I believe BB captured the essence of what we are seeing all around us this year "Their machine dominated the Info War landscape for years. Now, precedents are being set to bring the whole house of cards down around them.” — Burning Bright"
Simon hit the nail on the head! Peaceful Noncompliance wins: "Belief in the false authority of treasonous criminals and a lack of citizens prepared to stand up for themselves are what make such laws dangerous, not the laws themselves.” — Simon Esler"
"precedents are being set to bring the whole house of cards down around them"
It is no coincidence that Elon Musk and Donald Trump are the 'tip of the spear' in this effort. There are very few people on this planet who have both the resources and the cojones to fight the 'principalities of darkness of this world.' Musk and Trump have both.
They believe the lies of the left and after they do it and than they know it is wrong and it destroyed them and they kill THEMSELF and the democrats and the far left caused them to hurt themself !
Is this the Twilight Zone? It sure feels like we are all in an episode of the strange, the bazaar, the unimaginable. Your remote can't change the channel, its real-life. Just hang on for another day filled with lunacy, turmoil, stress and tomfoolery. It's not your imagination...Its real life...and you have a front row seat in the Great Reset. You're not alone, together we will make it through with Gods help. 🙏🍺
Former liberal Naomi Wolf wrote an essay on the importance of the Second Amendment in the current culture war, and about how her mind changed over the years. (With help from hr husband.) I found it very interesting.
Speaker Johnson is alluding to using the frozen Russian moneys to fund the Ukraine war. This is a sure fire way to destroy any trust remaining in the US dollar. Johnson is proving to be more Pelosi than McCarthy.
I have to comment on the Musk article. He appears to be the billionaire good guy in this article, but I beg to differ with this portrayal of Musk. First there are no good guy billionaires. James Corbett of the Corbett report has shown a documentary that exposes Musk for who he actually is and that is the fact that he is a DOD construct, funded by and working for the DOD. Another straw man put out as the defender of freedom and Democracy. This portrayal of him is a farce. He is actively working on brain chips while criticizing AI as dangerous. I would be careful about making him out as a hero and champion of the people when he is the exact opposite. Just like all the health freedom fighters that have millions of delusional followers that think they are doing God's work by criticizing the vaccine and all the damage they have caused. The one thing that none of them will speak of is the fact that there is no virus. They do not exist, and this fraud has been scientifically proven by the Baileys three videos, A farewell to virology. If you want credibility on your site, then be careful who you lionize, Jack.
Ashe captured the egregious case against Trump, “The judge’s penalties are cruel and unusual by any definition.” This case certainly has provided free campaigning for Trump. I’m wondering when the dirt is released on this obviously corrupt judge. It’s almost as if Engoron is jealous.🧐.How much has he and James been paid?
Censorship has been pursued for a long time now, but only rising to the level of public consciousness in the last 7-8 years. It’s almost like the Nazis in DC, NYC, etc., are following the same 1930’s plan in Germany. BB captures this, “Their machine dominated the Info War landscape for years. Now, precedents are being set to bring the whole house of cards down around them.” Seems like the same censorship remade into hate speech has been implemented in Europe, Australia, Canada and US….obviously planned.
So, the Marxists don’t have enough manpower to enforce their agenda via various laws…. Simon stated the obvious reason; one I’ve not seen elsewhere, “Woke philosophy is inhere cannibalistic. Its illogical nature causes it to consume itself.” “Belief in the false authority of treasonous criminals and a lack of citizens prepared to stand up for themselves are what make such laws dangerous, not the laws themselves.” Excellent points Simon!
State of emergency declared at the Niagara Falls, Canada? CERT conducting a new test after 2 years of inactivity? States activating National Guard, including Civil Support Teams? What’s the common denominator? The eclipse! Why?👀
Johnson apparently caved….so is his term as speaker over? Why cave now?
Truth is not personalized; it’s just the facts. God bless these warriors.🙏🙏
1. a state of mind between reality and fantasy; dreamlike or hallucinatory state. 2. a vague or uncertain state or condition. a twilight zone between right and wrong.
Biden’s demonic red background in his speech warning about MAGA threats to democracy a couple years ago set the twilight zone effect that has defined his so-called Presidency. The break with our Christian moral values and virtues is on full display to such an extent that The Twilight Zone is becoming a kind of theater of the absurd with a good measure of comedy of the absurd….like the new “misgendering” laws…
An episode from The Twilight Zone:
“The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" is another one of the most memorable The Twilight Zone episodes. Based on McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials, the episode once again showcases how destructive humans can be, especially when in a state of fear. "There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men," Sterling says during the closing narration.
”The damaging beliefs and actions of humankind are more dangerous than any outside threat - in this case being more dangerous than aliens. Describing these things as "weapons" explains effectively the potential for violence that even metaphysical concepts can possess when they become motive to turn against others. The quote plays well into the episode, as the citizens were so scared of the aliens that they ended up turning on each other and destroying their neighborhood worse than the aliens could have.”
Very WELL stated, Feather!! This is excellent, “…Twilight Zone is becoming a kind of theater of the absurd with a good measure of comedy of the absurd…”. Also, what a great definition of sin….”There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men…”. God bless you!🙏🕊️❤️
US Physicians Received Billions From Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry, New Research Finds
Despite potential conflicts of interest, more than half of eligible physicians received a payment from a pharmaceutical drug or device maker over 10 years.
Does anyone else get the feeling that "TRANS" gender is now the ONLY acceptable gender allowed? If you're not "TRANS", you are now the FREAK in our society! The LEFT wants every child "TRANS". If they are not "TRANS". than they must be completely confused about who they are until they admit they are "TRANS" or "BI". They must be BI as well because being straight is a state of denial for the left.
I have had the same reaction from men over my life, that when I say "Im straight" not a Bi bone in my body, they refuse to accept it. Every woman must be "BI" in the eyes of many men. I often wonder if maybe its because they are "BI". Their fantasy has become their reality. If your not "BI", you're in denial. My feeling in the matter is "PICK a damn side" and stop being a "any port in the storm animal". I dont want a "BI" man! When STRAIGHT is considered so "WEIRDO" 2023
Bidens right, He didn't say it, it was his puppet master who told his lips to move and sound "Trans day", and forced Bidens mouth to repeat it through an earpiece...Hes innocent!!! "He didn't want to get in trouble"🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😏
Remember “The Social Dilemma”? What were all of those SM developers angling for? Government regulation. Ironic, no? Most platforms funded by taxpayers, capturing taxpayer individual patterns of life, safer being regulated by government. 👌
Remember, regulations provide cover for bad actors. As long as they comply, they are protected. Matter of fact, so long as they have plausible deniability, they are protected.
The regulatory state is what has enabled most of these maladventures.
Actually, Biden is right to name Easter Trans acceptance day. The Statue of Baphomet is very appropriate to be exhibited and honored on Easter...the day of worship of Semiramis. I'm well aware I'll receive hateful comments sent to me but before you do...especially you Bible people...if you are one of the haters...then you don't know SH*T about the very Bible you preach from. In fact, you don't truly know who Jesus is. To know that...you'd need to know history and most don't. If you really would like to know...go back in history to Babylon. Then work your way up to current day. By the time you're done...you'll see Easter in a very different light than you do now.
Loved today's Takes.
I believe BB captured the essence of what we are seeing all around us this year "Their machine dominated the Info War landscape for years. Now, precedents are being set to bring the whole house of cards down around them.” — Burning Bright"
Simon hit the nail on the head! Peaceful Noncompliance wins: "Belief in the false authority of treasonous criminals and a lack of citizens prepared to stand up for themselves are what make such laws dangerous, not the laws themselves.” — Simon Esler"
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
"precedents are being set to bring the whole house of cards down around them"
It is no coincidence that Elon Musk and Donald Trump are the 'tip of the spear' in this effort. There are very few people on this planet who have both the resources and the cojones to fight the 'principalities of darkness of this world.' Musk and Trump have both.
Yes. Their army of enforcers is still in high schools. We need to act before they are commissioned.
Rates of Suicide Attempts Doubled After Gender-Reassignment Surgery: Study
They believe the lies of the left and after they do it and than they know it is wrong and it destroyed them and they kill THEMSELF and the democrats and the far left caused them to hurt themself !
Is this the Twilight Zone? It sure feels like we are all in an episode of the strange, the bazaar, the unimaginable. Your remote can't change the channel, its real-life. Just hang on for another day filled with lunacy, turmoil, stress and tomfoolery. It's not your imagination...Its real life...and you have a front row seat in the Great Reset. You're not alone, together we will make it through with Gods help. 🙏🍺
I love it! We are on the same wave length today…reading the latest news/briefs here also reminded me of the Twilight Zone!!
Your take is well stated ❤️
The bizarre bazaar!
Former liberal Naomi Wolf wrote an essay on the importance of the Second Amendment in the current culture war, and about how her mind changed over the years. (With help from hr husband.) I found it very interesting.
“Johnson said he has been ‘working to build consensus’"
Of course. Can’t have a uniparty if everyone isn’t onboard. 🖕
Speaker Johnson is alluding to using the frozen Russian moneys to fund the Ukraine war. This is a sure fire way to destroy any trust remaining in the US dollar. Johnson is proving to be more Pelosi than McCarthy.
I have to comment on the Musk article. He appears to be the billionaire good guy in this article, but I beg to differ with this portrayal of Musk. First there are no good guy billionaires. James Corbett of the Corbett report has shown a documentary that exposes Musk for who he actually is and that is the fact that he is a DOD construct, funded by and working for the DOD. Another straw man put out as the defender of freedom and Democracy. This portrayal of him is a farce. He is actively working on brain chips while criticizing AI as dangerous. I would be careful about making him out as a hero and champion of the people when he is the exact opposite. Just like all the health freedom fighters that have millions of delusional followers that think they are doing God's work by criticizing the vaccine and all the damage they have caused. The one thing that none of them will speak of is the fact that there is no virus. They do not exist, and this fraud has been scientifically proven by the Baileys three videos, A farewell to virology. If you want credibility on your site, then be careful who you lionize, Jack.
Ashe captured the egregious case against Trump, “The judge’s penalties are cruel and unusual by any definition.” This case certainly has provided free campaigning for Trump. I’m wondering when the dirt is released on this obviously corrupt judge. It’s almost as if Engoron is jealous.🧐.How much has he and James been paid?
Censorship has been pursued for a long time now, but only rising to the level of public consciousness in the last 7-8 years. It’s almost like the Nazis in DC, NYC, etc., are following the same 1930’s plan in Germany. BB captures this, “Their machine dominated the Info War landscape for years. Now, precedents are being set to bring the whole house of cards down around them.” Seems like the same censorship remade into hate speech has been implemented in Europe, Australia, Canada and US….obviously planned.
So, the Marxists don’t have enough manpower to enforce their agenda via various laws…. Simon stated the obvious reason; one I’ve not seen elsewhere, “Woke philosophy is inhere cannibalistic. Its illogical nature causes it to consume itself.” “Belief in the false authority of treasonous criminals and a lack of citizens prepared to stand up for themselves are what make such laws dangerous, not the laws themselves.” Excellent points Simon!
State of emergency declared at the Niagara Falls, Canada? CERT conducting a new test after 2 years of inactivity? States activating National Guard, including Civil Support Teams? What’s the common denominator? The eclipse! Why?👀
Johnson apparently caved….so is his term as speaker over? Why cave now?
Truth is not personalized; it’s just the facts. God bless these warriors.🙏🙏
Another interesting read on the 4/08 solar eclipse
This explains a lot! I’ve studied a lot about the ancient Sumerians. This is all plausible. Thanks!🙏
I always look forward to your comments !❤️🙏🇺🇸
WildBill yesterday (end of a thread) linked to a few more interesting thoughts about the eclipse:
Blessings to you ALtab🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊🌎📚
Definition of 'twilight zone'
1. a state of mind between reality and fantasy; dreamlike or hallucinatory state. 2. a vague or uncertain state or condition. a twilight zone between right and wrong.
Biden’s demonic red background in his speech warning about MAGA threats to democracy a couple years ago set the twilight zone effect that has defined his so-called Presidency. The break with our Christian moral values and virtues is on full display to such an extent that The Twilight Zone is becoming a kind of theater of the absurd with a good measure of comedy of the absurd….like the new “misgendering” laws…
An episode from The Twilight Zone:
“The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" is another one of the most memorable The Twilight Zone episodes. Based on McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials, the episode once again showcases how destructive humans can be, especially when in a state of fear. "There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men," Sterling says during the closing narration.
”The damaging beliefs and actions of humankind are more dangerous than any outside threat - in this case being more dangerous than aliens. Describing these things as "weapons" explains effectively the potential for violence that even metaphysical concepts can possess when they become motive to turn against others. The quote plays well into the episode, as the citizens were so scared of the aliens that they ended up turning on each other and destroying their neighborhood worse than the aliens could have.”
Quoted from:
Very WELL stated, Feather!! This is excellent, “…Twilight Zone is becoming a kind of theater of the absurd with a good measure of comedy of the absurd…”. Also, what a great definition of sin….”There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men…”. God bless you!🙏🕊️❤️
Thanks ALtab ❤️ 🙏🕊
US Physicians Received Billions From Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry, New Research Finds
Despite potential conflicts of interest, more than half of eligible physicians received a payment from a pharmaceutical drug or device maker over 10 years.
A Win: Gov. Lee expected to sign Tennessee: Sen Nicely is trying to prevent the addition of vaccines into our food
‘Sen. Nicely is trying to Prevent vaccines from being put in our food. Vaccine lettuce’ bill, aiming to classify food containing a vaccine as a drug, passes in Tennessee https://www.wsmv.com/video/2024/03/29/vaccine-lettuce-bill-aiming-classify-food-containing-vaccine-drug-passes-tennessee/?outputType=amp
Does anyone else get the feeling that "TRANS" gender is now the ONLY acceptable gender allowed? If you're not "TRANS", you are now the FREAK in our society! The LEFT wants every child "TRANS". If they are not "TRANS". than they must be completely confused about who they are until they admit they are "TRANS" or "BI". They must be BI as well because being straight is a state of denial for the left.
I have had the same reaction from men over my life, that when I say "Im straight" not a Bi bone in my body, they refuse to accept it. Every woman must be "BI" in the eyes of many men. I often wonder if maybe its because they are "BI". Their fantasy has become their reality. If your not "BI", you're in denial. My feeling in the matter is "PICK a damn side" and stop being a "any port in the storm animal". I dont want a "BI" man! When STRAIGHT is considered so "WEIRDO" 2023
Bidens right, He didn't say it, it was his puppet master who told his lips to move and sound "Trans day", and forced Bidens mouth to repeat it through an earpiece...Hes innocent!!! "He didn't want to get in trouble"🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😏
Iran Smuggles US Weapons from Afghanistan to Terrorists in Israel | Frontpage Mag
“The modern regulatory compliance landscape…”
Remember “The Social Dilemma”? What were all of those SM developers angling for? Government regulation. Ironic, no? Most platforms funded by taxpayers, capturing taxpayer individual patterns of life, safer being regulated by government. 👌
Remember, regulations provide cover for bad actors. As long as they comply, they are protected. Matter of fact, so long as they have plausible deniability, they are protected.
The regulatory state is what has enabled most of these maladventures.
Actually, Biden is right to name Easter Trans acceptance day. The Statue of Baphomet is very appropriate to be exhibited and honored on Easter...the day of worship of Semiramis. I'm well aware I'll receive hateful comments sent to me but before you do...especially you Bible people...if you are one of the haters...then you don't know SH*T about the very Bible you preach from. In fact, you don't truly know who Jesus is. To know that...you'd need to know history and most don't. If you really would like to know...go back in history to Babylon. Then work your way up to current day. By the time you're done...you'll see Easter in a very different light than you do now.