The next 6 months are going to make the last 8 years look like a walk in a park. Buckle up Buttercups as it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride into insanity. Hugs and much love to all my fellow Badlanders!πŸ’œ

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Cling to Jesus! In Him is the only safe place to be.

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Jul 8Β·edited Jul 9

Personally, aside from the economic impact, I think we'll be able to sorta float over the top of the cesspool as it exposes itself in full display - but, we certainly shall see.

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So, what I glean from today's EXCELLENT news brief can be stated in two points:

1. Our entire Congress is and has been FINE WITH Presidency by Committee. This FACT shines a light on THEM and their feckless ineptitude or blatant contempt for their constituents.

2.The PACS believe they own our elections. (Well, I've acquiesced to the tragic reality that SOMEONE owns and has owned our s-elections my entire adult life and it's NOT We The People!) Do all those millions go to advertising, pamphlets, door-knocker subsidies and the like? Or, do they go directly to pockets that perpetuate and proliferate my point #1?

Just askin'.

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Watching the Biden Dementia Parade has been almost as much Summer fun as Shark Week on Discovery and Christmas in July on Hallmark (both of which started a month early this year due to the Olympics I think).

The Establishment are losing their minds! And it is glorious to watch.

It's going to get really silly in the next month when they try to pull Gavin Newsome, Big Mike or Hawk Tuah Harris out of a hat to run undemocratically for POTUS (who needs primaries anyways when you have an authoritarian establishment to fall back on?).

Popcorn is popping!

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Remember they never give up. They do plan on the millions of illegals to vote in 2024 and keep them in power forever. Obama & Hillary are running the country and they don't intend on relinquishing power ever. So buckle up its going to be a bumpy ride.

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Why were Bill and Hill flying on a real airplane this past week? Some guy took a photo of him with them. Surely they can still afford a private jet. All that grifting and murdering.......

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As far as Ukraine winning the war, which I'm sick of hearing, would be like Mexico and the U.S. in a war with Mexico winning. I won't go into why I wish Putin had gone in sooner and it involves the torturing and murdering of the people in the east The Donbass. They've been treated miserably, and their children for 8 years by the Ukrainian Nazis. THese people on the east coast speak Only Russian. And I'm sure people in the U.S. are not aware that Putin's military has been clearing out human trafficking and labs the U.S. owns that experiment with different diseases and the labs have now established themselves in a small African country. Ukraine is known as the most corrupt country in Europe and the U.S. has many different uses for it including money laundering. Now you see a few reasons they hate Putin.

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Many people reading information here, ARE aware of Putin’ true role in Ukraine.

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You are right the only downside is not enough people are reading Badlands Media.

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This is a tragic fact. We're lucky if even 1000 people not already in intelligence are seeing these. They need marketing...

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Thanks y'all for jump starting my Monday morning :-)

I am truly enjoying the show and not over thinking things keeps me comfyAF.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Trump lied 28 times, could someone name one of the lies.? I could give you a few of Biden's off the top of my head, he was brought up in the black church, he was raised by Puerto Ricans, he's from PA, he drove a tractor trailer . he was a firefighter, he rode Amtrack over a million miles, his son died in Iraq but Trump is a liar. I left one out he created NATO. And I'm just scratching the surface with Biden lies.

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Brilliant comments by Ghost of BPH re Klaus Schwab. I urge everybody to look up Malthusianism if you don't know what that is.

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Malthus' math - let alone his theory - never were actualized. We are over 225 years away from his dooming...and yet what he did not choose to factor in is the power of innovation, the anti-entropic nature of the Human Spirit.

Interestingly - Malthus influenced Darwin's theory of evolution...and his theories blatantly advocated for eugenics and forced sterilization.

The point was never scientific; it was about fear and control! As one critic wrote: people cannot let go of the simple but clearly wrong idea that human beings are no different than a herd of deer...

PS search "Malthus debunked" for more.

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Thank you for sharing this. My comment revealed how disturbing the option of Klaus, et. al., not facing justice would be. Thank you, HGV!!πŸ™

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To GBPH's point - the choice remains our own. And our record is underwhelming - too often choosing the offer of security over the threat of inconvenience. We can go the way of Laodicea or of Philadelphia but when God made us in His Image and Likeness, we were empowered with the ability to choose...and face the consequences (now or later) for our choices.

I pray for wisdom, discernment and vigilance!

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As do I….for all of us! Thank you. God bless you!πŸ™

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Amen! Praying daily for our nation and our true President - and the world! Lord, help us, and receive all the glory!

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Joe Biden's doctor is involved in the "Biden family’s influence peddling schemes" according to the Committee on Oversight and Accountabilityhttps://merylnass.substack.com/p/joe-bidens-doctor-is-involved-in


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Biden mistakenly claims he's 'the first Black woman to serve with a Black president'


What can Pelosi do, she is as dirty as Senile Joe.

The shaky hands can be discounted as a med reaction. My 84-year-old husband has that issue. He takes enough of Pharma's poisons. I blame it on the cholesterol meds. Wehchol to be precise. He still teaches the math portion of Ham Radio Extra classes. Or it could be the 3 glaucoma meds.

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What are Joe's pronouns if he is identifying as a Black woman?

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Have you written a letter to the White House encouraging Joe Biden continue his run for President?


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Bill Maher and Cuomo Admit Something We've All Known About the Trump Hush Money Trial

There’s a bit of a 180-degree turn here. Maher was a bit animated about this trial and its charges, voicing how these were serious crimes regarding the shoddy falsification of records in the act of committing another crime angle that was stretched to the limits of insanity for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his team to make their case. Now, Maher admits it was a mistake. We know, and Cuomo piled onβ€”adding that voters saw through the sham: Trump was only indicted because of his name and the fact he was running for president:


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Remember neither Al Capone or John Gatti were ever indicted on as many as 34 counts and they murdered people as easily as you tie your shoe. BUt thank God we got Trump before he entered anymore figures in the wrong ledger.

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I don’t think it’s good for the awakened world if their evil is allowed to get off. If we can’t see the punishment to fruition, then it will continue as Ghost observed.

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Exactly. People call it revenge its not revenge the Left has to start bearing responsibility for their crimes. Without any consequences they become bolder and bolder and it never ends.

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You don't believe it's a movie scripted intentionally to minimize collateral damage due to civil war (had the movie plan not existed at all). Stateside I'm convinced that's what we are watching. Overseas it's more difficult.

How would you get those who are STILL loyal to the left, perhaps still 30,000,000 Americans, to abandon ship?

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Exactly….that’s why it was disturbing to me..πŸ™

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Excellent brief, guys & gal, thanks!

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Brilliant analysis from all authors on each topic. Perhaps more people will be awakened to the actuality of the current state of things.

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I believe that the Biden β€˜step down’ is orchestrated theater that is buying time to install a replacement candidate as late as possible to enjoy the honeymoon effect. It’s not real because it is NOT Biden’s callβ€”-any more than β€˜the border crisis’ is his idea. He doesn’t even pick out his own clothes. Not to mention MSM continuing to gaslight the American public that β€˜we’ve got to do something about this crisis!’ Pure theater-all of it.

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Good Monday morning! Nothing lacking in the way of reasons to pray for God's mercy and grace from today's takes.

GBPH: Your take regarding Klaus was superb! As I read Rev.6:5-6 I see what is further described in chapters 17 and 18 of the same book: the setting up an economic system of planned scarcities for the masses in order to enable rewarding the elites with obscene luxuries (multi-million dollar cars anyone?) that was forecast just shy of 2000 years ago. If you have any spare time, please feel free to check out my thoughts.


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I did, and although I have studied this several times in our church, you’ve clarified several areas. Thank you & God bless you.πŸ™πŸ™

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Of all the takes today, Ghost’s take on the elites at the top level is the most disturbing to me. If I understand this correctly, the top public players in the evil NWO plan may not face justice, but in fact, the people (if left to their own devices) may actually vote for the Malthusian policies that will essentially be the end of any form of individual β€˜anything’…. Pray this isn’t the case. A discouraging end, should it play out in this manner. This isn’t a criticism of Ghost’s work.

The dems, the controlled media, their source of the talking point propaganda, and now the donor class are increasing their panic as the vast majority of the population is calling BS on all the narratives. This is the beginning of the elites and their minions attacking each other.

Ukraine is full of mercenaries and their β€˜leader-actor’ knows the unraveling of the Nazism plan is upon him. The elite pedophilia is beginning to coalesce in the various exposures….Ukraine is key here, too. Europe is beginning to shift….

The summer continues to heat up….in all ways. God bless Ghost, Ashe and BB for the rest or the story today….πŸ™

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β€œThey lost control of Joe Biden some time ago.”

No. Biden is just being his usual full-of-bullshit-and-braggadocio-self. They (obama) people are happy to have joe esplod publicly. don’t you think the obamas are enjoying watching the old man crumble? he’s not clean or articulate. ironic, no?

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