Thank You Badlanders ❤️🙏✨💫🇺🇸

Of course the UN is favoring Gaza and thus the Hamas terrorists. Terror is name of their hidden game. Everyone who has lost their mind to the emotional matrix, will rally around the UN cry for the US and Europe to take the refugees in while paying no attention to the fact that the Arab nations don’t want them. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Libya and most of the Arab nations know and understand the hidden game of instability that the refugees will foster. The UN tries to lend sympathy to Hamas and the Palestinians which eclipses the horror done on Oct 7.

Meanwhile, some million immigrants are gathering in Columbia with plans to cross our border in 2024!! Trump keeps saying “election interference” and in part we know he refers to 2020 but also to 2024. Instability wrought by the millions of immigrants already here, just waiting for their numbers to climb, is the global cabal agenda. The DeepState hasn’t many plays left to thwart an honest election in 2024.

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Good Morning and Thank you for your continued excellence!!

AiA says: "God only knows what House Republicans are prioritizing over exposing the overwhelming racketeering, influence, and corruption schemes of the so-called Commander-in-Chief." Exactly true! (Maybe they just aren't willing to replace JB with KH...think what that would do to our Moody's rating!!!)

I, for one, find great solace in knowing that God is not surprised by any of this - that He (despite how hard it is to embrace) allows Mankind to make bad choices as a trade off for also allowing us to make good ones! Most of us would rather that either only good choices "could be made" (which is, by definition, illogical) or that God would make them for us so that we could blame Him for all the bad we see. (Which points out another critical question: "Who defines bad?")

PS - for those who so kindly offered prayers for that job I mentioned last week, thank you!!! I continue to rely on His grace and provision!

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Well said. God defines the language as He is language. As to bad well, there are a lot of Bad places in Germany. Perhaps this is why Germany has been so problematic over the years.


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Lol. ‘...abolished and replaced with nothing.’ Amen to that!

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Indeed—Halleluyah, Ashe!

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

CNN reporters and other Leftist NEWS CORPORATION embedded with the decapitators of children in OCT 7 Israel attack, are exposed kissing the HAMAS Leader. They knew the attack would take place and they were there with HAMAS prior and during, to get the pics and to give a congratulatory kiss to the leader of HAMAS ....WOW! Video evidence exposes CNN. Now what? OBAMiden's house of cards is crumbling..... Yes...


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Go girl. There’s more coming out…

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Shaman of Jan 6 fame is running for congress!

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And… General Flynn Endorses Jan 6er Derrick Evans for US House in West Virginia! 🇺🇸

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Thanks for getting my week started.

My only comment is that SF "cleaned" the street for Xi's visit so you can tell where Sleepy Joe left his mark.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Funny thing, Joe, is that Newsance even admitted the only reason they cleaned (some of) the streets of SF is Xi's visit to APEC.


[They] are not even trying to hide it anymore.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

-- Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)

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It is really sad what the Dimorats have done to all our once great US Cities. I grew up in Detroit and they turned that once great city into a SHITHOLE! The funny/sad story is that back when they held the Super Bowl at Ford Field the clowns did the exact same thing. My wife & I flew back to the city a few weeks before the event. It was nothing short of miraculous. From the airport (DTW) on the expressway all the way to Ford Field they had redone all the roads and bridges. All spotless and brand new. BUT if you ventured literally 1 block off that path it was the exact same old SHITHOLE. Not one lower to middle class citizen got a damn thin dime or home/neighborhood improvement.

Our day is almost upon We the People... Glorious!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I grew up in the Tri-Cities and used to make the trek down to Tiger Stadium, at Michigan & Trumbull, this was back in the early 70s, to see a ballgame with friends. Back in those days you could park on the street or a little pay-n-park not too far away and walk to the stadium, and back to your car at 10 PM or so, after the game got out, and feel safe. The area was not the best, but even the relatively poor folks living there still took some pride in their homes and keeping the place in decent shape. This was of course after the '67-'68 riots, and these folks knew that the riots hurt the people that lived there pretty much exclusively, and they didn't want it to happen again.

January 2, 1962 Jerome P. (Jerry) Cavanaugh was inaugurated as Mayor, starting a line of continuous Democratic rule which has continued to this day -- after nearly a century of primarily Republican mayors. The results are evident, not only in Detroit but all major US cities. 'America's mayor' Rudy Giuliani proved that shithole cities can be brought back; he did it in New York and if it can be done there, it can be done anywhere.

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Memories. I grew up in the city on the east side (near Detroit City Airport).

Took the bus to my 1st Tiger game Opening Day 1971. Got to see the Tigers win the World Seies in 1984, what a year!

Corktown was the name for the area around Tiger Stadium.

Better days are possible and coming 😀

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Regarding the Republican House not making impeachment a priority - I recently heard Kash Patel say that impeaching Joe Biden didn't need to be a priority because of who would fill his shoes. Who needed to be impeached, he said, was Myorkis and Wray: those who are over the most troubling areas. If DJT has any influence over the House, through the Speaker as well as the MAGA group, I think Kash Patel, who still works with DJT, is echoing what counsel they may be receiving from him.

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Also remember that it would be difficult to even impeach Brandon with a slim House majority, and the Senate would never convict him, a 2/3 majority is required. Why waste the time when he's basically doing the job himself? Kash is right.

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Thanks for the note, reinforces my point 💖

Just a note to those posting links here: You can often significantly shorten links by trimming off all of the tracking junk that these links often come with. That is everything past the "/?" in the links. For this one it could be shortened to:


It is always best to test the link after shortening it; copy and paste it into your browser's address bar and make sure it works. There are some sites, like Youtube, that put information regarding what file you want to see in places that look like junk that can be removed. Testing it will make sure that doesn't happen.

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Also, Biden/Harris ticket may be Republicans best chance of getting back in office. Make Biden appear in public(disastrous most every time) and defend his record. I’m aware, most every congressman and Senator is every bit as corrupt as Biden so they all cover for each other but there’s also election strategy.

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Of course the Ukraine saboteurs were the CIA cover up as we saw the information shortly after the event. The change that prompted this cover up? Millions more are awake and the cabal realizes that the tipping point has already been reached. I smell panic in the air!

Ashe pretty much nails it again, “That is, besides proving that most of the US Federal Government — including the Congress — needs to be abolished and replaced with nothing,” The only part I don’t agree with is NOT replacing a corrupt congress with an honest one-required by the Constitution. The vast majority (95%+) of DC is NOT authorized by the Constitution. Ashe clearly understands this!

Yep, the speaker is a placeholder and likely there for further evidence gathering and exposure. Time will tell.

Poor Adams made the unforgivable sin of revealing the results of Obama’s open border strategy.🤣

Trump is gifted by God for this time to bring all of the country’s peoples together.

UN condemns Israel. Makes me consider all the possible possibilities of what’s actually going on there and has me (currently) leaning toward taking out terrorist Hamas... But, I believe Israel was created and has been controlled by the Khazarian Prussian Jews, interesting.🤔🤔Again time will tell.

San Francisco cleans up for Xi. I’d bet anything it’s only the streets on his route!

God bless you all.🙏🙏

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Ukraine: you are right. [They] are panicked. Why else would they re-open this story now?

Speaker: putting impeachment on the back burner, because as Napoleon said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself." Let the Dems get rid of him.

Adams: doesn't matter your politics, when you anger the Controllers.

Trump the Peacemaker: just as BB told us in Righteous Russia. It will happen when the time is right. Zelenskyy is not yet sufficiently humbled.


"Trump is not a man who will sue for peace. He does not plead. He does not beg. Trump will not request peace. He will have it, and Vladimir Putin will share in it. When the two leaders—the two Emperors—finally shake hands once more on the world stage, they will be known as Peacemakers."

SF: correct, only a few blocks in the Tenderloin. Meeting must be at Union Square, nearby.

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And now Zelensky has the media waves astir with wanting to meet with Trump!

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Zelenskyy has been the darling of the MSM for the last year and a half. He hates that he is becoming irrelevant. I saw a meme a while back, it's been around with a lot of different tags, but it is a guy walking down the street with a girl and his head is turned backwards, looking at another pretty girl who has just passed them. The girl with the guy has an angry look on her face.

The girl with the angry look was tagged 'Ukraine' and the one walking the other way 'Israel.' Pretty much sums it up!

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That it does!!

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We know the global power elite’s agenda was (is) to control the world. They had a strategy in place and first up was the “pandemic”. That did not go the way they wanted. Their next strategy is to start World War 3. Netanyahu is, imo, their puppet. It makes no sense that the IDF did nothing to prevent/stop that horrific Hamas attack. Hamas attack starts a war with Israel. Israel’s response is now labeled a war crime! The global puppet masters (controlling Both sides) are trying to rally sympathy for the people of Gaza and Hamas, a terrorist organization! [They] are intentionally escalating tensions to get WW3 up and running.

And [they] have brought religion into it! Islam vs Judaism…which could certainly turn to Islam vs Christianity. Islam is not a religion of peace.

The global cabal needs to be exposed!! They are the enemy. For them, this is one theater funding the coffers of the Military Industrial Complex.

How the true enemy gets exposed is beyond me at this point! You are right, ALtab, time will tell.

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Hello Feather !

Maybe this could explain many strange things we have seen since October 7th ...


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Thank You, Trumpist ❤️🙏

That substack had some interesting and I’d say logical points. It fits with how we are working our way into the deeper insight of what is really going on over there.

We’ve been using the word evil to describe the cabal for a few years now…but the depth of it still astonishes!


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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

China knows where the bodies are buried. They unleashed Bill Gates, Fauci, CIA COVID weapon on the world. They were the architects of dismembering children and selling body parts to the world. OBAMiden gives XI a Hero's welcome because he has the entire corruption of US Government and its Killer vaccines/ Pedophiles/child sex trafficking rings/human trafficking/drug trafficking/ Mitch McConnell/Palosi/Clinton/Obama/Bush/ect ect. DATA...... McConnell got that "HUMANS in Shipping Containers are "Living Art" and not subject to search", LAW passed. Very Clever McConnell, as you and your wife own 100% of the containers with your CHINESE Father-in-Law. Just a sidenote! If it takes a KILLERs Welcome to clean up San Francisco drug addicts, tents and urine, then, by all means, come back XI and visit all the major cities in the USA.. and dont forget to take all that cash home for keeping your mouth shut! I feel a MITCH MC CONNELL FREEZE coming on..... What say you triple-chin Mitch?

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Bingo. China is in Panama. China has been buying our land since Billy and Hilly (Bill Getz’ book at the time, following Clinton sell out to China). Feinstein, Schumer, McConnell…

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

They've been buying our fresh water from Nestle, who has been stealing it from MI Great Lakes, even longer, while we are forced to drinking our recycled piss. What say you Gov HITLER WHITMER?

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To me it was mindboggling when the EPA crooks went after the Berkey water filters! (I have one and I love it, I trust it). The EPA tried to publicly taint Berkey filters as somehow contaminated with pesticides. Matt Gaetz

took up the cause:

“ At a time when Americans are increasingly unhealthy and their water filled with contaminants, such as endocrine disrupters, heavy metals, and “forever” chemicals, such as PFAS, the EPA should be pursuing policies within its regulatory authority that incentivize increased use of water-filtration systems, not less.

The EPA must end its attack on Berkey Water Systems immediately and focus on the job it was created to do – keep Americans safe – a job Berkey Water Systems has arguably done more effectively.”


Mike Adams covered this awhile back also.

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I love my Berkey and recommend them to everyone!

3 letter agencies must go!

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Just went on their site.. Everything sold out 5 wks to ship...

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I must bye one of those... Thanks for the endorsement!

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The section on Eric Adams that doesn’t get read should be posted separately with a headline, WHAT YOU MISSED!

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What was it in a nutshell?

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

New speaker is just another bobble head cheap plastic statue next to the hula girl on an old Chevy truck dash. ‘Not enough information on Biden to pursue…’ wtf…some kid just served time for making fun of Hillary in a meme…newspapers have made cartoons of political buffoons since we were colonies. There will be no voting our way out of this tyranny. Storming the Bastille will be entrapment. Final hope is that Vlad is still fuming about the act of war against his pipeline by Bribem…

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Perhaps the information being retrieved from the chip in his pants and the recorder under his mask is too valuable to disrupt right now? The Biden Dummy serves as a useful Idiot maybe?

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From my reply to ALtab's post today: "Speaker: putting impeachment on the back burner, because as Napoleon said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself." Let the Dems get rid of him."

Things are not always what they seem. Especially when a 5-D master is playing the game...

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

‘The government will be upon His shoulders…’ is a title. The Prince of Peace will rule the nations by judgment from Zion. That hated and lied about mere word. Ever wonder how a completely impoverished bunch of survivors from Europe and Russia who chose ‘Zion’ from the scriptures as the icon of their hope to return to their own homeland can in a few years be the basis for the worldwide virulent Jew hatred? This was even prior to the holocaust (which Ike wisely said would be denied so he ordered photos, vids, soldiers to see). But first The Prince allows the nations to gather to make war with Him. One more time. Guess where they all decide to gather…Zion. Everything we see now was prophesied. The devolving into chaos, the heathen raging, the attempted murder of the only nation on earth to be The Lawgiver (Genesis 49, prophecy of Judah “in the end of days”) which they failed and the nations hate. Plus the destruction of the only nation on earth who would be a blessing of wealth to the other nations but in the end, it fails too from corruption and would become so horrible that the nations curse it: USA, Joseph the gentile brother of Judah (Genesis 48). But the end effect is the righteous remnant of the two nations (brothers) of Manasseh and Efrayim will come together and join with the remnant of Judah and together fight the men of the east. And prevail. Russia, USA, State of Israel. Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel…

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I always enjoy your historical/Old Testament-Torah cross-reference posts, Miriamnae! 💖

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Thank you, cowboy. Hope you’re a neighbor when the shooting starts…

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So the US Congress should be abolished and replaced with nothing? That destroys the republic, which will be replaced by what?

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

After they are all arrested for Treason, we will have to have a NEW ELECTION and before that can happen, everything must be examined including the pay and Term Limits for these Clowns, an audit, and the entire system overhauled, as it is corrupt as hell!

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Global Military Tribunal Justice Transition is the ONLY WAY to permanently drain the swamp

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The swamp (Cabal) is world-wide. One of the reasons this is taking longer than we would like.

The good guys only get one chance to do this, it is a fight to the finish. They have to get it right the first time. No dress rehearsals, no re-dos. One and done.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

LIVE Global Shark/Crock Feeding is cheaper, faster and more entertaining! With a Millstone tied to their legs..... and a bullhorn .....SWIM BITCHES!!! SWIM!!!!

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

The higher way is neither Republic (Rome lost as senators are corrupt with power) or Democracy (majority rule which means 49 have no voice). Govern = control. Ment = mind. Neither. My vote was stolen and China controls DC.

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Who controls China?

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Very good question.

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Exactly. Xi has been at war with 'corruption.' Xi knows that CCP is a corrupt nest of vipers. I believe he's planning for a 'new China' without the CCP. But, like the battles going on in the West, it is a complex and touchy affair. It would be very easy to lose his head if he makes a false move.

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I do know that he had a deep stateof his own, he didn't agree with them and killed them. So they are probably out for revenge.

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It is a battle, and it's pretty hard to know (especially from our viewpoint) what is really happening.

"What we are watching is a titanic war being fought in the mists over an eternal lake. We stand on the shore, observing flashes and plumes, gouts and gusts and storms raging over the roiling waters. We cannot see who is fighting at all times. We catch glimpses of leaders and enemies, and sometimes the two merge and meld back into the vapors, leaving behind the ghosts of images we puzzle over while the discordant sounds of their tumult resumes in the smoke.

But water tells the truth. And if we are calm and quiet, keen of mind and purposeful with our discernment, we can read the ripples that come back to shore, and see what story they tell."

-- Burning Bright, "Righteous Russia #8: Systems and Shadows"


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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Heard Xi’s father was killed by commies, so possible shared sympathies w Putin who despises communism.

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Nestle, a Blackrock company, very openly admits to using fetal cell flavor enhancer. Several sources in print, Deborah Tavares is the first I heard it…she stumbled onto this while stumbling onto the California utilities PGE were owned and operated out of USA after stumbling onto Rosa Koire’s investigation of UN agenda 2021, 2030.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023


Natural Flavors” Ingredient POISONS in everything you eat and drink now. “All regulated by FEMA femaflavor.org. FEMA= Flavor Extract Manufacturer Association (We never voted for), is the authority in evaluating the safe and responsible use of flavorings, FORCED, into every food and drink. Over 100 Chemicals and UNKNOWNS in that “Natural Flavor” YUMMY GOODNESS!!!!

Now, POISONS killing your brain, taste GRrrrrrreat!!!

Now with fetal Cells?????

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Omg girl…you can’t make this stuff up! Lmao…

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Im gonna lose weight because everything post "natural flavors". If you call them, they cant tell you whats in the "Natural Flavor". Its a secret shshshhh.. I can almost hear Biden's satanic whisper "its good for you"

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Lol…”I’m one flu away from my ideal weight…” seriously, they do get by with ‘all natural’ covering the truth. My food is on the hoof … I will be sharing when the SHTF.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

lol... let me guess, Planned Parenthood is on the board of FEMA?

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Did you catch the Amazing Polly vid one day, about the time I discovered truthers, showing a huge PP warehouse in the middle of a Silicon Valley industrial area? No windows, no ‘clinical services’…and right across the street was the much touted lab for bloody looking (for rare steak enthusiasts) fake meat? I archived it and it was taken off, disappeared from her site and scrubbed from my pc.

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We just got from Europe. We felt like Italy and Spain, in particular, had a much cleaner food source than the US. I have no evidence of that. It was more of a feeling from eating there, looking at the people and certain items missing in their stores.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

I ate in Germany for 6 yrs, returned to USA in 1987 and everything here tasted like cardboard in comparison.... Not surprised food still taste fresher out of the country. There is so much preservatives and fake ingredients in this garbage here and its only gotten worse under Maniacs like Bill Gates and his GMO Poisons, coupled with the FDA, EPA, Gates Foundation killing agenda. I wish we could boycott this garbage but everything is now poisons added. Its only by the grace of GOD that our eyes opened this morning after what we consumed this week.

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Mendacity of DC knows no bounds. Mike Johnson looks like 1 more vile SWAMP RAT. Why is Xi meeting w/ an actor playing Pres of bankrupt corp? WTF r they gonna talk about? Braden's fav shampoo brands on little girls? Longer this surreal charade plays out = More Doubt among MAGA Anon Patriots that White Hats are Real. Why are WaPo & NYT still in operation? Are there ANY Ends to this Madness? These are my Monday am thoughts ... how 'bout u?

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Thanks, wasn't there some election news?

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