
Start calling The Patriot Act “The Surveillance Act,” (formerly known as the patriot act).

I am so sick of the nominative bullshit. My best example is Quantitative Easing. Complicated but benevolent, because we are lazy and retarded.

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Great call! They do like to use subversive language to confuse the masses.

The Traitor Act is also acceptable :)

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I should have used the word nomenclature.

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Why did Hunter “forget” the laptop from hell at the repair shop, even ignoring attempts by the shop owner to remind him? I feel zero sympathy for Joe, Jill, Jim but I am not immune to a tug of emotion for Hunter’s predicament being used by his family and his escape into drug addiction . If he truly is in recovery, then he will follow a path of not seeing himself as a victim of his father’s pressure. Hunter is responsible for the choices he made and he cannot spare his father from the consequences Joe himself chose. Hunter’s gun crime has been a cover of sorts from Joe’s crimes, which are Treason. Focus on Hunter lying to illegally obtain a gun, while certainly a crime, is just a distraction from the crimes of his father who deserves nothing less than a Military Tribunal for a long list of crimes against our country.

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Some people think Hunter left the laptop on purpose bc he was through being used by his own father. Maybe ole’ Joe is worried that Hunter will “spill the beans”. That would be a glorious thing! Hunter would be free and the flood gates of exposure of this demonic criminal syndicate would open for the world to see!

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"The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection."

-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabian_strategy

"This strategy derives its name from Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, the dictator of the Roman Republic given the task of defeating the great Carthaginian general Hannibal in southern Italy during the Second Punic War (218–201 BC)."

Truly nothing new under the sun. [They] know they cannot win in an all-out war, for power or popular support or whatever, so they misdirect. "Look at me!!" while the true action is elsewhere, a limited operation they think they can win.

Hunter is indeed a distraction, and a sacrificial lamb being offered up in hopes that people will forget about the rest of the Dems' foibles.

But what this tells us is important: [they] know they are losing.

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Thanks, WildBill! Great comment 🙏❤️

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Great point, Feather!! Concur completely.🙏🇺🇸❤️👍

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Joe should be awarded the "Worst Father Medal". What a role model! Obama and the Bush's come in 2nd and 3rd. Unfortunately, you can't pick your parents and the 'apple doesn't fall far from the tree'. Comes a time in every adults life that you cannot blame anyone for your choices. Hunter is a grown man with children. Its time he take responsibility for his crimes! "Dont do the crime if you cant do the time" Personally I think hes in the witness protection program.

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From the 40,000 ft view (😉 BB) the connections between the Zionist Nazis in the Ukraine / NATO theater and the Zionist manipulation of Israel against the Palestinians unravel to a common core of evil that traces back to the Bolshevik Revolution that invaded/destroyed Russia in the early 1900s…leading to 2 world wars and trying their best to start WW3. The same forces have been at work in our country for over a century.

“The Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians…It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Nothing new under the sun…Until Trump, Q, and The Great Awakening ❤️🙏🦅🕊🌎

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Exactly! Think the past state of Prussia that developed, embraced, participated and supported all of the evils you mentioned.

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“The world saw the Rothschilds; behind them stood the shadows of the Khazars.”

You might like this PDF link, which I found to be a well written and easy to grasp history of the Prussian Khazarian Mafia 😉


Also, came across a book 📚about the Bolshevik invasion of Russia from the granddaughter of President Ulysses Grant who married a Russian military diplomat and was living in Russia 1914-1917(8)

Julia Cantacuzène

Revolutionary Days: Recollections of Romanoffs and Bolsheviki 1914-1917

(Amazon…99 cents kindle). I just started 😊📚🙏❤️

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Thanks Feather!! We’re out of state traveling, but will get the book when we get home.📚📖🇺🇸🙏

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Happy Trails ❤️

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Executive summary - The elite want WWIII to cover up their failings and declining petrodollar empire.

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The elite always want wars.

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I'm not worried about WE3 because I believe in Devolution and I trust that, although the evil want WW3, they aren't capable of making it happen. I just listened to the Brunson case on Elijah Streams and I feel that it's the perfect way to completely remove the swamp, but the question is when.... and I only want to hear about Hunters guilty verdict that sends him to prison for treason against this country. Eww!

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Can you share the link to that Elijah Streams episode? I would like to listen to it.

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Regarding the 2020 election, Brunson has more balls than all of the GOP Congress combined. He is not giving up and it put a smile on my face that 3 Justices had to recuse themselves as they're named in the case for not abiding by the Constitution.

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BRUNSON Case! I knew it would reappear eventually:) I am absolutely SO enjoying the show, folks:) I feel almost sad for the folks that don't know how Fantastic this all is!

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Panic by the cabal’s minions is increasing….even on the international level.

I liked Ghost’s reminder of the Hegelian Dialectic, ‘This is the Hegelian Dialectic, where the ICTS was directly responsible for creating the conditions that "made necessary" the Patriot Act, and then became the primary beneficiary of the Patriot Act.’ The role of Israeli companies coming to light….and, even more importantly, the role of US/Israeli intelligence agencies in the primary false flags on aircraft mentioned in the process.

President Nayib Bukele is the first to publicly acknowledge the weaponization of government in the US….he won’t be the last. I’m looking to El Salvador to show us how the next administration will benefit our citizenry.🇺🇸

NATO, US dollar, O’biden policies are all going downhill and recovery will be impossible. Only the attempts to thwart the inevitable will likely become more violent over the summer (and particularly after the election)….

All else continuing as planned. Thanks to Ashe’s dedication to maintain watchful eyes on the judicial mess….

God bless these dedicated truthers. (And the families who support them)!🙏

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Great comment 👍❤️🙏🇺🇸

As for Bukele and El Salvador…Humanity’s future of the Brotherhood of Sovereign Nations will be a wonder to behold. 🦅🕊❤️🌎 (I believe in it and I hope I live long enough to see it 😊 30-40 yrs should be enough!)

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Maybe Hunter's lawyers will claim that background checks and 4473 forms are unconstitutional. Here's hoping.

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article correction submission:

death knell


an omen of death or destruction

a bell rung to announce a death

Great articles, as usual. ThanQ for all that you're doing to save our great country! Much LOVE!!!

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All the illegal aliens got work permits, this allows them to vote in state elections, they are now counted in the Census that is used to determine the number of representatives. No doubt they will vote for whoever pays them the most $. The Govt will take their tax $ and grant them citizenship.

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Not in the plan…..the citizens will demand the next administration remove ALL illegal aliens….who became criminals the minute they stepped on America soil.

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Brandon signed exec order as well as the North American Open Border Agreement with Mexico and Canada, DHS coordinates with Darian Gap to get these people in with work permits and documents , allowed to claim amesty. Mary Fanning and Todd Bensman have great reporting on this. They are carpetbaggers.

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Yes, but still illegal carpetbaggers according to the constitution. Brandon was not authorized to make agreements.

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I'm a little old school. If the election was illegal, shouldn't all of his actions be considered null and void following prosecution? And while we're at it, how about we do 0bam0 too?

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Look in to your state election laws, not the federal ones. Each state has different rules about Non Citizens that can vote.

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Was Hunter found not guilty already?

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

I think we need a BOOT IN THE ASS policy for government war mongers!

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So good that I had to listen twice 🤗

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