“Fortunately, there are still good men in Europe—Viktor Orban, Nigel Farage, Robert Fico, among others—who are fighting back against these sociopaths.

The War of Sovereignty must be won. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Btw, Ghost, I took some time to read up a bit on Amos Hochstein. As far as I can gather, he is the only misfit in the entire Biden criminal Administration. I hope he can hold the line til Trump is back.

BB: “When we talk about the process of awakening, overall, we're not just talking about waking people up to the truth of the Deep State criminal cabal, or the enemies of the MAGA movement. We're talking about exposing the core tenets of centralization, collectivism and globalism itself, and all the dark pillars that hold it together, which may find its roots in the Prussian empire that's largely been memory holed over the course of the last century.”

Well said! I would add something from Tucker’s wonderful speech last night: “There’s a lot of hate out there…but there is also a lot of Love”

We are tired of having to endure the Left’s hatred! Hopefully there are hundreds of thousands on the Left who are tired of it too. There is force in hate…but there is true power in Love ❤️🇺🇸🕊🌎

Ghost: “Peace was always an option, and the carrot that will deliver it to the world is the promise of prosperity—not just for the American People, but for all mankind.”

Beautiful! 🙏❤️

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Thanks Feather - saved me having to add comments today.

I did see this from the Defending the Republic newsletter: https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-triumph-of-red-states/

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Good article, HGV! Thank You ❤️

Very concerning about our educational system. The Liberal Left “Progressive” invasion of our schools is achieving their goal of dumbing down America. I mean, we rank 29th in Math!

Eric Trump mentioned our ranking overall in education but I didn’t catch it! Anyone hear what that was?

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I heard him say 30th a couple of times.

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Thank You!! I thought he said 30 but then I thought I must be mistaken! When you search around on google and duckduckgo, the ranking is inconsistent from cite to cite.

30th is truly shocking.

Appreciate it 🙏❤️

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Great truth in this! "There is force in hate…but there is true power in Love"

That's the Power of Love... (just to inject a pop reference ear worm). 😊

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Well stated!!❤️🙏🕊️

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GBPH the video clip of Sergei Lavrov was not only hilarious but also true... there are way to many pussies in the Party of False decorum that will not speak Truth. We the People are the news now so we on the other hand must loudly and proudly continuously share the Truth.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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The Left always buys loyalty by playing a financial shell game. Loan forgiveness is just putting the financial burden on ALL taxpayers rather than only on those who incurred the debt. Governments have no money. The only money they spend is stolen from us via taxes. The 16th Amendment must be repealed, the Federal Reserve Act abolished, and the IRS shut down. Anything short of this maintains a slightly smaller version of the theft of money from American citizens.

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The 16th amendment was never passed in the first place. A man named Bill Benson got the original documents from all the 1913 state legislatures and found that these two amendments had passed with different wordings, and thus did not pass at all. So now he is in jail because his discovery threatens the ungodly corrupt US gubbermint.

If you don't like paying income tax, then get hold of the actual IRS code used by the IRS and study it carefully. Peymon Mottayeh and his Freedom Law School can help you. Even WITH the 16th amendment, very few Americans actually owe this tax. But you better know what you are doing if you do not volunteer to pay, because the gubbermint cheats.

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Bill Benson died in 2021 at the age of 94.

None of the states properly ratified the 16th Amendment. Nevertheless, Secretary of State Philander Knox (yes, his actual name) declared it ratified anyway.


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Anyone who wants to fully fund my lawsuit against the IRS and the Secretary of the Interior is more than welcome to message me. At my age and in my financial circumstances I don’t have the ability to stare them down in court. I tried fighting them about ten years ago and almost went to prison. They confiscated money from my bank accounts and warned me about trying that again. This is why we must have someone in the government who will remove all the pillars of their system in order to us to be able to start fresh. THEN it will be our absolute duty to stop ANYONE who proposes anything remit resembling the tax system ever again. It should be a criminal act to do so.

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As far as higher education (actually all our current education system) goes it is totally broken and needs to be completely dismantled and redone. Not sure government should be involved at all, but that is a separate conversation. All debt should be forgiven and the Universities should eat the cost, they have been Commie brain wash centers. I would not go nor would I pay for my child to attend a university.

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What a great ending to the convention - Hulk Hogan was great, and so funny! I was also very impressed with Dana White, as sports is not part of my world at all. I can see why President Trump asked him to speak, and bless his wife for telling him, "you've got to go!". Franklin Graham was fantastic - speaking the gospel and praying in the name of Jesus Christ, the King of kings! That thrilled my soul. I LOVED IT when Trump said Franklin texted him and gently urged him to cut out the profanity, and Trump said he is trying! Praise God! I realize vulgar speech is far from our biggest problem, but it would be nice to also make the English language great again as part of restoring our culture. Pretty cool that the border statistics graph that God used to save the president's life was right there bigger than Dallas! The speech was a little long, but what a man! Amazing energy and love for this nation and the people.

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As Paul put it - "I am not ashamed of the good news for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes". The choice remains ours...and as always, choices produce results.

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Well stated, Margot! You summarized it perfectly!!🙏🇺🇸

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Thank you. Very exciting times as we witness what God will do!

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It IS a great time to be alive.🙏

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Max Boot, not just a name...what they get

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Ghost when you have a chance please run down what Trump said about Bukele. Thanks!

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Great question. I actually think the development is mutually beneficial for both men, in the long run.

Trump is right to point out that Bukele cleaned up El Salvador by "exporting" MS-13 gang members to the United States. What is interesting is that MS-13 was created as a CIA proxy militia to destabilize society in that corner of the world, in order to prevent "law and order" from shutting down the drug and human trafficking networks. It was part of the Operation Gladio/Condor network.

So Bukele was really just sending us the trash that we dumped/created in his country. Those criminals are the mercenaries of our federal government-- just like ISIS. It is something that I would like to see fully discussed and disclosed to the public, and the fact that Bukele responded with "Taking the high road" was even more encouraging.

Trump is not afraid to disparage the "characters" in the Sovereign Alliance, such as Kim Jong Un. I see it all as part of the pageantry, like Hulk Hogan and the kabuki theater of professional wrestling-- of which Donald Trump happens to be a Hall-of-Fame inductee whose story-lines received the highest-ratings in the history of the sport. (The latter of which being disclosed yesterday by WWE President Linda McMahon during her speech at the RNC Convention.)


TLDR: It's a narrative deployment that I think will bear fruit in the future.

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Thank you so much for this. I’ve been so intrigued by these foreign leaders and diplomats and Bukele especially. When I’ve heard him talk I just heard that he had jailed them all. So I wondered was Trump calling him out as a phony. Trumps comment last night was one of the most interesting things he said I thought. But of course CIA. So it makes sense B would say taking high road here. When you said last night needs fleshing out I jumped on that offer!

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Yes, Ghost, please. I thought Bukele jailed his gangsters in house. First I have heard they were sent here.

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I imagine he’s preparing for when Tom Homan sends em all back!

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That was the first I had heard of it too! I’d heard him interviewed and he talked about all the jails.

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So if the put was a clerical error, was it canceled? Does it show it was canceled? That's a pretty big error.

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I read that they "removed" it - which is very interesting language. It has been awhile since I traded options; all I can guess was that it was entered after market close on Friday and pulled before anyone took the other side of the trade - which no one would have taken since the price rose. It would be interesting to learn if all the records of the trade have been "removed" or if the screenshot mentioned was only indicating that they pulled the contract. I know when I place a trade I am not given a mulligan if I regret my decision a few days later...

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Right! That is what I was thinking. If you do a put then you are at the mercy of your stupidity and can't say "oops it was a clerical error, I want it back"!

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A little more detail:

A put is a strategy traders or investors may use to generate income or buy stocks at a reduced price. When writing a put, the writer agrees to buy the underlying stock at the strike price if the contract is exercised. Writing, in this case, means selling a put contract in order to open a position. And in exchange for opening a position by selling a put, the writer receives a premium or fee, however, they are liable to the put buyer to purchase shares at the strike price if the underlying stock falls below that price, up until the options contract expires.

So again, canceling the trade may have been allowed simply because no one would have taken the other side (bought the put). My honest take is that the firm freaked out because of the assassination attempt knowing the trade would be red flagged (which it apparently was).

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About the RNC Last Night:

In general, I hate political-speech and I do my best to avoid them. I did watch parts of the JD Vance speech Wednesday. He was intriguing to listen to. The lamestream and Elites do not know how to spin and cancel him. But for Trump, that's another thing.

I did not watch closely last night and went to bed before Trump started. What I did watch was from CBS, Fox and Breitbart (I was at my computer and it was on). Our TV was on CBS and my wife was watching Big Brother, which CBS was using to distract from the convention.

When the broadcast started, I noticed about the talking heads:

- Nora O'Donnel and her hair. She has remained pretty middle of the road with very few hitched of disgust. But you can see a nice Hawk Tauh waiting for the cameras to pan.

- Tony Ducoupil - has done an admirable job pretending to be one of the crown.

- Ed O'Keefe - wans to keep his Washington reporter position so was pretty even keel

now the haters

- John Dickerson - has not been able to shake his faux remorse face put on to report about the assassination last weekend. May need an acting coach to work on it and get his fangs back

- Major Garrett - Went full on attack against the repubs and Evil Trump. talked about their attempts at inclusivity, except ANYONE who believes January 6th was an insurrection - the new RNC will not allow them in!!!!

Margaret Brennan - Full on attack dog mode

Now, I will never expect that CBS or any lamestream news channel will do an honest reporting job. I just like to think that they will not editorialize during a national broadcast. This is for the pundits. So much for hope.

For fox, it was a love fest and Breitbart was just a feed.

Now please pay attention to the websites, as I checked all the major's this morning:

MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN - Below the fold. You literally have to scroll to see any headlines. And 2 of them were the same basic AP article about 4 items they wanted fact checked. Otherwise, little to nothing. about the Trump speech. More was written about the calls for Biden to drop out.

Fox was a love fest.

We know they have no credibility. But to see it happening makes me sick.

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I don't watch any MSM. We the People are the news now, that is who I watch. Life has gotten noticeably better 😀

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Somebody has to check on the enemy of the people news. Thanks! Blue

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I never watch MSM news and don’t recognize most of the names you posted but I appreciate hearing reports on them by those who have the stomach for it…So Thank You for your report!!

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For those who say NO to Lamestream news: I commend you on your choices. For one, I do not consume it on a regular basis, nor expect ANYTHING I see there to be anything but propaganda. At my house, TV is on. I look at it like second hand smoke that is trying to give up all cancer. My wife choses the channel, so it is usually CBS. For the Lamestream, I like to know 1) WHAT they are reporting, and 2) HOW they are spinning it. Not always obvious to begin with, and requires multiple websites to get a good idea which way the wind is blowing. from there, to check other sites where I expect a different POV. I generally start my news hunt with Badlands and Breitbart where I know the POV.

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During my lifetime I have watched many presidential elections. Most of the time the Republican candidate went through the election cycle losing in the polls. Never did I witness the party suggesting they substitute a candidate who had a better chance. They just hunkered down and tried to win.

So, how can the Democrat Party get away with making a substitute late in the game? To them it has nothing to do with anything but winning. There is no loyalty to the voters who decided on the candidate.

To me this is very telling about the quality of the party. They were all in for Biden until they were suddenly all out. That makes no sense to me.

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I bet it will make sense as all of this plays out…🙏🇺🇸

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I have no doubt the Demonrats will do this, if they want to. To them rules are meant to be broken, just not by you and me and Trump.

As for 'loyalty to the voters,' the voters have a choice. And many former Dems (as in, they were Dems a few weeks ago) are seeing the light. Which is that the Dem party was never on their side, never cared about them, and only wants one thing: POWER. At any cost.

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We watched the RNC last night on “NewsNation” channel. The hosts (Elizabeth Vargas, Chris Cuomo, and somebody else) were talking up Kamala big-time.

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….interesting. The White House just announced that it’s not true the family is discussing his exit…

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Narratives. The first step in moving the Overton Window is to talk about it, as if it's already moved. That's what we're seeing -- a tug of war over the Overton Window. Can they dump Ol' Joe? Should they?

Nothing for us to do but enjoy the show. 🍿🍻

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They all are desperately trying to figure what to do! We are definitely in the exposure stage! It will be a messy time but in the end it will be Glorious! Thank God for choosing us to learn the truth about the demons doing terrible things to children and robbing us of life, health, prosperity, peace and ultimately the Truth!

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"The War of Sovereignty must be won." Indeed

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It already has been. The only thing stopping us from knowing the truth, is that [they] are lying to us. Gaslighting.

'Pay no attention to that little man behind the curtain...'

They will hold on to whatever vestiges of power they can, but they are losing and losing bigly. Soon there won't be enough gas left to light, and the truth will become apparent.

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I'm optimistic, definitely, and imagine the day when, all at once, the nonsense and lawlessness of the last 9 years falls off entirely. Some actual prosecutions would be nice, too.

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There should be some prosecutions. Where there was clear evil intent, for the most part. And many more working for the fedgov should lose their jobs and be precluded from ever working on the public dole again. And many more, simply let go as no longer needed, as the fedgov downsizes.

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Lots of lawbreaking the last 9 years... I hope Trump is serious

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Love ya Ghost, you are brilliant

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‘…the shot heard around the world’ resulted in a completely unexpected conclusion from what was planned, as God intended. BB has noted this as the cabal’s minions desperately consider the next step, ‘Do they dare conjure the 100m fake ballots needed to beat him this time?’

Ghost and I agree completely as the EU is poised to stand up their European army. Hmm….wonder what they think is coming? I firmly believe that the Nazis (Prussians) just went underground to stand up their new power base, DC. ‘(To be honest, I'm not at all convinced that they actually lost it.)’ Now consider that the goal of the Prussians was a nation of their own from which to rule the world. Sounds like Israel is it, since the 16 year plan called for the utter destruction of the US. How’s that plan going, cabal masters?

System of systems is one of BB’s best word ‘capture’ of the cabal’s minions’ criminal network in the US….’We're talking about exposing the core tenets of centralization, collectivism and globalism itself, and all the dark pillars that hold it together, which may find its roots in the Prussian empire that's largely been memory holed over the course of the last century.’ Indeed. Think RICO.

Oh, yes, you’re right, Ghost: ‘Donald Trump was right—again— North Korea really could become a premiere tourist destination, with the right guidance.’ And, ‘…is the promise of prosperity—not just for the American People, but for all mankind.’

The debt forgiveness of student loans, Biden’s unconstitutional primary ploy for votes, is going nowhere fast.

So, if the Prussian Nazis rule from DC, it’s no surprise that the CIA, and their complicit partners have been continually creating chaos in the Middle East….elsewhere, too, but this region and Ukraine have been the center focus of starting WWIII to distract the population (and kill same population) from its crimes, while implementing the reset. Sergei Lavrov is one of the world’s top patriots to reveal the plots against mankind.

Did you ever wonder why Russia was the focus of the cabal’s propaganda since WWII? Now we know, don’t we?

God bless and protect these patriots from harm as the cabal’s minions desperately attempt to take back control. Not on our watch.🙏🇺🇸🙏🌎

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Thanks, ALtab, for one of your 5 ⭐️ comments!! (one out of countless). You’re in a different time zone but if you were EST, your comments would be “top” every time ❤️🙏🇺🇸 Have a great weekend, you wonderful well-educated, well-read 📚, sharp intellect Patriot!

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Now I am truly blushing!!

Thank you, Feather….you’re right there with me…. You have a blessed weekend, too, Spirit Sister! I pray we meet some day.🙏🕊️❤️

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If not in this life…surely in the next 💫❤️🙏🕊

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Absolutely!! I do travel to NJ a couple times each year to spend time with my daughter/family..


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…I’ve had a lovely daydream about it!!

The smiles and hugs and conversation over coffee and cinnamon scones…

Alas, while I won’t quit this daydream, the probability it will actually manifest into the outer world is not very high. Aside from being the worlds biggest homebody and a classic introvert, I am not much of a traveler….and the other current part of this equation is that my husband is still in a wheelchair (unknown prognosis for full recovery) which has significantly changed our lives.

I love you for thinking it!


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I will pray for your husband, too. Mine has cancer (thyroid) and on chemo for life…. Stable at this point, thank God🙏🙏. I’ve always loved choosing additional family members.🙏❤️. I love to travel, but love being home, too. I always take I-81 to l-78 East to NJ…🕊️

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Lavrov, Putin and Medvedev -- an interesting troika. Medvedev trolls the media in his bombastic way, and then Lavrov and Putin chime in with their measured, common-sense approach to international relations. Keeps Russia in the news.

And the only thing worse than bad news, is no news at all.

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The Holy Roman Empire, the Islamic Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire, the Napoleonic Empire, the Prussian Empire, the current Anglo-British Empire: they will all fail as they’re meant to, because they are the kingdoms of men - not the Kingdom of God. We’re in the final stages of bloodlust before the current one collapses in on itself. May the Lord grant us a few generations of global peace and justice to follow - which is are the only things that national governments should worry about.

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I meant to say Anglo-American Empire. 🫤

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I’m turning 57 in August, I’d like to have a nice long in coming vacation on the beaches of North Korea? some time before I die!?!---wow, that sounds like real bucket list material!---who’s gonna join me!?! Let’s fuckin go! God Bless!!!

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A Providential Anointing Perhaps? Does God Intervene in the Affairs of Humanity?

It is very thought provoking that many Biblically oriented people are looking at the time stamp (6:11pm EST) of the recent assassination attempt on President Trump as some sort of “sign” that points to various scriptures in the Holy Writ. This would include Ephesians 6:11, and Genesis 6:11:

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). KJV

“The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence” (Gen 6:11). KJV

Of course, when you look at the context of Ephesians 6, you will quickly discover there is specific detailed information revealed that the Apostle Paul wanted to communicate:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:12-18). KJV

Yet, there were also some other scriptures found in the Torah (Tanach or Old Testament) that might perhaps shed some additional light on what the Almighty was endeavoring to communicate to His enlightened children through Israel’s deliverer Moses, to the shocked world impacted by the globally witnessed attempt, to assassinate Donald J. Trump, the Republican Party nominee for the United States Presidential election November 5, 2024.

“And he (Moses) brought the other ram, the ram (lamb) of consecration: and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram. And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot” (Lev 8:22-23). KJV

In this chapter of Leviticus, Moses is instructed by the Holy One to anoint the high priest and his sons for the priesthood with blood from a sacrificed male lamb. Was it providential that when the President moved his head slightly to the right to view the elevated screen presenting the details about illegal immigration statistics, the assassin’s bullet clipped off the tip of his right ear? Immediately, the natural reflexive response was to grab the ear with the right hand which inevitably brought the gushing blood to his right thumb. Then in the chaos that ensued, Trump went into a crouched position with blood flowing profusely from his nicked ear to the podium deck. Within moments, a pool of blood formed, and for some reason, perhaps the impact of the Secret Service agents jumping upon him, his shoes inadvertently came off. Is it possible that the missing shoe was from his right foot, and is it also conceivable that while standing back up, he accidentally stepped in the blood splotches soaking a modicum of blood through his stocking feet to his right big toe? (All things are possible with God!)

Could God Almighty in his inimitable way, reveal to a live audience broadcast for the world to visibly eye witness, the palpable process of enabling the unique call on President Trump that was obvious years ago with the recognized “Cyrus” anointing (Isaiah 44:28-45:1), followed by the “Jehu” anointing (2 Kings 9:1-10:34), and now to top it off, the “Aaron” anointing (Leviticus 8:23)?

Providentially as recorded down through the ages, the Creator God often deliberately restricts Himself by employing human agency to accomplish His will for the created order. Is it possible in God’s mercy and response to the petitions and prayers of the saints for restoration of order and a unifying healing of America that this further anointing was assisted by an assassin’s bullet? Supernatural interventions (miracles) do occasionally occur. From simple observation, it appears that the mortal tasks assigned to Trump, to take down the wicked forces that have surreptitiously taken over so much of the world systems for their nefarious leader, the god of this world, the prince of the power of air, the accuser of the brethren, Lucifer, Satan, the evil one, requires divine empowerment that is derived only from the Author of His plan for humanity.

Who knows? Sometimes we all must have the eyes to see and the ears to hear what the Holy One of Israel is doing in the here and now. Cyrus did not know what he was going to do regarding Israel until he was led to do it. Jehu had no idea he was going to be anointed king by one of Elisha’s assistant prophets to eliminate the reigning kings of Judah and Israel and preside over the demise of Queen Jezebel. And most certainly, Aaron and his sons did not know or comprehend the protocol for anointing the high priest and priesthood until the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob gave the instructions to his brother Moses…

Let’s keep praying for God’s will to be done, and that He would have mercy on His people and the nations where they reside. God’s Word is immutable…

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I am intrigued by your thought process and the search through scripture putting this together. Inspiring. Thank you!

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