The security state floats to the top, like sewage.

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I love your comment, Randall! Absolutely perfect! NCSWIC!!!!❤️🇺🇸

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Agreed. It's aptly colorful.

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And stinky! Hold your nose.

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It just keeps accelerating and can make your head spin.

Ashe I am glad you pointed out the coffee story. As I look back over my life I see a continuous stream of "scientific study" lies that keep contradicting themselves every time a new pile of money shows up by some benefactor. To steal a line from Tommy Boy "Whores, shaking their little asses":-)

Y'all keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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What I'll say about the coffee story is that the plant itself manufactures caffeine as a natural insecticide which preserves it's life and toxifies/kills insects.

The "pick me up" feeling is the body's fight or flight response to being mildly poisoned, but fortunately most are extremely efficient purging this toxin. However, there is a large number of people (millions, but low %) who cannot drink caffeine (poison) because it causes aggression, jitters, and heart arythmia issues.

/Just sayin.

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because it causes aggression, jitters, and heart arythmia issues.

/Just sayin.

That’s why I drink it!

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And - this "science" came from Suzhou, China and was reported by CNN. Call it cognitive dissonance if you like...but I like mine black and a bit bitter (sorry, that might have been intended to show support for Lemon...I think I need another cuppa!)

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Insightful, Bitter with no lemon. I could handle that.

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Unlike Buddy, I can't drink caffeine for the reasons cited. The impacts are direct.

That the coffee plant bioengineers its own pesticide is not atypical in nature. It's not bogus science if that's what you're implying?

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I realize it’s not bogus, and all those effects are real,I call it motivation.

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Didn't mean to imply anything personal - being GF I understand dietary restrictions. Pardon my sardonic sense of humor.

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LOL, well played...

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LOL!! I love it Buddy. 😂

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True. My daughter can't handle too much, either. But I thrive on it!

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You hit both of my comments already so I didn’t have to: Accelerate! and Coffee! Thanks Joe, and all friends!

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Yes! Coffee! Great take Ashe! My favorite beverage, too. ☕️ 🔥🎊

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“ Not only is the Netanyahu regime descending into madness, but its behavior is bordering on suicidal. Anytime you are killing children, and indifferent toward it, then it is impossible for you to claim to be the benevolent actors.” —


Yes, “we (are) witnessing the emergence of a "supervillain," referring to the Netanyahu regime, and that could easily be extended to NATO and Ukraine”

That same “supervillain’ is being exposed everywhere. Yes, dramatically so in Israel and Ukraine right now, but in our own DeepState having infiltrated all of our institutions.

There was Eurasian Women’s Forum (held in Russia this year). Valentina Matvienko - head of the Russian Federation Council and former St Petersburg Governor - spoke.

“ She also stressed that the forum does not seek to promote Western-style “belligerent feminism,” which she said initially promoted women’s rights but later “degraded and radicalized.”

“This honorable idea, to fight for women’s rights has long been discarded [by the West]. Now it is all about a conflict, a fight against men and traditional values,” Matvienko said, arguing that this narrative is not relevant to women.”

‘Belligerent Feminism’ has run amuck in American society, co-opting it’s twisted values into the LBGTQ movement; taking over women’s right to choose to an extreme level; invading our educational system with radical liberal “progressive” ideology; the DEI crap; and racist garbage.

Putin spoke at that Forum also:

“ Russian women reveal the soul of Russia, its beauty, attractiveness, warmth, mercy, and spiritual generosity,” Putin said, calling his nation “an open, welcoming country that… places high value on dialogue, trust, and friendship.”

Make America Beautiful Again ❤️🙏🕊


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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

The term 'Belligerant Feminism' appropriately fits younger women of today. Sad.

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True freedom for women, not the cabal’s plan to make women totally irrelevant…the entire purpose of the artificial wombs planning. Men and women will only be used to harvest sperm and eggs and serve as slaves for their entire lives. I hate that the reputation of ‘we in the west’ has been so terribly damaged by this evil.

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So does this mean Lemon is saying we can blame the economy on the Dems??

"I am like, that (stimulus) did not come from Donald Trump. His name was on it. It came from a Democratic Congress and Nancy Pelosi. "

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The funniest thing about fake Lemon is that's not what most black men are saying is the reason they support Trump. I personally can't wait to see reaction videos to that shill's take. LOL!

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If you dig an inch deep, you realize that we all paid for it

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Yep just like we pay for abortions thru the money the government gives to Planned Parenthood.

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That's the only reason they want it federalized. FUNDING. Always follow the money.

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I’ve reached the point where I believe the only way out of this is prayer. I am convinced that the Satanic cabal will destroy this earth before they relinquish their power to rule over it.

If you are not a praying person, I’m asking you to become one.

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And, if I may, that has always been our primary weapon and is most powerful when combined with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God!

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I agree that they will try. But Jesus has other plans. Keep the faith…

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Ghost has delivered the bottom line, ‘Anytime you are killing children, and indifferent toward it, then it is impossible for you to claim to be the benevolent actors.’ NATO, Ukraine’s Nazis, and the Israeli government are in deep trouble and appear to be at a tipping point. Netanyahu will be before a tribunal along with the other thugs in his government.

BB, too, ‘If you're not thinking in Game Theory terms, you're missing it.’ The ‘whole thing’ sounds like major progress in this war…India’s leader visits Trump, not Obamala, demonstrates action behind the public eye. Hmmm…preparing for recovery?

Ashe nailed it as well: ‘The more desperate they get, the more their true colors come out.’ The CIA will not be able to uphold the MSM much longer now.

Ashe, love your take on the coffee!! No wonder the left is SO VERY miserable ALL the time!☕️☕️

Hmmm…Pompeo with Boris? Smells like inserting false information OR negotiating?🤔

Not only are the pundits outing their true selves; the RINOs are as well. Delicious exposure coming.

Diddy not only will lead to the breadth of those involved in the trafficking and selling of children, but his arrest has returned the public’s spotlight to the Marxist detention of the J6 prisoners.

God bless and protect the courageous truth journalists.🙏🙏

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Ashe, I think Din Lemon made up the whole story because he can’t understand why any black man would choose Trump…and he needed something to discuss with Joy Reed to fill the time frame.

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I guess that’s possible, but more likely a side effect of TDS

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Don Lemmon is about the least black dude in america. He’s gay, partnered with a white dude, and as emasculated as it gets. Everything black culture hates.

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Didn't fifty-one "security experts" rant about Hunter's totally-legitimate laptop being "Russian disinformation" a few years back or did I dream that? I'm old so bear with me. Shouldn't any endorsement by a large number of said "experts" be evidence enough that they are on the wrong side, not only of history, but of common decency and truth? Yet, here we go AGAIN...

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If I recall correctly, Ted Kaczynski's targets weren't launching rockets at his house. Deaths and injuries of noncombatants is IMHO the worst aspect of warfare, but Hezbollah is not the Kiwanis Club.

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I think yall are missing the point. You are still stuck debating within the controlled opposition dynamic. (The same thing as earnestly debating whether the Republicans or Democrats are better options.) It is a framing that was designed to capture your attention, so you don’t focus on the more important aspects.

The logic/rationale behind this tactic— which absolutely was backed by the CIA, as several former military officers (Macgregor, Wilkerson) have said— is the moral equivalent of poisoning the well in a village where you suspect there are “terrorists” living. (The same kind of randomness Kaczynski implemented in his schemes.)

Sure, you’ll probably get your target, but you’ll hurt a lot of other innocent people in the process. And the net effect will be that those innocent victims, or their loved ones, will likely develop a desire to seek revenge in the form of vigilantism— leading to more terrorism.

Do you see how this cycle works? It’s not stopping terrorism, it’s cultivating it. And the people doing it know this.

Now consider that those same people (CIA) have branded MAGA as a potential terrorist ideology, and do the calculus.

You’re still viewing this like it’s October 2001, after Mossad and the CIA took down the WTC— which led to earnest patriotic Americans killing millions of people in the Middle Eastern, which then swelled the ranks of groups like Hezbollah.

Break out of the cycle, or eventually you will become its victim.

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Great response, Ghost! Perfectly said!

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And obviously, surveying the damage to parked cars you can see evidence of a highly localized scorched Earth attack which isn't at all how it was described to have occurred in news media - so you know someone is absolutely full of shit. Netanyahoo is a pychopath and the evidence against him continues to stack high. It's going to be a jagged and large bitter pill for most to swallow...

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…yes, and he will continue his evil path…all the way to the tribunal..

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Agreed. I would also like to remind everyone that Hezbollah’s favorite “political” tool is explosive-laden parked cars near churches, schools and marketplaces. Nothing very selective about those targets, eh? Pagers, and two-way radios are specifically used by operatives, which makes it a surgical attack with minimal collateral damage in comparison. Let’s try to keep this war in perspective.

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For me the issue is not attempting to justify Hezbollah but to undo our overarching decision to adopt and support the NAZI-style tactics that empowered the CIA and have propagated our forever wars.

And that plan to undo should abhor the murder and mayhem (red horse anyone?) no matter WHO commits it!

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I agree.

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It's all pure evil.

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Can anyone here explain to me how the 1/2% rate cut yesterday affects anything important to us? Why is it such a huge news item? How does it actually affect anything important?

Here is what truly confused me yesterday. The DOW 30 dropped on the news. To me that makes no sense. Dropping rates should excite the stock markets because higher rates are competition for stocks so the market should go up, not down.

To me we are seeing more proof of my two economy theory. The rate cut is needed to try to save the government failing economy which is bankrupt and borrowing at unsustainable speed. Plus, high interest rates have pushed the debt annual interest payment to over $1 Trillion. Three years ago the price was just over $300 Billion. There is the FED problem in a nutshell. Biden’s deficit spending has accelerated inflation and raising rates to stop inflation has accelerated our bankruptcy. It is clear if we just look at it.

But, the business economy is booming! Let’s watch it for a few days. The drop yesterday was the manipulators selling false premises. But the lower rates are good for business. Lower borrowing rates make for business expansion.

The bottom line is this. Business grows at exponential rates because they make a profit and can afford to borrow money to expand. Government is a net losing proposition and has no way to repay for their borrowing. Government does not have the profit motive working for it. Well, except in it’s ability to tap into the exponential growth of business. So, the government economy is going bankrupt and always has been. Business is thriving and always has been.

And, that is all we need to know. Please know I am right and help get this story told properly.

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One more thought. The split into two economies began in 1871. Ever since then we have paid for our socialism by stealing from Capitalism. When that began to fall apart, the government began to borrow to pay for socialism which can never work because the debt can never be paid back.

We have witnessed this for many years. What happened in the late part of the 1980's is our politicians tried to export our inflation by importing cheap goods from China. China loved the game because they could buy our Treasury Bonds and get over 6% interest. Our Congress loved it because selling bonds to China hid their deficit spending from the public because our inflation seemed under control. Our dual economies remained hidden from us since their crazy spending seemed to have no negative effects. But, it was all smoke and mirrors.

Trump has exposed the fraud but very few of us actually understand the fraud. Reality is exposing it! The government was bankrupt in 1871 and the Congress tried to borrow to erase that debt. We have suffered ever since.

I hope this has helped to get us thinking on the right track. The solution is already working thanks to DJT.

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Actually choked on my coffee...AiA: "...while Lemon and Reid cry it out in front of the tens of Americans..." Thank you Ashe!!

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

"Furthermore, considering the level of coordination that Israel has demonstrated here, it would be prudent to remind everybody that back on October 7th, 2023, it took the Israeli government SEVEN HOURS to mobilize a response to a violent invasion, despite the fact that their entire society (mandatory military service) is organized around the preparation of that exact scenario."

Given the upcoming first anniversary and the recent events of this week, will people start to question the narrative here? Even before learning more of the Israeli political backstory here at Badlands over the last several months (thx GBPH), from day one, I thought something did not add up at all.

And with regards to all the psychos who have been infected with demons, it reminds me of this clip (things are getting serious, so we need to remember to laugh 😁).


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This is good stuff


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Hahaha Old Hole..truth.

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Ashe I'm a coffee lover because when I have it I'm better at everything. When I drink coffee I'm a better worker, it helps me bring my a- game! Coffe supports brain health, if I remember correctly! All these Republicans revealing themselves is good to know, because they're traitors and need to be removed. Sigh.... is it January yet?

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Yes, I had my first cup of coffee during my finals week sophomore year at college. It was amazing. I felt like the whole world had changed. From then on, coffee ruled!

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GhostofBasedPatrickHenery is a Jew hating antisemitic piece of shit.

Here it is in black and white.

First let’s set the seen: Hamas, Hezbolla and the other Iranian proxies are CRIMINALS. A terrorist is a violent criminal and any means to take him/her out of action would be justified in order to save innocent lives.

POS Ghost conflates this brilliant action of blowing pagers, etc. taken by the democratic State of Israel to the crimes of these terrorists by stating that “children” were killed. Really?

Yes, kinda. For the record only one child was killed, not “children”as Ghost would have you believe, a ten year old girl who picked up her daddy’s pager when it exploded. Very sad yet;

Who’s to blame? If you listen to the dumbass Ghost, like a leftist blaming a cop for taking out a criminal, he blames Israel. But who started all this?

Did Israel? No. The terrorists did and the loss of a terrorist’s child is on the terrorist, blain and simple.


Not according to the Racist Ghost. All the pagers and walkies were paid for and issued by Hezbollah command and issued to their fighters, the terrorist ciminals. All the people dead and injured were terrorists or connected to terrorists. Terrorists are violent criminals who kill for political gain, endangering themselves and everyone around them by their actions. They have NO role in civilized society.

Taking out terrorists saves lives; Israeli lives, Arab lives and Lebanese Christian lives too. And that’s a good thing, right?

Not in the Ghost’s opinion, it seems.

The death of a child is terrible yet who’s really to blame? Ghost seems to think it’s Israel’s fault. They shouldn’t eliminate criminals from their borders for fear of someone getting hurt. Hundreds of Israeli civilians hurt or killed but Israel shouldn’t do anything about it, just like the Biden regime wants. So Ghost is aligned here with the Deep State.

And, It’s not like the child was walking through the park and BAMM, this pager went off. She was with her terrorist criminal dad and BAMM, he lost his child because of HIS choice. HIS choice to become a criminal. HIS choice to endanger his little girl. HIS choice and his alone. Her blood is on HIM.

Of course to a Jew hater like Ghost, he blames Israel. He says, ‘bad Israel for trying to protect its peaceful society by eliminating the problem,’ i.e. violent criminals.

Here’s a guestion:

When are the people at Badlands going to dump this moron?

Even dummer:

He continues with his idiocy: he goes on to say that he has the word from a helicopter pilot (who looked at the pictures) stating that the death and destruction from Hamas on Oct. 7th was from a helicopter gun ship. And who would have one of these? The IDF?THIS IS LEFTIST STUPIDITY AND Now this is more fucking moronic nonsense and it’s over-the-top dumb, and here’s why:

The “pilot” was never there. He’s only going by the pictures and being prodded by the Jew hater.

From Hamas’ own videos of that day anyone with a brain can see what happened in real time. No helicopters are seen or heard with just the terrorists and screaming Israel civilians and with ALL the destruction on tape for all to see as it happens. Everyone except Ghost can see it.

Here’s why ghost won’t see the truth:

There is no debate.

He’s a full blown Jew hater and antisemitic nut flat earther who shuns reality because of his blinding hatred and sides with the Deep State when it comes to Israel and the Middle East.

I would bet he believes the holocaust never happened and the people of Israel are colonialists [on their own land].

Here’s the truth as i see it:

1. Terrorists are violent criminals who have no place in a civilized society.

2. Israel is on their God given historic lands according to scripture and are there to stay.

3. Jew haters will die in the fires of hell for their antagonism towards scripture and God’s people. (My opinion only as scripture states they will be cursed)

For all those who have taken the time to read my ramblings and have responded to my comments in a positive way, thank you.

And for those few who never bother to read my entire comment and have voiced blind support for Ghost and have argued for his racist ass, do you see his racism now and his alinement with the Deep State/ Biden admin. ?

If so, welcome.

If not, I respect your right to your opinion but just the same, FU because that makes you a blind Jew hating racist too and a useful idiot of the Deep State.

Israel is not the problem in the Middle East, they are the solution.

All I can say if you are in that moronic Jew hating camp is, “WAKE THE FUCK UP !!!”

Time is running out.


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There is no guarantee of safety for you or those around you when you join the criminal terror organizations of Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.

That being said, it’s a shame that this terrorist killed his daughter because of his blind hatred towards God’s Holy people.

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