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7 hrs agoยทedited 7 hrs ago

When I grew up in Detroit, Hamtramck was a POLISH community and now its 100% Arabs. The entire city council is Muslim. What a different place it has become. Don't recognize my beloved Hamtramck anymore. Im sure the abortion issue, crime issue and medical freedom (the JAB) issues are the connecting dots. Every city in America has been affected by Illegals and refugees who are living on our dime. Politicians are corrupt, Epstein/Child trafficking/drugs...The DEMs are the DEVILS making the deals that sold us out. America is living through the Bush CIA/FBI hell. George Soros/Gates/Blackrock and their Billions have taken us off a cliff. Drain the Uniparty Swamp into the prisons! Send illegals back! ELECT TRUMP!

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We do not need a Star Trek comparison to explain the problem facing our Congress. The impossible scenario is not going away by kicking the can further down the road.

When I first heard the story from Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes about this time last year something about it seemed to make no sense. Why would anyone want to set up a corporation based on a governmentโ€™s ability to make money? Quite frankly that idea is crazy!

The only reason to form a corporation is to make money. First you must have a money making product or service to offer, but you must raise capital to put the plan into motion. This capital comes from one of two sources. You can get a bank to agree to sell bonds in the name of the new business or you can sell shares of company stock to investors. Back in the 1800โ€™s it was common to do both. But, the thing you were going to sell had to make sense. Otherwise, no one would risk their money. And this is why I thought the idea of funding the U.S. CORPORATION in 1871 made no sense to me.

As I have written here for some time, our government is a losing proposition and always has been. No government is in a position to make money. Armies are expensive as are highways, sea ports, national forests, and all other government needs. So, governments need lots of money to exist but they have no real product to sell. All governments must take money from their citizens or find a way to take money from other countries. But, government is never a money making proposition. I hope you can see my confusion with the premise of Dr. Janโ€™s story.

But, then it hit me like a ton of bricks! The deep pockets guys who were willing to loan billions of dollars to America to bail us out following the Civil War needed guarantees that they would be repaid, plus interest. How could our Congress and President provide that guarantee? How can a non-profit (at best) government guarantee to make a profit for the investors?

This, my friends, is the bottom line. Our government was forced to agree to terms guaranteeing a return for the investors who owned the shares. They already had agreed to accept our bonds and we owed them billions in debt. Our debt was on their books as an asset. But we could never repay them. The next step was to sell stock by creating a money making corporation. The evil investors knew where the strength of America resided. It was in our working citizens who were motivated by making a living. These motivated citizens could be manipulated to fund the debt and pay dividends on the stock. This was always intended to be a money making proposition and it was always intended to continue because the shareholders owned 100% of the stock and 100% of the original debt. Plus, they owned a monopoly. It was a risk free investment because Americas hate bankruptcy.

But, the government that agreed to this deal is bankrupt and the annual debt is killing the whole underlying structure. Things are out of control and the citizens are not happy.

But, the thing that has always funded the deal is still strong. America is getting up and going to work. Business is making new highs in the markets. What is failing is the government that has been forced to rely on higher and higher debt to fund itself. America just needs to refuse to pay the Corporation any longer. We need to merely let the money making corporations of America keep on making money. America has separated ourself into two economies. One that works because it has the profit motive working for it. The other economy was based on losing money every year but trying to make up the difference by taxing the money making economy. That idea has failed.

Do you see what Donald Trump did in 2017? He did what was needed from every President since U.S. Grant. He bankrupted the government. We should have told the Cabal to get lost in 1871, but instead we allowed ourselves to be sold as indentured servants to the Cabal.

Thank God this nightmare is over! All we need now is for the public to be educated. I hope I have helped in some small way.

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Iโ€™m working for an A in your class! God bless you, Jim!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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I hope my analysis helps us see the contest between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats always fight for bigger government. The bottom line there is they must always promise more from the U.S. CORPORATION. Our government business must offer more to justify itโ€™s high cost for a losing proposition.

Conversely, Republicans fight for lower taxes and smaller government. They have been bankrupting the deal since 1871, and losing the battle most of the time because free stuff sells well.

This is where RINOs were invented along the way. RINOโ€™s are a hybrid organism. They claim to be conservative but recognize that the whole thing will collapse if the government goes belly-up. But, the โ€œWhole thingโ€ is not America, it is the US Corporation formed in 1871. RINOโ€™s are just playing the game along with Democrats.

Anyway, you can now see why Trump is being killed. He has few friends in Washington because way too many people rely on the continuation of our corrupt government. Meanwhile, the America citizens all over America will benefit greatly if we can get them educated. The best times are ahead!

The 2024 election is about whether we want to remain indentured servants to the Cabal or free Americans as originally intended. The problem is, the decision has already been made and few even know. This is already a done deal!

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I knew a few things about 1871 before hearing a single word from Jan Halper-Hayes. I was holding my breath reading the start of your piece, above, until you got to the indentured servants part.

My mother born in 1913, didn't have a birth certificate. In order to get a passport, she had to make a copy of the family Bible where all the births and deaths were recorded.

The IRS was established to make us serfs pay the interest on the debt. When Trump was running in 2016, I knew he had experience in corporate bankruptcy, and I rightly guessed he was going to bankrupt the corporation. HURRAH!

I didn't have all the puzzle pieces back then, didn't know about Q yet, but it was obvious to me anyway, that he was getting ready to do a major rug pull, thus why the MSM and all the lefties were shrieking so much.

If you listened to the recent clip from Wilkerson and Napolitano about the British government being our enemy for a long time now, we have been fighting them since the Founding Fathers began their heroic efforts to free us.

We had options in 1871, but didn't push for them. We caved to the demands of the cabal and have been living with it ever since.

I appreciate your economics class, Jim, and hope I get an A, too. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Everyone who takes my class and agrees with my analysis gets an A+. You graduate with honors as you are now a patriot fighter. We win with education, not with violence.

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Ashe nailed the key to taking down this evil, completely connected, and invasive criminal organization, โ€˜As I asked when Caban resigned, how do you prosecute RICO?โ€™ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Our truth journalists here improve in their discernment with each dig they make and itโ€™s amazing. The evil government that has infiltrated Israel might just get a significant surprise, Ghost notes, โ€˜Russia is far less likely to draw the kind of international criticism that a group like Hezbollah would for invading Israel.โ€™๐Ÿค”.

The IDFโ€™s bombing response IS very likely the finger to the devolution plan. Devolution is the only explanation of why military commanders apparently have the authority in this situation, not the โ€˜presidentโ€™โ€ฆ

This election decision is going to be almost 100% for the individual and family wellbeing firstโ€ฆnot good news for the Marxists, including the one in the basementโ€ฆand their cheating plans. Since election interference and fraud is treason, the prisons might not be as full as expected.

While Congress dithers, countries around the world, highlighting Italy here, are making fantastic progress as the cabalโ€™s claws on the world are getting smaller and smaller. Thatโ€™s a very good thing.

Trumpโ€™s not going to bow to the Okamalaโ€™s challenge to another debateโ€ฆwaste of time. Who even watches CNN?

Looks like they want to take Diddly out before he identifies those who participated in the child trafficking, etcโ€ฆtoo late.

The most dangerous period is ahead. Thanks to the courageous people here and other truth-focused sites, we are better prepared. As Joe Konner always reminds us, โ€˜God winsโ€™!

God bless each one here.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

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God bless you, too, ALtab ๐Ÿ™

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And here on Terra, the generals are in control. God bless them. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ•Š

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Thank you, BB And all the Badlands team, for your excellent research and writing skills and hard work of bringing us these updates every weekday. God bless you all!

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Thanks for today's Takes!

Ashe it sounds like you are really enjoying Italy and I am so glad to hear about the success happening there. We are the News now!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I hope your next brief will be talking about what the UN is voting on today. Theyโ€™re still wanting a global governance.

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Wonโ€™t succeed, no matter how hard they threaten. Thatโ€™s a very good thing!

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Agreed. Time to toss 'em onto the garbage pile of history along with that rotten 1871 corporation -- or whatever year it was.

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TRUMP 2024


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No surprise that BlackRock is involved. Waiting for the justice phase and praying for patience.

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2 hrs agoยทedited 2 hrs ago

Walz wife looks like a Palosi LUNATIC here. Somebody thank her for me :) Id put that spot on every TRUMP Commercial. MSMBC was also at the Israel event that murdered children... Whats up MSDNC?

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OMEGA4AMERICA'S substack explains how the


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