Good read thanks for all your takes.

Since I believe every word the MSM prints or says is a LIE I prefer to use BB's approach and step back and view things at the 40k level. And since the DS Rat Bastards love a steady diet of Rug Pulls I try not to invest too much hope in positive outcomes in their narratives.

All that being said it does appear that our train is picking up speed and once the BOOMs start I believe they will continue in such rapid fire that they will completely overwhelm the DS Rat Bastards.

I am one of those people that BB described who via Q came to see the carnage being inflicted on the innocence of our world and wait with prayerful anticipating for this Evil to be flushed out of this world.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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"The thing is, as Chris Paul often argues, every country has an evil twin known as the Deep State Establishment, and I believe Xi has been working to rid his nation of its evil twin, just as Trump has worked to do so on this side of the map."

brightly put ❗👌

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Prophecies say Communist China will soon fall but not The People’s Republic so God agrees. Question is which side is Xi on?

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Acceleration of events, countermeasures, narratives and counter narratives is continuing in 2023 and even the polls conducted by the left are demonstrating the upward momentum in the awakening of the population. Russia didn’t do the dam; the CIA using (?) likely did and we all know it’s the puppet masters giving the orders. Notice how people now view all ‘news’ with skepticism? That’s a good thing. The 40k’ level is where to be; the field is clearer and everything is in better perspective! God bless our truth finders and teachers.🙏

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ALtab — please see my post below — if you haven’t already read Arn GrimR’s outstanding analysis.

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Dick, thanks! I had forgotten about the earlier attacks by Kiev over the last year. Water is the most powerful ‘natural’ source (live in Hurricane impact state) and the writers’ concise description is the clincher for me. What he describes coincides with earlier research on dams, etc., after several hurricanes. It evidently a planned process to hurt the Russians and their historic lands downstream, but I’m persuaded it was NOT the CIA. This is a wonderful assessment! Thank you so much for including the link! God bless you.

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👍God Bless you too!

(Ps. I think you’d like his other writings. A brilliant man.)

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Juicy Brief today, my friends. Merci beaucoup. (Or mercy buckets, as my dad used to say)

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“Mercy buckets”…love it! I still say it

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Loved every report and the “takes” ❤️

Thanks all!!!

Interesting one on the polls - I don’t pay much attention to them but in glancing, I always add to Trump’s numbers. The bit about all the qualifiers that usually “adjust” the numbers being missing was curios indeed.

“ In other words, everything is going according to plan …” — Burning Bright


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Harvard's Poll on the Trump Indictment and the verbal gymnastics Harvard took to try to get the results as close to 50/50 as possible is proof, in my mind, that the Deep State is losing the information war and America is waking up! thanks for the analysis Ashe in America!

Justin, great job on the story of the car with 2 oil drums and an old land mine being Ukraine's proof that Russia blew up the dam. As if a car with dubious explosives, sitting atop a dam could destroy the dam when most of the blast wave, even if there was one, would go upward and outward and not downward into the structure of the Dam!

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Spot on!

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Thanks Rob!

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On the Kakhovka dam — a must read👇🏼




Arn GrimR’s thorough analysis makes a compelling case that the dam was not bombed that day, but instead disintegrated because of mainly natural causes — abetted by the bridge’s age; tactical and strategic minor, but undermining, prior war damage, inflicted by both sides; but mainly achieved by the sheer and inexorable power of water.

This hypothesis is, in my view, very likely. It also serves to help us to stand back and think rationally — beyond the instant who dunnit? mindset I certainly fell into.

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Thanks for this. Old dams failing due to overstress is more common than people would like to admit, but it doesn't make for the sort of headlines the narrators want.

An example from my old stomping grounds in mid-Michigan:


I'm sure if there was a war ongoing between Canada and the US, both sides would have blamed the other, when the actual cause was torrential rain upriver combined with a century of bad design, construction, maintenance and government oversight.

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Please forward. It’s a worthy and important read; much mayhem may be predicated on the Kakhovka dam narratives at play.

(And who is WC?)

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Harvard's "double talk" in the Trump Indictment Poll is, in my mind, concrete proof that the Deep State is losing the information war and America is waking up to the truth. Great analysis Ashe in America!

As for the Ukraine take on the blowing up of the Dam via a car with 2 oil drums and a

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Good read thanks for all your takes.

Since I believe every word the MSM prints or says is a LIE I prefer to use BB's approach and step back and view things at the 40k level. And since the DS Rat Bastards

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I always appreciate the news takes. I’m going to shamelessly plug ‘The Sound of Freedom’ movie with Jim Caviezel opening in select theaters around the country on July 4th and thereafter. Please buy tickets and go see it 1) to support those rescuing the children and 2) to support the filmmaker and actors who are standing up for the children and our nation and 3) to show the fake govt / traffickers how many of us KNOW what they are doing to the children! Go to Angel.com/Jim to get tickets Or/and to pay it forward. Tell everyone you know to go see it!

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Thank you so much for the reminder! 🙏🏽

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Love the synopsis! Love all of these!

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BB's statement that Jeffrey Epstein's name has become legion reminded me of Mark 5:8-9. That man was evil personified.

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I love "our take". I always agree with it. That Epsteins name thing is brilliant... the Harvard poll is off by probably 15-20 percent. And I believe that Durham is the Trump card🤷‍♀️

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