"CDC Bought Phone Data To Monitor Americans' Compliance With Lockdowns, Contracts Show"

About this time in 2020, I remember driving south on I-79 to a Home Depot 40 miles away to get a new blade for my chain saw.

Overhead signs across the interstate questioned my need to be on the highway. They meant for me to feel guilty.

Instead, I was livid.

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Guilt is one of [their] main tools to enforce compliance. Compliance, of course, is their main goal. There is nothing that infuriates [them] more than defiance.

Obviously, that approach does not work on you; nor I suspect on many (most) who are reading here.

Refuse to comply. Become ungovernable, if gives them apoplexy. Laugh at them, it makes them furious. Ignore the 'little man behind the curtain.' He's nothing more than a 2-bit snake oil salesman, after all.

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The experiences of the last 7 years have brought out the stubborn in me. I was always stubborn, but not vocally. That changed when these clowns thought they owned me.

As a botanist (with 3 degrees), I knew something about a virus. They were still in the Plant Kingdom through my MA, but now removed. My 1962 freshman botany text had 5 pages on them and what I read was about what I was hearing in 2020. We knew it then. I also knew that whereas a bacteria was ca. 750 mm and a virus was 15 mm.

Trying to explain to people was useless. When I said, "I am a scientist....." they glazed over because I was not Don Lemon saying it. When I occasionally said that a "mandate" was not law and they were ignoring the Constitution.....crickets chirping.

I left my church of 29 years because of the current pastor's edicts. He would pay no attention to my explanations. Finally, he put out an email saying that unless we were "fully vaccinated" we had to be masked and hang out on the periphery. I said, "John, this is hooey" and never went back. I won't lie. I am pleased with where I ended up after a bit of research. I say that my pastor is "tall and dark". Junius Lewis is 6'11" and played basketball for WVU and then abroad. It is a breath of fresh air to consistently hear truth. I learned that John had a double lung transplant.....but he was fully vaccinated.

Stores would put up a sign to mask unless "fully vaccinated" but never said for what. I am fully vaccinated for Smallpox, polio and cholera (when we went to Japan, Thailand and Australia in 1968). So in I sailed.....

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Good for you, Doc. One minor point: I think you meant 'nm' and not 'mm' -- not that most other readers would likely notice. Not unless they have some technical background, anyway.

You can't tell people things that they are not ready to hear. Or at least, if you try be prepared for a chilly reception.

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My 1962 text referred to "millimicrons". I am a plant taxonomist/ecologist and PhD in Plant Ecosystems. I try to stay away from the microscope crowd. Daddy, mother and oldest brother were chemists. My other brother is a physicist. I tell folks that I am the right brained child in a left brained family.

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Yeah, I remember those days (graduated engineering in 1975). Millimicrons, Angstrom units, etc. Sort of 'soft metric.' And when I went to work, major systems (like airplanes) were still being designed with Imperial units -- feet and inches, pounds, etc. Not everywhere but it was common, and led to problems from repeated and sometimes incorrect unit conversions. Arianespace lost a launch vehicle due to that sort of error.

These days everything has converted over to the SI System which is based on powers of 10^3 and basic units of measurement: meters, seconds, etc. Kilograms is considered a 'basic' SI unit which is strange -- rather than grams. At any rate the proper term for these dimensions is 'nanometers' abbreviated 'nm.' 'mm' stands for millimeters, one million times larger.

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As much as I love what you guys (gender non-specific use ;-)) do on a daily basis - would it be possible to throw in analysis of a positive article every once in a while; maybe even dedicate a day a week/month to revealing reasons for hope? (Asking for a friend!) I know by your Rumbles and substacks that you dig into those narratives as well; and in this format also, you consistently point out how we should view the implications of events. And, not wanting to whine...just thought the folks addicted to this format might benefit from "the rest of the story". Thanks for listening.

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Why don’t each of us add a positive story?

Here is mine. I am grateful that all of this corruption is being taken down. I am grateful for the Militaries Around The World. I am grateful for each day that God gives us breath.

Happy St Patrick’s Day - to all who celebrate it!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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I, too, am thankful for each moment God has blessed me with. I’m thankful to be living in this time, watching more wake up daily, and for being a witness to the gifted journalists and deep truth diggers; for in all of this I see the hand of God as He provides warriors for this ancient battle. I’m thankful to live in a country (albeit now with evil leaders) that allowed me to learn and to worship and to travel! I’m thankful to know Christ and to have the knowledge of His Word that tells us who ultimately wins this battle! We have so much to be thankful for!

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The 'rest of the story:'

"On the bright side, the very fact that these things continue to come to light is a reason for optimism, as, for so many years facts like this would be buried and hidden from public view.

The boomerang continues its journey back." -- AbsoluteTruth1776

Sounds like a positive take to me -- WB 😉

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Extremely! It’s a good thing to be thankful for!

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Hello all !

To me, the simple fact of reading the Burning Brigtht (Tiger) and Badlands articles and seeing the world globalists and the DS mafia enduring the daily assaults from the Truth is fundamentaly positive and much enjoying my days !

We can "see" how God acts every day to help thus who defend the Truth and his Verb.

And reading your comments is absolutely priceless !

God bless you all !

God bless PRESIDENT Donald TRUMP and all of the Defenders and Fighters of Truth ! 🙏💖

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Even Stevie Wonder could see it was staged! Luv your take Ryan... our sense of truth and humor are Simpatico!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

In case there are some that don't get Badlands Media...I posted you on GETTR "your take" verbatim.

Hint: It isn't raising interest rates. STOP FLEECING AMERICA!” — Ryan DeLarme

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

As to Project Vertias. Those "board" or "bored" members may actually come to realize the consequences of their misplaced actions.

Of course they "knew"....it was the object of the so-called drug. Just ask Bill Gates.....

It seems as though James O'Keffe now has thousands of little ears and eyes getting cameras. Oh my, what we may learn from that. Whistle-blowers on parade.

That left is incapable of learning and "that is a good thing" (to quote Ms. Stewart.....).

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Keep up the good work guys and gals at Badlands Media!

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Sorry Johnny Q, had to do a "little" editing to get your message on GETTR. You all say it better than me. Essays were never my forte. I will tell u a little story b/c this had me thinking back to 2010. I had developed UC and had 3 options, 2 drugs (that could cause cancer) or THE OPERATION by my doctor. I chose the operation. Toward the end of my 3 mo stay my brain went out to lunch, i came "back" after 2 1/2 wks according to my children, only to find a sitter watching me. I immediately called nurse told her that's it! All the drugs and anesthesia was apparently messing w/ my mind. Loosing my body ok BUT mind..NOT!! I said no more drugs, etc. but next day I'm vomiting Frequently. Nurse said i was hooked on drugs & sent for anesthesiologist, to "help" me. He slapped a FENTANYL patch on me. In 2 days I was discharged. I had 2 perscriptions, one Fentanyl patches & a powerful pain killer pill I can't remember name of now. I didn't know about Fentanyl but i recognized the pill...TRASHED everything. NOW, like I said, looking back BIG PHARMA was already trying to hook us or destroy us. GOD please save the unwary!!!

I'm fine, have a garden that produces organic food that i SHARE w/ neighbors and use to lower my food costs. GOD gave me a gift for growing things, what can I say, small gifts can be very important in the months ahead.

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You are a living example of ‘thankfulness’ and may God continue to bless you.🙏

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Who in the hell gives a crap about Yellen’s opinion on this subject matter in which she has shown to have no concept of.

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All of the hallmarks of entities trying to implement a totalitarian regime are in today’s news. 1) Funding to militant groups and other entities via banks and now the transfer of taxpayer wealth to the deep state players via banks. 2) Fascist relationships between big pharma and big government demonstratively reveal the apparent agreement to make billions and help the depopulation goal AND cover it all up. 3) Big government knowingly allowing Fentanyl-laced drugs to be sold, also making money and contributing to the depopulation agenda. 4) Deliberately encouraging hoaxes to further Marxist ideology. It’s definitely about time for the rest of the sleepy population to wake up and time for justice. It likely will require patience for both goals and I thank God for gifting these writers with a love of truth!🙏

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It is happening. Slowly at first, then all of a sudden. Thanks be to God. 🙏💖

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Remember: “The first arrest will shock the world” ...

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WADR, I wonder why on earth ANY attention is being paid to those POS Nigerian brothers!!!! I turned on Fox News this morning only to see Steve Doocey interviewing them. They didn't have any problem whatsoever pulling this so-called "prank" on conservatives - they saw nothing at all wrong with it UNTIL they realized all the trouble it caused Jussie! Excuse me? Situational ethics is the same as no ethics at all. And then one of them had the absolute GALL to pick up a MAGA-style hat with a slight change, saying "Since we are of Nigerian ancestry, Make Africa Great Again!" Excuse me? Then why are you pieces of trash here in the US and not in your precious Africa!?! GO HOME THEN!!!!

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Sorry, I'm French and I don't understand this term ...

Can you explain it to a foreigner ?

I enjoyed and approve 100% your sentence about ""Since we are of Nigerian ancestry, Make Africa Great Again!": GREAT stand !!

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It is internet short-hand for "With All Due Respect." Greetings to France!

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Why does clicking on the Project Veritas tweet take one to Pfizer's Twitter page?

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IF Kari would have been thinking like 45, she would have said "Sure, I'll take the money, but the powerful @$$-0'z with the money have to personally hand it to me...." Then Get OMG to film it, Wa-La, we have'm....

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Trump to be ARRESTED next week ??



God bless PRESIDENT Trump !

May God have MERCY on his adversaries and opponents ! They will need it ...

Will China Xi Jinping be the next one to be indicted, after Putin and President Trump ?

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[BREAKING 03/17/2023]

Apple briefly removes J6 Song from iTunes, sabotaging it from #1 Spot on Charts:


Apple temporarily removed former President Donald Trump’s debut single, “Justice For All,” from iTunes on Thursday after the hit single spent one week at number one on the iTunes chart, Kash Patel told Breitbart News.


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