Russia, Russia, Russia....and on and on. Knowing the depths of hatred the cabal has for its would-be slaves; it’s reasonable to consider that the popular books about the CIA’s roles in international conflicts are written by (you guessed it) CIA paid unknowns well and/or former assets. We must consider that premise of telling us via various means what is planned. By consuming any of it, we are deemed to have consented.😡 When people refused the bio weapon killing millions vaccines, the goal to depopulate has never ended. Anyone surprised to see them sneaking it into the food? Nope? Me, neither. Corrupt bankers will be corrupt bankers...the only winners (so far), but it’s obvious the corrupt ones plan to go down with their wealth. Hmm.. they won’t need it where they’re going. The 2-tier system of justice keeps getting exposed as do the RINOs ‘open’ to doing business with the cabal’s minions. Exposing more daily and the cheating in 2020 just won’t go away.😃 2023 still ramping up...to what?

Thank God for all who dig and reveal the truth as enough must be awakened to progress to the next stage.🙏🙏

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really like Ashes insight into current events

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Yes. As they say in the military, "this has turned into a total goatf*ck." And We the People are on the receiving end.

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Abbott is bushified. No doubt. These governors, desantis included,won't admit what they know to be true. 2020 election was stolen with the help of many republicants, and they aren't about to admit to it,ever.

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Ashe in America writes: “The public battle between Fox News and Tucker Carlson is full of disclosures for the American people. None of those disclosures is more significant than the role Dominion Voting Systems played in Fox’s decision to exit their most profitable prime time talent."

I wonder if Abbott's less than apocalyptic response is actually a good, next-step catalyst for some who are just now seeing the cabal-ic nature of the MIC and our broken election system?

Also - great recap by Justin on the controlled financial impact of the multi-faceted plandemic maneuver. WEF is truly evil - their mantras MUST be taken seriously!

Lastly - Daniel Perry deserves and needs OUR prayers as well!

Many thanks for the work and insights.

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GodSpeed To Heroic Marine Daniel Penny, In The Lions' Den.

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I’m happy to see Ashe has Greg Abbott’s number! In typical Abbott fashion, he spouts rhetoric so as to give the illusion of being proactive...while he is simply pandering with absolutely no intention of actually standing up for the citizens of Texas!

His recent “response” to secure the southern border is a prime example of his ongoing creation of yet another illusion! He ordered Texas DPS & Texas National Guard to the Brownsville, Texas area to install razor wire and to stand guard 24/7 to turn around illegals crossing the Rio Grand, but for only a few miles, while many miles of open border remain open and unguarded. Great photo op, but not really accomplishing much of anything, as the illegals just move a few miles down past the point of the razor wire and guards!

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"They wanted to shift business away from saving to lending."


Funny how [They] want to "Save-The-Environment,

In whichever shade-of-green,

& At all costs,

But not

The Conservative Principle,

...of Saving.

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Comer can't find this?

House posts flowchart showing how foreign money reached Bidens

"Joe Biden told the American people on October 22, 2020 that Hunter never made money from China. That is a lie based on the bank records."


'Collusion': DHS Coordinating With Mexican Authorities to Time Illegal Border Crossings


American Thinker: "The manipulation of our younger set is pure marxist ideology as children are very easy to manipulate. That is being done, on purpose, to destroy our children and country. Heaven forbid children should grow up to love our country, believe in the nuclear family, understand science. Shame on any teacher who pushes this trans garbage. I can only say we need to purge the teachers in our society, they are the problem." https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/05/it_cant_be_just_women_who_fight_the_trans_movement.html

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"What I am confident in is that the only folks who can seem to get on the same page regarding Russia are Globalists."


Great Point !

Pages of [their] playbook,

Turn & Twist,

At every opportunity given.

Seems like Citizens are absent a vote, on things international, & in matters warring.

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Thanks for this because I just prayed for this man who is being wronged in the courts. God, faith and prayer is going to be how we defeat the enemy!

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"...developed the altered pork by using the gene-editing tool CRISPR,..."


Is it altered pork or paltered ork ?


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"In the pre revolutionary war period it was the pamphleteer that informed and energized the colonists about the oppressive actions of the British crown."

"This great tradition [of Free Speech] has been severely under attack the past three plus years."

~ Dr. Joseph Sansone


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