"SFSU Responds To Alleged Assault On Riley Gaines... By Praising The Protesters"

After hundreds or thousands of years to the contrary, we now learn that it is not only allowed, but proper, for men to beat a woman if you disagree with her.

I would ask, "where are the feminists?" but I already know it was never about women, but only politics. Women are the "vehicles". Nothing changes with the left.

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The psychological programming, done discreetly in movies, cartoons, etc. has changed our society, can it be reversed is the Big question. If many, many people show, w/o violence, this behaviour is not acceptable it can eventually be stopped. IT'S the age old "PEER PRESSURE" tactic. We don't buy products from companies supporting this behaviour, we turn away from someone acting out behaviour or look past them as if they are NOT THERE (everyone wants verification that they exist). Human nature 101???

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

It is happening. Go woke, go broke. Anheuser-Busch was intimidated by ESG threats from Blackrock and Vanguard. So they hire a wokester Groton/Harvard/Wharton grad to change the message.


Sales of all AB products are way down, apparently. And many people who thought Bud Light was 'beer' are finding out differently.

Ultimately AB will have to cave to market pressure and end the wokeness. Blackrock and friends may dump their shares, but Main Street folks will buy them up, 10 or 100 shares at a time. A much better group of investors to have, anyway.

edit: for those wanting to boycott the entire range of AB products, look here:


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I have a friend who's in his seventies and when I predicted (last year) that China will invade Taiwan, for the same reason Putin invaded Ukraine, he lost his mind. I'd forgotten about that, until I read this. The Globalists want war and I pray DAILY that they're unsuccessful. 🙏 I also pray for protection for Trump and ALL freedom and truth seeking soldiers. 🙏 As for financial....I think I have to stand on my own view that what's coming has NEVER happened before, so we can't predict the future based on history. It doesn't fit this scenario. Trusting God is my ONLY way.

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Amen and see my comments above. I believe Taiwan

makes many of the digital components that want to enslave us, sex traffickers, more Biolabs?

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Exactly and Taiwan has been a child sex destination for decades....long before the current information war began!

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Hello Deb !

Glad to read your comment. I think you're RIGHT and I agree.

Re "what's coming has NEVER happened before, so we can't predict the future based on history",

It seems what's coming will just be timely perfect, but it will be above all powerfully overwhelming !!

🙏🙏"What's coming has NEVER happened before, so maybe we COULD "predict" our future based on HIS story" 🙏🙏

God bless all of us !

May God have pity and mercy to THEM who "don't know what they're doing" !

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"Open battle with these groups will not work without much violence and bloodshed. Instead, a united front of conservatives, who have carefully and objectively identified the toxic elements of the activist movements is needed, at the surface level and beyond."

The question I often find myself asking is, how has restraint and walking a higher moral ground served? The legal system is captured already, people defending themselves against Antifa get charged with murder and get 20 year sentences.

Yet form the 2020 riots how many BLM/Antifa agents sit in jail?

Then look at Jan 6th prisoners.

Clearly, there is a 2 tier justice system, and it is in place for one reason.

We allow it.

These days I keep asking myself, what will be the rubicon the enemy crosses to galvanize the populace to take matters decisively into their own hands, as clearly our justice system has absolutely no intention of equal representation.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

It happens slowly at first, and then all of a sudden.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

The question then is, when do the evils become unsufferable? I believe that started when [they] started targeting the children. Even gays do not agree with the evil -- the group Gays Against Grooming basically says 'stay away from the kids.' The mama bears and papa lions are awakening as their schools and boards are infiltrated with leftie activists. Grassroot campaigns have sprung up all across the Nation to take back school boards and local government. And they are successful, pretty much wherever they try.

Thus it begins.

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I love reading surviving documents from our Founders, and often marvel at how they were able to take their philosophical thoughts and beliefs and articulate them with such eloquence. Like Alexander cutting through the Gordian Knot, their words cut through the noise, rooted in essential principles of freedom and liberty.

It is heartening to see parents responding to the threats, watched many a video of fierce parents standing up to those stuffed shirts behind their mics. At one time I feared there might be a epidemic of clubbings of these bureaucrats, particularly when they would silence speakers and have them arrested as a show of dominance.

IMHO it'll get ugly when the truth about the jab is no longer suppressible. The more volatile segments of our population, used to expressing themselves with public shows of force, are not likely to take it as well as the conservative base has.

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Nope. They will be angry. 'The Big Ugly' as Clif High calls it; I see you follow him.

Once the Normies start to figure things out it will be all over for [them].

Then those stuffed shirts will all be 'as meek as a kitten' as they put it on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

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Unfortunately I believe that they plan on attempting to wake up the population here and possibly even around the world by taking their money from their accounts... leaving them with out the ability to take care of themselves... and many are unprepared for this kind of situation. We shall see what happens soon... I pray for our country and for Trump and the good military to be surrounded by His angels. I pray that we are able to restore our faith, government and our nation back to the glory that He has given us. At this time we must pray and be thankful for our blessings, as well as stay the course in our quest for truth as Digital Soldiers! In Jesus Christ Holy name, may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Alleluia!🙏🥰🙏

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Agreed, they will try to push CBDCs. IMO it won't be by rolling it out as a choice, it'll be the result of another nationwide emergency as a solution that *must* be embraced to avoid future harm. Bank failures are a highly visible method, and the rise of people purchasing precious metals has taken hold in the public psyche as well as crypto, which they are regularly demonizing and preaching fear porn.

Every time someone I talk to thinks this isn't possible, I remind them of what Trudeau did with the trucker protest. Then they get quiet and ask "Do you think that can happen here?" To which I reply yes, if we let it.

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I agree with you completely. From those riots maybe 5 sit in jail if any. To return to the trans bit a field of conservatives will accept them because that is pretty much the definition of a conservative. So that one won't work. How about the people who just wanted to be left alone, but no, these idiots don't understand that. Btw there are 15,000 of us and a mighty militia. So, their Day of Vengeance we went looking for them. Any surprise that 7000 are in graves. They hooked up with boogaloo bois (the most mentally disturbed ones I've seen in militias, antifa top. Meaning 50% CAIR.

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You know what they say...." great minds think alike!"🙂👍

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Reply function still unavailable ?? ;-)

PS: I began reading your first post on YOUR own Substack and I will need time to know how to comment it, because it's very sensitive and powerful.

It has made me think deeply about the subject and my own stand on it !!


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What "everyone" might not understand (men & women) Trans that are using drugs to "BE" male are being made aggressive. Having experienced menopause the physical change the body experiences can be different for different women. The female body produces both testosterone and estrogen. During menopause the amount of estrogen produced drops off and we are left w/ testosterone and very little estrogen.

My experience was w/ the amount of testosterone my body had...IT CAUSED EXTREME AGGRESSION. I could have bit the head off a baby chicken or done a drive by shooting. My chest would feel warm pressure & mind was "Take No Shit"!! Yes I went to doctor for something to control this when these episodes happened.

I only explained this b/c I think this is what is happening to the girls that are trying to become boys.

If they are being given a testosterone drug to develope male characteristics, the drug is affecting their mental state of mind also...They Are Made Mentally Ill!!

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I believe you are correct.

Fortunately most young men learn to deal with their budding testosterone when they are still fairly young, and smaller than the adults around them. Their initial attempts at aggression are often met with quick and forceful corrections from their older brothers or parents.

When a young woman is challenged with high levels of testosterone, it's much less likely that the inherent social correction mechanisms are available to her, and it can result in events like we saw in Nashville.

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We must each and every one get involved, educated on the rule of law, and use the truth within our realm of influence to fight the Marxists who’s only goal (past, present and future) is to destroy all that is good, beautiful and creative. We must all be able to tell our children that we did not stand by doing nothing as the world burned. Education. Discernment. Action. Most certainly prayer. God bless our fearless truth-finders.🙏

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You noted Texas was considering moving to a gold backed digital dollar. Are you implying you are in support of a cashless society with digital currency? This is not good as government will have total access to every aspect of our lives. Tell me you don't support digital currency.

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Agreed. Even the awake have much to learn.

Just because a CBDC is 'backed' by gold does not make it no longer a CBDC. And the gold 'backing' can be removed by administrative fiat -- just as Nixon did to the FRN in 1971.

One thing to remember though, is that a CBDC can be reversed. Whereas WW3 cannot.

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Great discussion thanks. Having written of the current weaponising of transgender philosophies by our politicians I well understand we need further open discussion of the issues. As the mindless, disturbed political forces work so hard to manufacture our consent we must work intensively at countering the force of these “mind viruses”. So many lost to denial and to reflexive and even violent action. The political forces incite us to violence. It is that violence we must counter.

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Open discussions are what [they] do not want. Ergo, riots at SFSU when Riley Gaines shows up.

Unfortunately at some point force must be met with force. Only once they understand that they cannot get what they want with intimidation, will they back down. After all, there are hundreds of millions of us, and only a few thousands -- maybe tens of thousands -- of them.

And ultimately, force need not be actioned to win. Once [they] know that they are outnumbered, they will quietly climb back down under the rocks from which they emerged.

Sun Tzu says: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” He also says, “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” How can you keep from going to battle?

The best time to strike an enemy is when they are involved in preparations. Strike before the enemy is fully mobilized, and they will be unable to fight back. This may prevent a battle. This strategy involves using intelligence, rather than brawn, to win. This is how to subdue the enemy without fighting.

If intelligent strategies don’t work, the next strategy is to win through intimidation.

Form alliances to increase your strength to a point where fighting would be ill-advised for your opponent.

Form alliances with the enemy’s allies to disrupt the enemy’s power.

Ultimate victory is when battle has been thwarted through intelligence or intimidation, there has been no destruction, no cities have been seized, and no blood has been shed. These are the ways to subdue the enemy without fighting. This is the supreme art of war.

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Thank you so much for the extended informative comment. I am currently putting an essay together on something close to this. Nonviolence is the way forward and as you say is the "supreme art of war". I will include this comment in this article.

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In that case, I must give proper credit; the source of this interpretation of Sun Tzu's work is here:


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Give me the proper link to credit you as well. You are planning to author your own stack?

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You may use my work without credit under the Fair Use Doctrine. If I had a link I would give it to you; alas I do not have the time to properly author my own substack. Maybe someday... we will see. Thanks for the compliment though 💖

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Good writing and content are always that and I appreciate them. I will include your comment as a quote. Thank you.

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What seems like targeted events lately, while important and awesome, i am noticing more and more there is an overwhelming amount of ops in place when it comes to all aspects of media consumed. I came across this locally: https://www.nevadaart.org/art/exhibitions/ghost-army-the-combat-con-artists-of-ww-ii/, I watched the Paramount+ series "the good fight" while cleaning this weekend and it was in your face everything going on with parties / Trump / elections and more. Of course the live fight - Trump appearance. There are clear lines being drawn for a battle in the music industry. Angel Studios buying "The Sound of Freedom" - weird because the owners are members of LDS but are focused on the stories of Jesus Christ and could you have picked a better named studio? You really can't make this stuff up - any of it !

I bring this up because i am seeing the further degradation of spirits and I am wondering if some truly realize we are under a complete blanket of informational operations. There is no getting away from some sort of information op right now. It is being flooded into every major type of entertainment and genre you can think of. The only way to take a break from the onslaught of information is to completely unplug.

I hear talk all the time about those that are still asleep and i am less concerned now with the adjustment they will need to make at some point as they are clearly getting some pre programming no matter what they are consuming...

As always, you are all amazing!


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Thank you Badlands!

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