Very glad to see HRC popping back up recently and in connection to racketeering RICO driven by Trump is just perfect.

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This is the story of our lives now that we are awake: "This is what they stole from you. Now, they're trying to steal it back. It won't work. — Burning Bright"

Loudly and Proudly we share the Truth.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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‘The time is quickly approaching where NONE in normieville will want to be associated with establishment talking points, as they will and are being conflated increasingly with communist pedophiles. — Burning Bright’

EXACTLY, Fearless Tiger!🐅

Oh, yes, Ashe! You hit the target! The cabal and their minions are the very definition of organized crime!! Who’s the expert in taking down organized crime?

Ghost clearly called the media lies as the article was talking about ‘regularly scheduled movements’ and few read past the headlines…why the media gets away with this garbage…

ANY corporation involved in the planned (and now automated) poisoning of our food sources is participating in crimes against humanity and justice and/or bankruptcy is likely the future.

The switch is obvious as the left rapidly tries to backpedal to the center JUST to win in November…just like Okamala visiting the border…too late, we’re not stupid (at least most of us aren’t) and clearly see the truth.🤣🤣. Panic town for the cabal’s minions.

God is the source of truth. Bless those who pursue the truth.🙏🙏

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Russia’s restraint combined with military strength is buying time for Trump to expose both the war-for-profit and the peace-for-profit strategies. The DeepState talks of peace only for a hidden agenda of profit (think BlackRock reconstruction contracts). Trump’s vision is the real peace that builds sovereignty for nations and a foundation of healing and creativity for humanity.


“It will be much easier for ambivalent, and even anti-Trump normies to process political organized crime charges when they’re learning the RICO ropes from Diddy and other pop culture figures.

It’s almost as if that symmetry and audience training is by design” — Ashe in America.

Well said, Ashe!!


Ghost’s piece on the US sending more troops to the MiddleEast is a perfect example of BB’s “the War of Stories” and the discernment needed to separate what [they] want us to to believe vs what is actually happening!

And while I’m at it, let me say to you, BB, that your education on this very method of sussing out the Truth has been invaluable 🙏❤️

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Minor point: John Kerry was Secretary of State in Obama's second term. Hillary I guess was running around the world promising to write checks she ultimately - thankfully - could not cash

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Let us not forget Kerry’s curious Nov 2016 trip to Antarctica. Whatever is actually going on there remains an enigma.

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Inquiring minds want to know!

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Oh shit, you’re right. I totally spaced on that. Thank you for the correction.

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More Crisis DuJour. WWG1WGA

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1 hr ago·edited 39 mins ago

Politico is making a big leap with their assumptions. The way I see it is that these local polls were open (for early voting) and he was using that as a back drop, a visual, for his message for everyone to get out and vote. HE didn’t say “early”. And in fact doesn’t the e-left WANT Republicans to vote early so they can determine how much they need to adjust at the last minute? It always happens that way.

IMO, I think it’s wrong to be broadcasting “results” from east coast states when the polls haven’t even closed on the Midwest or west coast. The polls should ALL be closed before early results are even released and the media is as much at fault as the puppet, working to create a false reality before others have even voted.

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3 hrs ago·edited 56 mins ago

WOW.. Everyone should watch this... JFK Jr ??? to replace Vance


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“I stand by my speculation that we may see Russia take the lead on any offensive action that the Sovereign Alliance executes against Israel.”

Perhaps we should look at this as the possible fulfillment of the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39. If so, the winner by God’s hand is Israel.

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I get that my understanding is not popular in today's world, but...

...Paul made it clear that when Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant by His one and only sacrifice that the seed of Abraham was shifted from the natural to the spiritual - the sand of the seashore to the stars of the heavens. His plan all along (we are told in his letter to those in Ephesus) was bringing together them both (Jew and Greek) into the one New Man - the body of Christ. That being the case all OT prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled must be fulfilled under the New Covenant paradigm. Jesus purchased for God from every nation, tribe, people and language...

...after His ascension, 40 years (forty is the number of testing and trial) were given for the nation of Israel to accept their Messiah. In AD 70 that 40 years ended and the branches were cut-off of His Olive Tree. All must be grafted in - Jew and Gentile.

Last thought - the principles of hermeneutics require that later disclosures and details be used to refine our understanding of earlier words and prophecies. If we are not careful in how we handle His word we are at risk of being drawn away from His purpose. Jesus' last words as given to John bring clarity to OT prophecies not vice versa.

God's plan did not change - it did however progress in its revelation over time...that's what plans do.

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I think your understanding is more popular than you might think.

I do not think that Paul, or other apostles, suggested that Abraham’s “seed…shifted from the natural to the spiritual. Paul did teach that we believing Gentiles were grafted into the rich root of the olive tree. Rom 11:17, and that there remains a distinction between Israel and the rest of the human race. He went on from there to speak of a future day when “all Israel will be saved”, and quotes Isaiah as to how that will take place.

Then we read in Acts how the risen Christ replied to his apostles’ inquiry on the timing of the restoration of “the kingdom to Israel”. Did he say that this would not happen? No, only that it was not for them to know at that time.

We also see in Jesus’ last words to the Church in Revelation that there is and will be a distinction of the 12 tribes of Israel.

God’s promises to His chosen people never change, and never fail. For if his promises to Israel fail, how can we be sure that the promises that include Gentiles will never fail. Yes, even we are unfaithful.

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The letter to the Romans was written at a time when all Jews were banished from the capital of the empire. The banishment was about to end; so Paul was laying out a treatise for the Gentile believers to understand the value of their Jewish brothers as they returned - his hope was unity not division. It was a unique appeal (125 words used only in this letter) - that doesn't make it faulty - it does require us to know the context if we are to understand it.

As for OT promises - according to God Himself: those promises on which He put conditions must be recognized as such. The land was theirs - but only if they recognized His Sabbath (the every seven years and the 50th year as well as the seventh day).

I will leave it there - most importantly: it is by Grace we are saved, not by works unless anyone might boast.

God bless!

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Understanding how historical contexts influence the meaning of God's word is a somewhat tricky thing. How do we know for sure what might have influenced the prophet (Paul in this case), 2,000 years ago?

Then the promises of God for Israel which we read in Ezek 7:21-28, promises to gather the sons of Israel and bring them into "their own land", to unify Israel and Judah into one nation, that He will cleanse them and be their God, that they will live on the land He promised to Jacob, that He will make an everlasting covenant of peace with them, and that the nations (Gentiles) will know that He is the LORD, when He "sanctifies Israel". I cannot nullify what He has not, even if I do not understand it all.

Yes, it is by grace through faith that we Gentiles are saved, and so it is for the Israel/Jews. Shall we say, He's saving "Israel for last"?


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47 mins ago·edited 46 mins ago

American Troops being sacrificed again over the Bullshit of the BIDEN HARRIS OBAMA BUSH SOROS WEF WHO administration

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“That logic sounds about right for a senile old pervert like Joe Biden.”

Perhaps I too am senile, but if I were POTUS, Mexico was sending rockets into and invading the US, I’d go after them. And then, If the same attacks began to come from Canada, I send missiles and troops after them. Or, go after the source of both. You know, America first.

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