"SICK: North Carolina’s Leading Medical Institutions “Duke, UNC, and ECU” Offers ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old"

I feel somewhat qualified to speak about this. In fall, 1966, I entered The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to begin my program leading to my MA in plant taxonomy/ecology in 1969. At that time, UNC was called "The Berkeley of the East" and they had earned it. While the botany program was solid and one of the top 3-4 in the nation, the undergraduate campus was a real trip, literally and figuratively. For those who have seen "Jesus Revolution", the depiction of drug use is accurate....I remember a couple of parties which were strange in the least for me. To this day, I have never smoked, nor done elicit drugs nor been drunk, I am pleased to report, with no regrets.

During my time there, I had a TA and taught labs. It was then that the late Senator Paul Wellstone was a graduate student with a teaching fellowship. I believe he had all of his degrees from there. A true Marxist, he shut the campus down for part of a week and decreed that faculty and grad students were not allowed (by him and his goon squad) to meet our classes. I was teaching an ecology lab in the zoology building next door to the botany building. I well remember being pushed backwards down the steps by his squad and being called names I did not understand. The campus shut down. He received his PhD in spite of the honor code which the campus pretended to adhere to. I remind them of that when called for donations.

Fast forward to the 1980's. I returned in 1981 to pursue a PhD in botany (plant ecosystems). The department was still a good one. HOWEVER, the med school stepped in to gut both botany and zoology in order to bolster their own faculty numbers. They succeeded. Botany was told it was their fault for hiring people in organismal botany rather than ALL molecular/cellular. They managed to merge both departments into "biology" and weed out anything of real substance. I graduated on May 10, 1987 w/ my PhD in botany under the former good program.

NOW, my ears pricked up several years ago when I heard the names of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak AND....DR. RALPH BARIC, THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL. He is a part of the triumvirate in gain of function. Supposedly, when UNC found out what he was doing, they told him to quit and he moved operations to Wuhan (it surprises me that UNC did not slap him on the back and say, "well done"). In 2021, he was elected member of the U. S. National Academy of Sciences. As Trump would say, that group is another "beauty".

Nothing surprises me about The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They were "woke" before "woke" became an adhered to fad. I own a very valuable piece of property, very near the growing campus of my undergraduate institution, WVU. They are going off the cliff also. I have a new saying: "If you go 'woke', your coffers I won't stoke".

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Gimme a break, Wellstone was one of the better politicians of my lifetime. He was truly anti-war, and one of the most outspoken critics of Iraq War (along with Dennis Kucinich, another rare honest politician). Wellstone had a large following and was an enemy of the Deep State, which is why they killed him and his family (don’t believe for a second that plane crash was an “accident”). Nuff said.

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You are entitled to your "opinion". I actually was a reluctant participant in his antics at

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He and his squad actually went to the apartments of married grad students and faculty to intimidate them.

When he became senator, the UNC Alumni Review Magazine wrote a puff piece on him. It was then I realized who had done this in 1968. Before that, I had no name although It was probably in the Daily Tar Heel. It was then I learned a lot more about his tactics. He took his show on the road, to Carleton College, and then to the senate. What was interesting was that his tactics and opus operandi did not change. He always found a group to champion, gathered his faithful squad and then had his "issue". At UNC it was the black cafeteria workers who had a real case, had gone on strike, and were doing well. Along came Wellstone looking for his "cause", took it over and the black cafeteria workers were soon forgotten as he moved on to anti-VietNam which was politically, in his mind, more useful.

Following the article in the UNC Alumni Review, the next issue was filled w/ very illuminating letters to the editor from other students at that time. I learned more of what he did outside my personal experience. The Review did not publish letters for several years following that ensuing letter firestorm.

When he ran for re-election, I wrote letters to The St. Paul Pioneer Press, The Minneapolis Star Tribune, and The Associated Press. As I said, you are entitled to your opinion. However, I am still entitled to my experience memories until I am silenced by the likes of Senator/Dr. Paul Wellstone.

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Fair enough, you have much more direct experience with him than me. I still consider him “one of the good guys”, for the most part.

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“We will not tolerate intolerance here” 🤔😳

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The tolerance of intolerance is at the discretion of the unbiased management...

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Nice catch😂

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Beat me to it.

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I greatly appreciate the work being done here - I hope you don't tire of my saying so.

I also hope you don't tire of the general theme of my comments: we were created by a loving Father in Heaven who wants to have a dynamic relationship with us. For that to reach the level of desired interaction, we needed free-will. Free-will brings problems - the tendency to choose poorly; and so an answer was given.

Ryan says: "The monetary incentives are high, but I suspect that there is an even darker agenda at play here beyond making a few bucks.”

The Darker agenda: to undermine Right, as defined by our Father. We were told His plan in the book of Genesis, in what we refer to as Chapter 1, verses 26 - 28. His first direction to 'adam' - male and female - (v 28): "Be fruitful and multiply; and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over..." "Subdue" and "Rule" are warfare terms in the Hebrew...we were created for fellowship, for reproduction, and for victory over an enemy that desires to steal, kill and destroy - and He makes that possible.

The war of Good v. evil will continue to rage until the end of time: God wins! And so have and will all who so choose!

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I like to sum it up this way: God is in control, and Jesus is coming back!

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I feel the transgender agenda is clogging the news cycle purposely. They don't want us to see the birder crisis, biden's criminal activity, the truth coming out about the vax AND the treason. Too much attention on the queers. Look here, not there.

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How is child mutilation any different than the Chinese killing female babies or limiting parents to 1 child??? It has the same effect. In fact, I think the mutilation is far more consequential and efficient.

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Hi Robert!

I think we could probably add a form of organs harvesting from all the persons who had transitioning alteration surgeries.

I say this is an abomination which already made some young people die !

🙏🏻✝️ God bless their victims...

God may have pity and mercy for those who support this horrific abomination! 🙏🏻✝️

🇫🇷 🕊️ 🇺🇲

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Our Take: “For further proof that we are in a spiritual war more than anything else: A federal judge has ruled that Pennsylvania must allow Satanic after-school clubs.” — AbsoluteTruth1776

What sort of sicko teachers does this school employ! Also why aren’t the parents up in arms to protect their children

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Everything in the news appears to be the eventual result of prior ‘influence’ operations and it seems absolutely correct these operations accomplished by the intelligence agencies at the orders of the next up the cabal command structure were accomplished to infiltrate. It takes longer, but is infinitely more effective in the long term. The US is critical because there hasn’t been a single country to have grown up with freedom outside of the US. We are not the corrupt infiltrators of DC. We will not go silently into the night. You, our excellent citizen journalists, are providing the ammo and you are each appreciated by all of your readers. God bless you.🙏

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Thank you Burning Bright, for the Daily Brief, You outlook is refreshing.

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All Medical staff involved in child genital mutilation REQUIRE more justice than removing license 2 practice. Such beasts MUST get 1-Way all-expense paid GITMO trip. And TY 4 outing Fairfax Bar & Grill in Bloomington IN. We need 2 stop patronizing biz of Woke Idiots. I live behind enemy lines in MA where from jump I instituted NO-Vax NO-Mask policy in my yoga studio which crippled my biz. Many Longtime studio members declared that I lost my mind. But my job is to maintain a sanctuary for e/o who rolls out their yoga mat. Shedding required I hold others accountable for their foolish actions. I have no regrets. FULL MAGA. Standing in GOD's Armor. Let's Evolve Together Today!

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I've probably said this before, the hunting hunters is ludicrous, stupid and just throwing money out the window along wit their safety. I'm a hunter, anybody coming up on me will accidentally step on a twig or something louder. Then he will find himself in my crosshairs. Is that what they want? As for the waste of time convincing kids that they are transgender. Like Stockholm Syndrome they grow first to regret transitioning, then hate whoever convinced them. So expect a sort of war among cultures in the near future.

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Shadow vs Light. I agree that more than any other 4th or 5th column war we are fighting right now, we are in a war of the spirit: good and evil, tares and wheat. There's bread in the making; light is rising and darkness is being exposed...in this round of the match. Darkness is made plain and obvious so that ppl can and will see it for exactly the satanic ritual that it is. Will those satanic clubs in Pennsylvania be allowed to practice their rites right there in the classrooms: torture, sex, human sacrifice ( or prob merely reenactments to prepare them for the real deal later), chants to invite evil in? Someone better go in the room afterwards to exorcise the energy that lingers. Perhaps it is a good thing for teachers and students, and others across the board, to learn finally that energy and frequency are everything. What a shock that will be to realize something so simple and yet so powerful.

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19 yr old distant relative of mine. Born female. International karate champion (elite athlete) died suddenly. She was transitioning & asking 2b called by boy name. Sad. No one in fam will discuss cause of death. I was threatened 4 speaking up. I watched this sweet girl grow up. Beyond sad.

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All this transitioning is just leading to population control in another way. Sad. 2 to r yr olds sheesh but you are right it's all about the money.

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It's about a LOT more than $. Wheel of Karma Turns.

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