God Bless your parents, Ashe, for raising an independent thinker and seeker of truth in journalism 🙏❤️
God Bless GhostofBasedPatrickHenry for venturing forth with conviction and courage on the road less traveled…which has given us non-mainstream thinkers some darn good company 🙏❤️
God Bless BurningBright for your 40,000 ft view, sharing your rooted footing, helping us keep our balance through the chaos 🙏❤️
God Bless all commenters here who take the time to share their thoughts and insights and contribute to that consciousness frequency ever faithful to the American principles of Freedom and Liberty…”that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” (Lincoln) 🙏❤️🕊🕊
You wrote what probably most of US in this community is thinking and feeling in their deepest guts.
I just want to add (and this apply to another great comment from Altab I just have read !!) that you can enlarge your comment to all the people throughout the whole earth who are just hoping God will spread these GREAT awakening AND change into every continent, every country !! 💒🕊️🌍💒
We're ALL waiting for the powerful positive and peaceful 🕊️ KICK OFF and ACCELERATION America is going to broadcast very soon !!
May God listen to our prayers whatever the way you're worshipping Him !
Beautifully stated, Feather!! Thank you for expressing the thoughts of the majority of these readers! You have such a gift - and you are such a gift to us!!🙏❤️🕊️
Just start calling me Pepe Tzu because I am pretty much done trying to refute the current narrative. It had to be this way. It apparently (STILL) is going to have to be this way. I enjoy the thought of some of Trump’s cabinet picks setting up shop only to be dreadfully exposed on TELEVISION by Trump deranged ”talking heads” who can’t wait to make a fool of him. He is no fool. Patience is required Pepes.
Keep in mind that the vast majority of normie Americans still think Oprah is something akin to the Black Female Jesus (Octavia Spencer in The Shack) so we still have a ways to go…
Regarding Israel.... make your own damned weapons. Am I the only one who thinks this is beyond weird? "Americans withholding our weapons." If you're so desperate to break your covenant with God, do it without our help.
And there it is - by rejecting the Messiah God sent because they demanded the Messiah they wanted...they broke covenant...period! What they refer to now as "messiah" cannot be found in the Law or Prophets.
"...audiences now boycott news agencies that don’t affirm their beliefs..." Not only news agencies, but also friends and relatives and businesses and tv shows and plays and movies and sports teams and... It's insidious. And childish: it sanctions temper tantrums. So much for the mature adults who were supposed to swoop into the fray and preside over our government and institutions since The Big Steal.
These are people who are what they believe. The possibility of accepting their beliefs may be wrong (in part or in full) is equivalent to an attack on their whole being. They cannot accept that, so they choose to live their lives in an echo chamber.
Unfortunately for them, their echo chambers are getting smaller and smaller as more and more people do wake up. Soon they will be alone -- what will they do then?
I wish I could pass on my ‘curious as a cat’ personality to them! It seems that is what is missing. No curiosity as to the why of anything. Blessings, Wild Bill.
There's an old twist on an even older saying that goes "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think."
These people are like that -- they long ago outsourced their ability to think to their peer group. All they care about anymore is being part of that group, where they feel secure in their privilege of not having to face any challenge to their beliefs.
No independent thought, much less curiosity.
Blessings to you as well ALtab and I hope you had a wonderful holiday 🙏✝🕊🕊
—Moves and countermoves. Pretty much describes the Middle East. Ditto Ukraine and nuclear weapons. Likely NK, too. Hmmm..save Israel for last; that’s a statement that’s growing daily.🧐
—Also interesting thought, Fearless Tiger: ‘Trump may not even NEED tariffs to see their net effects realized.’ Very interesting.
—No matter that in the liberal world the continuous ‘pot calling the kettle black’ is absolutely hilarious; it still demonstrates what Ashe notes, ‘That means it is the government that has been propagandizing the populace, and they’ve been doing it to fabricate consent — for criminal and unconstitutional imperialism and for generations.’ Exactly! And I might add, just as the Nazis we brought to the US post WWII planned.
—Game theory is not for the faint of heart.
….All those not understanding the money laundering scheme hidden in most entities created to protect humanity, will soon clearly understand.
….Nuclear scare likely next based upon the narrative buildup.
—Ghost, great thought, ‘What did Elon say? The most entertaining outcome is the most likely? ‘
—The FBI’s security clearance process is a farce. Think who had them and many retained them post employment, Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Rice, Abedin, Jarrett, etc., all who have openly committed treason and various crimes against humanity.
—The Marxists’ backpedaling is entertaining. Clearly shows no solid foundation, just blowing in the wind.
—What a treasure you all are to your readers and to our country. God bless each of you.🙏🇺🇸
“Trump Team Officially Signs Transition Agreement with Biden White House to Formalize Transition — Will Be Privately Funded and Will Not Use Government Technology or Buildings”
“…allows Trump’s transition team to sidestep traditional government processes, which have been weaponized by entrenched bureaucrats in the past.”
Another “unprecedented “ move by our stable genius Trump ❤️🇺🇸
It's been garbage in garbage out for the past 4 years... and like a computer, a massive viral threat detection and purge needs to take place. AI will be used, in part, to make that happen hence the push for Elon's new data center. I voted for Perot.
Deep state tried to cancel RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, JD Vance and Elon Musk. Trump did an end run around the DS by bringing them all onboard the Trump Train. The DS is still trying to cancel them by threatening their confirmations. Does the senate plan on denying ALL of his picks? Would that then be grounds for Trump to recess Congress and appoint them unilaterally?
Too bad there is no such thing as a 'vote of no confidence' as most parliamentary systems have, here in the USA. As they also have the power to prorogue (recess) parliament directly.
Not saying it's a better system overall, but the one we have right now in the USA is a far cry from what the Founders actually intended.
I’d love to know how we can get back our power over the senate since elections don’t seem to faze them. Even when you think you’re voting for someone who will listen to constituents, they change their tune the minute they get to DC. With rare exceptions…
They do this since, with few exceptions, they can.
The Founders intended for the Senate to represent the state governments, not the People (who are represented in the House). The 17th Amendment (1913) changed the Senate to be directly elected by the people. A lot of strange things happened around 1913.
In my opinion, we'd be better off without the Senate as it presently is constituted.
NY Times can't help themselves but to say that Marine Le Pen's NR Party is 'far right.' Were it not for last-minute election shenanigans, NR would be in government today.
I agree with your proposal to set up a vote of confidence (or vote of no confidence!) mechanism.
Our parliament benefits from this tool, but it's not a panacea either, and it can lead to constitutional deadlocks that are difficult to overcome, or to political results that are completely the opposite of what was hoped for!
When it will be possible and after your Constitution would have been brought back and enforced, maybe a new Amendment could be added to it but ONLY if it actually IMPROVE the whole Constitution and your institutions !
🕊️🕊️ May God enlight and bless your lawmakers and constitutionalists when this time comes ... 🕊️🕊️
Thank you Trumpist and it is good to hear from you again! We missed you for several months, I figured you must be dealing with personal and/or health issues. I hope that those have resolved for you and you're doing better.
Respecting forms of government, time has proven that there is no perfect system, only that some are better than others. A wise man once said that the ideal form of governance is a benevolent dictatorship, but there are many wanna-be dictators and precious little benevolence. So we make do with, what we have to make do with. In all countries it does seem that (as with a dictatorship) the quality of government we get depends greatly on the quality of the leaders, and good leaders are hard to find.
I never stopped reading most of BB and Badlands writers’ articles but I have been very slowed down for many months and wasn't able to react, comment nor sharing anything any more.
My cognitive skills have diminished and I have to adapt myself to many changes and difficulties…
But I do better than several of my family members who are fighting for their lifes.
Thank you so much for your care and empathy I do appreciate! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Regarding our political systems, I want to add that their qualities deeply depends on the quality of the education their own people are provided with.
Many western / developed countries are seeing their education system have failed them for a long time (woke-ism is primarily their very last consequence throughout the world!) and they will need to deeply reform them as soon as possible in order to restore their efficiency.
It will be a long and hard work, which will need strong leaders, and much more good willing people!!
May God bless all these peoples and guide them for the best choices to be made !
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Badlanders!!! Let’s be thankful for everything before and yet to come!!! God Bless you all---family, friends, and everyone in between!!!
Whether you are based or a normie There has always been a long standing strategy that I guess Scott Ritter has never heard. It’s called keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Israhell never quits. They bombed a bridge after the cease fire went into effect. Bibi is not going to abide by any peace negotiations for long. He needs to be removed. If Trump plays footsie with this murdering psychopath, I'm out.
To everything there is a season, and right now Bibi serves a purpose. I'm not quite sure exactly what it is, but it likely has to do with Exposure of some sort.
Bibi does not want peace. He wants to be known as the man who brought about Greater Israel. If you want peace (Trump does), Bibi must go. It will happen, likely sooner rather than later. IMO.
The wins just keep coming. Ashe I liked Ross Perot too.. DS stopped him I heard. Interesting to know you were influenced way back then. The Green New DEAL has to go soon to save our wildlife. GBPH I'm really liking your reveals on Israel because I just didn't want to figure out the evil, but I'm learning the players now. That truth may just cause some heads to explode!
Much will be coming out: Exposure, Disclosure, Justice.
Disclosure (beginning now) will definitely cause some heads to explode. I'd like to be on the set of 'Morning Joe' the day Joe and Mika's heads explode.
Some are actually beyond this hope, unfortunately. But for those who are redeemable, which I think is most of those still asleep, the disclosure will help them awaken. Especially the stuff about the kids. Very few people can remain indifferent once they learn what has been happening to the children.
The day before my favorite holiday - so I guess I need to get all of my snarkiness out...but before I do...
Thank you BNB Team - such a blessing to have you sharing your expertise and insights!!
GBPH: "something tells me that this fragile peace will not last." Something like recent history I posit!
Also: "'When you are based, act like a normie. When you are normie, pretend to be based.' — Pepe Tzu, as translated by GhostofBasedPatrickHenry" LOL!
AiA: "The green new deal is a money laundering operation, and this became apparent back during the Obama administration with Solyndra."
OR all the way back to Gore's push for new light bulbs and claims of climate-agedon with his sickening lie of "man-bear-pig"! (H/T Southpark). The only good that might be drawn from this fraud is the average citizen recognizing that what is declared as science can never be remotely associated with consensus - no matter how many "true scientists" line-up behind a theory!
Or, better said by Ashe "Windmills are beaching whales. Plastic bags replaced paper bags to save trees but then became the nation’s number one pollutant. Hydroelectric power destroys river ecosystems by adjusting river flows based on human demand...Environmentalists’ solutions always end in worse environmental outcomes, but not before taxpayers have shelled out hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s never about the environment. It’s about money, power, and control."
The true scientists are the ones who buck consensus. 'Everyone' thought the world was flat and the center of the universe until Copernicus and Kepler showed another way, and Galileo's telescope showed four moons orbiting Jupiter.
About the time 'everyone agrees' on anything it is time to start watching for new ideas. Now is one of those times.
Gestalt FBI. Shake the rhino cages for cabinet members reviewing Biden’s picks anything ought to be possible.
Best news is the news is losing. I get it that most everybody is listening to an echo chamber,… “my sides better” now to be gracious winners and break them every way Constitutionally as possible.
Not everyone is in an echo chamber… Trump won with young voters and people that have not voted
Our narrative, Trumps team is winning 🏅 they will find themselves talking to themselves. Trump Train on to Thanksgiving 🦃🏡🐈⬛
It's good to see such a project on its way to become a marker of History at the time we're all awaiting for the Inauguration Day !
President Donald J. Trump will soon be back in Butler in the form of "the Patriot Statue of Donald J. Trump, [which had to] be Trumpian. It had to be larger than life and over the top,”
Details and pictures on the source page 🕊️🇺🇲🕊️
Exclusive : A two-story Trump statue drawing on his iconic defiance post-assassination attempt is under construction
God Bless your parents, Ashe, for raising an independent thinker and seeker of truth in journalism 🙏❤️
God Bless GhostofBasedPatrickHenry for venturing forth with conviction and courage on the road less traveled…which has given us non-mainstream thinkers some darn good company 🙏❤️
God Bless BurningBright for your 40,000 ft view, sharing your rooted footing, helping us keep our balance through the chaos 🙏❤️
God Bless all commenters here who take the time to share their thoughts and insights and contribute to that consciousness frequency ever faithful to the American principles of Freedom and Liberty…”that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” (Lincoln) 🙏❤️🕊🕊
Hello Featherjourney!
I enjoy your marvelous comment I 💯/💯 agree with !
You wrote what probably most of US in this community is thinking and feeling in their deepest guts.
I just want to add (and this apply to another great comment from Altab I just have read !!) that you can enlarge your comment to all the people throughout the whole earth who are just hoping God will spread these GREAT awakening AND change into every continent, every country !! 💒🕊️🌍💒
We're ALL waiting for the powerful positive and peaceful 🕊️ KICK OFF and ACCELERATION America is going to broadcast very soon !!
May God listen to our prayers whatever the way you're worshipping Him !
Thank you for you added blessings to the World and all of our brothers and sisters on the beautiful earth!! I love it 🙏❤️🕊🕊
Well said FJ - I must confess, I heard the voice of Tiny Tim as I read your comments: "And God Bless us Everyone!" 'Tis the season!
Happy Thanksgiving, HGV…kicking off the season of giving, remembering the gifts of tolerance, compassion, kindness…patience 💖
Beautifully stated, Feather!! Thank you for expressing the thoughts of the majority of these readers! You have such a gift - and you are such a gift to us!!🙏❤️🕊️
Spirit Hug 🙏❤️🕊🕊
Just start calling me Pepe Tzu because I am pretty much done trying to refute the current narrative. It had to be this way. It apparently (STILL) is going to have to be this way. I enjoy the thought of some of Trump’s cabinet picks setting up shop only to be dreadfully exposed on TELEVISION by Trump deranged ”talking heads” who can’t wait to make a fool of him. He is no fool. Patience is required Pepes.
Keep in mind that the vast majority of normie Americans still think Oprah is something akin to the Black Female Jesus (Octavia Spencer in The Shack) so we still have a ways to go…
Maybe their minds will change when the Epstein and Diddy files are released 😎
Regarding Israel.... make your own damned weapons. Am I the only one who thinks this is beyond weird? "Americans withholding our weapons." If you're so desperate to break your covenant with God, do it without our help.
And there it is - by rejecting the Messiah God sent because they demanded the Messiah they wanted...they broke covenant...period! What they refer to now as "messiah" cannot be found in the Law or Prophets.
"...audiences now boycott news agencies that don’t affirm their beliefs..." Not only news agencies, but also friends and relatives and businesses and tv shows and plays and movies and sports teams and... It's insidious. And childish: it sanctions temper tantrums. So much for the mature adults who were supposed to swoop into the fray and preside over our government and institutions since The Big Steal.
These are people who are what they believe. The possibility of accepting their beliefs may be wrong (in part or in full) is equivalent to an attack on their whole being. They cannot accept that, so they choose to live their lives in an echo chamber.
Unfortunately for them, their echo chambers are getting smaller and smaller as more and more people do wake up. Soon they will be alone -- what will they do then?
Blame the Russians, anyone but themselves.
🤣😂 Good one!
Regarding the Russians, President Trump chose a very loyal wingman beside him.
I just don't know what to think about the fact he has served former VP Pence in the 1st Trump's administration...
"Trump nominates retired Lt. Gen. Kellogg as special envoy for Ukraine, Russia"
No better way to keep tabs on the enemy within. :)
I wish I could pass on my ‘curious as a cat’ personality to them! It seems that is what is missing. No curiosity as to the why of anything. Blessings, Wild Bill.
There's an old twist on an even older saying that goes "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think."
These people are like that -- they long ago outsourced their ability to think to their peer group. All they care about anymore is being part of that group, where they feel secure in their privilege of not having to face any challenge to their beliefs.
No independent thought, much less curiosity.
Blessings to you as well ALtab and I hope you had a wonderful holiday 🙏✝🕊🕊
"kindergarten politics"
—Moves and countermoves. Pretty much describes the Middle East. Ditto Ukraine and nuclear weapons. Likely NK, too. Hmmm..save Israel for last; that’s a statement that’s growing daily.🧐
—Also interesting thought, Fearless Tiger: ‘Trump may not even NEED tariffs to see their net effects realized.’ Very interesting.
—No matter that in the liberal world the continuous ‘pot calling the kettle black’ is absolutely hilarious; it still demonstrates what Ashe notes, ‘That means it is the government that has been propagandizing the populace, and they’ve been doing it to fabricate consent — for criminal and unconstitutional imperialism and for generations.’ Exactly! And I might add, just as the Nazis we brought to the US post WWII planned.
—Game theory is not for the faint of heart.
….All those not understanding the money laundering scheme hidden in most entities created to protect humanity, will soon clearly understand.
….Nuclear scare likely next based upon the narrative buildup.
—Ghost, great thought, ‘What did Elon say? The most entertaining outcome is the most likely? ‘
—The FBI’s security clearance process is a farce. Think who had them and many retained them post employment, Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Rice, Abedin, Jarrett, etc., all who have openly committed treason and various crimes against humanity.
—The Marxists’ backpedaling is entertaining. Clearly shows no solid foundation, just blowing in the wind.
—What a treasure you all are to your readers and to our country. God bless each of you.🙏🇺🇸
And God Bless you, ALtab🙏❤️
“Trump Team Officially Signs Transition Agreement with Biden White House to Formalize Transition — Will Be Privately Funded and Will Not Use Government Technology or Buildings”
“…allows Trump’s transition team to sidestep traditional government processes, which have been weaponized by entrenched bureaucrats in the past.”
Another “unprecedented “ move by our stable genius Trump ❤️🇺🇸
Hi Altab ! 🇫🇷❤️🩹🇺🇲
Thank you so much for this powerful comment toward our Badlands Team.
Please enjoy:
Thank you! Thrilled to have you commenting once again!!👏🙏
It's been garbage in garbage out for the past 4 years... and like a computer, a massive viral threat detection and purge needs to take place. AI will be used, in part, to make that happen hence the push for Elon's new data center. I voted for Perot.
I too voted for Ross and his white boards!
Deep state tried to cancel RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, JD Vance and Elon Musk. Trump did an end run around the DS by bringing them all onboard the Trump Train. The DS is still trying to cancel them by threatening their confirmations. Does the senate plan on denying ALL of his picks? Would that then be grounds for Trump to recess Congress and appoint them unilaterally?
Too bad there is no such thing as a 'vote of no confidence' as most parliamentary systems have, here in the USA. As they also have the power to prorogue (recess) parliament directly.
Not saying it's a better system overall, but the one we have right now in the USA is a far cry from what the Founders actually intended.
I’d love to know how we can get back our power over the senate since elections don’t seem to faze them. Even when you think you’re voting for someone who will listen to constituents, they change their tune the minute they get to DC. With rare exceptions…
They do this since, with few exceptions, they can.
The Founders intended for the Senate to represent the state governments, not the People (who are represented in the House). The 17th Amendment (1913) changed the Senate to be directly elected by the people. A lot of strange things happened around 1913.
In my opinion, we'd be better off without the Senate as it presently is constituted.
Interesting post from Rush Limbaugh:
The RINOs would do this too. Uniparty. They don't like answering to you.
Excellent read! Thanks for the link ❤️🇺🇸🕊🕊
Exposing their true purposes, true masters and their dirty deeds. That’s how we change the Senate, Congress, etc.
🇫🇷 Update 🇫🇷
Our latest case of NO confident vote to occur in the next days:
NY Times can't help themselves but to say that Marine Le Pen's NR Party is 'far right.' Were it not for last-minute election shenanigans, NR would be in government today.
It will come.
Hello Wild Bill ! 🇫🇷💕🌍💕🇺🇲
I agree with your proposal to set up a vote of confidence (or vote of no confidence!) mechanism.
Our parliament benefits from this tool, but it's not a panacea either, and it can lead to constitutional deadlocks that are difficult to overcome, or to political results that are completely the opposite of what was hoped for!
When it will be possible and after your Constitution would have been brought back and enforced, maybe a new Amendment could be added to it but ONLY if it actually IMPROVE the whole Constitution and your institutions !
🕊️🕊️ May God enlight and bless your lawmakers and constitutionalists when this time comes ... 🕊️🕊️
Thank you Trumpist and it is good to hear from you again! We missed you for several months, I figured you must be dealing with personal and/or health issues. I hope that those have resolved for you and you're doing better.
Respecting forms of government, time has proven that there is no perfect system, only that some are better than others. A wise man once said that the ideal form of governance is a benevolent dictatorship, but there are many wanna-be dictators and precious little benevolence. So we make do with, what we have to make do with. In all countries it does seem that (as with a dictatorship) the quality of government we get depends greatly on the quality of the leaders, and good leaders are hard to find.
Hi Wild Bill ! 🇫🇷❤️🩹🇺🇲
I never stopped reading most of BB and Badlands writers’ articles but I have been very slowed down for many months and wasn't able to react, comment nor sharing anything any more.
My cognitive skills have diminished and I have to adapt myself to many changes and difficulties…
But I do better than several of my family members who are fighting for their lifes.
Thank you so much for your care and empathy I do appreciate! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Regarding our political systems, I want to add that their qualities deeply depends on the quality of the education their own people are provided with.
Many western / developed countries are seeing their education system have failed them for a long time (woke-ism is primarily their very last consequence throughout the world!) and they will need to deeply reform them as soon as possible in order to restore their efficiency.
It will be a long and hard work, which will need strong leaders, and much more good willing people!!
May God bless all these peoples and guide them for the best choices to be made !
Agreed Trumpist, and I will keep you and your family in my prayers... 🙏✝🕊🕊
I sincerely thank you for your kind words 🔥 and prayers I deeply appreciate in these harsh times ! 🙏✝🕊🕊
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Badlanders!!! Let’s be thankful for everything before and yet to come!!! God Bless you all---family, friends, and everyone in between!!!
Same to you, Aliwister!
Pepe Tsu! Awwww ... adorable! I LOVE Pepe Tsu.
Whether you are based or a normie There has always been a long standing strategy that I guess Scott Ritter has never heard. It’s called keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Israhell never quits. They bombed a bridge after the cease fire went into effect. Bibi is not going to abide by any peace negotiations for long. He needs to be removed. If Trump plays footsie with this murdering psychopath, I'm out.
My trust is hard won.
To everything there is a season, and right now Bibi serves a purpose. I'm not quite sure exactly what it is, but it likely has to do with Exposure of some sort.
Bibi does not want peace. He wants to be known as the man who brought about Greater Israel. If you want peace (Trump does), Bibi must go. It will happen, likely sooner rather than later. IMO.
The wins just keep coming. Ashe I liked Ross Perot too.. DS stopped him I heard. Interesting to know you were influenced way back then. The Green New DEAL has to go soon to save our wildlife. GBPH I'm really liking your reveals on Israel because I just didn't want to figure out the evil, but I'm learning the players now. That truth may just cause some heads to explode!
Many things are not as they appear.
Much will be coming out: Exposure, Disclosure, Justice.
Disclosure (beginning now) will definitely cause some heads to explode. I'd like to be on the set of 'Morning Joe' the day Joe and Mika's heads explode.
Or, maybe not.
We NEED disclosure as that's the only hope for some.
Some are actually beyond this hope, unfortunately. But for those who are redeemable, which I think is most of those still asleep, the disclosure will help them awaken. Especially the stuff about the kids. Very few people can remain indifferent once they learn what has been happening to the children.
The day before my favorite holiday - so I guess I need to get all of my snarkiness out...but before I do...
Thank you BNB Team - such a blessing to have you sharing your expertise and insights!!
GBPH: "something tells me that this fragile peace will not last." Something like recent history I posit!
Also: "'When you are based, act like a normie. When you are normie, pretend to be based.' — Pepe Tzu, as translated by GhostofBasedPatrickHenry" LOL!
AiA: "The green new deal is a money laundering operation, and this became apparent back during the Obama administration with Solyndra."
OR all the way back to Gore's push for new light bulbs and claims of climate-agedon with his sickening lie of "man-bear-pig"! (H/T Southpark). The only good that might be drawn from this fraud is the average citizen recognizing that what is declared as science can never be remotely associated with consensus - no matter how many "true scientists" line-up behind a theory!
Or, better said by Ashe "Windmills are beaching whales. Plastic bags replaced paper bags to save trees but then became the nation’s number one pollutant. Hydroelectric power destroys river ecosystems by adjusting river flows based on human demand...Environmentalists’ solutions always end in worse environmental outcomes, but not before taxpayers have shelled out hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s never about the environment. It’s about money, power, and control."
The true scientists are the ones who buck consensus. 'Everyone' thought the world was flat and the center of the universe until Copernicus and Kepler showed another way, and Galileo's telescope showed four moons orbiting Jupiter.
About the time 'everyone agrees' on anything it is time to start watching for new ideas. Now is one of those times.
Well said and a hearty Amen from me - having two PhD's for sons keeps me honest on that point!
Gestalt FBI. Shake the rhino cages for cabinet members reviewing Biden’s picks anything ought to be possible.
Best news is the news is losing. I get it that most everybody is listening to an echo chamber,… “my sides better” now to be gracious winners and break them every way Constitutionally as possible.
Not everyone is in an echo chamber… Trump won with young voters and people that have not voted
Our narrative, Trumps team is winning 🏅 they will find themselves talking to themselves. Trump Train on to Thanksgiving 🦃🏡🐈⬛
Imagine that another scam for laundering monies
Green mean’s dollars 💵.
Everything comes out in the wash…
It's good to see such a project on its way to become a marker of History at the time we're all awaiting for the Inauguration Day !
President Donald J. Trump will soon be back in Butler in the form of "the Patriot Statue of Donald J. Trump, [which had to] be Trumpian. It had to be larger than life and over the top,”
Details and pictures on the source page 🕊️🇺🇲🕊️
Exclusive : A two-story Trump statue drawing on his iconic defiance post-assassination attempt is under construction
f walmart