I just read this news brief which I liked a lot. GBPH talked about talks of nuclear war escalating - talks that is. I’m very happy that GBPH differentiated between the escalation of talks from escalation of actual war. Thank you Ghost of Based Patrick Henry.

Being here in Taiwan I’m noticing hardly anyone talks about China attacking Taiwan any more. That’s a nice change. I have said over and over that it’s not going to happen, and it hasn’t. I think the same way about the possibility of nuclear war. It’s not going to happen. Fear-mongering by the right is just as bad as fear-mongering from the left.

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I would love to see the money spent on more equipment for the students (sports facilities included). My district schools are falling apart and what do we have? State of the art DEI departments and more administrators. Please no more administrators!

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You have to understand the mind of the bureaucrat. First and foremost, his over-arching motivation is to create an ever larger empire. This is done by increasing your budget. This empire needs to grow every budget cycle, regardless of actual need or productivity.

The best way to do this is to hire people. These people can create programs which, once started, become part of the baseline and never can be cancelled. Notice how the Dems increased spending during C19 (which was supposed to be 'temporary') and now they consider that the new baseline? Returning (even partly) to pre-C19 spending levels is considered outrageous.

Buying equipment, even buildings, on the other hand is a one-shot deal. Investment in assets is not part of a baseline budget. Sure they can be used to start programs that need staffing, and assets often require maintenance, but it is a very inefficient way to use money, compared to increasing baseline staffing levels, if your goal is to increase your prestige and the size of your budget and organization. Once government workers are hired, it is almost impossible to get rid of them -- and if you get rid of someone for malfeasance, they will be replaced by another staffer as soon as the employment requisition can hit the streets (or I guess today, the district's employment webpage).

So more administrators is what you will get, and after that one-shot cash infusion dries up, you will be left to find ways to pay for it in perpetuity. There might be some more fed-cash, or not; but those people are there to stay. Likely, local taxes will go up to fund it. And if you go to a school board meeting to challenge it, they'll call you a domestic terrorist.

That's why bureaucracy is almost impossible to shrink, much less kill. Actually you'll have more luck in shutting down an entire bureaucracy than in trimming it back. It's like a cancer; if you get it all you have a fighting chance to keep it gone, but if you only cut out part of it, it will grow back often stronger and larger.

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It started long before the plandemic and seriously increased during Obama…at the same time he was decreasing military capability. Entire non-constitutional bureaucracies need to be abolished. Dept of Ed is a good place to start diminishing the government back to actual constitutional authority. DC should essentially be a ghost town.

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I believe they should turn DC into a national park, complete with museums (Smithsonian for starters, though it would need to be de-cabal-ed), monuments, and parks. Few people should live there, and there should be no government institutions there -- they should be decentralized to various locations around the country, that is, those departments that are left.

Maybe the White House could stay and be the home of the President, though I'd personally favor moving that office elsewhere too and turn the White House into one of the museums.

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IMO, DC should be retrocessed back into Maryland and disassembled with the exception of perhaps the White House as a memorial to the evil we once endured. In time, perhaps the same fate will befall the City of London and Vatican City.

If Maryland wants to turn it i to a theme park, that's fine but just seems to me I'd rather wipe it from the face of the Earth given that it's only purpose as been to serepticously oppress the people for King George, et all.

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You may recall that DC was once the full Constitutionally-authorized 10 miles square, a bit less than half of it in Virginia. That part was given back in 1847. So there is precedent, but there are no assurances that Maryland would want it. They already have their hands full with the mess in Baltimore. (Maybe the folks there will finally elect Kim Klacik and start cleaning up the mess...)


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So true.

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During The Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020, my mom shared a story - she used to work as a buyer for paper products - the companies who make toilet paper for commercial use (the thin stuff), grocery bags, etc. She said at the end of the fiscal school year, there was always this mad rush to load up on TP - not because it was needed, but because the districts were spending as much as they could to keep their budget requests higher the next year. She fought a lot with the sales reps about it because it threw off the schedule that the mills were able to produce - which is exactly what happened in 2020.

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I personally think that the government “health” pushes to eat high fiber and drink a gallon of water a day are subversive ways to sell more TP. Imagine if we still had outhouses. I suspect people wouldn’t carry around a giant water bottle and eat four bowls of raisin bran.

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LMAO!! This just invoked memories of colon blow cereal. 😂

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So THAT'S why there wasn't any TP? I wondered what the heck was going on. But why all the quilted Charmin though? Wouldn't the schools only absorb all the cheap one ply rip-to-shreds while you wipe garbage? That's all they ever gave the kids anyway.

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Excellent point! Thank you.

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I had to look up the EO. It’s about not buying securities from Venezuela but assets used as collateral are also off-limits. Was Maduro trying to sell the plane, or maybe it never should have been sold in the first place. But who sold it to Venezuela and are they in trouble now?

From the Treasury Department:

The Government of Venezuela is selling assets for much less than they are worth at the expense of the Venezuelan people and using proceeds from these sales to enrich supporters of the regime. Bonds and other securities are among the assets being sold. The prohibitions and related general licenses are meant to prevent U.S. persons from contributing to the Government of Venezuela's corrupt and shortsighted financing schemes while mitigating market disruptions and harm to investors.


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More great takes! The devil is in the details. Thanks.

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What’s up with “the coward” label? I feel like I missed something

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Joe Lang is a patriot with a strong following. Joe "the coward" Lang is either a bot or a troll who is propaganda.

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I think so too, but his comment today is interesting - at this point, who knows for sure? Others may have the ability, time, and desire to research these claims about Vance and Thiel more than I do. I confess I don't know what to think about the adrenochrome stuff.

The only ones I trust completely are God, through His Word and Spirit, and people I actually know personally. Wild times!!!

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It posts that same information over and over which makes me think bot. Trump would never have picked anyone involved with adreneochrome. Trump knows all about that. He posted "The Littles" video to social media in 2015.

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Good to know, thanks. I do trust Trump and agree he has surely checked out JD thoroughly. I’m still thinking Pence is on our side, not a popular view in my house!

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You are likely correct concerning Pence. In January 2020 he was caught in a box not of his creation. He could do the correct thing and kick the electoral college back to the contested states for reconciliation after full discussion of irregularities or he could just agree to vote without allowing discussion. The insurrection put the discussions on hold immediately after Arizona was called. I found that timing to be extremely suspect.

Hours later the Congress reconvened and Pence was in a quandary. Should he suspend the discussions or go back to the planned agenda?

That is where his patriotism becomes suspect. At that exact moment he had to show his true colors. Did he? Time will tell.

If he knew the election was stolen, and I am 99% sure he knew it was just as Trump knew, he also knew a Civil War was planned if he did the correct thing. He also knew by appearing to betray Trump and the country he could give America time to sort out the facts. And, here we are still sorting!

More people know the 2020 election was stolen but too many still are skeptical or refuse to buy it. They are just not paying attention.

Pence’s true patriotism is in question just as is the results of the 2020 election. Everything we are witnessing today is a part of the proof.

The Left is working overtime to hide the truth and the Right is trying to get the public to see the truth… without killing each other over the proof. Traitors who perpetrated the steal and the resulting cover-up know life in prison or a firing squad awaits them. No wonder they are looking more guilty by the day. Trump is forcing them to try crazy stuff including assassinating him to stop the 2024 election. We have two months to see just how crazy the bad people can get.

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Pence is a mystery. This movie is loaded with plot twists!

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Adrenochrome has been validated via many sources. It’s sickening.

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Yes, but the company Vance backs is not harvesting adrenochrome, it is researching genetics to slow or reverse aging though from my understanding.

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Thanks for todays Takes.

The education system is totally FUBR. The Department of Education needs to be ended immediately. Our mode of teaching is totally out of step with current societal needs (but that is a much deeper discussion for another time). School administrators are given a lower performance evaluation if they do not spend all their budgeted money (quote from a school administrator I worked with). This is really true of all bureaucracies, they don't respond to free market pressures the same as for profit businesses. 90+% of all government agencies could be closed today and nothing productive would be lost.

Ahhh, now that I got that off my chest I feel better :-)

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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You guys are on 🔥 Great geo-political take

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I would love to be part of Elon’s audit team!!! I did this for many years at a company that acquired many other companies, and also as an elected Fiscal Officer as a consultant for other local governments!!! It’s amazing the waste and fraud you find, especially when someone is trying to sell their company or lazy, corrupt government employees!!! And I have no qualms of exposing these types of people!!! The fraud and waste at the federal level would be mindboggling to Americans once it’s exposed!

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Last week we had a few people find the connections of Vance to adrenachrome harvesting. Here's what they found. Good job!

Investor J.D. Vance has raised $93 million to start a venture capital firm, Narya Capital, based in his home state of Ohio, with fund backing from major names including Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, Eric Schmidt and Scott Dorsey.

In 2017 Vance became a CNN contributor. (CIA creation)

In 2019, Vance co-founded Narya Capital in Cincinnati with financial backing from Thiel, Eric Schmidt, and Marc Andreessen.

In 2021 Peter Thiel gave $10 million to Protect Ohio Values, a super PAC created in February to support a Vance candidacy.

Having already donated a record amount to support J.D. Vance, decided to contribute an additional $1.5 million to the pro-Vance super PAC as well.

Tech billionaire Peter Thiel had given $15 million in total to bolster J.D. Vance- the largest amount ever given to boost a single Senate candidate

Then you have Peter Theil who's trying to start the normalization of "blood transfusions" a.k.a. adrenachrome. Let's face it that's what it really is.

And there you have it. The connection between Vance and adrenachrome harvesting.

Take it how you will but remember truth is stranger than fiction.

Not to mention all the crazy things you've seen the past 8 years.

Ask yourself "is it possible?"

If so why would Trump pick him?

To expose adrenachrome harvesting?

Time will tell.

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Very interesting - for some reason I am blocked from liking this comment. I have been critical of your posts, and I don't get your beef with Substack writer Joe Lange, but I do try to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. You are right, time will tell. I will vote for Trump/Vance, I am trusting in God, and doing what I can to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is our ultimate Hope!

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Thank you for your reply. Although this point I've clearly made isn't getting the hate I once did.

Remember when I first came here with this? How viciously I was attacked and insulted? My claim was "outrageous, right?


The very same people that comment here found the answers, just like I said.

I was hoping the very same people who insulted me and attacked me would offer an apology for their actions. Hell, I'd take a comment just saying thank you.

I hope this'll be a lesson when I make another claim that's "outrageous" to take heed.

I vote for no one because I do not follow men I follow God.

As far as Joe I'm not even sure that he's human.

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No, it's because we largely ignore you.

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Likely to expose since companies and individuals with IRAs invest in a wide variety of companies and its very likely that would be unknown. How many investment documents are going to claim they make/harvest/sell adrenochrome? The one thing that will unite the vast majority of mankind is the TRUTH about the children. Not just adrenochrome, either.🙏

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Exactly. There is a positive to this. Glad you're seeing it too.

I'm not your enemy.

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There you go! You did it again and it is just wrong as I pointed out last week.

Normalizing blood transfusions has nothing to do with the harvesting of adrenachrome. You are making an illogical jump because both involve the drawing of blood.

Your logic is about the same as arguing that the manufacture of a gun is the same a pulling the trigger. Both involve a firearm but one is totally legal and the other can be illegal if it involves killing a human.

You need to work on your logic.

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Thanks for the continued negativity. You're a shining example of refusal to see things for what they are. What the very people on this comment section said wasn't possible has been proven by them, not me. I already had this info.

What theyre doing with "blood transfusions" is no different than them trying to normalize pedophilia.

Remember, the very same people that attacked me, like you're continuing to do, are the ones who dug up this info and still you're not receptive to it.

You must never have learned in your research of the deep state that they always make out things to seen beneficial to you. Remember back in the day they actually told us cigarettes are good for our health.

Hope your rage gains some focus.

How's this logic?

If you gave a politician 15 million would you expect something in return?

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I never attacked you. Why would you say that? I agreed last week to research your accusations. I learned the facts and responded accordingly. That was not an attack.

I merely suggested you need to rethink the logic of your conclusions. That was not an attack.

You are proving to be disillusioned. That is not an attack, it is a rational observation.

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Said ‘Joe the Troll’…

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I love these Briefs but sometimes not the content. It's nobody's fault, just our world right now. The chaos being produced by the deep state shrieking as they circle the drain is as exhausting as it is fun. But I do feel we are headed for a nuclear scare event, it's what evil wants. However this 5D chess shows us the good guys allways seem to be one step ahead. Hang on and keep the faith Patriots!

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If you ever visit a farmer who runs a commercial feedlot (where animals are fattened up to market weight), the first thing you notice -- actually, 'notice' is a major understatement -- is the characteristic smell of the place. As your eyes water from the overpowering stink, you host smiles and says, "Lady, that there is the smell of money."

So it is with the shrieking of the deep state sycophants. Hard on the ears at first, but once you see it for what it is, you can even learn to enjoy it.

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Exactly…the chaos of success in the end.

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Again we hear from the Jew hating POS who goes by “ghost” with his absurd take on Israel and the Middle East.

“How much longer are we going to continue to indulge this Deep State nonsense? “, he asks after linking the PM of Israel to Hamas, the criminal terrorist org. that wants Israel wiped off the map.

He says Hamas was a creation of Mossad and Netanyahu funds them. This is moronic antisemitism logic. If this were anywhere close to true Netanyahu would be gone tomorrow. Biden/Harris/deepstate want him gone and this info would seal it. Yet he’s still there.

Of course Hamas and all Palestinians are Deep State controlled but why would Biden and the deep state be opposed to Bibi if he was on their team? Of course he’s not. And never has been.

If this Ghost moron knew inside politics of Israel he would understand the leftists inside hate Bibi and want him gone, as does Biden. The deep state doesn’t eat their own at these levels.

But ghost doesn’t care about logic because he hates Jews and it’s obvious. He’s always quoting Jew hating generals and such who are just as dumb. He puts the imaginary “Palestinian” cause out front and NEVER, EVER mentions the thousands of innocent Israelis killed over the years by these criminals and fools who have been gaslit to believe a hoax.

In this he’s inline with the Deep State programing.

NEWS FLASH: There is no state of Palestine and never has been. The term has been used to describe the Land of Israel, Judea and Samaria. It’s a general term to describe that part of Middle East. There is not and NEVER has been a kingdom/state of “Palestine”. Those calling themselves “Palestinian” are in fact Arabs from Jordan and Egypt.

Don’t believe me?

Ok, find me on any map, past or present, a state of Palestine with a capital and government. (And don’t even try to say that Jerusalem was its capital, founded by King David.)

Why do these morons call Judea and Samaria the West Bank? West Bank of what, exactly? Jordan? It was only part of Jordan for a little while. It’s ALWAYS been part of Israel proper for thousands of years.

Shame on Badlands media for allowing such blatant antisemitism to be included under its banner.

Benjamin Netanyahu is not the greatest but at least he’s not bought and paid for deep state like Yoav Gallant the Defense minister, who is never mentioned by the likes of Ghost because he’s ignorant.

Ghost shows he knows nothing about inside politics in Israel. He doesn’t know it’s people or its structure. This alone makes his opinion crap to be ignored.

And he is anti-Semitic too. This makes him a moron. He knows nothing about what he writes and is spreading fake news.

He’s always wrong and at this point he’s a joke and worse.

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So, they got themselves a $13 million luxury liner eh? Reminds me of an old Abbott and Costello movie where they were street vendors, selling cheap skates.

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That's actually a pretty small fish in the lake of presidential air transport. IIRC Trump renegotiated the price of two B747s as replacement of the existing Air Force One (there are always at least 2 of them), and he got the price down below $4 billion (the contract 'had to start with a '3'). For two admittedly heavily modified commercial jetliners. That's $2,000 million each.

Venezuela is a fairly wealthy nation due to its oil reserves, and they could have easily bought something like a smaller Airbus or Boeing airliner -- A319/320 or 737 sized aircraft. I'm not sure what the price of those is today, but I'd wager somewhere in the $50-100 million range depending on how fancy the outfitting and whether you buy one fresh off the line or get one that has been lightly used in executive transport. You probably wouldn't want a used jetliner because they get run hard and put away wet too often.

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Where's the video of Biden making these remarks? I haven't seen him LIVE for a while now.

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Why are your videos not working?

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“People of all stripes…” Awesome Ashe

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The long term close ties between Netanyahu, Mossad and Hamas clearly show that this is that cabal’s minions at work. They will not be able to get a world war, now matter how hard they try. Organized crime’s playbook never changes.

Same with the proxy state Ukraine. Russia warns the US to stop funding (laundering money and our military stockpile). Pray for the poor innocents in that Nazi-infested country.

Does anyone take the Kamala/Walz puppets seriously?😳 Open mouth=lies all the time. Are you kidding? Using Biden?

If communism looks and acts like it’s communism, it likely is exactly that. The timing and possible relationships and interactions as an ambassador leaves a lot to dig into. Anyone the globalist world loves is not a friend of independent thought. Interesting.

Turkey wants to join BRICs at the same time Russia is suggesting a potential nuclear conflict with the West? 🤔 Interesting narratives here.

Ashe is right about the failing schools with bolstered sports programs thanks to the COVID funds via our tax dollars. Soon, the kids will be dumbed down to the point that they can’t read the score.

God bless the Truthers.🙏

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