Out of everyone, I felt sad for Melania. She looks visibly shaken. Not only is she probably thinking about her own mother's passing but she is surrounded by people who tried to ruin and even take out her husband and while her son who was at the rally witnessed.
I pray that God be with and protect the Trump family.
Pence’s wife didn’t acknowledge Trump or Melania, who has been nothing but gracious and classy despite’s being g snubbed at every turn. But when Obama walked in she was all smiles and handshakes. BOOM. She just showed the world what she is. All those fucking reptilians.
And we keep hearing that women vote harder than men. Trump making chocolate great again would win women forever. – Ashe in America
As much as I love your takes, I think you’re a little off on this one. There has never been or ever will be a need to make chocolate great again. What Trump actually needs to do is make chocolate affordable again. And I’m thankful that I had set my coffee down before I read that.
Has anyone thought about how you will get grocery prices down when you see employees of grocery stores, and now independent contractors, running around gathering food and supplies for people sitting out in their vehicles? I have inquired about this and these people do not pay anymore for their products than I do and I am inside doing the shopping myself. So who is paying for this if it's not all consumers in inflated grocery stores prices?
In France and some neighbor European 💶 countries the stores either have dedicated teams and/OR the drive through customers pay a slightly higher price to finance the service they receive ...
I used this service before I can no longer drive, and now they deliver my products at home (I pay an extra for this!)...
Kroger was charging for pick up. They still charge for delivery. I’m pretty sure things like instacart charge for their service, too. Some days I cannot physically make it thru the grocery store and I’m grateful there is someone else who can do it for me. Clicklist and delivery have been around since before the pandemic and before inflation.
The entire subject of man-made global warming can be put to bed with some relatively simple calculations. What no one has ever done is to equate the total effects of mankind on the total energy of the natural world. May I use an example we can all relate to?
In the recent hurricane in Florida they were inundated with a storm surge of 14 feet. The calculation of the energy required to generate that surge is easily calculated by taking the average height of the water and multiplying it by the area affected. Then, knowing the energy was created by the movement of air over the water, the total horsepower can be calculated. Now, remember this is just one storm that lasted less than a week. The world is creating and destroying energy every minute of every day.
Here is what the calculation will show. The single storm, just in water movement, used more energy than the total mankind uses in a hundred years in all of his methods. In other words, mankind’s use of energy is insignificant compared to God’s use of energy.
That, my friends, is what is not being told. You may try to sort out the reasons for failing to do the calculations, but I think I have a very good idea as to motive. Could it be there is no money in telling the truth? I think it is that simple.
There is huge money in making up a plausible story and scaring the public. Then, corrupt players on both sides of the story can argue for years, write books, and suck up TV time hours confusing the public. They know the public will never do the needed calculations to prove the underlying lie.
This how science is used against us. I do not blame the evil clowns who came up with the lie about man-made global warming. I find more fault with the “professionals” who know how to disprove the lie but instead leave the public confused.
I was shown the calculation about eight years ago for Hurricane Florence. The engineer who did the work is one of the best I have ever met. Trying to show it on line is not something that I am capable of doing with my limited abilities. The key point is the numbers are crazy large.
Think about the snow storms raging right now. A foot of snow may represent just an inch of rain, but think about the thermodynamics of the event. Every pound of water had to be evaporated by nature to create vapor to create clouds. That volume alone is huge, but the BTU’s of energy amount to more energy than man can ever create. Look at the thousands of square miles and think in terms of square feet and an inch of rain. And, this is just one event. Then, the same amount of energy is changed again when the water vapor condenses back to liquid to then be frozen.
The whole point is not for you or me to do the calculation. We are not paid to be the experts. If we actually show the true numbers, we will be told we are not experts and should be ignored. I have been through that gamesmanship too many times. And I readily admit that I am not an expert.
My point is the real experts are tainted by greed. There is no money in telling the truth. The money is in keeping the argument alive! We must not get caught in being asked to prove our numbers. We must make a strong enough argument to force the experts to come clean with the true numbers. That is what they are paid the big bucks to do. Unfortunately, once the truth is known, the money stops flowing to the experts.
The same is true with Lawfare. The cases against Trump are a bogus, but lawyers are paid to argue. Why get to the truth? There is no money in it.
Just as a point of interest concerning experts arguing for profit. Think about the Scopes trials. That was 100 years ago this year! But, the evolutionists and the creationists still argue.
The key to this nutty game is to posit an irreconcilable idea as being true. That is all we need for all sorts of craziness to ensue. Here we are a century down the road and the argument continues with both sides just digging in their heels deeper. But, what is resulting from this that is in any way constructive?
What is constructive is knowing that it requires 1048 BTU’s to convert one pound of water to water vapor. And, 1048 BTU’s are converted the other way as that vapor condenses. So, how many pounds of water are held in the Earth’s atmosphere? We can see clouds, but they make up a small fraction of the total. Each. Cubic foot of air contains water vapor so there are trillions of tons of water being converted all over the world every day. The thermodynamics are mind boggling but who bothers to compare those numbers to man-made energy numbers?
God created the Earth and all of the physics that hold everything together. The goal of the bad guys is to make us believe man can control God’s universe. But, comparing our capability to do that by putting it into perspective is not going to sell global warming, nor global cooling. It proves we are essentially at God’s mercy. Communists reject that truth to sell their plans.
And men fancy themselves to be gods. What fool's! These calculations show the weakness of humans vs the strength of the Creator. I, like others, don't have the bandwidth to make such calculations, but I greatly respect those who do,and I appreciate your sharing it. How awesome is God!!!
I think the calculations are really the key! If we prove mathematically that man is basically insignificant in the larger scheme of things, it is a humbling realization. It is also a reality check to put the liberal clowns in their place…equal to all of us.
I think we spend too much time allowing fools to influence our lives. Look at California! The Governor is destroying water impoundments while cities burn to the ground. That is just ludicrous. But he gets elected and will likely run for president in four years.
It's really not that complicated, Anna, once you understand the fundamentals. Jim gave you one: 1048 BTUs to evaporate a pound of water. Other than knowing man's use of energy per year or century, which I don't know, the rest of it is trivial almost.
All you have to do is know (or imagine, any realistic guess is OK) the area of ground that received a certain amount of rain. Let's say 1000 square miles (about the area of a typical county, in the West some are much larger and in the East smaller, but who cares anyway?) and one inch of rain.
How do you convert that to BTUs? Well, area x length x density == weight (mass actually, but for this purpose that distinction does not matter either).
So, area = 1000 square miles = 1000 * (5280)^2 = 28 billion square feet, more or less (certainly close enough for an exercise like this)
Length (height of the water column = 1" = 1/12 foot
Density = around 62 pounds per cubic foot
So 28 billion sqft * 1/12 ft * 62 lb/cuft = 145 billion pounds
Multiplying by Jim's 1048 btu/lb heat of vaporization = 1.5 x 10^14 which is 150 trillion BTUs. Brave's AI 'Leo' tells me that in 2019 world energy production was 617 exajoules, which sounds like (and is) a big number. Onlineconversion.com tells me that 617 EJ = 584 quadrillion BTUs
This is about 4000 times more than the energy used to deliver an inch of rain to that county. But when you consider how small a county is compared to the surface of the earth (200 million square miles, including oceans, it rains there too): the area of the earth is 200,000 x larger than that 1000 sq mile county.
Big numbers, but don't let that intimidate you, from a numerical standpoint. I don't know what the average annual rainfall is and it might be hard to find including the oceans, but somewhere around 2 feet a year (24") is probably as good a guess as any. So off the top of my head, 200,000 times larger than a county and 24 times more rain -> about 5 million times more energy than an inch of rain on a county, or 1250 times man's annual energy production. Just for rain around the world.
That's what Jim is talking about. With numbers this big it doesn't really matter if some of them are off, even by a factor of ten. The numbers are still huge. YUUUGE, as a certain orange-haired oracle is known to say.
And, once you get the number, double it! Because it all works in reverse as the water vapor condenses to form drops. And if we are going to make snow, we add another 144 BTU’s per pound to convert water vapor droplets to ice.
The enormity of God’s creation is being overlooked intentionally. Our insignificance is actually very religious if we just think about it properly.
What mankind is really good at doing is in dealing with our protection from nature. We insulate our structures to save BTU’s and we keep finding more efficient ways to keep ourselves comfortable. Just look how far we have come since 1913 versus how far behind the dollar has fallen in the same time period. There we have a perfect comparison between progress and decline. Both were intentional. Conservative versus Liberal thinking. One side improves life, the other robs us blind.
See how we win the argument with truth? The Left is going down! We have all of the marbles!
And then there is getting water vapor from sea level up into the clouds. Another 50 BTU or so to get it (a pound) to 40,000 feet in a thundercloud. Which of course you get back, when it falls to earth -- just as you get back the 1048 when it condenses to rain.
Thanks to all for highlighting the nuances of “today’s narrative rollout.” My favorite is the United Airlines introduction of StarLink. We have witnessed tens of “deployments” into the atmosphere over the past years, wondering to what percentage this equipment is already part of our world-wide CommTech. Excellent.
"With all the fire news, this story immediately reminded me of the 1919 Brooklyn Chocolate Flood." - Ashe. This is why I love you guys. Your collective repository of information that most people have never heard of is incredible. Whether for insight, analysis, or just simple humor, it adds so much context and richness to what you share. I'm going to be chuckling at the image of Dickensian urchins running toward lava flows of chocolate all day, right after I buy up all the chocolate at the grocery store.
I agree BB: "Why? Because 'malicious intent' is the endgame, and tribunals follow it.
– Burning Bright", coming soon to a Trumpamania near you! The Trumpamania will be televised...
Thanks Ashe for the best laugh of the day: "Trump making chocolate great again would win women forever. – Ashe in America"
AlphaWarriors "OPERATION GLADIO - "GEOGRAPHY OF GLADIO" - EP.374 AlphaWarrior Show" had the best explanation I have seen of Trump's 51st State, etc. trolling.
Thanks for your feedback. I see what you're saying. Try reading it as the buzzard and carcass are a metaphor for the Washington, DC deep state and Trump, the eagle, is flying in to take control.
I stuck my neck out with this little bit of creative writing. It's not a strong point with me. Not surprised if it fell flat, lol.
Anyway, I see a whole lotta fear in Dubya's body language that I don't think he would have reason to have if it weren't for Trump becoming President again.
"if we do the next four years right, the law will be less of a weapon." - Ashe
While I wish so, I'm not quite as enthusiastic on this particular front. Across the States and Fed there are over 80,000 various statutes on books. Effectively "law" for all citizen subjects of the Federal corporation called the UNITED STATES [sic]. There is going to need to be a mass repealing of rules and codes, or a complete reversal of everything the US has done since the Civil War and a return to American Common Law. Will that happen? I've not heard even a whisper about it anywhere.
Then again, anyone planning such a thing is likely to keep his (or her) mouth shut until the time is right. No sense triggering the corporate (as in body politic) immune mechanisms.
Thank you for a week's worth of takes, insights and intriguing comments!
I know this opinion cuts against the grain - it is however supported by thousands of years of proof:
Currencies of trade are nothing more and nothing less than an accommodative proxy for time, effort, skill and risk (so, labor) all of which produce goods and services. And that is true whether the currency is mined, printed, or harvested.
Bottom line: If my day's "wages", in whatever accommodative proxy is being used, cover my daily "costs" then there is opportunity. If they do not then I must either increase my daily "wages" or reduce my daily "costs"...period.
We can throw all sorts of functions and factors into the algorithm so that most folks don't understand or (worse) despair. But the base calculus does not change. Our great grandfathers worked 70-80+ hours a week in order to offset daily "costs" (and likely started their "careers" in their early teens - if not before); our generation struggles to work 40 hours per week and spends over 20 hours a week being "entertained".
The accommodative proxy is not the issue! I believe the sooner we focus on our points of control (and thereby free up time and effort) the sooner we can break the yoke that the system of systems places on our necks (see Rev.6:5-6...the word is yoke not scale!).
You are exactly correct. The problem with any currency is politicians who manipulate them. Rome based it’s currency on precious metals, but soon realized they could cheat by putting less metal into a coin, or diluting the precious metal with a lesser valued metal. That was, essentially, deflation of the value which created inflation of the economy.
In America the politicians have taken this to astronomical levels by dilution of an already worthless paper currency. We fell for it! But, today a national debt of $36.4 Trillion has exposed the game. Trump has exposed it by letting Biden and his crooked leftist clowns spend like crazy to try to save themselves from exposure of their trickery. The trickery runs deep, but inflation of 25% shows us the bottom line. Embezzling money has to be very gradual or it is recognized and prosecuted.
1913 was the worst year in American politics. That was the year the Left stole America from us legally by doing three illegal things. They gave the public the “right” to elect senators which gave way too much power to the federal government and weakened the States power. Also, they invented the income tax that opened up the Congress credit card that was controlled by their third crime which was to create the Federal Reserve. None of these three crimes were ever litigated, but guaranteed inflation for America. Who is taught this in civics class? In fact, this is one reason civics class has been done away with. America cannot stand the truth.
The good news is there is a solution that is already in place. We dismantle the system in reverse. We replace the FED with a gold backed dollar. We eliminate the income tax, and then we give the selection of senators back to the state legislatures. But, to do this we need a lot of Gold! How about 650 cargo planes worth?
I appreciate your zeal - mentioned yesterday that we need to be wary about calling this the New Golden Age - since the last one set us up for 1913...
But my main point is more about taking control of those things that we can; knowing that "the politicians you will have with you always..." Wait, did I remember that right?
Yes, the Gold standard may have set us up for 1913, but that was because the government set the Gold price at $20.67/oz. That was why we had a $20 Gold piece called the double eagle. The Gold price was locked into the currency. But, this tended to limit the expansion of the economy and anyone could go to the bank and demand Gold so the government was at the mercy of the public’s mood.
What we now will have is a dollar backed by Gold, but the value of Gold will be determined by the market. That is what we needed in 1890 or 1913 but we had a coin value at $20 that had an ounce of Gold in it. That locked everything down.
The key point today is the value of a dollar will be more stable because it is backed by real assets. The FED dollar is backed by absolutely nothing real. The government can just create more dollars by agreeing to take on more debt. And, that is the problem we must put an end to.
My primary point continues to, at least in my mind and experience, supersede any and all of our best efforts in this discussion.
Leviticus 26 provides an exacting economic model that, if followed, would eliminate usury, mortgages, inflation and social classes (and which included a fixed value, gold-based currency). I believe that the effectiveness of that model would be true in both agrarian and industrial/informational bases. The only variables would be one's integrity and work ethic.
Of course the foundation of that economic utopia requires an absolute faith in God and His principles - including an understanding that He owns it all - which, like our current and even proposed economic ideals, has proven beyond our reach.
We are advised that the LOVE of money (currency - earthly possessions) is the root of every kind of evil. History has shown that any man-ordained system is subject to the eventual decline that is implicit within it. An unfortunate "when" not "if" proposition.
And so, while you continue to promote, rightly, your ideal; I will continue to promote mine with the hope that some day soon we will be able to drive the golden spike that connects the lines and expands our future!
As always Jim, it is an honor and a pleasure to interchange ideas with you! May God Bless you and yours!
I cannot argue with a single word. We are much closer to being in agreement that you might think. Money is definitely the root of all evil, but that doesn’t make money evil. We need money to survive buying things we need. Plus, I am old enough to need money to work for me so I can exist without working to make money. I hope that doesn’t make me evil.
Now, usury is evil, but a fair interest rate charged to loan money for a constructive purpose is what allows free enterprise to thrive. A mortgage is a good example. Taking on debt to own a property builds wealth with your need for roof over your head in lieu of renting a space owned by someone else. I see no harm in that use of interest.
Taking some excess earnings to buy shares of stock allows one to own a small piece of a growing business and may return a dividend in exchange. After a lifetime of saving and investing, a person can retire and let those investments fund a life in old age.
I find no evil in that approach, it is equally fair to everyone who chooses to participate and we all win together. Your success is a result of your personal desire for self-improvement and hurts no one else. To me, this as good as it can get because it is fair and works for anyone who wants to participate. What you choose to do is of no concern as long as you do it well and add value. You should be compensated for your worth to society.
The idea that the ownership of possessions is wrong is where we apparently disagree. Wanting or craving too much is wrong, but owning assets, to me, is the only way to make your own way and ever expect to retire.
Quick clarification. It is the LOVE of things that I am referring to - not the possession of them or utilization - in fact what you describe was contained in my single word "opportunity" in my original post. I too am "old enough" and like you believe that the stewardship of my efforts and expertise has granted me the opportunity to take full advantage of the "strength of my youth" to allow me to serve my Lord "full time".
Ownership as you describe it sounds like stewardship to me - mere semantics. I too own assets and reap their fruits. I have title to "things", but attempt to hold them loosely and to recognize that I am a steward; one of those who was given "talents" (a reference to a relatively large amount of currency) and whose responsibility it is to reap production from those gifts.
Didn't you and I once figure out approximately how much gold that would be? I recall maybe $5 trillion.... hmmm, I seem to be in a calculating mood so here goes:
650 planes x 100 MT useful load (typical for a 747F freighter or C-17 Globemaster)
= 65,000 MT (metric tonnes, 1000 kilograms each)
= 65,000,000 kg
SD Bullion tells me that the price of gold today is ~$87,000 per kg
Correct, though that would go a long way. BRICS are on the right track I think with a commodities-based currency. Add in oil, wheat, a few others with the gold, and you've got something.
I think America should welcome BRICS to the playing field. Let the currencies compete for survival in the world markets. I believe our dollar, backed by Gold will beat the socks off of any other currency because we have something working for us that is rare. It is the free enterprise system backed by the ability to create and possess wealth.
Communists do not accept property rights. Let’s see how China can create a work force driven by fear. When the government owns everything and doles out the goods according to need, the work tends to chase the lowest common denominator. This is not conducive for growth and a strong monetary system.
Here, we compete for excellence and strive for building wealth through saving and investing. Home ownership is a wealth building enterprise. That is where Trump is taking America…back to what we had 80 years ago. We have lost our way recently but many of us know what works and what doesn’t. Let’s get this show on the road! I am sick of mediocrity by design. If anyone has any questions, look at Los Angeles. They have led the way in losing liberal propositions.
Great comment, Jim. And don't forget all the idiots who voted to put those liberal LA and California politicians in office. Losers. Hopefully they will learn a lesson from all this, though my more realistic side tells me not to hope too much, lest I be disappointed.
LA and CA can survive idiot politicians, but they cannot survive the folks who elect them.
Obama or aka Barry Sottoreo was born in Kenya Africa and his relative believe it or not of Adolf Hitler grandfather and related to the Bush Family as well. Blood relative of Cain satanic worshippers. Please fact check because its all true 💯!
She's right you know, now more than ever we need links because much has been scrubbed now. Back in 08-12 timeframe, this was relatively easy to source but today? It's just gone man.
Few realized that it was the one-year anniversary of Melania’s beloved mother’s death and only saw what they wanted to see, however, President Trump has already commented on his jovial conversation with Obama and if that doesn’t signal something bigger than most understand, they’ll get it soon enough,
Cacao vs Cocoa - health vs contentment - do the research,
F@ck the UN Migration Agency,
Newscum is to California as Castrudeau is to Canada, Central Casting’s best,
The left will fall in love with Alito when they find out who his replacement is going to be,
-The bottom line for ALL of these desperate last ditch attempts is succinctly stated by BB: ‘Why? Because 'malicious intent' is the endgame, and tribunals follow it.’
-It seems the Middle East is solidifying after a long effort by Mohammed Bin Salmon, noted by Ghost, ‘So now Hezbollah, Iran, the US, and Saudi Arabia are backing the same candidate?’ Interesting.
-Ashe points to something that our men might not quite understand, ‘And we keep hearing that women vote harder than men. Trump making chocolate great again would win women forever.’ 🍫🍫
-The UN, master of stealing and laundering US taxpayer dollars, like the CIA, has a planned role opposite of what is publicly stated.
-Newsome: it had better be planned demolition.🧐
-The moves and countermoves in Europe and the Arctic are interesting to watch and the moves behind the public eye appear to be intensifying and spreading.
‘Checkmate, Deep State. Now you's can't leave. – GhostofBasedPatrickHenry’. My favorite place for them to be!!
The people have been electing corporate officers in what is essentially a corporation like McDonalds since the end of the Civil War. It's all gotta go, they've just been engineering consent.
George Bush looked like an imposter. Love these funerals where all these swamp creature's, especially Killary and Billy look-a-likes, gather together with venom stirring through their blood. Trump always relaxed and ready for the shitshow extravaganza!
Out of everyone, I felt sad for Melania. She looks visibly shaken. Not only is she probably thinking about her own mother's passing but she is surrounded by people who tried to ruin and even take out her husband and while her son who was at the rally witnessed.
I pray that God be with and protect the Trump family.
Amen to that! Melania looked disgusted and who can blame her... We all know what these MONSTERS have done to her family.
Pence’s wife didn’t acknowledge Trump or Melania, who has been nothing but gracious and classy despite’s being g snubbed at every turn. But when Obama walked in she was all smiles and handshakes. BOOM. She just showed the world what she is. All those fucking reptilians.
Best of show:
And we keep hearing that women vote harder than men. Trump making chocolate great again would win women forever. – Ashe in America
As much as I love your takes, I think you’re a little off on this one. There has never been or ever will be a need to make chocolate great again. What Trump actually needs to do is make chocolate affordable again. And I’m thankful that I had set my coffee down before I read that.
Has anyone thought about how you will get grocery prices down when you see employees of grocery stores, and now independent contractors, running around gathering food and supplies for people sitting out in their vehicles? I have inquired about this and these people do not pay anymore for their products than I do and I am inside doing the shopping myself. So who is paying for this if it's not all consumers in inflated grocery stores prices?
Hello Karen !
In France and some neighbor European 💶 countries the stores either have dedicated teams and/OR the drive through customers pay a slightly higher price to finance the service they receive ...
I used this service before I can no longer drive, and now they deliver my products at home (I pay an extra for this!)...
Kroger was charging for pick up. They still charge for delivery. I’m pretty sure things like instacart charge for their service, too. Some days I cannot physically make it thru the grocery store and I’m grateful there is someone else who can do it for me. Clicklist and delivery have been around since before the pandemic and before inflation.
The entire subject of man-made global warming can be put to bed with some relatively simple calculations. What no one has ever done is to equate the total effects of mankind on the total energy of the natural world. May I use an example we can all relate to?
In the recent hurricane in Florida they were inundated with a storm surge of 14 feet. The calculation of the energy required to generate that surge is easily calculated by taking the average height of the water and multiplying it by the area affected. Then, knowing the energy was created by the movement of air over the water, the total horsepower can be calculated. Now, remember this is just one storm that lasted less than a week. The world is creating and destroying energy every minute of every day.
Here is what the calculation will show. The single storm, just in water movement, used more energy than the total mankind uses in a hundred years in all of his methods. In other words, mankind’s use of energy is insignificant compared to God’s use of energy.
That, my friends, is what is not being told. You may try to sort out the reasons for failing to do the calculations, but I think I have a very good idea as to motive. Could it be there is no money in telling the truth? I think it is that simple.
There is huge money in making up a plausible story and scaring the public. Then, corrupt players on both sides of the story can argue for years, write books, and suck up TV time hours confusing the public. They know the public will never do the needed calculations to prove the underlying lie.
This how science is used against us. I do not blame the evil clowns who came up with the lie about man-made global warming. I find more fault with the “professionals” who know how to disprove the lie but instead leave the public confused.
Deliberately and with malice…..
I’m not prepared to do that much work, so could you just show me your calculations so that I can verify it for myself thanks
I was shown the calculation about eight years ago for Hurricane Florence. The engineer who did the work is one of the best I have ever met. Trying to show it on line is not something that I am capable of doing with my limited abilities. The key point is the numbers are crazy large.
Think about the snow storms raging right now. A foot of snow may represent just an inch of rain, but think about the thermodynamics of the event. Every pound of water had to be evaporated by nature to create vapor to create clouds. That volume alone is huge, but the BTU’s of energy amount to more energy than man can ever create. Look at the thousands of square miles and think in terms of square feet and an inch of rain. And, this is just one event. Then, the same amount of energy is changed again when the water vapor condenses back to liquid to then be frozen.
The whole point is not for you or me to do the calculation. We are not paid to be the experts. If we actually show the true numbers, we will be told we are not experts and should be ignored. I have been through that gamesmanship too many times. And I readily admit that I am not an expert.
My point is the real experts are tainted by greed. There is no money in telling the truth. The money is in keeping the argument alive! We must not get caught in being asked to prove our numbers. We must make a strong enough argument to force the experts to come clean with the true numbers. That is what they are paid the big bucks to do. Unfortunately, once the truth is known, the money stops flowing to the experts.
The same is true with Lawfare. The cases against Trump are a bogus, but lawyers are paid to argue. Why get to the truth? There is no money in it.
Just as a point of interest concerning experts arguing for profit. Think about the Scopes trials. That was 100 years ago this year! But, the evolutionists and the creationists still argue.
The key to this nutty game is to posit an irreconcilable idea as being true. That is all we need for all sorts of craziness to ensue. Here we are a century down the road and the argument continues with both sides just digging in their heels deeper. But, what is resulting from this that is in any way constructive?
What is constructive is knowing that it requires 1048 BTU’s to convert one pound of water to water vapor. And, 1048 BTU’s are converted the other way as that vapor condenses. So, how many pounds of water are held in the Earth’s atmosphere? We can see clouds, but they make up a small fraction of the total. Each. Cubic foot of air contains water vapor so there are trillions of tons of water being converted all over the world every day. The thermodynamics are mind boggling but who bothers to compare those numbers to man-made energy numbers?
God created the Earth and all of the physics that hold everything together. The goal of the bad guys is to make us believe man can control God’s universe. But, comparing our capability to do that by putting it into perspective is not going to sell global warming, nor global cooling. It proves we are essentially at God’s mercy. Communists reject that truth to sell their plans.
Like I said, it is always about the money.
And men fancy themselves to be gods. What fool's! These calculations show the weakness of humans vs the strength of the Creator. I, like others, don't have the bandwidth to make such calculations, but I greatly respect those who do,and I appreciate your sharing it. How awesome is God!!!
I think the calculations are really the key! If we prove mathematically that man is basically insignificant in the larger scheme of things, it is a humbling realization. It is also a reality check to put the liberal clowns in their place…equal to all of us.
I think we spend too much time allowing fools to influence our lives. Look at California! The Governor is destroying water impoundments while cities burn to the ground. That is just ludicrous. But he gets elected and will likely run for president in four years.
It's really not that complicated, Anna, once you understand the fundamentals. Jim gave you one: 1048 BTUs to evaporate a pound of water. Other than knowing man's use of energy per year or century, which I don't know, the rest of it is trivial almost.
All you have to do is know (or imagine, any realistic guess is OK) the area of ground that received a certain amount of rain. Let's say 1000 square miles (about the area of a typical county, in the West some are much larger and in the East smaller, but who cares anyway?) and one inch of rain.
How do you convert that to BTUs? Well, area x length x density == weight (mass actually, but for this purpose that distinction does not matter either).
So, area = 1000 square miles = 1000 * (5280)^2 = 28 billion square feet, more or less (certainly close enough for an exercise like this)
Length (height of the water column = 1" = 1/12 foot
Density = around 62 pounds per cubic foot
So 28 billion sqft * 1/12 ft * 62 lb/cuft = 145 billion pounds
Multiplying by Jim's 1048 btu/lb heat of vaporization = 1.5 x 10^14 which is 150 trillion BTUs. Brave's AI 'Leo' tells me that in 2019 world energy production was 617 exajoules, which sounds like (and is) a big number. Onlineconversion.com tells me that 617 EJ = 584 quadrillion BTUs
This is about 4000 times more than the energy used to deliver an inch of rain to that county. But when you consider how small a county is compared to the surface of the earth (200 million square miles, including oceans, it rains there too): the area of the earth is 200,000 x larger than that 1000 sq mile county.
Big numbers, but don't let that intimidate you, from a numerical standpoint. I don't know what the average annual rainfall is and it might be hard to find including the oceans, but somewhere around 2 feet a year (24") is probably as good a guess as any. So off the top of my head, 200,000 times larger than a county and 24 times more rain -> about 5 million times more energy than an inch of rain on a county, or 1250 times man's annual energy production. Just for rain around the world.
That's what Jim is talking about. With numbers this big it doesn't really matter if some of them are off, even by a factor of ten. The numbers are still huge. YUUUGE, as a certain orange-haired oracle is known to say.
And, once you get the number, double it! Because it all works in reverse as the water vapor condenses to form drops. And if we are going to make snow, we add another 144 BTU’s per pound to convert water vapor droplets to ice.
The enormity of God’s creation is being overlooked intentionally. Our insignificance is actually very religious if we just think about it properly.
What mankind is really good at doing is in dealing with our protection from nature. We insulate our structures to save BTU’s and we keep finding more efficient ways to keep ourselves comfortable. Just look how far we have come since 1913 versus how far behind the dollar has fallen in the same time period. There we have a perfect comparison between progress and decline. Both were intentional. Conservative versus Liberal thinking. One side improves life, the other robs us blind.
See how we win the argument with truth? The Left is going down! We have all of the marbles!
And then there is getting water vapor from sea level up into the clouds. Another 50 BTU or so to get it (a pound) to 40,000 feet in a thundercloud. Which of course you get back, when it falls to earth -- just as you get back the 1048 when it condenses to rain.
Thank you for explaining it. I'm still blown away by the the big numbers 😄
It does give you a feeling for how awesome God and His Creation really are!
I enjoyed your comment and your thinking.
Thanks to all for highlighting the nuances of “today’s narrative rollout.” My favorite is the United Airlines introduction of StarLink. We have witnessed tens of “deployments” into the atmosphere over the past years, wondering to what percentage this equipment is already part of our world-wide CommTech. Excellent.
"With all the fire news, this story immediately reminded me of the 1919 Brooklyn Chocolate Flood." - Ashe. This is why I love you guys. Your collective repository of information that most people have never heard of is incredible. Whether for insight, analysis, or just simple humor, it adds so much context and richness to what you share. I'm going to be chuckling at the image of Dickensian urchins running toward lava flows of chocolate all day, right after I buy up all the chocolate at the grocery store.
I agree BB: "Why? Because 'malicious intent' is the endgame, and tribunals follow it.
– Burning Bright", coming soon to a Trumpamania near you! The Trumpamania will be televised...
Thanks Ashe for the best laugh of the day: "Trump making chocolate great again would win women forever. – Ashe in America"
AlphaWarriors "OPERATION GLADIO - "GEOGRAPHY OF GLADIO" - EP.374 AlphaWarrior Show" had the best explanation I have seen of Trump's 51st State, etc. trolling.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Bush looks like he's a buzzard cowering around a carcass as an eagle flies in to claim it.
I really hate to criticize anyone’s post because I’m always wrong. I think you should’ve cut it off at six words.
Thanks for your feedback. I see what you're saying. Try reading it as the buzzard and carcass are a metaphor for the Washington, DC deep state and Trump, the eagle, is flying in to take control.
I stuck my neck out with this little bit of creative writing. It's not a strong point with me. Not surprised if it fell flat, lol.
Anyway, I see a whole lotta fear in Dubya's body language that I don't think he would have reason to have if it weren't for Trump becoming President again.
May not count for much, SeeJay, but I liked it! 👍🏻👍🏻
"if we do the next four years right, the law will be less of a weapon." - Ashe
While I wish so, I'm not quite as enthusiastic on this particular front. Across the States and Fed there are over 80,000 various statutes on books. Effectively "law" for all citizen subjects of the Federal corporation called the UNITED STATES [sic]. There is going to need to be a mass repealing of rules and codes, or a complete reversal of everything the US has done since the Civil War and a return to American Common Law. Will that happen? I've not heard even a whisper about it anywhere.
Then again, anyone planning such a thing is likely to keep his (or her) mouth shut until the time is right. No sense triggering the corporate (as in body politic) immune mechanisms.
Thank you for a week's worth of takes, insights and intriguing comments!
I know this opinion cuts against the grain - it is however supported by thousands of years of proof:
Currencies of trade are nothing more and nothing less than an accommodative proxy for time, effort, skill and risk (so, labor) all of which produce goods and services. And that is true whether the currency is mined, printed, or harvested.
Bottom line: If my day's "wages", in whatever accommodative proxy is being used, cover my daily "costs" then there is opportunity. If they do not then I must either increase my daily "wages" or reduce my daily "costs"...period.
We can throw all sorts of functions and factors into the algorithm so that most folks don't understand or (worse) despair. But the base calculus does not change. Our great grandfathers worked 70-80+ hours a week in order to offset daily "costs" (and likely started their "careers" in their early teens - if not before); our generation struggles to work 40 hours per week and spends over 20 hours a week being "entertained".
The accommodative proxy is not the issue! I believe the sooner we focus on our points of control (and thereby free up time and effort) the sooner we can break the yoke that the system of systems places on our necks (see Rev.6:5-6...the word is yoke not scale!).
Hard work is the "1776" of every generation.
You are exactly correct. The problem with any currency is politicians who manipulate them. Rome based it’s currency on precious metals, but soon realized they could cheat by putting less metal into a coin, or diluting the precious metal with a lesser valued metal. That was, essentially, deflation of the value which created inflation of the economy.
In America the politicians have taken this to astronomical levels by dilution of an already worthless paper currency. We fell for it! But, today a national debt of $36.4 Trillion has exposed the game. Trump has exposed it by letting Biden and his crooked leftist clowns spend like crazy to try to save themselves from exposure of their trickery. The trickery runs deep, but inflation of 25% shows us the bottom line. Embezzling money has to be very gradual or it is recognized and prosecuted.
1913 was the worst year in American politics. That was the year the Left stole America from us legally by doing three illegal things. They gave the public the “right” to elect senators which gave way too much power to the federal government and weakened the States power. Also, they invented the income tax that opened up the Congress credit card that was controlled by their third crime which was to create the Federal Reserve. None of these three crimes were ever litigated, but guaranteed inflation for America. Who is taught this in civics class? In fact, this is one reason civics class has been done away with. America cannot stand the truth.
The good news is there is a solution that is already in place. We dismantle the system in reverse. We replace the FED with a gold backed dollar. We eliminate the income tax, and then we give the selection of senators back to the state legislatures. But, to do this we need a lot of Gold! How about 650 cargo planes worth?
Say, “Thank you, Donald!”
Just to say, the politicians set the rules but the bankers tell them what rules to make.
I appreciate your zeal - mentioned yesterday that we need to be wary about calling this the New Golden Age - since the last one set us up for 1913...
But my main point is more about taking control of those things that we can; knowing that "the politicians you will have with you always..." Wait, did I remember that right?
Yes, the Gold standard may have set us up for 1913, but that was because the government set the Gold price at $20.67/oz. That was why we had a $20 Gold piece called the double eagle. The Gold price was locked into the currency. But, this tended to limit the expansion of the economy and anyone could go to the bank and demand Gold so the government was at the mercy of the public’s mood.
What we now will have is a dollar backed by Gold, but the value of Gold will be determined by the market. That is what we needed in 1890 or 1913 but we had a coin value at $20 that had an ounce of Gold in it. That locked everything down.
The key point today is the value of a dollar will be more stable because it is backed by real assets. The FED dollar is backed by absolutely nothing real. The government can just create more dollars by agreeing to take on more debt. And, that is the problem we must put an end to.
And here we agree and I assume, diverge.
My primary point continues to, at least in my mind and experience, supersede any and all of our best efforts in this discussion.
Leviticus 26 provides an exacting economic model that, if followed, would eliminate usury, mortgages, inflation and social classes (and which included a fixed value, gold-based currency). I believe that the effectiveness of that model would be true in both agrarian and industrial/informational bases. The only variables would be one's integrity and work ethic.
Of course the foundation of that economic utopia requires an absolute faith in God and His principles - including an understanding that He owns it all - which, like our current and even proposed economic ideals, has proven beyond our reach.
We are advised that the LOVE of money (currency - earthly possessions) is the root of every kind of evil. History has shown that any man-ordained system is subject to the eventual decline that is implicit within it. An unfortunate "when" not "if" proposition.
And so, while you continue to promote, rightly, your ideal; I will continue to promote mine with the hope that some day soon we will be able to drive the golden spike that connects the lines and expands our future!
As always Jim, it is an honor and a pleasure to interchange ideas with you! May God Bless you and yours!
I cannot argue with a single word. We are much closer to being in agreement that you might think. Money is definitely the root of all evil, but that doesn’t make money evil. We need money to survive buying things we need. Plus, I am old enough to need money to work for me so I can exist without working to make money. I hope that doesn’t make me evil.
Now, usury is evil, but a fair interest rate charged to loan money for a constructive purpose is what allows free enterprise to thrive. A mortgage is a good example. Taking on debt to own a property builds wealth with your need for roof over your head in lieu of renting a space owned by someone else. I see no harm in that use of interest.
Taking some excess earnings to buy shares of stock allows one to own a small piece of a growing business and may return a dividend in exchange. After a lifetime of saving and investing, a person can retire and let those investments fund a life in old age.
I find no evil in that approach, it is equally fair to everyone who chooses to participate and we all win together. Your success is a result of your personal desire for self-improvement and hurts no one else. To me, this as good as it can get because it is fair and works for anyone who wants to participate. What you choose to do is of no concern as long as you do it well and add value. You should be compensated for your worth to society.
The idea that the ownership of possessions is wrong is where we apparently disagree. Wanting or craving too much is wrong, but owning assets, to me, is the only way to make your own way and ever expect to retire.
Quick clarification. It is the LOVE of things that I am referring to - not the possession of them or utilization - in fact what you describe was contained in my single word "opportunity" in my original post. I too am "old enough" and like you believe that the stewardship of my efforts and expertise has granted me the opportunity to take full advantage of the "strength of my youth" to allow me to serve my Lord "full time".
Ownership as you describe it sounds like stewardship to me - mere semantics. I too own assets and reap their fruits. I have title to "things", but attempt to hold them loosely and to recognize that I am a steward; one of those who was given "talents" (a reference to a relatively large amount of currency) and whose responsibility it is to reap production from those gifts.
And so it seems - we are quite close, as you say!
Didn't you and I once figure out approximately how much gold that would be? I recall maybe $5 trillion.... hmmm, I seem to be in a calculating mood so here goes:
650 planes x 100 MT useful load (typical for a 747F freighter or C-17 Globemaster)
= 65,000 MT (metric tonnes, 1000 kilograms each)
= 65,000,000 kg
SD Bullion tells me that the price of gold today is ~$87,000 per kg
$87,000/kg * 65,000,000 kg = $5.6 trillion 😉
Don’t forget, we already had some Gold before the planes went to Rome. Plus, we can use Silver, or other rare items as backing.
That's only $16,000 per American....
Correct, though that would go a long way. BRICS are on the right track I think with a commodities-based currency. Add in oil, wheat, a few others with the gold, and you've got something.
I think America should welcome BRICS to the playing field. Let the currencies compete for survival in the world markets. I believe our dollar, backed by Gold will beat the socks off of any other currency because we have something working for us that is rare. It is the free enterprise system backed by the ability to create and possess wealth.
Communists do not accept property rights. Let’s see how China can create a work force driven by fear. When the government owns everything and doles out the goods according to need, the work tends to chase the lowest common denominator. This is not conducive for growth and a strong monetary system.
Here, we compete for excellence and strive for building wealth through saving and investing. Home ownership is a wealth building enterprise. That is where Trump is taking America…back to what we had 80 years ago. We have lost our way recently but many of us know what works and what doesn’t. Let’s get this show on the road! I am sick of mediocrity by design. If anyone has any questions, look at Los Angeles. They have led the way in losing liberal propositions.
Great comment, Jim. And don't forget all the idiots who voted to put those liberal LA and California politicians in office. Losers. Hopefully they will learn a lesson from all this, though my more realistic side tells me not to hope too much, lest I be disappointed.
LA and CA can survive idiot politicians, but they cannot survive the folks who elect them.
Excellent take!!
Obama was elected using a stolen social security number.
Obama or aka Barry Sottoreo was born in Kenya Africa and his relative believe it or not of Adolf Hitler grandfather and related to the Bush Family as well. Blood relative of Cain satanic worshippers. Please fact check because its all true 💯!
Please give me some links. I would love to check this out.
I wish someone would get some DNA so we can find out who his real parents are.
Who cares? Frank Marshall Davis would have to be dug up.
She's right you know, now more than ever we need links because much has been scrubbed now. Back in 08-12 timeframe, this was relatively easy to source but today? It's just gone man.
I have your book, thanks for all your work!
Marie, thanks for your kind words.
Few realized that it was the one-year anniversary of Melania’s beloved mother’s death and only saw what they wanted to see, however, President Trump has already commented on his jovial conversation with Obama and if that doesn’t signal something bigger than most understand, they’ll get it soon enough,
Cacao vs Cocoa - health vs contentment - do the research,
F@ck the UN Migration Agency,
Newscum is to California as Castrudeau is to Canada, Central Casting’s best,
The left will fall in love with Alito when they find out who his replacement is going to be,
I agree with Joe Rogan.
Great Substack, thank you. 😊
Hi LiZi !
I didn't read anything in your comment regarding our national 🇫🇷 Macron ... 🥺☹️
Don't you have any place for him anywhere else than here ??
We'd be much pleased to share or switch him with any MAGA member, even a junior one, of your coming administration! 😁
Can we exile them all to an island somewhere so none of us have to live with them? One starting with a G comes to mind.
GITMO in paradise.
😂 I don’t think much of that little man, however, I have a feeling he’ll soon be written off by Le Pen.
I think USA would give you Kamaltoe For Macron, Or maybe even FJB himself. You have to know we love our trading partners.
-The bottom line for ALL of these desperate last ditch attempts is succinctly stated by BB: ‘Why? Because 'malicious intent' is the endgame, and tribunals follow it.’
-It seems the Middle East is solidifying after a long effort by Mohammed Bin Salmon, noted by Ghost, ‘So now Hezbollah, Iran, the US, and Saudi Arabia are backing the same candidate?’ Interesting.
-Ashe points to something that our men might not quite understand, ‘And we keep hearing that women vote harder than men. Trump making chocolate great again would win women forever.’ 🍫🍫
-The UN, master of stealing and laundering US taxpayer dollars, like the CIA, has a planned role opposite of what is publicly stated.
-Newsome: it had better be planned demolition.🧐
-The moves and countermoves in Europe and the Arctic are interesting to watch and the moves behind the public eye appear to be intensifying and spreading.
‘Checkmate, Deep State. Now you's can't leave. – GhostofBasedPatrickHenry’. My favorite place for them to be!!
God bless the courageous truth seekers here.🙏🙏
The people have been electing corporate officers in what is essentially a corporation like McDonalds since the end of the Civil War. It's all gotta go, they've just been engineering consent.
Not to be picky, but it's Mohammed bin Salman. Nothing fishy here, and yes Ghost got it wrong too.
Otherwise great summary as always!
Had it been a Beyonce/JZ/Diddy party, Big Mike would have been there!
George Bush looked like an imposter. Love these funerals where all these swamp creature's, especially Killary and Billy look-a-likes, gather together with venom stirring through their blood. Trump always relaxed and ready for the shitshow extravaganza!
Also, let the chocolate wars begin!!