocahontas impersonations and were too busy to study history of the working man in the USA. My Grandfather was one of those men on skyscrapers and he also worked for Ford Motor Company until he was 74 years old. He lied about his age when he came to America as they were only hiring young men so many of his friends lied for a job. You dont know much obviously. PS... Still waiting for the evidence on Johnson. Keep Digging....

Oh, BTW.. are you related to Elizabeth Warren?

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Keep revealing yourself Silly Boy, that big bag of dicks in your mouth is getting in the way of your brilliant mind. No one cares what you think about braids.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Looks like that Vulgar response from Pocahontas was flagged, she changed His/Her profile to a generated pic of someone standing next to a fish the size of a whale, Another TALL TALE in the making. Best of luck Charlie!

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In response to Ashe, I have a. Z'er son living with me who is comfortable bucking the establishment too and will not be voting for the reasons you describe. We are just trying to survive and my Greatest Generation mom has always said, "Just put food on the table". I will have to add that these generational labels and hence mockery have always been for creating a false divide, pitting us against them. Most parents have always loved their children and want to see them flourish and be happy and be fruitful and multiply.

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